- In Android Studio, make sure you have the current NDK installed by going to Tools → SDK Manager, go to the SDK Tools tab, check the `Show package details` box, expand the NDK section and select `27.0.12077973` version.
- Ensure you have downloaded a NDK via android studio, this is likely not the default one, and you need to check the
In Android Studio, set the line length using Preferences → Editor → Code Style → Dart → Line length, set it to 120. Enable auto-format with Preferences → Languages & Frameworks → Flutter → Format code on save.
Push a git tag `v#.#.#-##`, e.g. `v0.5.2-0`, and `.github/release.yml` will build a draft release and publish it to iOS TestFlight and Android internal track.
We manually promote a prerelease build from TestFlight and Android internal track to the public app stores, and then mark the associated draft release as published, removing the `-##` from it.