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103 lines
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103 lines
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1 msl MSL Pressure reduced to MSL Pa
11 t T Temperature Deg C
13 pt PT Potential temperature K
28 ws1 WS1 Wave spectra (1) -
29 ws2 WS2 Wave spectra (2) -
30 ws3 WS3 Wave spectra (3) -
31 dir DIR Wind direction Deg true
32 spd SPD Wind speed m/s
33 u U U-component of Wind m/s
34 v V V-component of Wind m/s
35 strf STRF Stream function m2/s
36 vp VP Velocity potential m2/s
37 mntsf MNTSF Montgomery stream function m2/s2
38 sigmw SIGMW Sigma coordinate vertical velocity 1/s
39 wcur_pr WCUR_PR Z-component of velocity (pressure) Pa/s
40 wcur_ge WCUR_GE Z-component of velocity (geometric) m/s
41 absvor ABSVOR Absolute vorticity 1/s
42 absdiv ABSDIV Absolute divergence 1/s
43 relvor RELVOR Relative vorticity 1/s
44 reldiv RELDIV Relative divergence 1/s
45 vershu VERSHU Vertical u-component shear 1/s
46 vershv VERSHV Vertical v-component shear 1/s
47 dirhorcurr DIRHORCURR Direction of horizontal current Deg true
48 spdhorcurr SPDHORCURR Speed of horizontal current m/s
49 ucue UCUE U-comp of Current cm/s
50 vcur VCUR V-comp of Current cm/s
51 q Q Specific humidity g/kg
66 hsnow HSNOW Snow Depth m
67 mld MLD Mixed layer depth m
68 tthdp TTHDP Transient thermocline depth m
69 mthd MTHD Main thermocline depth m
70 mtha MTHA Main thermocline anomaly m
71 tcc TCC Total Cloud Cover Fraction
80 wtmp WTMP Water temperature K
82 zlev ZLEV Deviation of sea level from mean cm
88 s S Salinity psu
89 den DEN Density kg/m3
91 icec ICEC Ice Cover Fraction
92 icetk ICETK Total ice thickness m
93 diced DICED Direction of ice drift Deg true
94 siced SICED Speed of ice drift m/s
95 uice UICE U-component of ice drift cm/s
96 vice VICE V-component of ice drift cm/s
97 iceg ICEG Ice growth rate m/s
98 iced ICED Ice divergence 1/s
100 swh SWH Significant wave height m
101 wvdir WVDIR Direction of Wind Waves Deg. true
102 shww SHWW Sign Height Wind Waves m
103 mpww MPWW Mean Period Wind Waves s
104 swdir SWDIR Direction of Swell Waves Deg. true
105 shps SHPS Sign Height Swell Waves m
106 swper SWPER Mean Period Swell Waves s
107 dirpw DIRPW Primary wave direction Deg true
108 perpw PERPW Primary wave mean period s
109 dirsw DIRSW Secondary wave direction Deg true
110 persw PERSW Secondary wave mean period s
111 mpw MPW Mean period of waves s
112 wadir WADIR Mean direction of Waves Deg. true
113 pp1d PP1D Peak period of 1D spectra s
130 usurf USURF Skin velocity, x-comp. cm/s
131 vsurf VSURF Skin velocity, y-comp. cm/s
151 no3 NO3 Nitrate -
152 nh4 NH4 Ammonium -
153 po4 PO4 Phosphate -
154 o2 O2 Oxygen -
155 phpl PHPL Phytoplankton -
156 zpl ZPL Zooplankton -
157 dtr DTR Detritus -
158 benn BENN Bentos nitrogen -
159 benp BENP Bentos phosphorus -
160 sio4 SIO4 Silicate -
161 sio2_bi SIO2_BI Biogenic silica -
162 li_wacol LI_WACOL Light in water column -
163 inorg_mat INORG_MAT Inorganic suspended matter -
164 diat DIAT Diatomes (algae) -
165 flag FLAG Flagellates (algae) -
166 no3_agg NO3_AGG Nitrate (aggregated) -
170 ffldg FFLDG Flash flood guidance kg/m2
171 ffldro FFLDRO Flash flood runoff kg/m2
172 rssc RSSC Remotely-sensed snow cover Code
173 esct ESCT Elevation of snow-covered terrain Code
174 swepon SWEPON Snow water equivalent per cent of normal %
175 bgrun BGRUN Baseflow-groundwater runoff kg/m2
176 ssrun SSRUN Storm surface runoff kg/m2
180 cppop CPPOP Conditional per cent precipitation amount fractile for an overall period kg/m2
181 pposp PPOSP Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period %
182 pop POP Probability if 0.01 inch of precipitation %
190 tsec TSEC Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in section1) (oceonography) s
191 mosf MOSF Meridional overturning stream function m3/s
200 tke TKE Turbulent Kinetic Energy J/kg
201 dtke DTKE Dissipation rate of TKE W/kg
202 km KM Eddy viscosity m2/s
203 kh KH Eddy diffusivity m2/s
220 hlev HLEV Level ice thickness m
221 hrdg HRDG Ridged ice thickness m
222 rh RH Ice ridge height m
223 rd RD Ice ridge density 1/km
231 ucurmean UCURMEAN U-mean (prev. timestep) cm/s
232 vcurmean VCURMEAN V-mean (prev. timestep) cm/s
233 wcurmean WCURMEAN W-mean (prev. timestep) m/s
239 tsnow TSNOW Snow temperature Deg C
243 depth DEPTH Total depth in meters m