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synced 2025-03-03 23:35:28 +00:00
* Specify Swift Language Version 5 * Enable `GlobalConcurrency` swift feature flag <945d93776c/proposals/0412-strict-concurrency-for-global-variables.md
> * Enable `InferSendableFromCaptures` swift feature flag <945d93776c/proposals/0418-inferring-sendable-for-methods.md (L4)
> * Enable `IsolatedDefaultValues` swift feature <945d93776c/proposals/0411-isolated-default-values.md
> * Enable `ImplicitOpenExistentials` swift feature flag <https://github.com/swiftlang/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0352-implicit-open-existentials.md> * Enable `DeprecateApplicationMain` swift feature flag <945d93776c/proposals/0383-deprecate-uiapplicationmain-and-nsapplicationmain.md
> * Enable `ForwardTrailingClosures` swift feature flag <945d93776c/proposals/0286-forward-scan-trailing-closures.md
> * Enable `ConciseMagicFile` swift feature flag <945d93776c/proposals/0274-magic-file.md
> * Enable `ImportOBJCForwardDeclarations` swift feature flag <945d93776c/proposals/0384-importing-forward-declared-objc-interfaces-and-protocols.md
> * Enable `DisableOutwardActorInference` swift feature flag <https://github.com/swiftlang/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0401-remove-property-wrapper-isolation.md> * Enable `ExistentialAny` swift feature flag <945d93776c/proposals/0335-existential-any.md (L4)
> * Annotate existentials with `any` prefix keyword <https://github.com/swiftlang/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0335-existential-any.md> * Enable `RegionBasedIsolation` swift feature flag This adds two warnings to the build complaining about a sending closure. <945d93776c/proposals/0414-region-based-isolation.md
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550 lines
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import MobileNebula
import NetworkExtension
import SwiftyJSON
import os.log
let log = Logger(subsystem: "net.defined.mobileNebula", category: "Site")
enum SiteError: Error {
case nonConforming(site: [String: Any]?)
case noCertificate
case keyLoad
case keySave
case unmanagedGetCredentials
case dnCredentialLoad
case dnCredentialSave
// Throw in all other cases
case unexpected(code: Int)
extension SiteError: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .nonConforming(let site):
return String("Non-conforming site \(String(describing: site))")
case .noCertificate:
return "No certificate found"
case .keyLoad:
return "failed to get key from keychain"
case .keySave:
return "failed to store key material in keychain"
case .unmanagedGetCredentials:
return "Cannot get dn credentials for unmanaged site"
case .dnCredentialLoad:
return "failed to find dn credentials in keychain"
case .dnCredentialSave:
return "failed to store dn credentials in keychain"
case .unexpected(_):
return "An unexpected error occurred."
enum IPCResponseType: String, Codable {
case error = "error"
case success = "success"
class IPCResponse: Codable {
var type: IPCResponseType
//TODO: change message to data?
var message: JSON?
init(type: IPCResponseType, message: JSON?) {
self.type = type
self.message = message
class IPCRequest: Codable {
var command: String
var arguments: JSON?
init(command: String, arguments: JSON?) {
self.command = command
self.arguments = arguments
init(command: String) {
self.command = command
struct CertificateInfo: Codable {
var cert: Certificate
var rawCert: String
var validity: CertificateValidity
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case cert = "Cert"
case rawCert = "RawCert"
case validity = "Validity"
struct Certificate: Codable {
var fingerprint: String
var signature: String
var details: CertificateDetails
/// An empty initializer to make error reporting easier
init() {
fingerprint = ""
signature = ""
details = CertificateDetails()
struct CertificateDetails: Codable {
var name: String
var notBefore: String
var notAfter: String
var publicKey: String
var groups: [String]
var ips: [String]
var subnets: [String]
var isCa: Bool
var issuer: String
/// An empty initializer to make error reporting easier
init() {
name = ""
notBefore = ""
notAfter = ""
publicKey = ""
groups = []
ips = ["ERROR"]
subnets = []
isCa = false
issuer = ""
struct CertificateValidity: Codable {
var valid: Bool
var reason: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case valid = "Valid"
case reason = "Reason"
let statusMap: [NEVPNStatus: Bool] = [
NEVPNStatus.invalid: false,
NEVPNStatus.disconnected: false,
NEVPNStatus.connecting: false,
NEVPNStatus.connected: true,
NEVPNStatus.reasserting: true,
NEVPNStatus.disconnecting: true,
let statusString: [NEVPNStatus: String] = [
NEVPNStatus.invalid: "Invalid configuration",
NEVPNStatus.disconnected: "Disconnected",
NEVPNStatus.connecting: "Connecting...",
NEVPNStatus.connected: "Connected",
NEVPNStatus.reasserting: "Reasserting...",
NEVPNStatus.disconnecting: "Disconnecting...",
// Represents a site that was pulled out of the system configuration
class Site: Codable {
// Stored in manager
var name: String
var id: String
// Stored in proto
var staticHostmap: [String: StaticHosts]
var unsafeRoutes: [UnsafeRoute]
var cert: CertificateInfo?
var ca: [CertificateInfo]
var lhDuration: Int
var port: Int
var mtu: Int
var cipher: String
var sortKey: Int
var logVerbosity: String
var connected: Bool? //TODO: active is a better name
var status: String?
var logFile: String?
var managed: Bool
// The following fields are present if managed = true
var lastManagedUpdate: String?
var rawConfig: String?
/// If true then this site needs to be migrated to the filesystem. Should be handled by the initiator of the site
var needsToMigrateToFS: Bool = false
// A list of error encountered when trying to rehydrate a site from config
var errors: [String]
var manager: NETunnelProviderManager?
var incomingSite: IncomingSite?
/// Creates a new site from a vpn manager instance. Mainly used by the UI. A manager is required to be able to edit the system profile
convenience init(manager: NETunnelProviderManager) throws {
//TODO: Throw an error and have Sites delete the site, notify the user instead of using !
let proto = manager.protocolConfiguration as! NETunnelProviderProtocol
try self.init(proto: proto)
self.manager = manager
self.connected = statusMap[manager.connection.status]
self.status = statusString[manager.connection.status]
convenience init(proto: NETunnelProviderProtocol) throws {
let dict = proto.providerConfiguration
if dict?["config"] != nil {
let config = dict?["config"] as? Data ?? Data()
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let incoming = try decoder.decode(IncomingSite.self, from: config)
self.init(incoming: incoming)
self.needsToMigrateToFS = true
let id = dict?["id"] as? String ?? nil
if id == nil {
throw SiteError.nonConforming(site: dict)
try self.init(path: SiteList.getSiteConfigFile(id: id!, createDir: false))
/// Creates a new site from a path on the filesystem. Mainly ussed by the VPN process or when in simulator where we lack a NEVPNManager
convenience init(path: URL) throws {
let config = try Data(contentsOf: path)
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let incoming = try decoder.decode(IncomingSite.self, from: config)
self.init(incoming: incoming)
init(incoming: IncomingSite) {
var err: NSError?
incomingSite = incoming
errors = []
name = incoming.name
id = incoming.id
staticHostmap = incoming.staticHostmap
unsafeRoutes = incoming.unsafeRoutes ?? []
lhDuration = incoming.lhDuration
port = incoming.port
cipher = incoming.cipher
sortKey = incoming.sortKey ?? 0
logVerbosity = incoming.logVerbosity ?? "info"
mtu = incoming.mtu ?? 1300
managed = incoming.managed ?? false
lastManagedUpdate = incoming.lastManagedUpdate
rawConfig = incoming.rawConfig
do {
let rawCert = incoming.cert
let rawDetails = MobileNebulaParseCerts(rawCert, &err)
if err != nil {
throw err!
var certs: [CertificateInfo]
certs = try JSONDecoder().decode([CertificateInfo].self, from: rawDetails.data(using: .utf8)!)
if certs.count == 0 {
throw SiteError.noCertificate
cert = certs[0]
if !cert!.validity.valid {
errors.append("Certificate is invalid: \(cert!.validity.reason)")
} catch {
errors.append("Error while loading certificate: \(error.localizedDescription)")
do {
let rawCa = incoming.ca
let rawCaDetails = MobileNebulaParseCerts(rawCa, &err)
if err != nil {
throw err!
ca = try JSONDecoder().decode([CertificateInfo].self, from: rawCaDetails.data(using: .utf8)!)
var hasErrors = false
ca.forEach { cert in
if !cert.validity.valid {
hasErrors = true
if hasErrors && !managed {
errors.append("There are issues with 1 or more ca certificates")
} catch {
ca = []
errors.append("Error while loading certificate authorities: \(error.localizedDescription)")
do {
logFile = try SiteList.getSiteLogFile(id: self.id, createDir: true).path
} catch {
logFile = nil
errors.append("Unable to create the site directory: \(error.localizedDescription)")
if managed && (try? getDNCredentials())?.invalid != false {
errors.append("Unable to fetch managed updates - please re-enroll the device")
if errors.isEmpty {
do {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
let rawConfig = try encoder.encode(incoming)
let key = try getKey()
let strConfig = String(data: rawConfig, encoding: .utf8)
var err: NSError?
MobileNebulaTestConfig(strConfig, key, &err)
if err != nil {
throw err!
} catch {
errors.append("Config test error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// Gets the private key from the keystore, we don't always need it in memory
func getKey() throws -> String {
guard let keyData = KeyChain.load(key: "\(id).key") else {
throw SiteError.keyLoad
//TODO: make sure this is valid on return!
return String(decoding: keyData, as: UTF8.self)
func getDNCredentials() throws -> DNCredentials {
if !managed {
throw SiteError.unmanagedGetCredentials
let rawDNCredentials = KeyChain.load(key: "\(id).dnCredentials")
if rawDNCredentials == nil {
throw SiteError.dnCredentialLoad
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
return try decoder.decode(DNCredentials.self, from: rawDNCredentials!)
func invalidateDNCredentials() throws {
let creds = try getDNCredentials()
creds.invalid = true
if !(try creds.save(siteID: self.id)) {
throw SiteError.dnCredentialLoad
func validateDNCredentials() throws {
let creds = try getDNCredentials()
creds.invalid = false
if !(try creds.save(siteID: self.id)) {
throw SiteError.dnCredentialSave
func getConfig() throws -> Data {
return try self.incomingSite!.getConfig()
// Limits what we export to the UI
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case name
case id
case staticHostmap
case cert
case ca
case lhDuration
case port
case cipher
case sortKey
case connected
case status
case logFile
case unsafeRoutes
case logVerbosity
case errors
case mtu
case managed
case lastManagedUpdate
case rawConfig
class StaticHosts: Codable {
var lighthouse: Bool
var destinations: [String]
class UnsafeRoute: Codable {
var route: String
var via: String
var mtu: Int?
class DNCredentials: Codable {
var hostID: String
var privateKey: String
var counter: Int
var trustedKeys: String
var invalid: Bool {
get { return _invalid ?? false }
set { _invalid = newValue }
private var _invalid: Bool?
func save(siteID: String) throws -> Bool {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
let rawDNCredentials = try encoder.encode(self)
return KeyChain.save(key: "\(siteID).dnCredentials", data: rawDNCredentials, managed: true)
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case hostID
case privateKey
case counter
case trustedKeys
case _invalid = "invalid"
// This class represents a site coming in from flutter, meant only to be saved and re-loaded as a proper Site
struct IncomingSite: Codable {
var name: String
var id: String
var staticHostmap: [String: StaticHosts]
var unsafeRoutes: [UnsafeRoute]?
var cert: String?
var ca: String?
var lhDuration: Int
var port: Int
var mtu: Int?
var cipher: String
var sortKey: Int?
var logVerbosity: String?
var key: String?
var managed: Bool?
// The following fields are present if managed = true
var dnCredentials: DNCredentials?
var lastManagedUpdate: String?
var rawConfig: String?
func getConfig() throws -> Data {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
var config = self
config.key = nil
config.dnCredentials = nil
return try encoder.encode(config)
func save(
manager: NETunnelProviderManager?, saveToManager: Bool = true,
callback: @escaping ((any Error)?) -> Void
) {
let configPath: URL
do {
configPath = try SiteList.getSiteConfigFile(id: self.id, createDir: true)
} catch {
log.notice("Saving to \(configPath, privacy: .public)")
do {
if self.key != nil {
let data = self.key!.data(using: .utf8)
if !KeyChain.save(key: "\(self.id).key", data: data!, managed: self.managed ?? false) {
return callback(SiteError.keySave)
do {
if (try self.dnCredentials?.save(siteID: self.id)) == false {
return callback(SiteError.dnCredentialSave)
} catch {
return callback(error)
try self.getConfig().write(to: configPath)
} catch {
return callback(error)
#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
// We are on a simulator and there is no NEVPNManager for us to interact with
if saveToManager {
self.saveToManager(manager: manager, callback: callback)
} else {
private func saveToManager(
manager: NETunnelProviderManager?, callback: @escaping ((any Error)?) -> Void
) {
if manager != nil {
// We need to refresh our settings to properly update config
manager?.loadFromPreferences { error in
if error != nil {
return callback(error)
return self.finishSaveToManager(manager: manager!, callback: callback)
return finishSaveToManager(manager: NETunnelProviderManager(), callback: callback)
private func finishSaveToManager(
manager: NETunnelProviderManager, callback: @escaping ((any Error)?) -> Void
) {
// Stuff our details in the protocol
let proto =
manager.protocolConfiguration as? NETunnelProviderProtocol ?? NETunnelProviderProtocol()
proto.providerBundleIdentifier = "net.defined.mobileNebula.NebulaNetworkExtension"
// WARN: If we stop setting providerConfiguration["id"] here, we'll need to use something else to match
// managers in PacketTunnelProvider.findManager
proto.providerConfiguration = ["id": self.id]
proto.serverAddress = "Nebula"
// Finish up the manager, this is what stores everything at the system level
manager.protocolConfiguration = proto
//TODO: cert name? manager.protocolConfiguration?.username
//TODO: This is what is shown on the vpn page. We should add more identifying details in
manager.localizedDescription = self.name
manager.isEnabled = true
manager.saveToPreferences { error in
return callback(error)