They are MT-Safe already. These changes reduce deadlock chances
given these calls are used in Entity#isValid(), and plugins
check this in packet handling...
Allows server owners to use 1.8 (and prior)'s projectile behavior
(ignored shooter's velocity when calculating projectile's velocity).
This patch adds an option "disable relative projectile velocity", which, when
enabled, will cause projectiles to ignore the shooter's current velocity,
like they did in Minecraft 1.8 and prior.
If a player is falling, for example, their shooting range will be drastically
reduced, as a downwards velocity is applied to the projectile. This prevents
players from saving themselves from falling off floating islands, for example,
as a thrown ender pearl will not make it back to the island, while it would
have in 1.8.
While this could easily be done with plugins, too, there are multiple problems:
1) If multiple plugins cancel the velocity by subtracting the shooter's velocity
from the projectile's velocity, the projectile's velocity would be different.
As there's no way to detect whether the projectile's velocity has already been
adjusted to ignore the player's velocity, plugins can't not do it if it's not
2) I've noticed some inconsistencies, e.g. weird velocity when shooting while
using an elytra. Checking for those inconsistencies is possible, but not as
efficient as just not applying the velocity in the first place.
3) Solutions for 1) and especially 2) might not be future-proof, while this
server-internal fix makes this change future-proof.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
c987938a SPIGOT-5180: Add Villager#sleep() and #wakeup() methods
CraftBukkit Changes:
7f33c6a2 SPIGOT-5196: Restore previous version behaviour regarding cancelled BlockBreakEvent
6a5fc902 Improve diff in EntityHanging
c98d61bf SPIGOT-4712: Allow spawning of upwards or downwards facing item frames
db971477 SPIGOT-5199: Fix NPE if setting the book of the ItemMeta of a lectern
b0ef3996 SPIGOT-4679 Fix black lines after book paragraphs
1215188f SPIGOT-5180: Add Villager#sleep() and #wakeup() methods
c03b2bef SPIGOT-4975: NPE on WorldGenStronghold When Using Multiple Worlds
65ea162c Ensure Bukkit data pack is always up to date
0b107b8d MC-157395, SPIGOT-5193: Small armor stands do not drop loot
6da0abca SPIGOT-5195: Player loot table does not drop when keepInventory is on
8b09d983 SPIGOT-5190: Superfluous EntityCombustEvent called when using fire aspect sword
Spigot Changes:
1981d553 SPIGOT-5198: Catch more bad async operations
6a14ca46 Rebuild patches
* Use getChunkIfLoadedImmediately in places
This prevents us from hitting chunk loads for chunks at or less-than
ticket level 33 (yes getChunkIfLoaded will actually perform a chunk
load in that case).
* Resolve issue #2301
* Also target World#getChunkIfLoaded
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
eb2e6578 SPIGOT-5116: Fix concurrent modification exception inside ChunkMapDistance
989f9b3d SPIGOT-4849: Fix server crash when accessing chunks during chunk load/unload/populate events
f554183c SPIGOT-5171: Don't fire PlayerTeleportEvent if not actually moving
2349feb8 SPIGOT-5163: Cancelling PlayerBucketFillEvent visually removes the targeted block
Spigot Changes:
9a643a6a Remove DataWatcher Locking
I was not correctly checking if the status was even cached.
Actually fix it this time
Do not forget about the async chunk placeholder
Actually fix it this time I hope
No plugin tickets for getChunkAtGen(x, z, boolean)
Change ChunkStatus ABI
This is required for asynchronous IO. async io will require
calls to getChunkStatusIfCached to return the chunk status for a
chunk currently queued to save - this cannot be reasonably done
with current ABI
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
e99c9444 Add Plugin Chunk Ticket API
6a235f06 Fix incorrect nullability annotations for PlayerJoinEvent's join message
CraftBukkit Changes:
5f889388 Tweak build expiration to 7 days
572c02b0 MC-155077, SPIGOT-5113: EntityTracker desync
7ad3a1f4 SPIGOT-5146: BlockDataMeta does not work
60860983 SPIGOT-5155: Setting EntityExplodeEvent yield to 0 still causes blocks to drop
087a2cf4 Print number of force loaded chunks per plugin in crash reports
07b5b06d Add Plugin Chunk Ticket API
7ffb2a27 SPIGOT-5149: resetRecipes does nothing
a2275f19 SPIGOT-5141: World.generateTree() causes ClassCastException with huge mushrooms
31d4a777 SPIGOT-5142: Ignore invalid firework effects
Spigot Changes:
5e4e7f32 BUILDTOOLS-471: Rebuild patches
6e944739 SPIGOT-5159: Raider activation range overridden by Monster range
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
c2d72c82 SPIGOT-3102: Add EXPLOSION SpawnReason
CraftBukkit Changes:
fca41573 SPIGOT-5136: EntityPortalEvent getting called on interdimensional entity teleports
604c8bf0 SPIGOT-3102: Add EXPLOSION SpawnReason
375969a6 Re-add chunk GC for plugin chunk loads
58151368 SPIGOT-5123: Snapshot tile entities can end up with a non-null world
491c8482 SPIGOT-5130: PersistentDataContainer not removing values on TileEntities
Spigot Changes:
d05d3c1f Rebuild patches
An oversight in this patch may be to blame for several issues in certain
cases, we'll opt to using a queue as this will fall in line with what is
expected and may help some issues where chunks remain loaded or fail to
--- work/Bukkit
Submodule work/Bukkit aba2aaaf..949124e0:
> SPIGOT-5121: Method to set PierceLevel of arrows
--- work/CraftBukkit
Submodule work/CraftBukkit c6997924..bf329334:
> SPIGOT-5133: Throwing items into secondary end world portal causes crash
> SPIGOT-5121: Method to set PierceLevel of arrows
> SPIGOT-5122: Skip world#notify if sign has no world.
> SPIGOT-5105: The EntityTag nbt tag disappears from preset armor_stand items.
> SPIGOT-5106: Config option to prevent plugins with incompatible API's from loading
--- work/Spigot
Submodule work/Spigot 595711b0..935adb34:
> SPIGOT-5088: Additional growth modifiers
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
c6997924 SPIGOT-5110: Zombies converting to drowned too quickly
0c575603 SPIGOT-5101: Raids crash
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
aba2aaaf Correct pom.xml version
CraftBukkit Changes:
e8b39d43 SPIGOT-5103: does not save gamerules
3164e531 Correct pom.xml version
Spigot Changes:
595711b0 Correct pom.xml version