GRIB-279: Added local definitions for SMHI (centre eswi, 82)

This commit is contained in:
Shahram Najm 2013-07-24 17:34:00 +01:00
parent c22de37f79
commit 539ed6c610
27 changed files with 1669 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ dist_definitionscommon_DATA = \
definitionsgrib1dir = @GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH@/grib1
dist_definitionsgrib1_DATA = \
@ -42,6 +43,16 @@ dist_definitionsgrib1_DATA = \
@ -69,6 +80,7 @@ dist_definitionsgrib1_DATA = \
@ -151,6 +163,10 @@ dist_definitionsgrib1_DATA = \
@ -197,6 +213,7 @@ dist_definitionsgrib1_DATA = \
@ -204,6 +221,7 @@ dist_definitionsgrib1_DATA = \
@ -2288,6 +2306,17 @@ dist_definitionsmars_DATA = \
definitionsmars_eswidir = @GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH@/mars/eswi
dist_definitionsmars_eswi_DATA = \
definitionstidedir = @GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH@/tide
dist_definitionstide_DATA = \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# identification of subcenters for eswi centre (SMHI)
0 none not set
96 96 HIRLAM dat
98 98 previously used to tag SMHI data that is ECMWF complaint (not used anymore)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
1 pres PRES Pressure Pa
2 msl MSL Pressure reduced to MSL Pa
3 ptend PTEND Pressure tendency Pa/s
4 pv PV Potential vorticity K*m2 / kg / s
5 icaht ICAHT ICAO Standard Atmosphere reference height m
6 z Z Geopotential m2/s2
7 gh GH Geopotential height Gpm
8 h H Geometric height m
9 hstdv HSTDV Standard deviation of height m
10 tco3 TCO3 Total ozone Dobson
11 t T Temperature K
12 vtmp VTMP Virtual temperature K
13 pt PT Potential temperature K
14 papt PAPT Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature K
15 tmax TMAX Maximum temperature K
16 tmin TMIN Minimum temperature K
17 dpt DPT Dew point temperature K
18 depr DEPR Dew point depression (or deficit) K
19 lapr LAPR Lapse rate K/m
20 vis VIS Visibility m
21 rdsp1 RDSP1 Radar Spectra (1) -
22 rdsp2 RDSP2 Radar Spectra (2) -
23 rdsp3 RDSP3 Radar Spectra (3) -
24 pli PLI Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) K
25 ta TA Temperature anomaly K
26 pa PA Pressure anomaly Pa
27 gpa GPA Geopotential height anomaly Gpm
28 wvsp1 WVSP1 Wave Spectra (1) -
29 wvsp2 WVSP2 Wave Spectra (2) -
30 wvsp3 WVSP3 Wave Spectra (3) -
31 wdir WDIR Wind direction Deg. true
32 wins WINS Wind speed m/s
33 u U u-component of wind m/s
34 v V v-component of wind m/s
35 strf STRF Stream function m2/s
36 vp VP Velocity potential m2/s
37 mntsf MNTSF Montgomery stream function m2/s2
38 sigma SIGMA Sigma coord. vertical velocity 1/s
39 omega OMEGA Pressure Vertical velocity Pa/s
40 w W Geometric Vertical velocity m/s
41 absv ABSV Absolute vorticity 1/s
42 absd ABSD Absolute divergence 1/s
43 vo VO Relative vorticity 1/s
44 d D Relative divergence 1/s
45 vusch VUSCH Vertical u-component shear 1/s
46 vvsch VVSCH Vertical v-component shear 1/s
47 dirc DIRC Direction of current Deg. true
48 spc SPC Speed of current m/s
49 ucurr UCURR u-component of current m/s
50 vcurr VCURR v-component of current m/s
51 q Q Specific humidity kg/kg
52 r R Relative humidity %
53 mixr MIXR Humidity mixing ratio kg/kg
54 pwat PWAT Precipitable water kg/m2
55 vp VP Vapour pressure Pa
56 satd SATD Saturation deficit Pa
57 e E Evaporation m of water equivalent
58 cice CICE Cloud Ice kg/m2
59 prate PRATE Precipitation rate kg/m2/s
60 tstm TSTM Thunderstorm probability %
61 tp TP Total precipitation kg/m2
62 lsp LSP Large scale precipitation kg/m2
63 acpcp ACPCP Convective precipitation kg/m2
64 srweq SRWEQ Snowfall rate water equivalent kg/m2/s
65 sdwe SDWE Water equiv. of accum. snow depth kg/m2
66 sd SD Snow depth m
67 mld MLD Mixed layer depth m
68 tthdp TTHDP Transient thermocline depth m
69 mthd MTHD Main thermocline depth m
70 mtha MTHA Main thermocline anomaly m
71 tcc TCC Total cloud cover %
72 ccc CCC Convective cloud cover %
73 lcc LCC Low cloud cover %
74 mcc MCC Medium cloud cover %
75 hcc HCC High cloud cover %
76 cwat CWAT Cloud water kg/m2
77 bli BLI Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) K
78 snoc SNOC Convective snow kg/m2
79 snol SNOL Large scale snow kg/m2
80 wtmp WTMP Water Temperature K
81 lsm LSM Land-sea mask (1=land 0=sea) (see note) Fraction
82 dslm DSLM Deviation of sea level from mean m
83 sr SR Surface roughness m
84 al AL Albedo %
85 st ST Soil temperature K
86 ssw SSW Soil moisture content kg/m2
87 veg VEG Vegetation %
88 s S Salinity kg/kg
89 den DEN Density kg/m3
90 watr WATR Water run off kg/m2
91 icec ICEC Ice cover (ice=1 no ice=0)(see note) Fraction
92 icetk ICETK Ice thickness m
93 diced DICED Direction of ice drift deg. true
94 siced SICED Speed of ice drift m/s
95 uice UICE u-component of ice drift m/s
96 vice VICE v-component of ice drift m/s
97 iceg ICEG Ice growth rate m/s
98 iced ICED Ice divergence /s
99 snom SNOM Snow melt kg/m2
100 swh SWH Significant height of combined wind waves and swell m
101 wvdir WVDIR Direction of wind waves deg. true
102 shww SHWW Significant height of wind waves m
103 mpww MPWW Mean period of wind waves s
104 swdir SWDIR Direction of swell waves deg. true
105 swell SWELL Significant height of swell waves m
106 swper SWPER Mean period of swell waves s
107 prwd PRWD Primary wave direction deg. true
108 perpw PERPW Primary wave mean period s
109 dirsw DIRSW Secondary wave direction deg. true
110 persw PERSW Secondary wave mean period s
111 nswrs NSWRS Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) W/m2
112 nlwrs NLWRS Net long wave radiation flux (surface) W/m2
113 nswrt NSWRT Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atmos.) W/m2
114 nlwrt NLWRT Net long wave radiation flux (top of atmos.) W/m2
115 lwavr LWAVR Long wave radiation flux W/m2
116 swavr SWAVR Short wave radiation flux W/m2
117 grad GRAD Global radiation flux W/m2
118 btmp BTMP Brightness temperature K
119 lwrad LWRAD Radiance (with respect to wave number) W/m/sr
120 swrad SWRAD Radiance (with respect to wave length) W/m3/sr
121 lhtfl LHTFL Latent heat net flux W/m2
122 shtfl SHTFL Sensible heat net flux W/m2
123 bld BLD Boundary layer dissipation W/m2
124 uflx UFLX Momentum flux, u component N/m2
125 vflx VFLX Momentum flux, v component N/m2
126 wmixe WMIXE Wind mixing energy J
127 imgd IMGD Image data -
128 mofl MOFL Momentum flux Pa
129 qten QTEN Humidity tendencies ?
130 radtop RADTOP Radiation at top of atmosphere ?
131 ctt CTT Cloud top temperature, infrared K
132 wvbt WVBT Water vapor brightness temperature K
133 wvbt_corr WVBT_CORR Water vapor brightness temperature, correction K
134 cwref CWREF Cloud water reflectivity Fraction
135 maxgust MAXGUST Maximum wind m/s
136 mingust MINGUST Minimum wind m/s
137 icc ICC Integrated cloud condensate kg/m2
138 sd SD Snow depth m
139 sdol SDOL Open land snow depth m
140 tland TLAND Temperature over land K
141 qland QLAND Specific humidity over land kg/kg
142 rhland RHLAND Relative humidity over land Fraction
143 dptland DPTLAND Dew point over land K
160 slfr SLFR Slope fraction Fraction
161 shfr SHFR Shadow fraction Fraction
162 rsha RSHA Shadow parameter RSHA -
163 rshb RSHB Shadow parameter RSHB -
164 movegro MOVEGRO Momentum vegetation roughness m
165 susl SUSL Surface slope -
166 skwf SKWF Sky wiew factor Fraction
167 frasp FRASP Fraction of aspect -
168 hero HERO Heat roughness m
169 al_scorr AL_SCORR Albedo with solar angle correction Fraction
189 swi SWI Soil wetness index -
190 asn ASN Snow albedo Fraction
191 dsn DSN Snow density -
192 watcn WATCN Water on canopy level kg/m2
193 ssi SSI Surface soil ice m3/m3
194 frst FRST Fraction of surface type Fraction
195 st ST Soil type code
196 fol FOL Fraction of lake Fraction
197 fof FOF Fraction of forest Fraction
198 fool FOOL Fraction of open land Fraction
199 vgtyp VGTYP Vegetation type (Olsson land use) -
200 tke TKE Turbulent Kinetic Energy J/kg
204 sdor SDOR Standard deviation of mesoscale orography gpm
205 amo AMO Anisotrophic mesoscale orography -
206 anmo ANMO X-angle of mesoscale orography rad
208 mssso MSSSO Maximum slope of smallest scale orography rad
209 sdsso SDSSO Standard deviation of smallest scale orography gpm
210 iceex ICEEX Ice existence -
222 lcl LCL Lifting condensation level m
223 lnbuo LNBUO Level of neutral buoyancy m
224 ci CI Convective inhibation J/kg
225 cape CAPE CAPE J/kg
226 ptype PTYPE Precipitation type code
227 fricv FRICV Friction velocity m/s
228 gust GUST Wind gust m/s
250 anpr3 ANPR3 Analysed 3-hour precipitation (-3h/0h) kg/m2
251 anpr12 ANPR12 Analysed 12-hour precipitation (-12h/0h) kg/m2

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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
1 so2 SO2 SO2/SO2 -
2 so4_2- SO4_2- SO4(2-)/SO4(2-) (sulphate) -
3 dms DMS DMS/DMS -
4 msa MSA MSA/MSA -
5 h2s H2S H2S/H2S -
6 nh4so4 NH4SO4 NH4SO4/(NH4)1.5H0.5SO4 -
7 nh4hso4 NH4HSO4 NH4HSO4/NH4HSO4 -
8 nh42so4 NH42SO4 NH42SO4/(NH4)2SO4 -
10 so2_aq SO2_AQ SO2_AQ/SO2 in aqueous phase -
11 so4_aq SO4_AQ SO4_AQ/sulfate in aqueous phase -
23 lrt_so2_s LRT_SO2_S LRT_SO2_S/long-range SO2_S -
24 lrt_so4_s LRT_SO4_S LRT_SO4_S/LRT-contriubtion to SO4_S -
25 lrt_sox_s LRT_SOX_S LRT_SOX_S/LRT-contriubtion to SO4_S -
26 xsox_s XSOX_S XSOX_S/excess SOX (corrected for sea salt as sulfur) -
27 so2_s SO2_S SO2_S/SO2 (as sulphur) -
28 so4_s SO4_S SO4_S/SO4 (as sulphur) -
29 sox_s SOX_S SOX_S/All oxidised sulphur compounds (as sulphur) -
30 no NO NO -
31 no2 NO2 NO2/NO2 -
32 hno3 HNO3 HNO3/HNO3 -
33 no3- NO3- NO3(-1)/NO3(-1) (nitrate) -
34 nh4no3 NH4NO3 NH4NO3/NH4NO3 -
37 lrt_noy_n LRT_NOY_N LRT_NOY_N/long-range NOY_N -
38 no3_n NO3_N NO3_N/NO3 as N -
39 hno3_n HNO3_N HNO3_N/HNO3 as N -
40 lrt_no3_n LRT_NO3_N LRT_NO3_N/long-range NO3_N -
41 lrt_hno3_n LRT_HNO3_N LRT_HNO3_N/long-range HNO3_N -
42 lrt_no2_n LRT_NO2_N LRT_NO2_N/long-range NO2_N -
43 lrt_noz_n LRT_NOZ_N LRT_NOZ_N/long-range NOZ_N -
44 nox NOX NOX/NOX as NO2 -
45 no_n NO_N NO_N/NO as N -
46 no2_n NO2_N NO2_N/NO2 as N -
47 nox_n NOX_N NOX_N/NO2+NO (NOx) as nitrogen -
48 noy_n NOY_N NOY_N/All oxidised N-compounds (as nitrogen) -
49 noz_n NOZ_N NOZ_N/NOy-NOx (as nitrogen) -
50 nh3 NH3 NH3/NH3 -
51 nh4_plus NH4_PLUS NH4(+1)/NH4 -
54 nh3_n NH3_N NH3_N/NH3 (as nitrogen) -
55 nh4_n NH4_N NH4_N/NH4 (as nitrogen) -
56 lrt_nh3_n LRT_NH3_N LRT_NH3_N/long-range NH3_N -
57 lrt_nh4_n LRT_NH4_N LRT_NH4_N/long-range NH4_N -
58 lrt_nhx_n LRT_NHX_N LRT_NHX_N/long-range NHX_N -
59 nhx_n NHX_N NHX_N/All reduced nitrogen (as nitrogen) -
60 o3 O3 O3 -
61 h2o2 H2O2 H2O2/H2O2 -
62 oh OH OH/OH -
63 o3_aq O3_AQ O3_AQ/O3 in aqueous phase -
64 h2o2_aq H2O2_AQ H2O2_AQ/H2O2 in aqueous phase -
65 ox OX OX/Ox=O3+NO2 -
70 c C C -
71 co CO CO/CO -
72 co2 CO2 CO2/CO2 -
73 ch4 CH4 CH4/CH4 -
74 oc OC OC/Organic carbon (particles) -
75 ec EC EC/Elementary carbon (particles) -
80 cf6 CF6 CF6 -
81 pmch PMCH PMCH/PMCH -
82 pmcp PMCP PMCP/PMCP -
83 tracer TRACER TRACER/Tracer -
84 inert INERT Inert/Inert -
85 h3 H3 H3 -
86 ar41 AR41 Ar41/Ar41 -
87 kr85 KR85 Kr85/Kr85 -
88 kr88 KR88 Kr88/Kr88 -
91 xe131 XE131 Xe131/Xe131 -
92 xe133 XE133 Xe133/Xe133 -
93 rn222 RN222 Rn222/Rn222 -
95 i131 I131 I131/I131 -
96 i132 I132 I132/I132 -
97 i133 I133 I133/I133 -
98 i135 I135 I135/I135 -
100 sr90 SR90 Sr90 -
101 co60 CO60 Co60/Co60 -
102 ru103 RU103 Ru103/Ru103 -
103 ru106 RU106 Ru106/Ru106 -
104 cs134 CS134 Cs134/Cs134 -
105 cs137 CS137 Cs137/Cs137 -
106 ra223 RA223 Ra223/Ra123 -
108 ra228 RA228 Ra228/Ra228 -
110 zr95 ZR95 Zr95 -
111 nb95 NB95 Nb95/Nb95 -
112 ce144 CE144 Ce144/Ce144 -
113 np238 NP238 Np238/Np238 -
114 np239 NP239 Np239/Np239 -
115 pu241 PU241 Pu241/Pu241 -
116 pb210 PB210 Pb210/Pb210 -
119 all ALL ALL -
120 nacl NACL NACL -
121 na_plus NA_PLUS SODIUM/Na+ -
122 mg_2plus MG_2PLUS MAGNESIUM/Mg++ -
123 k_plus K_PLUS POTASSIUM/K+ -
124 ca_2plus CA_2PLUS CALCIUM/Ca++ -
125 xmg XMG XMG/excess Mg++ (corrected for sea salt) -
126 xk XK XK/excess K+ (corrected for sea salt) -
128 xca XCA XCA/excess Ca++ (corrected for sea salt) -
140 cl2 CL2 Cl2/Cloride -
160 pmfine PMFINE PMFINE -
161 pmcoarse PMCOARSE PMCOARSE/Coarse particles -
162 dust DUST DUST/Dust (particles) -
163 pnumber PNUMBER PNUMBER/Number concentration -
164 pradius PRADIUS PRADIUS/Particle radius -
165 psurface PSURFACE PSURFACE/Particle surface conc -
166 pmass PMASS PMASS/Particle mass conc -
167 pm10 PM10 PM10/PM10 particles -
168 psox PSOX PSOX/Particulate sulfate -
169 pnox PNOX PNOX/Particulate nitrate -
170 pnhx PNHX PNHX/Particulate ammonium -
171 ppmfine PPMFINE PPMFINE/Primary emitted fine particles -
172 ppm10 PPM10 PPM10/Primary emitted particles -
173 soa SOA SOA/Secondary Organic Aerosol -
174 pm2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5/PM2.5 particles -
175 pm PM PM/Total particulate matter -
180 birch_pollen BIRCH_POLLEN BIRCH_POLLEN/Birch pollen -
200 kz KZ KZ m2/s
201 l L L/Monin-Obukhovs length [m] m
202 u_star U_STAR U*/Friction velocity [m/s] m/s
203 w_star W_STAR W*/Convective velocity scale [m/s] m/s
204 z-d Z-D Z-D/Z0 minus displacement length [m] m
210 surftype SURFTYPE SURFTYPE/Surface type (see \link{OCTET45}) -
211 lai LAI LAI/Leaf area index -
212 soiltype SOILTYPE SOILTYPE/Soil type -
213 ssalb SSALB SSALB/Single scattering albodo [1] 1
214 asympar ASYMPAR ASYMPAR/Asymmetry parameter -
215 vis VIS VIS/Visibility [m] m
216 ext EXT EXT/Extinction [1/m] 1/m
217 bsca BSCA BSCA/Backscattering coeff [1/m/sr] 1/m/sr
218 aod AOD AOD/Aerosol opt depth [1] 1
219 daod DAOD DAOD/AOD per layer [1] 1
220 conv_tied CONV_TIED CONV_TIED -
221 conv_bot CONV_BOT CONV_BOT/Convective cloud bottom (unit?) -
222 conv_top CONV_TOP CONV_TOP/Convective cloud top (unit?) -
223 dxdy DXDY DXDY/Gridsize [m2] m2
240 emis EMIS EMIS/Sectoral emissions -
241 long LONG LONG/Longitude -
242 lat LAT LAT/Latitude -

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
1 msl MSL Pressure reduced to MSL Pa
11 t T Temperature K
12 tiw TIW Wet bulb temperature K
13 mean2t24 MEAN2T24 24 hour mean of 2 meter temperature K
15 tmax TMAX Maximum temperature K
16 tmin TMIN Minimum temperature K
20 vis VIS Visibility m
32 fg FG Wind gusts m/s
33 u U u-component of wind m/s
34 v V v-component of wind m/s
52 r R Relative humidity %
71 tcc TCC Total cloud cover fraction
73 lcc LCC Low cloud cover fraction
74 mcc MCC Medium cloud cove fraction
75 hcc HCC High cloud cover fraction
77 frsigc FRSIGC Fraction of significant clouds fraction
78 cbsigc CBSIGC Cloud base of significant clouds m
79 ctsigc CTSIGC Cloud top of significant clouds m
128 vptmp VPTMP Virtual potential temperature K
129 heatx HEATX Heat index K
130 wcf WCF Wind chill factor K
131 snohf SNOHF Snow phase change heat flux W/m2
132 skt SKT Skin temperature K
133 snoag SNOAG Snow age day
134 absh ABSH Absolute humidity kg/m3
135 ptype PTYPE Precipitation type code
136 iliqw ILIQW Integrated liquid water kg/m2
137 tcond TCOND Condensate kg/kg
138 clwmr CLWMR Cloud mixing ratio kg/kg
139 icmr ICMR Ice water mixing ratio kg/kg
140 rwmr RWMR Rain mixing ratio kg/kg
141 snmr SNMR Snow mixing ratio kg/kg
142 mconv MCONV Horizontal moisture convergence kg/kg/s
143 pwcat PWCAT Precipitable water category code
144 hail HAIL Hail m
145 prtype PRTYPE Type of precipitation code
146 prsort PRSORT Sort of precipitation code
150 grle GRLE Graupel kg/kg
151 crain CRAIN Categorical rain code
152 cfrzr CFRZR Categorical freezing rain code
153 cicep CICEP Categorical ice pellets code
154 csnow CSNOW Categorical snow code
155 cprat CPRAT Convective precipitation rate kg/m2/s
156 mconv MCONV Horizontal moisture divergence kg/kg/s
157 cpofp CPOFP Percent frozen precipitation %
158 pev PEV Potential evaporation kg/m2
159 pevpr PEVPR Potential evaporation rate W/m2
160 snowc SNOWC Snow cover %
161 prec6h PREC6H 6 hour precipitation mm
162 prec12h PREC12H 12 hour precipitation mm
163 prec18h PREC18H 18 hour precipitation mm
164 prec24h PREC24H 24 hour precipitation mm
165 prec1h PREC1H 1 hour precipitation mm
166 prec2h PREC2H 2 hour precipitation mm
167 prec3h PREC3H 3 hour precipitation mm
168 prec9h PREC9H 9 hour precipitation mm
169 prec15h PREC15H 15 hour precipitation mm
171 frsn6h FRSN6H 6 hour fresh snow cover cm
172 frsn12h FRSN12H 12 hour fresh snow cover cm
173 frsn18h FRSN18H 18 hour fresh snow cover cm
174 frsn24h FRSN24H 24 hour fresh snow cover cm
175 frsn1h FRSN1H 1 hour fresh snow cover cm
176 frsn2h FRSN2H 2 hour fresh snow cover cm
177 frsn3h FRSN3H 3 hour fresh snow cover cm
178 frsn9h FRSN9H 9 hour fresh snow cover cm
179 frsn15h FRSN15H 15 hour fresh snow cover cm
181 prec6h_cor PREC6H_COR 6 hour precipitation, corrected mm
182 prec12h_cor PREC12H_COR 12 hour precipitation, corrected mm
183 prec18h_cor PREC18H_COR 18 hour precipitation, corrected mm
184 prec24h_cor PREC24H_COR 24 hour precipitation, corrected mm
185 prec1h_cor PREC1H_COR 1 hour precipitation, corrected mm
186 prec2h_cor PREC2H_COR 2 hour precipitation, corrected mm
187 prec3h_cor PREC3H_COR 3 hour precipitation, corrected mm
188 prec9h_cor PREC9H_COR 9 hour precipitation, corrected mm
189 prec15h_cor PREC15H_COR 15 hour precipitation, corrected mm
191 frsn6h_cor FRSN6H_COR 6 hour fresh snow cover, corrected cm
192 frsn12h_cor FRSN12H_COR 12 hour fresh snow cover, corrected cm
193 frsn18h_cor FRSN18H_COR 18 hour fresh snow cover, corrected cm
194 frsn24h_cor FRSN24H_COR 24 hour fresh snow cover, corrected cm
195 frsn1h_cor FRSN1H_COR 1 hour fresh snow cover, corrected cm
196 frsn2h_cor FRSN2H_COR 2 hour fresh snow cover, corrected cm
197 frsn3h_cor FRSN3H_COR 3 hour fresh snow cover, corrected cm
198 frsn9h_cor FRSN9H_COR 9 hour fresh snow cover, corrected cm
199 frsn15h_cor FRSN15H_COR 15 hour fresh snow cover, corrected cm
201 prec6h_sta PREC6H_STA 6 hour precipitation, standardized mm
202 prec12h_sta PREC12H_STA 12 hour precipitation, standardized mm
203 prec18h_sta PREC18H_STA 18 hour precipitation, standardized mm
204 prec24h_sta PREC24H_STA 24 hour precipitation, standardized mm
205 prec1h_sta PREC1H_STA 1 hour precipitation, standardized mm
206 prec2h_sta PREC2H_STA 2 hour precipitation, standardized mm
207 prec3h_sta PREC3H_STA 3 hour precipitation, standardized mm
208 prec9h_sta PREC9H_STA 9 hour precipitation, standardized mm
209 prec15h_sta PREC15H_STA 15 hour precipitation, standardized mm
211 frsn6h_sta FRSN6H_STA 6 hour fresh snow cover, standardized cm
212 frsn12h_sta FRSN12H_STA 12 hour fresh snow cover, standardized cm
213 frsn18h_sta FRSN18H_STA 18 hour fresh snow cover, standardized cm
214 frsn24h_sta FRSN24H_STA 24 hour fresh snow cover, standardized cm
215 frsn1h_sta FRSN1H_STA 1 hour fresh snow cover, standardized cm
216 frsn2h_sta FRSN2H_STA 2 hour fresh snow cover, standardized cm
217 frsn3h_sta FRSN3H_STA 3 hour fresh snow cover, standardized cm
218 frsn9h_sta FRSN9H_STA 9 hour fresh snow cover, standardized cm
219 frsn15h_sta FRSN15H_STA 15 hour fresh snow cover, standardized cm
221 prec6h_corsta PREC6H_CORSTA 6 hour precipitation, corrected and standardized mm
222 prec12h_corsta PREC12H_CORSTA 12 hour precipitation, corrected and standardized mm
223 prec18h_corsta PREC18H_CORSTA 18 hour precipitation, corrected and standardized mm
224 prec24h_corsta PREC24H_CORSTA 24 hour precipitation, corrected and standardized mm
225 prec1h_corsta PREC1H_CORSTA 1 hour precipitation, corrected and standardized mm
226 prec2h_corsta PREC2H_CORSTA 2 hour precipitation, corrected and standardized mm
227 prec3h_corsta PREC3H_CORSTA 3 hour precipitation, corrected and standardized mm
228 prec9h_corsta PREC9H_CORSTA 9 hour precipitation, corrected and standardized mm
229 prec15h_corsta PREC15H_CORSTA 15 hour precipitation, corrected and standardized mm
231 frsn6h_corsta FRSN6H_CORSTA 6 hour fresh snow cover, corrected and standardized cm
232 frsn12h_corsta FRSN12H_CORSTA 12 hour fresh snow cover, corrected and standardized cm
233 frsn18h_corsta FRSN18H_CORSTA 18 hour fresh snow cover, corrected and standardized cm
234 frsn24h_corsta FRSN24H_CORSTA 24 hour fresh snow cover, corrected and standardized cm
235 frsn1h_corsta FRSN1H_CORSTA 1 hour fresh snow cover, corrected and standardized cm
236 frsn2h_corsta FRSN2H_CORSTA 2 hour fresh snow cover, corrected and standardized cm
237 frsn3h_corsta FRSN3H_CORSTA 3 hour fresh snow cover, corrected and standardized cm
238 frsn9h_corsta FRSN9H_CORSTA 9 hour fresh snow cover, corrected and standardized cm
239 frsn15h_corsta FRSN15H_CORSTA 15 hour fresh snow cover, corrected and standardized cm

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
1 mslp MSLP Pressure reduced to MSL Pa
11 t T Temperature K
20 vis VIS Visibility m
33 u U u-component of wind m/s
34 v V v-component of wind m/s
52 r R Relative humidity %
58 fzrapr FZRAPR Probability of frozen rain %
60 tstm TSTM Probability thunderstorm %
71 tcc TCC Total cloud cover fraction
72 ccc CCC Convective cloud cover fraction
73 lcc LCC Low cloud cover fraction
74 mcc MCC Medium cloud cove fraction
75 hcc HCC High cloud cover fraction
77 cm CM cloud mask fraction
110 epstm EPSTM EPS T mean K
111 epststd EPSTSTD EPS T standard deviation K
130 mxws10min MXWS10MIN Maximum wind (mean 10 min) M/S
131 gust GUST Wind gust M/S
135 cbase_sig CBASE_SIG Cloud base (significant) m
136 ctop_sig CTOP_SIG Cloud top (significant) m
140 pit PIT Precipitation intensity total kg/m2/s
141 pis PIS Precipitation intensity snow kg/m2/s
145 ptype PTYPE Precipitation type, conv 0, large scale 1, no prec -9 category
146 pcat PCAT Category of precipitation, 0 no, 1 snow, 2 snow and rain, 3 rain, 4 drizzle, 5, freezing rain, 6 freezing drizzle category
150 dswrf DSWRF Downward short-wave radiation flux W/m2
151 uswrf USWRF Upward short-wave radiation flux W/m2
152 nswrf NSWRF Net short wave radiation flux W/m2
153 photar PHOTAR Photosynthetically active radiation W/m2
154 nswrfcs NSWRFCS Net short-wave radiation flux, clear sky W/m2
155 dwuvr DWUVR Downward UV radiation W/m2
156 uviucs UVIUCS UV index (under clear sky) Numeric
157 uvi UVI UV index Numeric
158 dlwrf DLWRF Downward long-wave radiation flux W/m2
159 ulwrf ULWRF Upward long-wave radiation flux W/m2
160 nlwrf NLWRF Net long wave radiation flux W/m2
161 nlwrfcs NLWRFCS Net long-wave radiation flux, clear sky W/m2
162 cdca CDCA Cloud amount %
163 cdct CDCT Cloud type Code
164 tmaxt TMAXT Thunderstorm maximum tops m
165 thunc THUNC Thunderstorm coverage Code
166 cdcb CDCB Cloud base m
167 cdct CDCT Cloud top m
168 ceil CEIL Ceiling m
169 cdlyr CDLYR Non-convective cloud cover %
170 cwork CWORK Cloud work function J/kg
171 cuefi CUEFI Convective cloud efficiency Proportion
172 tcond TCOND Total condensate kg/kg
173 tcolw TCOLW Total column-integrated cloud water kg/m2
174 tcoli TCOLI Total column-integrated cloud ice kg/m2
175 tcolc TCOLC Total column-integrated condensate kg/m2
176 fice FICE Ice fraction of total condensate Proportion
177 cc CC Cloud cover %
178 cdcimr CDCIMR Cloud ice mixing ratio kg/kg
179 suns SUNS Sunshine Numeric
180 cbext CBEXT Horizontal extent of cumulunimbus (CB) %
181 fracc FRACC Fraction of cloud cover Numeric
182 sund SUND Sunshine duration s
183 kx KX K index K
184 kox KOX KO index K
185 totalx TOTALX Total totals index K
186 sx SX Sweat index Numeric
187 hlcy HLCY Storm relative helicity J/kg
188 ehlx EHLX Energy helicity index Numeric
189 lftx LFTX Surface lifted index K
190 4lftx 4LFTX Best (4-layer) lifted index K
191 ri RI Richardson number Numeric
192 aerot AEROT Aerosol type Code
193 o3mx O3MX Ozone mixing ratio kg/kg
194 tcioz TCIOZ Total column integrated ozone Dobson
200 bswid BSWID Base spectrum width m/s
201 bref BREF Base reflectivity dB
202 brvel BRVEL Base radial velocity m/s
203 veril VERIL Vertically integrated liquid kg/m
204 lmaxbr LMAXBR Layer-maximum base reflectivity dB
205 prrad PRRAD Precipitation (radar) kg/m
206 eqrrra EQRRRA Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain mm6/m3
207 eqrrsn EQRRSN Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow mm6/m3
208 eqrfpc EQRFPC Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for paramterized convection mm6/m3
209 ectop_rad ECTOP_RAD Echo top (radar) m
210 refl_rad REFL_RAD Reflectivity (radar) dB
211 corefl_rad COREFL_RAD Composite reflectivity (radar) dB
215 icit ICIT Icing top m
216 icib ICIB Icing base m
217 ici ICI Icing Code
218 turbt TURBT Turbulence top m
219 turbb TURBB Turbulence base m
220 turb TURB Turbulence Code
221 pblr PBLR Planetary boundary-layer regime Code
222 conti CONTI Contrail intensity Code
223 contet CONTET Contrail engine type Code
224 contt CONTT Contrail top m
225 contb CONTB Contrail base m
226 snfalb SNFALB Snow free albedo %
227 ici_prop ICI_PROP Icing %
228 icturb ICTURB In-cloud turbulence %
229 cat CAT Clear air turbulence (CAT) %
230 scld_prob SCLD_PROB Supercooled large droplet probability %
235 text TEXT Arbitrary text string CCITTIA5
236 secpref SECPREF Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in section1) (meteorology) s

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
11 sst_lake SST_LAKE Sea surface temperature (LAKE) K
49 ecurr ECURR Current east m/s
50 ncurr NCURR Current north m/s
66 sd_pr SD_PR Snowdepth in Probe m
91 iceconc_lake ICECONC_LAKE Ice concentration (LAKE) fraction
92 iceth_pr ICETH_PR Ice thickness Probe-lake m
150 t_abc T_ABC Temperature ABC-lake K
151 t_c T_C Temperature C-lake K
152 t_d T_D Temperature D-lake K
153 t_e T_E Temperature E-lake K
160 ar_abc AR_ABC Area ABC-lake km2
161 dp_abc DP_ABC Depth ABC-lake m
162 c C C-lakes amount
163 d D D-lakes amount
164 e E E-lakes amount
170 iceth_abc ICETH_ABC Ice thickness ABC-lake m
171 iceth_c ICETH_C Ice thickness C-lake m
172 iceth_d ICETH_D Ice thickness D-lake m
173 iceth_e ICETH_E Ice thickness E-lake m
180 sst_t SST_T Sea surface temperature (T) K
183 iceconc_i ICECONC_I Ice concentration (I) fraction
196 fl FL Fraction lake fraction
241 bit_pr BIT_PR Black ice thickness in Probe m
244 244 None Vallad istjocklek i Probe m
245 intice_pr INTICE_PR Internal ice concentration in Probe fraction
246 icefr_pr ICEFR_PR Isfrontlaege i Probe m
250 heat_pr HEAT_PR Heat in Probe Joule
251 tke TKE Turbulent Kintetic Energy J/kg
252 tkediss TKEDISS Dissipation rate Turbulent Kinetic Energy W/kg

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
1 msl MSL Pressure reduced to MSL Pa
11 t T Temperature Deg C
13 pt PT Potential temperature K
28 ws1 WS1 Wave spectra (1) -
29 ws2 WS2 Wave spectra (2) -
30 ws3 WS3 Wave spectra (3) -
31 dir DIR Wind direction Deg true
32 spd SPD Wind speed m/s
33 u U U-component of Wind m/s
34 v V V-component of Wind m/s
35 strf STRF Stream function m2/s
36 vp VP Velocity potential m2/s
37 mntsf MNTSF Montgomery stream function m2/s2
38 sigmw SIGMW Sigma coordinate vertical velocity 1/s
39 wcur_pr WCUR_PR Z-component of velocity (pressure) Pa/s
40 wcur_ge WCUR_GE Z-component of velocity (geometric) m/s
41 absvor ABSVOR Absolute vorticity 1/s
42 absdiv ABSDIV Absolute divergence 1/s
43 relvor RELVOR Relative vorticity 1/s
44 reldiv RELDIV Relative divergence 1/s
45 vershu VERSHU Vertical u-component shear 1/s
46 vershv VERSHV Vertical v-component shear 1/s
47 dirhorcurr DIRHORCURR Direction of horizontal current Deg true
48 spdhorcurr SPDHORCURR Speed of horizontal current m/s
49 ucue UCUE U-comp of Current cm/s
50 vcur VCUR V-comp of Current cm/s
51 q Q Specific humidity g/kg
66 hsnow HSNOW Snow Depth m
67 mld MLD Mixed layer depth m
68 tthdp TTHDP Transient thermocline depth m
69 mthd MTHD Main thermocline depth m
70 mtha MTHA Main thermocline anomaly m
71 tcc TCC Total Cloud Cover Fraction
80 wtmp WTMP Water temperature K
82 zlev ZLEV Deviation of sea level from mean cm
88 s S Salinity psu
89 den DEN Density kg/m3
91 icec ICEC Ice Cover Fraction
92 icetk ICETK Total ice thickness m
93 diced DICED Direction of ice drift Deg true
94 siced SICED Speed of ice drift m/s
95 uice UICE U-component of ice drift cm/s
96 vice VICE V-component of ice drift cm/s
97 iceg ICEG Ice growth rate m/s
98 iced ICED Ice divergence 1/s
100 swh SWH Significant wave height m
101 wvdir WVDIR Direction of Wind Waves Deg. true
102 shww SHWW Sign Height Wind Waves m
103 mpww MPWW Mean Period Wind Waves s
104 swdir SWDIR Direction of Swell Waves Deg. true
105 shps SHPS Sign Height Swell Waves m
106 swper SWPER Mean Period Swell Waves s
107 dirpw DIRPW Primary wave direction Deg true
108 perpw PERPW Primary wave mean period s
109 dirsw DIRSW Secondary wave direction Deg true
110 persw PERSW Secondary wave mean period s
111 mpw MPW Mean period of waves s
112 wadir WADIR Mean direction of Waves Deg. true
113 pp1d PP1D Peak period of 1D spectra s
130 usurf USURF Skin velocity, x-comp. cm/s
131 vsurf VSURF Skin velocity, y-comp. cm/s
151 no3 NO3 Nitrate -
152 nh4 NH4 Ammonium -
153 po4 PO4 Phosphate -
154 o2 O2 Oxygen -
155 phpl PHPL Phytoplankton -
156 zpl ZPL Zooplankton -
157 dtr DTR Detritus -
158 benn BENN Bentos nitrogen -
159 benp BENP Bentos phosphorus -
160 sio4 SIO4 Silicate -
161 sio2_bi SIO2_BI Biogenic silica -
162 li_wacol LI_WACOL Light in water column -
163 inorg_mat INORG_MAT Inorganic suspended matter -
164 diat DIAT Diatomes (algae) -
165 flag FLAG Flagellates (algae) -
166 no3_agg NO3_AGG Nitrate (aggregated) -
170 ffldg FFLDG Flash flood guidance kg/m2
171 ffldro FFLDRO Flash flood runoff kg/m2
172 rssc RSSC Remotely-sensed snow cover Code
173 esct ESCT Elevation of snow-covered terrain Code
174 swepon SWEPON Snow water equivalent per cent of normal %
175 bgrun BGRUN Baseflow-groundwater runoff kg/m2
176 ssrun SSRUN Storm surface runoff kg/m2
180 cppop CPPOP Conditional per cent precipitation amount fractile for an overall period kg/m2
181 pposp PPOSP Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period %
182 pop POP Probability if 0.01 inch of precipitation %
190 tsec TSEC Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in section1) (oceonography) s
191 mosf MOSF Meridional overturning stream function m3/s
200 tke TKE Turbulent Kinetic Energy J/kg
201 dtke DTKE Dissipation rate of TKE W/kg
202 km KM Eddy viscosity m2/s
203 kh KH Eddy diffusivity m2/s
220 hlev HLEV Level ice thickness m
221 hrdg HRDG Ridged ice thickness m
222 rh RH Ice ridge height m
223 rd RD Ice ridge density 1/km
231 ucurmean UCURMEAN U-mean (prev. timestep) cm/s
232 vcurmean VCURMEAN V-mean (prev. timestep) cm/s
233 wcurmean WCURMEAN W-mean (prev. timestep) m/s
239 tsnow TSNOW Snow temperature Deg C
243 depth DEPTH Total depth in meters m

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
1 c2h6 C2H6 C2H6/Ethane -
2 nc4h10 NC4H10 NC4H10/N-butane -
3 c2h4 C2H4 C2H4/Ethene -
4 c3h6 C3H6 C3H6/Propene -
5 oxylene OXYLENE OXYLENE/O-xylene -
6 hcho HCHO HCHO/Formalydehyde -
7 ch3cho CH3CHO CH3CHO/Acetaldehyde -
8 ch3coc2h5 CH3COC2H5 CH3COC2H5/Ethyl methyl keton -
9 mglyox MGLYOX MGLYOX/Methyl-glyoxal (CH3COCHO) -
10 glyox GLYOX GLYOX/Glyoxal (HCOCHO) -
11 c5h8 C5H8 C5H8/Isoprene -
12 c2h5oh C2H5OH C2H5OH/Ethanol -
13 ch3oh CH3OH CH3OH/Metanol -
14 hcooh HCOOH HCOOH/Formic acid -
15 ch3cooh CH3COOH CH3COOH/Acetic acid -
19 nmvoc_c NMVOC_C NMVOC_C/Total NMVOC as C -
21 pan PAN PAN/Peroxy acetyl nitrate -
22 no3 NO3 NO3/Nitrate radical -
23 n2o5 N2O5 N2O5/Dinitrogen pentoxide -
24 onit ONIT ONIT/Organic nitrate -
25 isonro2 ISONRO2 ISONRO2/Isoprene-NO3 adduct -
26 ho2no2 HO2NO2 HO2NO2/HO2NO2 -
27 mpan MPAN MPAN -
28 isono3h ISONO3H ISONO3H -
29 hono HONO HONO -
31 ho2 HO2 HO2/Hydroperhydroxyl radical -
32 h2 H2 H2/Molecular hydrogen -
33 o O O/Oxygen atomic ground state (3P) -
34 o1d O1D O1D/Oxygen atomic first singlet state -
41 ch3o2 CH3O2 CH3O2/Methyl peroxy radical -
42 ch3o2h CH3O2H CH3O2H/Methyl hydroperoxide -
43 c2h5o2 C2H5O2 C2H5O2/Ethyl peroxy radical -
44 ch3coo2 CH3COO2 CH3COO2/Peroxy acetyl radical -
45 secc4h9o2 SECC4H9O2 SECC4H9O2/Buthyl peroxy radical -
46 ch3cocho2ch3 CH3COCHO2CH3 CH3COCHO2CH3/peroxy radical from MEK -
47 acetol ACETOL ACETOL/acetol (hydroxy acetone) -
48 ch2o2ch2oh CH2O2CH2OH CH2O2CH2OH -
49 ch3cho2ch2oh CH3CHO2CH2OH CH3CHO2CH2OH/Peroxy radical from C3H6 plus OH -
51 malo2 MALO2 MALO2/Peroxy radical from MAL plus oh -
52 isro2 ISRO2 ISRO2/Peroxy radical from isoprene plus oh -
53 isoprod ISOPROD ISOPROD/Peroxy radical from ISOPROD -
54 c2h5ooh C2H5OOH C2H5OOH/Ethyl hydroperoxide -
55 ch3coo2h CH3COO2H CH3COO2H -
56 oxyo2h OXYO2H OXYO2H/Hydroperoxide from OXYO2 -
57 secc4h9o2h SECC4H9O2H SECC4H9O2H/Buthyl hydroperoxide -
58 ch2oohch2oh CH2OOHCH2OH CH2OOHCH2OH -
59 ch3choohch2oh CH3CHOOHCH2OH CH3CHOOHCH2OH//hydroperoxide from PRRO2 plus HO2 -
60 ch3cocho2hch3 CH3COCHO2HCH3 CH3COCHO2HCH3/hydroperoxide from MEKO2 plus HO2 -
61 malo2h MALO2H MALO2H/Hydroperoxide from MALO2 plus ho2 -
62 ipro2 IPRO2 IPRO2 -
63 xo2 XO2 XO2 -
64 oxyo2 OXYO2 OXYO2/Peroxy radical from o-xylene plus oh -
65 isro2h ISRO2H ISRO2H -
66 mvk MVK MVK -
67 mvko2 MVKO2 MVKO2 -
68 mvko2h MVKO2H MVKO2H -
70 benzene BENZENE BENZENE -
74 isni ISNI ISNI -
75 isnir ISNIR ISNIR -
76 isnirh ISNIRH ISNIRH -
77 macr MACR MACR -
78 aoh1 AOH1 AOH1 -
79 aoh1h AOH1H AOH1H -
80 macro2 MACRO2 MACRO2 -
81 maco3h MACO3H MACO3H -
82 macooh MACOOH MACOOH -
83 ch2cch3 CH2CCH3 CH2CCH3 -
84 ch2co2hch3 CH2CO2HCH3 CH2CO2HCH3 -
90 bigene BIGENE BIGENE -
91 bigalk BIGALK BIGALK -
92 toluene TOLUENE TOLUENE -
100 ch2chcn CH2CHCN CH2CHCN -
101 ch32nnh2 CH32NNH2 (CH3)2NNH2/Dimetylhydrazin -
102 ch2oc2h3cl CH2OC2H3CL CH2OC2H3Cl/Epiklorhydrin -
103 ch2oc2 CH2OC2 CH2OC2/Etylenoxid -
105 hf HF HF/Vaetefluorid -
106 hcl HCL Hcl/Vaeteklorid -
107 cs2 CS2 CS2/Koldisulfid -
108 ch3nh2 CH3NH2 CH3NH2/Metylamin -
110 sf6 SF6 SF6/Sulphurhexafloride -
111 hcn HCN HCN/Vaetecyanid -
112 cocl2 COCL2 COCl2/Fosgen -
113 h2cchcl H2CCHCL H2CCHCl/Vinylklorid -
128 va VA Volcanic ash Code

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
1 grg1 GRG1 GRG1/MOZART specie kg/kg
2 grg2 GRG2 GRG2/MOZART specie kg/kg
3 grg3 GRG3 GRG3/MOZART specie kg/kg
4 grg4 GRG4 GRG4/MOZART specie kg/kg
5 grg5 GRG5 GRG5/MOZART specie kg/kg
100 vis-340 VIS-340 VIS-340/Visibility at 340 nm m
101 vis-355 VIS-355 VIS-355/Visibility at 355 nm m
102 vis-380 VIS-380 VIS-380/Visibility at 380 nm m
103 vis-440 VIS-440 VIS-440/Visibility at 440 nm m
104 vis-500 VIS-500 VIS-500/Visibility at 500 nm m
105 vis-532 VIS-532 VIS-532/Visibility at 532 nm m
106 vis-675 VIS-675 VIS-675/Visibility at 675 nm m
107 vis-870 VIS-870 VIS-870/Visibility at 870 nm m
108 vis-1020 VIS-1020 VIS-1020/Visibility at 1020 nm m
109 vis-1064 VIS-1064 VIS-1064/Visibility at 1064 nm m
110 vis-3500 VIS-3500 VIS-3500/Visibility at 3500 nm m
111 vis-10000 VIS-10000 VIS-10000/Visibility at 10000 nm m
120 bsca-340 BSCA-340 BSCA-340/Backscatter at 340 nm 1/m/sr
121 bsca-355 BSCA-355 BSCA-355/Backscatter at 355 nm 1/m/sr
122 bsca-380 BSCA-380 BSCA-380/Backscatter at 380 nm 1/m/sr
123 bsca-440 BSCA-440 BSCA-440/Backscatter at 440 nm 1/m/sr
124 bsca-500 BSCA-500 BSCA-500/Backscatter at 500 nm 1/m/sr
125 bsca-532 BSCA-532 BSCA-532/Backscatter at 532 nm 1/m/sr
126 bsca-675 BSCA-675 BSCA-675/Backscatter at 675 nm 1/m/sr
127 bsca-870 BSCA-870 BSCA-870/Backscatter at 870 nm 1/m/sr
128 bsca-1020 BSCA-1020 BSCA-1020/Backscatter at 1020 nm 1/m/sr
129 bsca-1064 BSCA-1064 BSCA-1064/Backscatter at 1064 nm 1/m/sr
130 bsca-3500 BSCA-3500 BSCA-3500/Backscatter at 3500 nm 1/m/sr
131 bsca-10000 BSCA-10000 BSCA-10000/Backscatter at 10000 nm 1/m/sr
140 ext-340 EXT-340 EXT-340/Extinction at 340 nm 1/m
141 ext-355 EXT-355 EXT-355/Extinction at 355 nm 1/m
142 ext-380 EXT-380 EXT-380/Extinction at 380 nm 1/m
143 ext-440 EXT-440 EXT-440/Extinction at 440 nm 1/m
144 ext-500 EXT-500 EXT-500/Extinction at 500 nm 1/m
145 ext-532 EXT-532 EXT-532/Extinction at 532 nm 1/m
146 ext-675 EXT-675 EXT-675/Extinction at 675 nm 1/m
147 ext-870 EXT-870 EXT-870/Extinction at 870 nm 1/m
148 ext-1020 EXT-1020 EXT-1020/Extinction at 1020 nm 1/m
149 ext-1064 EXT-1064 EXT-1064/Extinction at 1064 nm 1/m
150 ext-3500 EXT-3500 EXT-3500/Extinction at 3500 nm 1/m
151 ext-10000 EXT-10000 EXT-10000/Extinction at 10000 nm 1/m
160 aod-340 AOD-340 AOD-340/Aerosol optical depth at 340 nm 1
161 aod-355 AOD-355 AOD-355/Aerosol optical depth at 355 nm 1
162 aod-380 AOD-380 AOD-380/Aerosol optical depth at 380 nm 1
163 aod-440 AOD-440 AOD-440/Aerosol optical depth at 440 nm 1
164 aod-500 AOD-500 AOD-500/Aerosol optical depth at 500 nm 1
165 aod-532 AOD-532 AOD-532/Aerosol optical depth at 532 nm 1
166 aod-675 AOD-675 AOD-675/Aerosol optical depth at 675 nm 1
167 aod-870 AOD-870 AOD-870/Aerosol optical depth at 870 nm 1
168 aod-1020 AOD-1020 AOD-1020/Aerosol optical depth at 1020 nm 1
169 aod-1064 AOD-1064 AOD-1064/Aerosol optical depth at 1064 nm 1
170 aod-3500 AOD-3500 AOD-3500/Aerosol optical depth at 3500 nm 1
171 aod-10000 AOD-10000 AOD-10000/Aerosol optical depth at 10000 nm 1
180 aod-635 AOD-635 Aerosol optical thickness at 0.635 micro-m 1
181 aod-810 AOD-810 Aerosol optical thickness at 0.810 micro-m 1
182 aod-1640 AOD-1640 Aerosol optical thickness at 1.640 micro-m 1
183 ang ANG Angstrom coefficient 1
208 frain FRAIN Rain fraction of total cloud water Proportion
209 facrain FACRAIN Rain factor Numeric
210 tqr TQR Total column integrated rain kg/m2
211 tqs TQS Total column integrated snow kg/m2
212 twatp TWATP Total water precipitation kg/m2
213 tsnowp TSNOWP Total snow precipitation kg/m2
214 tcw TCW Total column water (Vertically integrated total water) kg/m2
215 lsprate LSPRATE Large scale precipitation rate kg/m2/s
216 csrwe CSRWE Convective snowfall rate water equivalent kg/m2/s
217 prs_gsp PRS_GSP Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent kg/m2/s
218 tsrate TSRATE Total snowfall rate m/s
219 csrate CSRATE Convective snowfall rate m/s
220 lssrate LSSRATE Large scale snowfall rate m/s
221 sdwe SDWE Snow depth water equivalent kg/m2
222 se SE Snow evaporation kg/m2
223 tciwv TCIWV Total column integrated water vapour kg/m2
224 rprate RPRATE Rain precipitation rate kg/m2/s
225 sprate SPRATE Snow precipitation rate kg/m2/s
226 fprate FPRATE Freezing rain precipitation rate kg/m2/s
227 iprate IPRATE Ice pellets precipitation rate kg/m2/s
228 clwc CLWC Specific cloud liquid water content kg/kg
229 ciwc CIWC Specific cloud ice water content kg/kg
230 crwc CRWC Specific rain water content kg/kg
231 cswc CSWC Specific snow water content kg/kg
232 ugust UGUST u-component of wind (gust) m/s
233 vgust VGUST v-component of wind (gust) m/s
234 vwsh VWSH Vertical speed shear 1/s
235 mflx MFLX Horizontal momentum flux N/m2
236 ustm USTM u-component storm motion m/s
237 vstm VSTM v-component storm motion m/s
238 cd CD Drag coefficient Numeric
239 eta ETA Eta coordinate vertical velocity 1/s
240 alts ALTS Altimeter setting Pa
241 thick THICK Thickness m
242 presalt PRESALT Pressure altitude m
243 denalt DENALT Density altitude m
244 5wavh 5WAVH 5-wave geopotential height gpm
245 u-gwd U-GWD Zonal flux of gravity wave stress N/m2
246 v-gwd V-GWD Meridional flux of gravity wave stress N/m2
247 hbpl HBPL Planetary boundary layer height m
248 5wava 5WAVA 5-wave geopotential height anomaly gpm
249 stdsgor STDSGOR Standard deviation of sub-gridscale orography m
250 angsgor ANGSGOR Angle of sub-gridscale orography rad
251 slsgor SLSGOR Slope of sub-gridscale orography Numeric
252 gwd GWD Gravity wave dissipation W/m2
253 isor ISOR Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography Numeric
254 nlpres NLPRES Natural logarithm of pressure in Pa Numeric

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
1 pres PRES Pressure Pa
11 t T Temperature K
51 q Q Specific humidity kg/kg
54 pwat PWAT Precipitable water kg/m2
66 sd SD Snow depth m
71 tcc TCC Total cloud cover fraction
73 lcc LCC Low cloud cover fraction
77 prob_scb PROB_SCB Probability for significant cloud base fraction
78 scb SCB Significant cloud base m
79 sct SCT Significant cloud top m
84 al AL Albedo (lev 0=global radiation lev 1=UV radiation) fraction
91 icec ICEC Ice concentration fraction
116 uv_irr UV_IRR CIE-weighted UV irradiance mW/m2
117 gl_irr GL_IRR Global irradiance W/m2
118 bn_irr BN_IRR Beam normal irradiance W/m2
119 sun_d SUN_D Sunshine duration min
120 par PAR PAR W/m2
128 evapt EVAPT Evapotranspiration 1/kg2/s
129 mterh MTERH Model terrain height m
130 landu LANDU Land use Code
131 soilw SOILW Volumetric soil moisture content Proportion
132 mstav MSTAV Moisture availability %
133 sfexc SFEXC Exchange coefficient kg/m2/s
134 w_i W_I Plant canopy surface water kg/m2
135 bmixl BMIXL Blackadar mixing length scale m
136 ccond CCOND Canopy conductance m/s
137 prs_min PRS_MIN Minimal stomatal resistance s/m
138 rcs RCS Solar parameter in canopy conductance Proportion
139 rct RCT Temperature parameter in canopy conductance Proportion
140 rcq RCQ Humidity parameter in canopy conductance Proportion
141 rcsol RCSOL Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance Proportion
142 sm SM Soil moisture kg/m3
143 w_cl W_CL Column-integrated soil water kg/m2
144 hflux HFLUX Heat flux W/m2
145 vsw VSW Volumetric soil moisture m3/m3
146 wilt WILT Wilting point kg/m3
147 vwiltm VWILTM Volumetric wilting point m3/m3
148 rlyrs RLYRS Number of soil layers in root zone Numeric
149 liqvsm LIQVSM Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) m3/m3
150 voltso VOLTSO Volumetric transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) m3/m3
151 transo TRANSO Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) kg/m3
152 voldec VOLDEC Volumetric direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) m3/m3
153 direc DIREC Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) kg/m3
154 soilp SOILP Soil porosity m3/m3
155 vsosm VSOSM Volumetric saturation of soil moisture kg/m3
156 satosm SATOSM Saturation of soil moisture kg/m3
165 prec_1h PREC_1H Accumulated precipitation, 1 hours mm
175 snacc_1h SNACC_1H Accumulated fresh snow, 1 hours cm
180 rad_sc RAD_SC Scaled radiance Numeric
181 al_sc AL_SC Scaled albedo Numeric
182 btmp_sc BTMP_SC Scaled brightness temperature Numeric
183 pwat_sc PWAT_SC Scaled precipitable water Numeric
184 li_sc LI_SC Scaled lifted index Numeric
185 pctp_sc PCTP_SC Scaled cloud top pressure Numeric
186 skt_sc SKT_SC Scaled skin temperature Numeric
187 cmsk CMSK Cloud mask Code
188 pst PST Pixel scene type Code
189 fde FDE Fire detection indicator Code
190 estp ESTP Estimated precipitation kg/m2
191 irrate IRRATE Instananeous rain rate kg/m2/s
192 ctoph CTOPH Cloud top height m
193 ctophqi CTOPHQI Cloud top height quality indicator Code
194 estu ESTU Estimated u component of wind m/s
195 estv ESTV Estimated v component of wind m/s
196 npixu NPIXU Number of pixel used Numeric
197 solza SOLZA Solar zenith angle Degree
198 raza RAZA Relative azimuth angle Degree
199 rfl06 RFL06 Reflectance in 0.6 micron channel %
200 rfl08 RFL08 Reflectance in 0.8 micron channel %
201 rfl16 RFL16 Reflectance in 1.6 micron channel %
202 rfl39 RFL39 Reflectance in 3.9 micron channel %
206 toto3 TOTO3 Total ozone Atm cm
210 atmdiv ATMDIV Atmospheric divergence 1/s
211 wssp WSSP Wind speed (space) m/s

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@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
1 p P Pressure Pa
2 msl MSL Mean sea level pressure Pa
3 3 None Pressure tendency Pa s**-1
4 pv PV Potential vorticity K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1
5 5 None ICAO Standard Atmosphere reference height m
6 z Z Geopotential m**2 s**-2
7 gh GH Geopotential height gpm
8 h H Geometrical height m
9 9 None Standard deviation of height m
10 tco3 TCO3 Total (column) ozone Dobson (kg m**-2)
11 t T Temperature K
12 tv Tv Virtual temperature K
13 th Th Potential temperature K
14 14 None Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature K
15 15 None Maximum temperature K
16 16 None Minimum temperature K
17 17 None Dew-point temperature K
18 18 None Dew-point depression (or deficit) K
19 19 None Lapse rate K s**-1
20 20 None Visibility m
21 21 None Radar spectra (1) -
22 22 None Radar spectra (2) -
23 23 None Radar spectra (3) -
24 24 None Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) K
25 25 None Temperature anomaly K
26 26 None Pressure anomaly Pa
27 27 None Geopotential height anomaly gpm
28 28 None Wave spectra (1) -
29 29 None Wave spectra (2) -
30 30 None Wave spectra (3) -
31 31 None Wind direction Degree true
32 32 None Wind speed m s**-1
33 u U U-component of wind m s**-1
34 v V V-component of wind m s**-1
35 35 None Stream Function m**2 s**-1
36 36 None Velocity Potential m**2 s**-1
37 37 None Montgomery stream Function m**2 s**-1
38 38 None Sigma coordinate vertical velocity s**-1
39 w W Vertical velocity Pa s**-1
40 40 w W Vertical velocity m s**-1
41 41 None Absolute vorticity s**-1
42 42 None Absolute divergence s**-1
43 vo VO Relative vorticity s**-1
44 d D Relative divergence s**-1
45 45 None Vertical u-component shear s**-1
46 46 None Vertical v-component shear s**-1
47 47 None Direction of current Degree true
48 48 None Speed of current m s**-1
49 49 None U-component of current m s**-1
50 50 None V-component of current m s**-1
51 q Q Specific humidity kg kg**-1
52 r R Relative humidity %
53 53 None Humidity mixing ratio kg m**-2
54 54 None Precipitable water kg m**-2
55 55 None Vapour pressure Pa
56 56 None Saturation deficit Pa
57 e E Evaporation kg m**-2
58 ciwc CIWC Cloud ice kg m**-2
59 59 None Precipitation rate kg m**-2 s**-1
60 60 None Thunderstorm probability %
61 tp TP Total precipitation kg m**-2
62 lsp LSP Large scale precipitation (water) kg m**-2
63 cp CP Convective precipitation (water) kg m**-2
64 sfl SFL Snow fall rate water equivalent kg m**-2 s**-1
65 sf SF Water equivalentof accumulated snow depth kg m**-2
66 sd SD Snow depth m (of water equivalent)
67 mld MLD Mixed layer depth m
68 68 None Transient thermocline depth m
69 69 None Main thermocline depth m
70 70 None Main thermocline anomaly m
71 tcc TCC Total cloud cover %
72 ccc CCC Convective cloud cover %
73 lcc LCC Low cloud cover %
74 mcc MCC Medium cloud cover %
75 hcc HCC High cloud cover %
76 clwc CLWC Cloud liquid water content kg kg**-1
77 77 None Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) K
78 csf CSF Convective snow-fall kg m**-2
79 lsf LSF Large scale snow-fall kg m**-2
80 80 None Water temperature K
81 lsm LSM Land cover (1=land, 0=sea) (0 - 1)
82 82 None Deviation of sea-level from mean m
83 sr SR Surface roughness m
84 al AL Albedo -
85 st ST Surface temperature of soil K
86 ssw SSW Soil moisture content kg m**-2
87 veg VEG Percentage of vegetation %
88 88 None Salinity kg kg**-1
89 89 None Density kg m**-3
90 ro RO Water run-off kg m**-2
91 91 None Ice cover (1=land, 0=sea) (0 - 1)
92 92 None Ice thickness m
93 93 None Direction of ice drift Degree true
94 94 None Speed of ice drift m s*-1
95 95 None U-component of ice drift m s**-1
96 96 None V-component of ice drift m s**-1
97 97 None Ice growth rate m s**-1
98 98 None Ice divergence s**-1
99 99 None Snow melt kg m**-2
100 swh SWH Signific.height,combined wind waves+swell m
101 mdww MDWW Mean direction of wind waves Degree true
102 shww SHWW Significant height of wind waves m
103 mpww MPWW Mean period of wind waves s
104 104 None Direction of swell waves Degree true
105 105 None Significant height of swell waves m
106 106 None Mean period of swell waves s
107 mdps MDPS Mean direction of primary swell Degree true
108 mpps MPPS Mean period of primary swell s
109 109 None Secondary wave direction Degree true
110 110 None Secondary wave period s
111 111 None Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) W m**-2
112 112 None Net long-wave radiation flux (surface) W m**-2
113 113 None Net short-wave radiationflux( W m**-2
114 114 None Net long-wave radiation flux( W m**-2
115 115 None Long-wave radiation flux W m**-2
116 116 None Short-wave radiation flux W m**-2
117 117 None Global radiation flux W m**-2
118 118 None Brightness temperature K
119 119 None Radiance (with respect to wave number) W m**-1 sr**-1
120 120 None Radiance (with respect to wave length) W m**-1 sr**-1
121 slhf SLHF (surface) Latent heat flux W m**-2
122 sshf SSHF (surface) Sensible heat flux W m**-2
123 bld BLD Boundary layer dissipation W m**-2
124 124 None Momentum flux, u-component N m**-2
125 125 None Momentum flux, v-component N m**-2
126 126 None Wind mixing energy J
127 127 None Image data -
128 128 None Analysed RMS of PHI (CANARI) m2 2**-2
129 129 None Forecasted RMS of PHI (CANARI) m2 2**-2
130 130 None SW net clear sky rad W m-2
131 131 None LW net clear sky rad W m-2
135 135 Icing index Code table
136 136 Pseudo satellite image: cloud top temperature (infrared) K
137 137 Pseudo satellite image: water vapour brightness temperature K
138 138 Pseudo satellite image: water vapour br. temp. + correction for clouds K
139 139 Pseudo satellite image: cloud water reflectivity (visible) -
144 144 None Precipition Type Code table
158 158 None Surface downward moon radiation W m-2
160 160 None CAPE J kg-1
161 161 None Hail diagnostic kg m-2
162 162 None Gust U-component m s-1
163 163 None Gust V-component m s-1
166 166 None MOCON out of the model kg kg**-1 s**-1
167 167 None Total water vapour kg m**-2
170 170 None Brightness temperature OZ clear K
171 171 None Brightness temperature OZ cloud K
172 172 None Brightness temperature IR clear K
173 173 None Brightness temperature IR cloud K
174 174 None Brightness temperature WV clear K
175 175 None Brightness temperature WV cloud K
181 r R Rain kg m-2
182 sr SR Stratiform Rain kg m-2
183 cr CR Convective Rain kg m-2
184 s S Snow kg m-2
185 185 None Total solid precipitation kg m-2
188 188 None Fraction of urban land -
190 190 None Snow Albedo -
191 191 None Snow density kg m**-3
192 192 None Water on canopy -
193 si SI Soil ice kg m**-2
199 199 None Vegetation type -
200 tke TKE TKE m2 2**-2
201 gr GR Graupel kg m-2
202 sgr SGR Stratiform Graupel kg m-2
203 cgr cgr Convective Graupel kg m-2
204 hl hl Hail kg m-2
205 shl SHL Stratiform Hail kg m-2
206 chl CHL Convective Hail kg m-2
210 ref REFL Simulated reflectivity dBz
212 pdep Pressure departue Pa
213 vdiv Vertical divergence s**-1
214 214 None Updraft omega ms**-1
215 215 None Downdraft omega ms**-1
216 216 None Updraft mesh fraction -
217 217 None Downdraft mesh fraction -
219 219 None Surface albedo for non snow covered areas -
220 220 None Standard deviation of orography * g J kg**-1
221 221 None Anisotropy coeff of topography -
222 222 None Direction of main axis of topography rad
223 223 None Roughness length of bare surface * g m2 2**-2
224 224 None Roughness length for vegetation * g m2 2**-2
225 225 None Fraction of clay within soil -
226 226 None Fraction of sand within soil -
227 227 None Maximum - of vegetation -
228 gst GUST Gust wind speed m s-1
229 229 None Albedo of bare ground -
230 230 None Albedo of vegetation -
231 231 None Stomatal minimum resistance s m**-1
232 lai LAI Leaf area index m**2 m**-2
234 234 None Dominant vegetation index -
235 235 None Surface emissivity -
236 236 None Maximum soil depth m
237 237 None Soil depth m
238 238 None soil wetness -
239 239 None Thermal roughness length * g m2 2**-2
240 240 None Resistance to evapotransiration s m**-1
241 241 None Minimum relative moisture at 2 meters %
242 242 None Maximum relative moisture at 2 meters %
243 243 None Duration of total precipitations s
244 244 None Latent Heat Sublimation W m**-2
245 245 None Water evaporation kg m**-2
246 246 None Snow sublimation kg m**-2
247 247 None Snow history -
248 248 None A OZONE -
249 249 None B OZONE -
250 250 None C OZONE -
251 251 None Surface aerosol sea -
252 252 None Surface aerosol land -
253 253 None Surface aerosol soot -
254 254 None Surface aerosol desert -
255 - - Indicates a missing value -

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# CODE TABLE 3 Fixed levels or layers for wich the data are included
0 0 Reserved
1 surf Surface (of the Earth, which includes sea surface)
2 bcld Cloud base level
3 tcld Cloud top level
4 isot 0 deg (C) isotherm level
5 5 Adiabatic condensation level (parcel lifted from surface)
6 6 Maximum wind speed level
7 7 Tropopause level
8 tatm Nominal top of atmosphere
9 9 Sea bottom
100 pl Isobaric level pressure in hectoPascals (hPa) (2 octets)
101 101 Layer between two isobaric levels pressure of top (kPa) pressure of bottom (kPa)
102 msl Mean sea level 0 0
103 hmsl Fixed height level height above mean sea level (MSL) in meters
104 104 Layer between two height levels above msl height of top (hm) above mean sea level height of bottom (hm) above mean sea level
105 hl Fixed height above ground height in meters (2 octets)
106 106 Layer between two height levels above ground height of top (hm) above ground height of bottom (hm) above ground
107 107 Sigma level sigma value in 1/10000 (2 octets)
108 108 Layer between two sigma levels sigma value at top in 1/100 sigma value at bottom in 1/100
109 ml Hybrid level level number (2 octets)
110 110 Layer between two hybrid levels level number of top level number of bottom
111 111 Depth below land surface centimeters (2 octets)
112 112 Layer between two depths below land surface depth of upper surface (cm) depth of lower surface (cm)
113 113 Isentropic (theta) level Potential Temp. degrees K (2 octets)
114 114 Layer between two isentropic levels 475K minus theta of top in Deg. K 475K minus theta of bottom in Deg. K
115 115 Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level hPa (2 octets)
116 116 Layer between two levels at specified pressure differences from ground to levels pressure difference from ground to top level hPa pressure difference from ground to bottom level hPa
117 pv Potential vorticity surface 10-9 K m2 kg-1 s-1
121 121 Layer between two isobaric surfaces (high precision) 1100 hPa minus pressure of top, in hPa 1100 hPa minus pressure of bottom, in hPa
125 125 Height level above ground (high precision) centimeters (2 octets)
128 128 Layer between two sigma levels (high precision) 1.1 minus sigma of top, in 1/1000 of sigma 1.1 minus sigma of bottom, in 1/1000 of sigma
141 141 Layer between two isobaric surfaces (mixed precision) pressure of top, in kPa 1100hPa minus pressure of bottom, in hPa
160 dp Depth below sea level meters (2 octets)
191 nd Northern Direction (SMHI Extension)
192 ned Northern-Eastern Direction (SMHI Extension)
193 ed Eastern Direction (SMHI Extension)
194 sed Southern-Eastern Direction (SMHI Extension)
195 sd Southern Direction (SMHI Extension)
196 swd Southern-Western Direction (SMHI Extension)
197 wd Western Direction (SMHI Extension)
198 nwd Northern-Western Direction (SMHI Extension)
200 atm Entire atmosphere considered as a single layer 0 (2 octets)
201 201 Entire ocean considered as a single layer 0 (2 octets)

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#! ---------------------------
#!Description Octet Code Ksec1 Count
#!----------- ----- ----- ----- -----
#class 42 I1 38 -
#type 43 I1 39 -
#stream 44-45 I2 40 -
#experimentVersionNumber 46-49 A4 41 -
#number 50 I1 42 -
#total 51 I1 43 -
#model 52 I1 44 -
# author: Sebastien Villaume <>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: -
# This piece of definition is common to all SMHI definitions
# It is only accessed through "include" statement inside local.82.x.def
codetable[1] marsClass "mars/eswi/class.table" : dump,lowercase;
codetable[1] marsType "mars/eswi/type.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
codetable[2] marsStream "mars/eswi/stream.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
ksec1expver[4] experimentVersionNumber = "0000" : dump;
unsigned[1] perturbationNumber : dump;
unsigned[1] numberOfForecastsInEnsemble : dump;
codetable[1] marsModel "mars/eswi/model.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#! ---------------------------
#!Description Octet Code Ksec1 Count
#!----------- ----- ----- ----- -----
# OCTET 41-52 ARE DESCRIBED in local.82.0.def
#spareSetToZero 53 PAD n/a 1
# author: Sebastien Villaume <>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: -
constant GRIBEXSection1Problem = 53 - section1Length;
include "local.82.0.def";
pad padding_local1_1(1);
template mars_labeling "grib1/mars_labeling.82.def";

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#!Description Octet Code Ksec1 Count
#!----------- ----- ---- ----- -----
# OCTETS 41-52 ARE DESCRIBED in local.82.0.def
#! Supplementary search-able keys
#Sort 53 I1 45 -
#TimeRepres 54 I1 46 -
#Landtype 55 I1 47 -
#AerosolBinNumber 56-57 I2 48 -
#MolarMass 58-59 I2 49 -
#! Info on log transformed fields
#LogTransform 60 I1 50 -
#Threshold 61-62 S2 51 -
#Reserved 63 I1 52 -
#! Info for aerosols
#TotalAerosolBinsNumbers 64 I1 53 -
#IntegerScaleFactor 65 S1 54 -
#LowerRange 66-67 I2 55 -
#UpperRange 68-69 I2 56 -
#MeanSize 70-71 I2 57 -
#StandardDeviation 72-73 I2 58 -
#PartDef 74 PAD n/a 7
# author: Sebastien Villaume <>
# created: 6 Oct 2011
# modified: -
constant GRIBEXSection1Problem = 80 - section1Length;
include "local.82.0.def";
codetable[1] sort "mars/eswi/sort.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
codetable[1] timeRepres "mars/eswi/timerepres.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
codetable[1] landType "mars/eswi/landtype.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
codetable[2] aerosolBinNumber "mars/eswi/aerosolbinnumber.table" : dump,lowercase,string_type;
unsigned[2] molarMass : dump;
unsigned[1] logTransform : dump;
signed[2] threshold : dump;
unsigned[1] reserved : dump;
unsigned[1] totalAerosolBinsNumbers : dump;
signed[1] integerScaleFactor : dump;
unsigned[2] lowerRange : dump;
unsigned[2] upperRange : dump;
unsigned[2] meanSize : dump;
unsigned[2] standardDeviation : dump;
pad padding_local1_1(7);
template mars_labeling "grib1/mars_labeling.82.def";
alias mars.sort = sort;
alias mars.timerepres = timeRepres;
alias mars.landtype = landType;
alias mars.aerosolbinnumber = aerosolBinNumber;
alias ls.landtype = landType;
alias ls.timerepres = timeRepres;
alias ls.sort = sort;
alias ls.aerosolbinnumber = aerosolBinNumber;

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Definition for SMHI Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institut.
# contact:
codetable[1] localDefinitionNumber 'grib1/localDefinitionNumber.82.table' = 1 : dump;
template localDefinition "grib1/local.82.[localDefinitionNumber:l].def";
template_nofail marsKeywords "mars/eswi/grib1.[stream:s].[type:s].def";

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
0 0 not set
82 82 standard SMHI
83 83 MATCH data (standard SMHI + extra MATCH keywords)

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# Copyright 2005-2007 ECMWF
# Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License which
# incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU
# General Public License.
# See LICENSE and gpl-3.0.txt for details.
concept_nofail pseudoLevType (unknown) {
#set uses the last one
#get returns the first match
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=1;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=2;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=3;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=4;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=8;marsClass=80;}
'pl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=100;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=102;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=103;marsClass=80;}
'hl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=105;marsClass=80;}
'ml' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=109;marsClass=80;}
'dp' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=160;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=191;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=192;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=193;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=194;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=195;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=196;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=197;marsClass=80;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=198;marsClass=80;}
'sfc' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=200;marsClass=80;}
'surf' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=1;marsClass=81;}
'bcld' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=2;marsClass=81;}
'tcld' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=3;marsClass=81;}
'isot' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=4;marsClass=81;}
'tatm' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=8;marsClass=81;}
'pl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=100;marsClass=81;}
'msl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=102;marsClass=81;}
'hmsl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=103;marsClass=81;}
'hl' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=105;marsClass=81;}
'ml' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=109;marsClass=81;}
'dp' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=160;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=191;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=192;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=193;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=194;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=195;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=196;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=197;marsClass=81;}
'tile' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=198;marsClass=81;}
'atm' = {indicatorOfTypeOfLevel=200;marsClass=81;}
if( indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 191 ||
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 192 ||
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 193 ||
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 194 ||
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 195 ||
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 196 ||
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 197 ||
indicatorOfTypeOfLevel == 198)
alias mars.levelist = level;
alias mars.class = marsClass;
alias mars.type = marsType;
alias mars.pseudolevtype = pseudoLevType;
alias = marsStream;
alias mars.expver = experimentVersionNumber;
alias mars.model = marsModel;
alias mars.domain = globalDomain;
alias ls.dataType = marsType;

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Model 50 (MATCH) SMHI local definitions aerosol bin number
# Aerosol bin number parameter in local extension
0 NOBIN none
1 BIN1 Aerosol Binary number 1
2 BIN2 Aerosol Binary number 2
3 BIN3 Aerosol Binary number 3
4 BIN4 Aerosol Binary number 4
5 BIN5 Aerosol Binary number 5
6 BIN6 Aerosol Binary number 6
7 BIN7 Aerosol Binary number 7
8 BIN8 Aerosol Binary number 8
9 BIN9 Aerosol Binary number 9
10 BIN10 Aerosol Binary number 10
100 ALLBIN All binary number

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
0 none not set, default
1 od ECMWF Operational data
2 rd ECMWF Research data
80 op SMHI Operational data
81 re SMHI Research data

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Model 50 (MATCH) SMHI local definitions landtype
# landtype parameter in local extension
000 ALL All surfaces
001 WATER Water or Sea Water (fraction)
002 RURAL Rural (fraction)
003 URBAN Urban (fraction)
004 LOWVEG Lowveg (fraction)
005 FOREST Forest (fraction)
006 NOVEG Noveg (fraction)
021 PASTURE Pasture (fraction)
022 ARABLE Arable (fraction)
023 BEECHOAK Beech_oak (fraction)
024 DECIDUOUS Deciduous (fraction)
025 SPRUCE Spruce (fraction)
026 PINE Pine (fraction)
027 WETLAND Wetland (fraction)
028 MOUNTAIN Mountain (fraction)
029 BIRCH Birch (fraction)
051 ICE Ice (fraction)
052 SNOW Snow (fraction)
071 HSLOWV Hendersen-Sellers classification
072 HSFOR Hendersen-Sellers classification
073 POLITI Politi
074 MASK Mask
081 REGIONAL Regional contribution
082 LONGRANGE Long-range contribution
083 LOCAL Local (urban) contribution
090 ZONE Zone index
100 TOP Top layer
150 EFFDOSE Effective dose [Sv]
151 SKIN Skin dose [Sv]
152 THYROID Thyroid dose [Sv]
153 LUNG Lung dose [Sv]

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Model ##### SMHI local definitions #####
0 none not set, default
10 ifs IFS
20 harmonie HARMONIE
21 surfex SURFEX
30 hirlam HIRLAM
31 rca RCA
40 hiromb HIROMB
41 swan SWAN
42 hbm HBM
43 nemo NEMO
50 match MATCH
60 mesan MESAN

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# Model 50 SMHI local definitions sort
# Sort parameter in local extension
000 NONE No sort specified
001 CM Atm. conc. [g/kg]
002 LNCM Log Atm. conc. [g/kg]
003 C Atm. conc. [g/m3]
003 CC Atm. conc. [g/m3]
004 LNC Log Atm. conc. [g/m3]
007 NR Atm. conc. [number/m3]
009 CBQ Atm. conc. [Bq/m3]
010 LNCBQ Log Atm. conc. [Bq/m3]
011 CMREFH Atm. conc. at reference height [g/kg]
012 CREFH Atm. conc. at reference height [g/m3]
013 LNCREFH Log Atm. conc. at reference height [g/m3]
014 TOTCOLUMN Total column [g/m2]
014 LOWCOLUMN Column up to 6000m [g/m2]
014 HIGHCOLUMN Column up above 6000m [g/m2]
014 LOWMAX Max in column up to 6000m [g/m3]
014 HIGHMAX Max in column above 6000m [g/m3]
015 LOWMAXZ Level at max in column up to 6000m [m]
015 HIGHMAXZ Level at max in column above 6000m [m]
021 ICM Integrated atm. conc. s [g/kg]
022 LNICM Log Integrated atm. conc. s [g/kg]
023 IC Integrated atm. conc. s [g/m3]
024 LNIC Logarith of Integrated atm. conc. s [g/m3]
027 INR Integrated atm. conc. s [number/m3]
029 ICBQ Integrated atm. conc. s [Bq/m3]
030 LNICBQ Log Integrated atm. conc. s [Bq/m3]
051 CLW Conc. in liquid water [g/m3]
053 CEQLW Conc. in liquid water Equivalents/m3
054 CNRLW Conc. in liquid water [number/m3]
055 CBQLWC Conc. in liquid water [Bq/m3]
061 CIW Conc. in ice water [g/m3]
063 CEQIW Conc. in ice water Equivalents/m3
064 CNRIW Conc. in ice water [number/m3]
065 CBQIW Conc. in ice water [Bq/m3]
071 CPREC Conc. in precipitation [g/m3] (mg/l)
073 CEQPREC Conc. in precipitation Equivalents/m3
074 CNPREC Conc. in precipitation [number/m3]
075 CBQPREC Conc. in precipitation [Bq/m3]
081 DRYDEP Dry deposition [g/m2]
082 LNDRYDEP Log Dry deposition [g/m2]
084 DRYDEPNR Dry deposition [number/m2]
085 DRYDEPBQ Dry deposition [Bq/m2]
091 WETDEP Wet deposition [g/m2]
092 LNWETDEP Log Wet deposition [g/m2]
094 WETDEPNR Wet deposition [number/m2]
095 WETDEPBQ Wet deposition [Bq/m2]
101 TOTDEP Total deposition [g/m2]
102 LNTOTDEP Log Total deposition [g/m2]
104 TOTDEPNR Total deposition [number/m2]
105 TOTDEPBQ Total deposition [Bq/m2]
110 QTON Emissions [ton]
111 QKG Emissions [kg]
112 QG Emissions [g]
114 QNR Emissions [number]
115 QBQ Emissions [Bq]
121 QKGS Emissions [kg/s]
122 QGS Emissions [g/s]
124 QNS Emissions [number/s]
125 QBQS Emissions [Bq/s]
131 AQKGS Emissions [kg/(m2 s)]
132 AQGS Emissions [g/(m2 s)]
134 AQNRS Emissions [number/(m2 s)]
135 AQBQS Emissions [Bq/(m2 s)]
136 AQ0KGS Surface emissions [kg/(m2 s)]
137 AQ0GS Surface emissions [g/(m2 s)]
138 AQ0NRS Surface emissions [number/(m2 s)]
139 AQ0BQS Surface emissions [Bq/(m2 s)]
150 INHALDOSE Inhalation dose [nSv]
151 GROUNDDOSE Ground dose [nSv]
152 CLOUDDOSE Infinite cloud dose [nSv]
153 SUMDOSE Sum of cloud and ground dose [nSv]
201 VD Dry deposition velocity [m/s]
202 VS Settling velocity [m/s]
203 LAMDA Scavenging coefficient [1/s]
205 TSUM Degree hours or days for last day [K]
206 HSUM Current degree days [K]
207 HCRIT Critical degree days [K]
208 RACCUM Accum pollen emission [grains/m2]
209 CORR Correction factor [fraction]
210 AOD Aerosol optical depth []
240 TIMEARRIVAL Deposition arrival since 1 Jan 1971 [days]
241 TIMELATEST Latest deposition since 1 Jan 1971 [days]
242 TIMEMAX Time of max activity since 1 Jan 1971 [days]
243 MAXACTIVITY Max radioactive activity [Bq/m2]
244 LNMAXACTIVITY Log Max radioactive activity
250 FREQUENCY Relative occurrence []
251 FLUX statistics [kg]
252 FLUXMOL statistics [mol]

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
0 none not set, default
1025 oper Operational deterministic model daily archive
1043 mnth Monthly means
1071 moda Monthly means of daily means
1075 mdfa Monthly means of daily forecast accumulations
4000 dame Daily Means
4001 seme Seasonal Means
4002 secy Seasonal Daily Cycle

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Model 50 (MATCH) SMHI local definitions timerep
# Time representation parameter in local extension
000 NONE No representation specified
001 3HMEAN 3 Hour mean value (hours)
002 DIURNALMEAN Diurnal or Daily mean (hours)
003 1HMEAN 1 Hour mean value (hours)
005 MONTHLYMEAN Monthly mean (month)
006 MEAN Mean from start (hours)
007 ANNUALMEAN Annual mean (year)
010 MAX Max value
011 MIN Min value
012 DAILYMAX Diurnal max
014 MONTHLYMAX Monthly max
016 ANNUALMAX Annual max
017 MONMEANDAYMAX Mean of daily-max
018 ANNMEANDAYMAX Mean of daily-max
019 MEANDAYMAX Mean of daily-max
020 ACCUMULATED Acc. since start (hours)
021 DAYACCUM Acc. over one day (hours)
022 MONTHACCUM Acc. over one month (months)
023 3HACCUM Acc. over one day (hours)
024 3MONTHACCUM Acc. over three months (months)
025 6MONTHACCUM Acc. over six months (months)
026 YEARACCUM Acc. over one year (year)
030 8HMEAN Running 8-hour mean (hours)
031 MAX8HMEAN Daily maximum of 8-hour mean
032 MEANMAX8H Mean of daily maximum of 8-hour mean
033 MAXMAX8H Max of daily maximum of 8-hour mean
040 PERC98H1 98 percentil (hours)
041 PERC98D1 98 percentil (day)
042 PERC90D1 90 percentil (day)
043 MEDIAN Median
044 LIKELIHOOD Likelihood
045 JOINTPROBABILITY Joint probability
046 PERCENTILE Percentile
050 BOUNDARY Boundary value
051 FIRSTGUESS First guess
052 STDDEV Standard deviation
060 ANAINCR Analysis increment
061 ANAERR Analysis error
062 BGERR Background error
070 QUALITY Quality flag

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
0 none not set, default
2 an Analysis
5 3v 3DVAR analysis
6 4v 4DVAR analysis
9 fc Forecast
21 si Climate simulation
101 sa need to be filled