Entities must be dismounted before teleportation in order to avoid
multiple issues in the server with regards to teleportation, while
we now lose the ability for plugins to monitor this specific case
of entity dismount, the alternative is that we allow a cancellable
event, but silently ignore the cancelled status, which might cause
further issues for plugins tracking state
Given that nobody can be relying on the Cancellable state of those
events during teleportation due to the issues that arise from this,
this is a small trade off
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
17ff1e04 SPIGOT-4483: Missing EntityInteractEvent call for zombies on eggs
--- work/Bukkit
Submodule work/Bukkit 1627782b..67e91ef7:
> Fix some incorrectly handled JavaDoc
> SPIGOT-4478: Update PlayerLoginEvent docs
> Add API to manipulate boss bar of entities and those created by commands
--- work/CraftBukkit
Submodule work/CraftBukkit ca22de36..3a911828:
> SPIGOT-4477: Arrows only firing direction of boat
> SPIGOT-4478: NPE during PlayerLoginEvent recipe manipulation
> Add API to manipulate boss bar of entities and those created by commands
--- work/Spigot
Submodule work/Spigot 2474d93d..947a8e7f:
> Rebuild patches
This patch, while would have been nice, would just take too much
in order to re-implement it to retain and handle all of the state
changes possible, and complicates retaining state properly
Fix SpongeAbsortEvent handling
Only process drops when the block is actually going to be removed
Upon "real world testing", there was needed and unimplemented methods
on BlockStateListPopulator; This commit (which should fix#1663) aims
to improve the coverage of this class.
We should aim to look into expanding this class down the line, or aim to
improve the servers ability to capture these changes
This restores monster aggression range back to normal when
Activation Range is less than the monsters aggression range.
This allows an entity to try to acquire targets still during
inactive ticks, which will also then let it go into immunity stage.
extends BlockStateListPopulator to suppport checking block types in the
physical world it's representing, allowing for blocks making modifications
to the world to maintain proper state.
This change allows ArmorStands with ticking disabled to visually update
their equipment and pose properly.
Given the wide range of usage of ArmorStands, I have not changed
their tick loop when their tick is enabled as usual. Doing so may
likely gains in the future, though additional testing would be
needed to ensure nothing breaks.
Fixes GH-1593
Per MC-138093 comments, ForkJoinPool uses unlimited threads if
parallelism is ever 1. A 2 core machine will end up with 1
with the change I had previously made, so bumped the min
to 2 so we will never trigger the unlimited thread situation.
This aligns the min back with Spigot, but allows use of more
threads on systems with more cores.
Upstream removed the ability to consistently use a custom InventoryHolder,
However, the implementation does not use an InventoryHolder in any form
outside of custom inventories.
We can take that knowledge and apply some expected behavior, if we're given
an inventory holder, we should use it and return a custom inventory with the
holder, otherwise, create an inventory backed by the intended inventory, as
per upstream behavior.
This provides a "best of both worlds" scenario: plugins with InventoryHolder's
will always work as intended in the past, those without will create implementation
based inventories.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
e693496c SPIGOT-4467: Improve ExpiringMap
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Spigot Changes:
2474d93d SPIGOT-4462: Catch async chunk regenerate
Splits time updates into incremental updates as well as does
the updates per world, so that we can re-use the same packet
object for every player unless they have per-player time enabled.
Fixes some bugs with urgent priority, improves priority all
around to optimize blocking chunk requests as much as possible.
fixes casing on the -Dpaper.maxchunkthreads to now be -Dpaper.maxChunkThreads
adds -Dpaper.genThreadPriority=3 -Dpaper.loadThreadPriority=4
lowering thread priorities will help ensure main has more
priority over chunk threads
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
9d0221aa API to get client side view distance.
9be7f0ea SPIGOT-4395: Additions to PlayerBedEnterEvent.
01e534c6 Minor cosmetic cleanups to imports etc
CraftBukkit Changes:
96c461b3 API to get client side view distance.
e2785f4e Remove note about development build
a8000588 SPIGOT-4395: Additions to PlayerBedEnterEvent.
Spigot Changes:
117d4f7e Rebuild patches
Optimizes small movements by entities by merging the movement
into the entities next larger movement, until enough movement
velocity has been hit.
This reduces collision detection and able to reduce movement
cpu cost by 5-7%.
The default option of 0.75 seems to provide all the gains without
any noticable behavior change to entity movement.
We have to exclude slimes due to weird jumping animation bugs.
When an itemstack runs out of durability, the amount is reduced to
0 which then marks the item as invalid. This causes the last unit
of durability to not apply enchantments as the enchantment level
check sees the item as a dud.
keep the clone of the item used to a non empty value so it represents
the item used.
Fixes some bugs with urgent priority, improves priority all
around to optimize blocking chunk requests as much as possible.
fixes casing on the -Dpaper.maxchunkthreads to now be -Dpaper.maxChunkThreads
adds -Dpaper.genThreadPriority=3 -Dpaper.loadThreadPriority=4
lowering thread priorities will help ensure main has more
priority over chunk threads
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
aed3aecb Make natural item dropping mimic Vanilla
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
98d3f031 SPIGOT-4376: Add draft BlockDropItemEvent
CraftBukkit Changes:
1057710a SPIGOT-4376: Add draft BlockDropItemEvent
Removes the paperclip Java 9+ warning and replaces it with general
JVM and Host OS information that will be more useful in finding issues
for end users and ourselves.
Also removes the "for development only" 1.13 warning that everyone has
been ignoring completely anyway.
A chunk load on the main thread will be added to the high priority queue, however, due to existing work on this queue, there was no guarantee that the load would occur within a reasonable amount of time, potentially causing a server to crash while waiting for a chunk in the queue
In order to counteract this, a new urgent priority has been added, allowing us to prioritize these tasks over standard chunk gen/loading
(#1625#1615#1575#1558 (and probably more))
Changes upstream moved this to a profile a while back, however,
when updating (for some unknown reason) I kept it enabled by default,
however, leaving this enabled breaks building the server in newer
versions of java, which while this wasn't a concern before, is now
an issue for users.
Spigot capped it to 2 threads. This bumps it back up to do
maxcores -2 with a max cap of 6.
A typical 4C8T system can use 6 threads and be done in 6 seconds.
Server owners can use system property to override, but this
improves the default.
this should provide a pretty good across-the-board performance
improvement for the entire server, as it's very common for code
to check if (isLoaded(x, z)) { then do something on that chunk }
Previously, containsKey would not read or set the last access cache
By making it do get() != null, we gain the benefits of last access
and also improves thread safey for async isLoaded checks
This exact usage scenario is used in Entity movement, so that alone
saves us up to 5%~ of CPU time for Entity movement.
it used public method instead of private, and moved to world config
also improved the implementation to not use obfuscated stuff
Also removed the Fix Double chest conversion patch since its
fixed in other ways in vanilla
It is not immediately clear how these characters ended up on signs in
previous versions. It is clear, however, that they now render as empty
unicode boxes in 1.13, whereas previously they rendered as invisible
When these signs are loaded in versions after this commit, these
characters from the private use area of the Unicode block will be
stripped. The sign will then be marked to ensure this conversion only
runs once.
There is a flag -DPaper.keepInvalidUnicode=true that can be used if you
do not want us to strip these characters from your signs, though I can
think of no reason to use it.
Fixes GH-1571
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
a639ae44 Remove outdated build delay.
The item tag is stored before executing the interaction and restored before handling the
resulting events. If the event was not canceled and the ItemStack is not modified in the
event, the new tag is set back to the new one afterwards. This is similar to the handling
of the item amount.
This fixes a bug where tools lose durability when the interaction is canceled and another bug
where tools become completely repaired when they should break but the interaction was canceled.
This will provide quite a major performance boost by avoiding
synchronizing on EVERY chunk lookup.
Synchronize, even without contention, incurs processor cache flushes.
Considering this is the 2nd hottest method in the code base, lets
avoid doing that...
Additionally, chunk conversion operations were occuring while
under synchronization which lead to deadlocks.
Now the conversion will occur outside of the lock, and fix
that issue, resolving #1586
Note, that the chunk map is still thread safe for get operations!
The chunk map was never intended to be modified async with our
changes, as we post to main to modify the map, however
we do still synchronize for write operations (put, remove)
We also synchronize for async get operations, ensuring that
async gets are safe.
We do not need to synchronize main thread gets as the processor
cache will be insync since the map is only updated on the main thread.
However, if someone does try to delete or put concurrently, we
will force their operation back to the main thread.
While Velocity supports BungeeCord-style IP forwarding, it is not secure. Users
have a lot of problems setting up firewalls or setting up plugins like IPWhitelist.
Further, the BungeeCord IP forwarding protocol still retains essentially its original
form, when there is brand new support for custom login plugin messages in 1.13.
Velocity's modern IP forwarding uses an HMAC-SHA256 code to ensure authenticity
of messages, is packed into a binary format that is smaller than BungeeCord's
forwarding, and is integrated into the Minecraft login process by using the 1.13
login plugin message packet.
Mojang was not checking that the chunk did not overwrite, or
was successfully removed.
We're seeing odd reports in #1561 that indicates issues around
this are having problems.
Say a player shoots an arrow through a nether portal, the game
would lose the shooter for determining things such as Player Kills,
because the entity is in another world.
If the projectile fails to find the shooter in the current world, check
other worlds.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
e7ced970 Catch plugins setting null Material or BlockData to blocks
fixes an issue in which thread requests are only processed
for the current provider which can cause a deadlock should
multiple requests exist across providers
These methods are used internally throughout the game for things like spawning mobs during day/night only or making them burn in daylight, etc. Now exposed for plugin usage.
If a chunk load comes in on a chunk load or gen thread,
execute it synchronously on that thread instead of enqueueing it.
It doesn't make sense to enqueue it as that thread is then
going to future.join() it and block until it's ready anyways.
This opens risk to a deadlock if every load or gen thread is
waiting on a recursive chunk but it will never finish because
all of the threads are waiting.
If we identify an invalid offset (negative, or the header sectors),
then back up the region file and erase that specific chunks offset
This will avoid crashing the server with AIOBB errors and also avoids
server owners having to consider the entire region file 'lost'.
I'm not sure what leads to this state, I can only assume write cut
off mid bits.
In this scenario, there is absolutely no way to know where the chunk
actually is in the data file without loading every
single chunk in the file. And even to do that, would be quite extreme
due to the fact the file isn't in some orderly fashion.
Since the file is backed up, the user can use a region fixer tool
externally to try to restore that single chunk. We could even
add a command to restore a chunk from a backup file in a different
commit later on. But this at least prevents the server from crashing.
The server will just generate a new chunk and move on,
after printing an error to the console about it.
Also fixed the case reported in this issue about the server
hanging when a corrupt chunk is encountered, so this issue
is now fully closed.
Applied a "Only run this when the blocks are different" to
a place, that apparently must be called even with the same
block but different other data I guess.
This was causing oddness with light data.
Chunk Generation was occuring while inside of the progressCache lock
this caused the progressCache to stay blocked for a long period of time
which then blocked main when main needed to clean the expiring map.
We now maintain a separate map for pending scheduler entries, that
we can join on if a 2nd request comes in while one is starting.
This strategy keeps the lock only for a fraction of time but
maintains thread safety.
So now the chunk is generated without holding a lock and wont
block the main thread on the expiring map as we will insert it
once ready.
1) Removed "Regen" mode of Dupe UUID resolver, forced safe.
Some servers who updated before we had safe mode added still had this value.
There's really no reason to keep this mode, as we've seen that vanilla
triggers this often and 99.9999999% of cases will be an actual duplicate
that needs to be deleted.
2) Made Vanilla Debug messages about dupe UUIDs and dupe uuid resolve messages
only show up if the debug.entities flag is on. This will stop server owners
from panicing from seeing these logs, and stop opening bug reports on this,
only for us to tell you "don't worry about it".
3) Avoid adding entities to world that are already added to world.
This can be triggered by anything that causes an entity to be added
to the world during the chunk load process, such as chunk conversions.
Issue #1544 was a case of this.
4) Removed debug warning about ExpiringMap.
Nothing more I know to do about this anyways. We recover from it,
stop warning to reduce noise of issues to us.
Seems my original pull for this created an unseen bug where the target timer would never run out (the slime would not "forget" it's target over time). Went ahead and fixed that, and made the code more legible by adding the imports.