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# `CLF ...`
Currently loaded file.
| Command | Description | Example |
| `CLF OV` | Overwrite the currently loaded file with a new file from the file selection dialog. | `CLF OV` |
| `CLF LD` | Load the currently loaded file into the scope. | `CLF LD` |
| `CLF CLR` | Clear the currently loaded file. | `CLF CLR` |
# `POS ...`
| Command | Description | Example |
| `POS SHOW` | Show the current position in latitude/longitude. | `POS SHOW` |
| `POS SLL [latitude] [longitude]` | Set the position to the desired latitude/longitude. | `POS SLL 38.8977 -77.0366` |
| `POS SITE [site]` | Set the position to the position of the desired radar site. | `POS SITE KRAX` |
# `PREF` and `PREFSET`
| Command | Description | Example |
| `PREF SHOW [pref]` | Show the value of the preference. | `PREF SHOW RR` |
| `PREF SET [pref] [value]` | Set the value of the preference. | `PREF SET RR 5` |
| `PREF CLR [pref]` | Clear the prefernece (return to default value) | `PREF CLEAR RR` |
| `PREFSET SAVE [name]` | Save the current setup of the scope as a prefset. | `PREF SET SAVE krax_tornadoes` |
| `PREFSET RCL [name]` | Load the scope from the given prefset. | `PREF SET RCL krax_tornadoes` |
| `PREFSET CLR [name]` | Remove the saved prefset. | `PREF SET CLR krax_tornadoes` |
| `PREFSET CLRA` | Remove all saved prefsets. | `PREF SET CLRA` |
## Available Preferences
| Preference | Description | Value |
| RR | Range Rings | 1-100 (default 5) |
| RREN | Range Rings Enabled | true, false (default true) |
| FCS | Font Character Size | 1-100 (default 12) | |