- In Android Studio, make sure you have the current ndk installed by going to Tools -> SDK Manager, go to the SDK Tools tab, check the `Show package details` box, expand the NDK section and select `27.0.12077973` version.
In Android Studio, set the line length using Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> Dart -> Line length, set it to 120. Enable auto-format with Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Flutter -> Format code on save.
`./swift-format.sh` can be used to format Swift code in the repo.
Once `swift-format` supports ignoring directories (<https://github.com/swiftlang/swift-format/issues/870>), we can move to a method of running it more like what <https://calebhearth.com/swift-format-github-action> describes.
In xcode, Release -> Archive then follow the directions to upload to the app store. If you have issues, https://flutter.dev/docs/deployment/ios#create-a-build-archive