77 lines
2.2 KiB
77 lines
2.2 KiB
allow(dead_code, unused_imports, unused_variables)
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use cpal::traits::HostTrait;
use log::{trace};
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{channel, unbounded_channel};
//use ringbuf::
mod msg;
use crate::msg::{PcmFrameMessage, RawIpDataMessage};
mod audio_receiver;
use crate::audio_receiver::audio_receiver_main;
mod dsp_inb;
use crate::dsp_inb::dsp_inb_main;
//struct Cli {}
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
.expect("logger init failure???");
let cpal_host = cpal::default_host();
let cpal_input = cpal_host.default_input_device().context(
"no audio input could be found; is a microphone installed?"
let cpal_output = cpal_host.default_output_device().context(
"no audio output could be found; is a sound card installed?",
let (tx_for_demod, rx_for_demod) = channel::<PcmFrameMessage>(1024);
let (tx_for_ip_inb, rx_for_ip_inb) =
let (tx_for_mod, rx_for_mod) = unbounded_channel::<RawIpDataMessage>();
let (tx_for_wire, rx_for_wire) = unbounded_channel::<PcmFrameMessage>();
trace!("starting listener for audio on wire");
audio_receiver_main(tx_for_demod, cpal_input)
.context("listener for audio on wire has failed to start");
let mut tasks = tokio::task::JoinSet::new();
let task_dsp_inb = tasks.spawn(async move {
trace!("starting inbound audio demodulator");
dsp_inb_main(tx_for_ip_inb, rx_for_demod).await
//let task_tun_junction = tasks.spawn(async move {
// trace!("Starting tun manager");
// tun_junction_main(tx_for_mod, rx_for_ip_inb).await
//let task_dsp_outb = tasks.spawn(async move {
// trace!("Starting outbound audio modulator");
// dsp_outb_main(tx_for_wire, rx_for_mod).await
//let task_audio_sender = tasks.spawn(async move {
// trace!("Starting audio transmitter");
// audio_sender_main(rx_for_mod, cpal_output).await
while let Some(task_result) = tasks.join_next().await {