
181 lines
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Raw Normal View History

1 pres PRES Pressure Pa
2 msl MSL Pressure reduced to MSL Pa
3 ptend PTEND Pressure tendency Pa/s
4 pv PV Potential vorticity K*m2 / kg / s
5 icaht ICAHT ICAO Standard Atmosphere reference height m
6 z Z Geopotential m2/s2
7 gh GH Geopotential height Gpm
8 h H Geometric height m
9 hstdv HSTDV Standard deviation of height m
10 tco3 TCO3 Total ozone Dobson
11 t T Temperature K
12 vtmp VTMP Virtual temperature K
13 pt PT Potential temperature K
14 papt PAPT Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature K
15 tmax TMAX Maximum temperature K
16 tmin TMIN Minimum temperature K
17 dpt DPT Dew point temperature K
18 depr DEPR Dew point depression (or deficit) K
19 lapr LAPR Lapse rate K/m
20 vis VIS Visibility m
21 rdsp1 RDSP1 Radar Spectra (1) -
22 rdsp2 RDSP2 Radar Spectra (2) -
23 rdsp3 RDSP3 Radar Spectra (3) -
24 pli PLI Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) K
25 ta TA Temperature anomaly K
26 pa PA Pressure anomaly Pa
27 gpa GPA Geopotential height anomaly Gpm
28 wvsp1 WVSP1 Wave Spectra (1) -
29 wvsp2 WVSP2 Wave Spectra (2) -
30 wvsp3 WVSP3 Wave Spectra (3) -
31 wdir WDIR Wind direction Deg. true
32 wins WINS Wind speed m/s
33 u U u-component of wind m/s
34 v V v-component of wind m/s
35 strf STRF Stream function m2/s
36 vp VP Velocity potential m2/s
37 mntsf MNTSF Montgomery stream function m2/s2
38 sigma SIGMA Sigma coord. vertical velocity 1/s
39 omega OMEGA Pressure Vertical velocity Pa/s
40 w W Geometric Vertical velocity m/s
41 absv ABSV Absolute vorticity 1/s
42 absd ABSD Absolute divergence 1/s
43 vo VO Relative vorticity 1/s
44 d D Relative divergence 1/s
45 vusch VUSCH Vertical u-component shear 1/s
46 vvsch VVSCH Vertical v-component shear 1/s
47 dirc DIRC Direction of current Deg. true
48 spc SPC Speed of current m/s
49 ucurr UCURR u-component of current m/s
50 vcurr VCURR v-component of current m/s
51 q Q Specific humidity kg/kg
52 r R Relative humidity %
53 mixr MIXR Humidity mixing ratio kg/kg
54 pwat PWAT Precipitable water kg/m2
55 vp VP Vapour pressure Pa
56 satd SATD Saturation deficit Pa
57 e E Evaporation m of water equivalent
58 cice CICE Cloud Ice kg/m2
59 prate PRATE Precipitation rate kg/m2/s
60 tstm TSTM Thunderstorm probability %
61 tp TP Total precipitation kg/m2
62 lsp LSP Large scale precipitation kg/m2
63 acpcp ACPCP Convective precipitation kg/m2
64 srweq SRWEQ Snowfall rate water equivalent kg/m2/s
65 sdwe SDWE Water equiv. of accum. snow depth kg/m2
66 sd SD Snow depth m
67 mld MLD Mixed layer depth m
68 tthdp TTHDP Transient thermocline depth m
69 mthd MTHD Main thermocline depth m
70 mtha MTHA Main thermocline anomaly m
71 tcc TCC Total cloud cover %
72 ccc CCC Convective cloud cover %
73 lcc LCC Low cloud cover %
74 mcc MCC Medium cloud cover %
75 hcc HCC High cloud cover %
76 cwat CWAT Cloud water kg/m2
77 bli BLI Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) K
78 snoc SNOC Convective snow kg/m2
79 snol SNOL Large scale snow kg/m2
80 wtmp WTMP Water Temperature K
81 lsm LSM Land-sea mask (1=land 0=sea) (see note) Fraction
82 dslm DSLM Deviation of sea level from mean m
83 sr SR Surface roughness m
84 al AL Albedo %
85 st ST Soil temperature K
86 ssw SSW Soil moisture content kg/m2
87 veg VEG Vegetation %
88 s S Salinity kg/kg
89 den DEN Density kg/m3
90 watr WATR Water run off kg/m2
91 icec ICEC Ice cover (ice=1 no ice=0)(see note) Fraction
92 icetk ICETK Ice thickness m
93 diced DICED Direction of ice drift deg. true
94 siced SICED Speed of ice drift m/s
95 uice UICE u-component of ice drift m/s
96 vice VICE v-component of ice drift m/s
97 iceg ICEG Ice growth rate m/s
98 iced ICED Ice divergence /s
99 snom SNOM Snow melt kg/m2
100 swh SWH Significant height of combined wind waves and swell m
101 wvdir WVDIR Direction of wind waves deg. true
102 shww SHWW Significant height of wind waves m
103 mpww MPWW Mean period of wind waves s
104 swdir SWDIR Direction of swell waves deg. true
105 swell SWELL Significant height of swell waves m
106 swper SWPER Mean period of swell waves s
107 prwd PRWD Primary wave direction deg. true
108 perpw PERPW Primary wave mean period s
109 dirsw DIRSW Secondary wave direction deg. true
110 persw PERSW Secondary wave mean period s
111 nswrs NSWRS Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) W/m2
112 nlwrs NLWRS Net long wave radiation flux (surface) W/m2
113 nswrt NSWRT Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atmos.) W/m2
114 nlwrt NLWRT Net long wave radiation flux (top of atmos.) W/m2
115 lwavr LWAVR Long wave radiation flux W/m2
116 swavr SWAVR Short wave radiation flux W/m2
117 grad GRAD Global radiation flux W/m2
118 btmp BTMP Brightness temperature K
119 lwrad LWRAD Radiance (with respect to wave number) W/m/sr
120 swrad SWRAD Radiance (with respect to wave length) W/m3/sr
121 lhtfl LHTFL Latent heat net flux W/m2
122 shtfl SHTFL Sensible heat net flux W/m2
123 bld BLD Boundary layer dissipation W/m2
124 uflx UFLX Momentum flux, u component N/m2
125 vflx VFLX Momentum flux, v component N/m2
126 wmixe WMIXE Wind mixing energy J
127 imgd IMGD Image data -
128 mofl MOFL Momentum flux Pa
129 qten QTEN Humidity tendencies ?
130 radtop RADTOP Radiation at top of atmosphere ?
131 ctt CTT Cloud top temperature, infrared K
132 wvbt WVBT Water vapor brightness temperature K
133 wvbt_corr WVBT_CORR Water vapor brightness temperature, correction K
134 cwref CWREF Cloud water reflectivity Fraction
135 maxgust MAXGUST Maximum wind m/s
136 mingust MINGUST Minimum wind m/s
137 icc ICC Integrated cloud condensate kg/m2
138 sd SD Snow depth m
139 sdol SDOL Open land snow depth m
140 tland TLAND Temperature over land K
141 qland QLAND Specific humidity over land kg/kg
142 rhland RHLAND Relative humidity over land Fraction
143 dptland DPTLAND Dew point over land K
160 slfr SLFR Slope fraction Fraction
161 shfr SHFR Shadow fraction Fraction
162 rsha RSHA Shadow parameter RSHA -
163 rshb RSHB Shadow parameter RSHB -
164 movegro MOVEGRO Momentum vegetation roughness m
165 susl SUSL Surface slope -
166 skwf SKWF Sky wiew factor Fraction
167 frasp FRASP Fraction of aspect -
168 hero HERO Heat roughness m
169 al_scorr AL_SCORR Albedo with solar angle correction Fraction
189 swi SWI Soil wetness index -
190 asn ASN Snow albedo Fraction
191 dsn DSN Snow density -
192 watcn WATCN Water on canopy level kg/m2
193 ssi SSI Surface soil ice m3/m3
194 frst FRST Fraction of surface type Fraction
195 st ST Soil type code
196 fol FOL Fraction of lake Fraction
197 fof FOF Fraction of forest Fraction
198 fool FOOL Fraction of open land Fraction
199 vgtyp VGTYP Vegetation type (Olsson land use) -
200 tke TKE Turbulent Kinetic Energy J/kg
204 sdor SDOR Standard deviation of mesoscale orography gpm
205 amo AMO Anisotrophic mesoscale orography -
206 anmo ANMO X-angle of mesoscale orography rad
208 mssso MSSSO Maximum slope of smallest scale orography rad
209 sdsso SDSSO Standard deviation of smallest scale orography gpm
210 iceex ICEEX Ice existence -
222 lcl LCL Lifting condensation level m
223 lnbuo LNBUO Level of neutral buoyancy m
224 ci CI Convective inhibation J/kg
225 cape CAPE CAPE J/kg
226 ptype PTYPE Precipitation type code
227 fricv FRICV Friction velocity m/s
228 gust GUST Wind gust m/s
250 anpr3 ANPR3 Analysed 3-hour precipitation (-3h/0h) kg/m2
251 anpr12 ANPR12 Analysed 12-hour precipitation (-12h/0h) kg/m2