Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
aed3aecb Make natural item dropping mimic Vanilla
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
98d3f031 SPIGOT-4376: Add draft BlockDropItemEvent
CraftBukkit Changes:
1057710a SPIGOT-4376: Add draft BlockDropItemEvent
Removes the paperclip Java 9+ warning and replaces it with general
JVM and Host OS information that will be more useful in finding issues
for end users and ourselves.
Also removes the "for development only" 1.13 warning that everyone has
been ignoring completely anyway.
A chunk load on the main thread will be added to the high priority queue, however, due to existing work on this queue, there was no guarantee that the load would occur within a reasonable amount of time, potentially causing a server to crash while waiting for a chunk in the queue
In order to counteract this, a new urgent priority has been added, allowing us to prioritize these tasks over standard chunk gen/loading
(#1625#1615#1575#1558 (and probably more))
Changes upstream moved this to a profile a while back, however,
when updating (for some unknown reason) I kept it enabled by default,
however, leaving this enabled breaks building the server in newer
versions of java, which while this wasn't a concern before, is now
an issue for users.
Spigot capped it to 2 threads. This bumps it back up to do
maxcores -2 with a max cap of 6.
A typical 4C8T system can use 6 threads and be done in 6 seconds.
Server owners can use system property to override, but this
improves the default.
this should provide a pretty good across-the-board performance
improvement for the entire server, as it's very common for code
to check if (isLoaded(x, z)) { then do something on that chunk }
Previously, containsKey would not read or set the last access cache
By making it do get() != null, we gain the benefits of last access
and also improves thread safey for async isLoaded checks
This exact usage scenario is used in Entity movement, so that alone
saves us up to 5%~ of CPU time for Entity movement.
it used public method instead of private, and moved to world config
also improved the implementation to not use obfuscated stuff
Also removed the Fix Double chest conversion patch since its
fixed in other ways in vanilla
It is not immediately clear how these characters ended up on signs in
previous versions. It is clear, however, that they now render as empty
unicode boxes in 1.13, whereas previously they rendered as invisible
When these signs are loaded in versions after this commit, these
characters from the private use area of the Unicode block will be
stripped. The sign will then be marked to ensure this conversion only
runs once.
There is a flag -DPaper.keepInvalidUnicode=true that can be used if you
do not want us to strip these characters from your signs, though I can
think of no reason to use it.
Fixes GH-1571
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
a639ae44 Remove outdated build delay.
The item tag is stored before executing the interaction and restored before handling the
resulting events. If the event was not canceled and the ItemStack is not modified in the
event, the new tag is set back to the new one afterwards. This is similar to the handling
of the item amount.
This fixes a bug where tools lose durability when the interaction is canceled and another bug
where tools become completely repaired when they should break but the interaction was canceled.
This will provide quite a major performance boost by avoiding
synchronizing on EVERY chunk lookup.
Synchronize, even without contention, incurs processor cache flushes.
Considering this is the 2nd hottest method in the code base, lets
avoid doing that...
Additionally, chunk conversion operations were occuring while
under synchronization which lead to deadlocks.
Now the conversion will occur outside of the lock, and fix
that issue, resolving #1586
Note, that the chunk map is still thread safe for get operations!
The chunk map was never intended to be modified async with our
changes, as we post to main to modify the map, however
we do still synchronize for write operations (put, remove)
We also synchronize for async get operations, ensuring that
async gets are safe.
We do not need to synchronize main thread gets as the processor
cache will be insync since the map is only updated on the main thread.
However, if someone does try to delete or put concurrently, we
will force their operation back to the main thread.
While Velocity supports BungeeCord-style IP forwarding, it is not secure. Users
have a lot of problems setting up firewalls or setting up plugins like IPWhitelist.
Further, the BungeeCord IP forwarding protocol still retains essentially its original
form, when there is brand new support for custom login plugin messages in 1.13.
Velocity's modern IP forwarding uses an HMAC-SHA256 code to ensure authenticity
of messages, is packed into a binary format that is smaller than BungeeCord's
forwarding, and is integrated into the Minecraft login process by using the 1.13
login plugin message packet.
Mojang was not checking that the chunk did not overwrite, or
was successfully removed.
We're seeing odd reports in #1561 that indicates issues around
this are having problems.
Say a player shoots an arrow through a nether portal, the game
would lose the shooter for determining things such as Player Kills,
because the entity is in another world.
If the projectile fails to find the shooter in the current world, check
other worlds.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
e7ced970 Catch plugins setting null Material or BlockData to blocks
fixes an issue in which thread requests are only processed
for the current provider which can cause a deadlock should
multiple requests exist across providers
These methods are used internally throughout the game for things like spawning mobs during day/night only or making them burn in daylight, etc. Now exposed for plugin usage.
If a chunk load comes in on a chunk load or gen thread,
execute it synchronously on that thread instead of enqueueing it.
It doesn't make sense to enqueue it as that thread is then
going to future.join() it and block until it's ready anyways.
This opens risk to a deadlock if every load or gen thread is
waiting on a recursive chunk but it will never finish because
all of the threads are waiting.
If we identify an invalid offset (negative, or the header sectors),
then back up the region file and erase that specific chunks offset
This will avoid crashing the server with AIOBB errors and also avoids
server owners having to consider the entire region file 'lost'.
I'm not sure what leads to this state, I can only assume write cut
off mid bits.
In this scenario, there is absolutely no way to know where the chunk
actually is in the data file without loading every
single chunk in the file. And even to do that, would be quite extreme
due to the fact the file isn't in some orderly fashion.
Since the file is backed up, the user can use a region fixer tool
externally to try to restore that single chunk. We could even
add a command to restore a chunk from a backup file in a different
commit later on. But this at least prevents the server from crashing.
The server will just generate a new chunk and move on,
after printing an error to the console about it.
Also fixed the case reported in this issue about the server
hanging when a corrupt chunk is encountered, so this issue
is now fully closed.
Applied a "Only run this when the blocks are different" to
a place, that apparently must be called even with the same
block but different other data I guess.
This was causing oddness with light data.
Chunk Generation was occuring while inside of the progressCache lock
this caused the progressCache to stay blocked for a long period of time
which then blocked main when main needed to clean the expiring map.
We now maintain a separate map for pending scheduler entries, that
we can join on if a 2nd request comes in while one is starting.
This strategy keeps the lock only for a fraction of time but
maintains thread safety.
So now the chunk is generated without holding a lock and wont
block the main thread on the expiring map as we will insert it
once ready.
1) Removed "Regen" mode of Dupe UUID resolver, forced safe.
Some servers who updated before we had safe mode added still had this value.
There's really no reason to keep this mode, as we've seen that vanilla
triggers this often and 99.9999999% of cases will be an actual duplicate
that needs to be deleted.
2) Made Vanilla Debug messages about dupe UUIDs and dupe uuid resolve messages
only show up if the debug.entities flag is on. This will stop server owners
from panicing from seeing these logs, and stop opening bug reports on this,
only for us to tell you "don't worry about it".
3) Avoid adding entities to world that are already added to world.
This can be triggered by anything that causes an entity to be added
to the world during the chunk load process, such as chunk conversions.
Issue #1544 was a case of this.
4) Removed debug warning about ExpiringMap.
Nothing more I know to do about this anyways. We recover from it,
stop warning to reduce noise of issues to us.
Seems my original pull for this created an unseen bug where the target timer would never run out (the slime would not "forget" it's target over time). Went ahead and fixed that, and made the code more legible by adding the imports.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
ee12ca7b Add maximum repair cost API to AnvilInventory
CraftBukkit Changes:
1ceee633 Implement maximum repair cost API to AnvilInventory
This will improve queue times by canceling chunks when a player
leaves the radius of an async loading/generating chunk.
This matches behavior we had pre 1.13 for loading too.
Primarily to update plugins for our fastutil relocation. Can also be
used to do things like debug plugins accessing versioned NMS packages in
an IDE pre-relocate step.
Following this comment on PaperLib,
I've made non-snapshot TE's not update when they receive the update call. They still do the rest of the update, just not the applying of the TE data. This is to still allow forced physics updates etc. Also in the case of Jukeboxes, updating the properties
improved the water code so that immunity wont trigger if the entity
has the water pathfinder system active, so this improves support
for all entities that know how to behave in water.
Merged 2 EAR patches together, and removed an MCUtil method that
doesnt have a purpose anymore
Anything that posts something to main thread was not
correctly reporting their errors to the logger, passing the
ExecutionExcetion instead of the cause. This resolves that,
as well as patches some simple cases of System.nanoTime where mojang
had used a LongSupplier to use a different method on client.
This update introduces Entity Activation Range for water mobs.
Activation Range has been one of my biggest performance improvements
I ever added to Minecraft, however "Entity is in Water" is an immunity
case that keeps an entity active.
This update ignores the water check for known water based mobs, allowing
them to actually go inactive.
In addition to that, a new config option was added to spigot.yml to go with
the rest of the entity-activation-range options to let you configure
aquatic mobs like fish, squid and dolphins separately.
This should overall fix all lag caused by water mobs.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
867794b2 Make setPersistent also control player saving
CraftBukkit Changes:
02518f92 Make setPersistent also control player saving
FileIOThread was using two volatile counters in order to track if
any pending work was in the queue, this causes potential concurrency
issues when this counter is updated from multiple threads, potentially
causing these counters to desync due to the unsafe volatile update
Shared Hosts have been concerned over the increased CPU usage that Async Chunks
has introduced. We understand that shared hosts can't allow 1 client
to abuse the systme resources depriving other servers of cpu time, so we've
added some configs to allow hosts to force some settings.
Hosts, you may set the following SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES (NOT JVM FLAGS)
to change some behavior:
PAPER_ASYNC_CHUNKS_SHARED_HOST_GEN=1 - Enable Single Threaded World Generation (capping CPU Usage
PAPER_ASYNC_CHUNKS_SHARED_HOST_GEN=2 - Disable Async Chunk Generation - Please do not do this!!!
- Minecraft is moving towards asynchronousm per-world chunk generation itself. You need to prepare
- for this, so please do not disable async chunk generation.
PAPER_ASYNC_CHUNKS_SHARED_HOST_LOAD=# - Where # is Maximum number of threads to use on Chunk Loading
- This is a max, so your end user can reduce it more too. I suggest no lower than 2. Minimum is 1.
- These are usually much faster request, so outside of loading entire worlds, They usually do not
- get as much load. Paperby default uses CPU Core count * 1.5, so this may default to a higher value
- on shared host and you should override it with this value to say 2-4.
These settings will override your clients paper.yml options. Set as a system wide environment
variable to ensure all Paper clients respect your resource usage desires.
This should greatly improve performance by using a No Op lock
while on the main thread.
Vanilla always had a write lock on write operations, but we added
a Read Lock during Async Chunks to make concurrent writes non fatal
for Async Chunks.
This means we added on a bunch of over head to all chunk read operations.
This corrects that, as well as disabling the write lock while on main thread.
It is a general rule that you do not touch a chunk async once it is loaded
into the world, as we never had locks on the chunk before 1.13 even.
So once we are on main, we don't expect concurrent access to begin with,
so we don't need the write locks either.
light calculations repeatedly looks up the same chunk while going
down on the Y access. Pass the chunk to it to skip many round trips
to the map lookup process.
while the gains arent as big since we have last access cache, it
should hopefully avoid many callstacks of depth and improve inlining,
as well as avoids entering a synchronized code block.
The avoiding of entering synchronized section is the main goal here.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
68588dac SPIGOT-4405: Chunk generation problem
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
c71bb9ca Add PlayerRecipeDiscoverEvent and methods to (un/)discover recipes
CraftBukkit Changes:
7a2f4867 Implement PlayerRecipeDiscoverEvent and methods to (un/)discover recipes
During testing, I could not find any case of TabCompleteEvent firing,
however, upon reinspection of the code, and additional testing, this
appears to work fine without any changes on our part.
this has technically been a longer standing problem, but if an async
chunk loads after a chunk has been removed from the chunk map, it would
be treated as any other spare chunk and kept loaded until Chunk GC kicks in.
This fixes that, but also obsoletes ChunkGC in that anytime we load a spare
chunk (a chunk outside of any players view distance), we will immediately
mark it for unload.
This should reduce the amount of spare chunks loaded on a server.
The canWander property is initialized to true by default, however when
loaded from NBT, if the key doesn't exist the property will be set to
false. The correct solution is to ensure the key exists before setting
the property.
The patch was previously applied wrong, and still caused chunk loads.
Now, we will prevent it again, but also added a config option to
disable this optimization.
However, I also updated it so that doors are not removed if the chunk
the door is in is unloaded, so this should avoid breaking farms.
Vanilla has some screwy logic that doesn't send a chunk until
it has been post processed. This is an issue as post processing
doesn't occur until all neighbor chunks have been loaded.
This can reduce view distance while generating terrain, but also
cause bugs where chunks are never sent to the client.
This fix always sends chunks to the client, and simply updates
the client anytime post processing is triggered with the new chunk data.
The server does a "Did my update succeed" check after setting
a blocks data to a chunk.
However, writes can not fail outside of a hard error or a
a race condition from multiple threads writing, which is
not something that should ever occur on the server.
So this check is pointless, as if it did occur, the server would
be having data corruption issues anyways.
This provides a small boost to all setType calls.
Vanilla has risk of losing entities by causing them to be
removed from all chunks if they try to move into an unloaded chunk.
This pretty much means high chance this entity will be lost in this scenario.
There is another case that adding an entity to the world can fail if
the chunk isn't loaded.
Lots of the server is designed around addEntity never expecting to fail for these reasons,
nor is it really logical.
This change ensures the chunks are always loaded when entities are
added to the world, or a valid entity moves between chunks.
Hopefully will fix issues #1496 and #1434
The server triggers light recalculations even if the new block
is the same as the old block. At this time, BlockData Properties
do not impact light calculations.
So the only way light should change, is if the block itself
changes from 1 block to another.
Additionally, as of 1.13, water now only blocks 1 light level
instead of 3, meaning that light level decreasing is the same as air.
This means, transitions between water and air also do not need
to recalculate light, which saves a TON of updates caused by
fluids flowing.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
39ce5d3a SPIGOT-4399: ItemMeta.equals broken with AttributeModifiers
CraftBukkit Changes:
1cf8b5dc SPIGOT-4400: Populators running on existing chunks
116cb9a1 SPIGOT-4399: Add attribute modifier equality test
5ee1c18a SPIGOT-4398: Set ASM7_EXPERIMENTAL flag
I just added a condition check to not start a new pathfinder goal if the turtle already has one set.
Needs more testing.

Minecraft is trying to set Dimension Objects based on a Dimension ID
Dimension ID's for custom worlds are dynamically allocate dand not guaranteed
This removes checking the NBT data, as the Entity will always have its
DimensionManager set to the world it is being placed into.
This fixes corrupt entities breaking chunk saving in custom worlds.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has been tested to ensure that World Conversion still occurs correctly.
Bukkit Changes:
0812ce2c SPIGOT-4397: isChunkGenerated API
CraftBukkit Changes:
4824655c SPIGOT-4398: Upgrade to ASM 6.2.1 for better Java 11 support
eea43870 MC-134115: Fix issues converting tile entities
1a7f2d10 SPIGOT-4397: isChunkGenerated API
40aed54d SPIGOT-4396: Improve vehicle movement
Spigot Changes:
f6a273b1 Rebuild patches
This restores Asynchronous Chunk Loading to 1.13, as well as adds Asynchronous Chunk Generation..
This provides a massive boost to server performance and should bring 1.13 back closer to 1.12 performance levels for pre generated worlds.
World Generation will now be faster overall than 1.12 since 1.12 did not have async generation.
Lots of effort has went into making this happen. Want to say thanks and donate?
light queue is actually buggy, so re-enabling the config.
however, if anyone is ok with the buggy behavior, made the max time lost due to
light queue configurable.
We want to get to making the ligth queue default if we can make it work perfectly.
also applying neighbor optimizations to use the faster method for light checks.
getDimensionId() returns the dimension id - 1. So without this patch
we would reuse an existing dimension id, if some other dimension was
unloaded before.
In Spigot this is nearly invisible because DimensionManager has no equals(),
so dimension id collisions just create 2 worlds with the same dimension.
The PaperWorldMap (Added in ) changes this - Now the dimension is overwritten if there is some collision,
what causes players to teleport to incorrect worlds, World checks will no longer work
and many more evil things.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
b9620fd9 API to generate filled explorer maps
CraftBukkit Changes:
c1ecaa2f API to generate filled explorer maps
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
6f57bf95 SPIGOT-4391: Sign editable API
CraftBukkit Changes:
5cffeca2 SPIGOT-4391: Sign editable API
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
dcb43ef8 MC-136886: locate command loads chunks without needing to.
Spigot Changes:
f823ac54 Rebuild patches
JEP 181 brings a new bytecode format for nest mates. ASM API 7 supports
this, but API 7 is still experimental. Attempting to load a Java 11
class that contains nest mates will cause an
UnsupportedOperationException, as API 6 can't handle them. This doesn't
really require any changes to the rest of the code, since this is just
related to ASM's visitor.
We want to use the stable API 6 for all other plugins, only using the
experimental API when required, so we check the class version first.
This should be removed as soon as ASM API 7 is stable.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
fc10dec5 Don't throw error on invalid data in CraftMetaItem.
Fixes GH-1471, GH-1474
As a result, data that no longer parses correctly will not crash the server
instead just logging the exception and continuing (and in most cases should
fix the data)
Player data is fixed pretty much immediately but some block data (like
Shulkers) may need to be modified in-game in order for it to re-save
No more crashing though.
There is no reason for the light queue to even be an option. This
enables the light queue for everyone.
This also improves the "can we still tick" time logic to always
check before running a light operation.
previously, we always executed at least 10 on the first world
(but not other worlds...), but we are seeing light take up some
heavy time, so improving that for now.
I've now also improved recheck gaps logic to happen at the end of all single block updates
This also prevents multiple gap checks, as previously if a tick skipped
the gaps check, the next tick would end up re-adding the entry again,
resulting in multiple gap checks.
This now just sets a marker "We need to recheck gaps" and will only occur
This also should reduce chunk loads, as previously, we checked if
the neighbor chunks were loaded for the gap check, however those
neighbor chunks might of unloaded before the light queue operation
actually ran. Now, the neighbor chunk is done when the gap check
is being done, so it should avoid loading chunks.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
4db9e3dc Add API to locate structures
CraftBukkit Changes:
65bb2d0f Increase expiration time to 10 days
88a5346f Add API to locate structures.
Spigot Changes:
68acb93f Rebuild patches
Some chunks that need conversion may fail the loadChunks pass, and
end up entering the world gen code to finish processing.
We solved this on the API level before, but this needs to apply to
all chunk loads when gen=false
This adds a new Future based, Consumer<Chunk> based, and ability
to control whether or not to generate to the Async Chunk API.
Until Async Chunks merges, these API's are still synchronous, but
this commit will allow plugins to start using the API's in use
with the Async Chunks beta.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
cbb4fc16 SPIGOT-1916: Attribute modifiers for ItemStacks
CraftBukkit Changes:
8164f4b2 SPIGOT-1916: Attribute modifiers for ItemStacks
Spigot Changes:
38536abd Rebuild patches
A bug with double chest conversion would lead to data
loss from chunks if they crossed chunk boundries.
This fixes the issue.
It should now be safe to upgrade worlds to 1.13.1
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
26c89277 SPIGOT-4385: Clearer error for invalid generator-settings
This event extends the PreCreatureSpawnEvent and includes the position
of the spawner that spawned the entitiy. (similarly to how the
SpawnerSpawnEvent contains the spawner's BlockState).
This one doesn't include the state though as getting the block and
generating that snapshot is a bit wasteful.
If you try to load a world inresponse to another world loading,
a concurrent modification exception will throw.
This avoids that by making a defensive copy of the list for the server init stage.
you might want to do this if you want to guarantee your world loads
immediately after the vanilla worlds before another plugin has a chance
to load worlds during POST_WORLD plugin stage.
Minecraft moved worlds to a hashmap in 1.13.1.
This creates inconsistent order for iteration of the map.
This patch restores World management to be back as an Array.
.values() will allow us to iterate as it was pre 1.13.1 by
ArrayList, giving consistent ordering and effecient iteration performance.
KeySet and EntrySet iteration is proxied to the List iterator,
and should retain manipulation behavior but nothing should be doing that.
Getting a World by dimension ID is now back a constant time operation.
Hopefully no other plugins try to mess with this map, as we are only handling
known NMS used methods, but we can add more if naughty plugins are found later.
Multiverse was tested with this and no breakage.
Allows you to add to paper.yml
world_name: some seed value
This will ignore every where a seed is set/created/loaded and force
a world to use the specified seed.
This seed will end up being saved to the world data file, so it is
a permanent change in that it won't go back if you remove it from paper.yml
It's always been commonly said to 'ignore' that TPS was '19.X', that
it was fine.
I suspect that the inaccuracy of floating point math resulted in us
losing precision over time, making it difficult to actually get back to 20,
as you know the fun 0.1 + 0.1 ... 9 more times != 1 problem.
BigDecimal supports working with doubles with higher precision.
This change makes it so our RollingAverage class maintains all of the data
using BigDecimal and using BigDecimal arithematic operations.
This ensures we have extremely high precision, enabling us to
actually be able print '20 TPS' when TPS is perfect.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
4b9a93ec Add BatToggleSleepEvent
CraftBukkit Changes:
a222e4a2 Implement BatToggleSleepEvent
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
79ada744 SPIGOT-4382: Fix damage_absorbed statistic
computeIfAbsent would leak as the entry
was never registered into the ttl map
This fixes that ,as well as redesigns cleaning to
not run on every manipulation, and instead to run clean
once per tick per expiring map.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
94b8708a SPIGOT-4373: Item display colours are white by default
61668436 SPIGOT-4378: Fix mistakenly included code
When a mob was about to load a chunk to try to spawn in, we did not
increment the attempt counter, resulting in it being stuck in the mob
spawn loop for a long time and hanging servers.
Found some more unsafe operations in DataFixers.
Also replaced quite a few bad uses of Map.containsKey
containsKey is a common newbie mistake that "reads" cleaner, but
results in double the performance cost of all map operations as
containsKey in MOST cases where null values are not used is identical to get() == null
Considering how deep datafixers go in call stacks, with tons of map lookups,
this micro optimization could provide some gains.
Additionally, many of the containsKey/get/put style operations were
also a concurrency risk, resulting in multiple computation/insertions.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
47b9cf30 SPIGOT-4372: LightningStrikeEvent cause API
a9ceda75 Include the plugin channel name in the exception message
CraftBukkit Changes:
a4bdecff SPIGOT-4372: LightningStrikeEvent cause API
34caaf6d SPIGOT-4371: Trident damaged when event cancelled
97315374 SPIGOT-4369: Handle cancelled trident event
bf1c8273 SPIGOT-4370: Remove vehicle if its passenger spawn event was cancelled
Spigot Changes:
6b015b4b SPIGOT-4370: Remove vehicle if its passenger spawn event was cancelled
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
7033f180 Hoist out synchronisation from ChunkRegionLoader
Spigot Changes:
500ff5d4 Rebuild patches
Additional Paper changes:
Fixed Versioned World Folders to not synchronize on ChunkRegionLoader
Optimized Save Queue even more to use a Long2ObjectOpenHashmap for save map
Add World#getXIfLoaded to IWorldReader to expose it to more places
Adds an API to allow plugins to instruct a Mob to Pathfind to a Location or Entity
This does not do anything to stop other AI rules from changing the location, so
it is still up to the plugin to control that or override after another goal changed
the location.
Fixes GH-1417, GH-1424 (probably).
There are other issues in this area, including just how much a mess it
is but we will get to those when we get to those.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
3e2858f6 SPIGOT-4352: MoistureChangeEvent
5466e281 Add BlockDispenseArmorEvent
CraftBukkit Changes:
3123a069 SPIGOT-4352: MoistureChangeEvent
226db0ea Add BlockDispenseArmorEvent
cd367fa4 Fix bad thread safety in ChunkRegionLoader
3f5ca5f2 SPIGOT-4355: Improve cancelling VehicleEnterEvent
Spigot Changes:
145a37ae Rebuild patches
3f2423cc Rebuild patches
Adds an API to allow plugins to instruct a Mob to Pathfind to a Location or Entity
This does not do anything to stop other AI rules from changing the location, so
it is still up to the plugin to control that or override after another goal changed
the location.
This restores vanilla behavior of allowing placed chests to retain any Block Entity Tag data.
Upstream added filtering to chests, breaking vanilla behavior, and preventing use of loot table chests as a reward mechanism.
Upon review, we can find no security risk in allowing players to place a chest with NBT data, as Spawn Eggs, Minecarts, command blocks etc all have their own checks.
Additionally, survival mode players, non op players can not create these items anyways. If a player has Creative or Op, they already have high levels of access.
Plus, Chests aren't the only inventory that could have free form items, so this filter was insufficient anyways.
The PluginManager incorrectly used synchronization on firing any event
that was marked as synchronous.
This synchronized did not even protect any concurrency risk as
handlers were already thread safe in terms of mutations during event
The way it was used, has commonly led to deadlocks on the server,
which results in a hard crash.
This change removes the synchronize and adds some protection around enable/disable
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
310dc809 Add ServerLoadEvent
CraftBukkit Changes:
19d654bd Add ServerLoadEvent
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
632449b6 SPIGOT-4349: End portal has wrong TeleportCause
3eb8af23 SPIGOT-4348: Use online player for setting skull owner if possible
We are seeing issues with DataFixers being not thread safe in async chunks
and even in some spigot packet sending code.
There are a few more global objects that are mutated that need to
be synchronized to be safe for use over multiple threads.
There may be more cases, but these are extremely obvious ones.
This method will return the Block a player is looking at while taking into consideration the AABB of each block in the path.
For example, you can look through the 1/4 space of air in a Stair block and get the block behind it instead of the Stair block you are looking past.
Some things break from this, while this was trying to fix other things
since the thing this patch tried to fix still had problems and required
yet another fix, just going to remove this patch.
Fixes issue #1177
`MapMaker#weakKeys()` makes the `Map` use identity comparison for the keys, while also enabling the automatical removal of dropped classes from the cache.
The changes are the same as in #1399, except now the original patch is modified instead of a new one being created.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
8ab814cd Add getFacing method to get the current cardinal direction an entity is facing.
CraftBukkit Changes:
ee5efeb0 Add getFacing method to get the current cardinal direction an entity is facing.
Spigot Changes:
0ede7d0e Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
3037eb3e BlockSpreadEvent for Kelp
6cf60193 SPIGOT-4340: Improve client bug workaround
Spigots implementation around the header/footer strips newlines from the
header/footer, this patch allows the tab list header/footer to retain newlines.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
dc69d2b3 Fix unbound shaped recipe ingredients
ForgeFlower is better than Spigots FernFlower at decompiling the source.
However, in order to maintain the CraftBukkit patches, we must keep
using spigots for the primary.
However, for any file that we import on top of Spigots imported files
there is nothing stopping us from using better decompiled files.
So these changes will use ForgeFlower to maintain a better set of
decomped files, so anything we add on top of Paper can start off
in a better spot.
Fixes GH-1389
Because we are no longer enabling creepers to rapidly change status
every tick, in order to prevent event spam, their datawatcher value
ends up negative.
This datawatcher value is used to increment the fuseTicks within the
creeper tick. Because the value is negative, it is constantly zero'd
and therefore never incremented, instead acting the same as creepers
that aren't ignited.
We can just as easily increment this ourselves when the creeper is
ignited, so that's what we'll do.
Uses optimized check to avoid major locks and large method.
Will improve inlining across many hot methods.
Improve getBrightness to not do double chunk map lookups.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
9ca2772d API to prevent PlayerBedLeaveEvent from changing a player's spawn location
CraftBukkit Changes:
1486c295 API to prevent PlayerBedLeaveEvent from changing a player's spawn location
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
97368963 Update ChunkSnapshot docs about valid coordinates
CraftBukkit Changes:
3831ae62 SPIGOT-4325: Validate coordinate arguments in Chunk/ChunkSnapshot
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
9636bb8d SPIGOT-4319: Conduit damage should be a block event
Also fixes some bugs in ours
Ultimately they both are near the same, but ours is behind the synchronized gate.
Mojangs is mixed behind 2 different synchronization contexts (chunks can lock 2 different objects)
Mojang also blindly unsets the ref on any chunk unload, not just if its the one being pointed to.
Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit/Spigot)
Bukkit Changes:
2dcc44dc SPIGOT-4307: Fix hacky API for banners on shields
e0fc6572 SPIGOT-4309: Add "forced" display of particles
efeeab2f Add index to for easier navigation
f502bc6f Update to Minecraft 1.13.1
CraftBukkit Changes:
d0bb0a1d Fix some tests randomly failing
997d378d Fix client stall in specific teleportation scenarios
b3dc2366 SPIGOT-4307: Fix hacky API for banners on shields
2a271162 SPIGOT-4301: Fix more invalid enchants
5d0d83bb SPIGOT-4309: Add "forced" display of particles
a6772578 Add additional tests for CraftBlockData
ce1af0c3 Update to Minecraft 1.13.1
Spigot Changes:
2440e189 Rebuild patches
4ecffced Update to Minecraft 1.13.1
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
162bda93 Add note about 1.13.1
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
f41aae40 Remove reflection from CraftBlockData
Replaces PR #1161 for 1.13
Adds new slime pathfinder related events. All events can be cancelled.
- `SlimePathfindEvent` is the base event of all added events. Cancelling this event will cancel all pathfinders.
- `SlimeWanderEvent` is called when slimes wander around by either swimming or moving/jumping forward. Cancelling this event will prevent slimes from moving around and jumping, but they will still look around and target players.
- `SlimeSwimEvent`is called when slimes are swimming in water/lava. Cancelling will prevent the slimes from moving/jumping in water/lava.
- `SlimeChangeDirectionEvent` is called when a slime changes directions. It contains the new `yaw` position the slime wants to change to, and it can be set to another value. Cancelling this event will prevent slimes from changing directions (except for when targeting players).
- `SlimeTargetLivingEntityEvent` is called when a slime targets a player. NMS uses EntityLiving here so it is named this. Contains the LivingEntity the slime has targeted. Cancelling this event will prevent the slime from targeting the entity and will make it lose current focus.
Adds `Slime#canWander()` and `Slime#setWander(boolean)` for a more persistent control (does not persist server restarts) over all 4 pathfinder types without the spammy event having to be cancelled a bajillion times a second.
Video demonstration:
Test plugin:
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
82f4b3b1 SPIGOT-4292: Ignore itemstacks with invalid enchants