import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:flutter_platform_widgets/flutter_platform_widgets.dart'; //TODO: please let us delete this file /// A normal TextField or CupertinoTextField that watches for copy, paste, cut, or select all keyboard actions class SpecialTextField extends StatefulWidget { const SpecialTextField( {Key key, this.placeholder, this.suffix, this.controller, this.focusNode, this.nextFocusNode, this.autocorrect, this.minLines, this.maxLines, this.maxLength, this.maxLengthEnforced,, this.keyboardType, this.textInputAction, this.textCapitalization, this.textAlign, this.autofocus, this.onChanged, this.enabled, this.expands, this.keyboardAppearance, this.textAlignVertical, this.inputFormatters}) : super(key: key); final String placeholder; final TextEditingController controller; final FocusNode focusNode; final FocusNode nextFocusNode; final bool autocorrect; final int minLines; final int maxLines; final int maxLength; final bool maxLengthEnforced; final Widget suffix; final TextStyle style; final TextInputType keyboardType; final Brightness keyboardAppearance; final TextInputAction textInputAction; final TextCapitalization textCapitalization; final TextAlign textAlign; final TextAlignVertical textAlignVertical; final bool autofocus; final ValueChanged onChanged; final bool enabled; final List inputFormatters; final bool expands; @override _SpecialTextFieldState createState() => _SpecialTextFieldState(); } class _SpecialTextFieldState extends State { FocusNode _focusNode = FocusNode(); List formatters; @override void dispose() { _focusNode.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override void initState() { formatters = widget.inputFormatters; if (formatters == null || formatters.length == 0) { formatters = [FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp(r'[^\t]'))]; } super.initState(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return RawKeyboardListener( focusNode: _focusNode, onKey: _onKey, child: PlatformTextField( autocorrect: widget.autocorrect, minLines: widget.minLines, maxLines: widget.maxLines, maxLength: widget.maxLength, maxLengthEnforced: widget.maxLengthEnforced, keyboardType: widget.keyboardType, keyboardAppearance: widget.keyboardAppearance, textInputAction: widget.textInputAction, textCapitalization: widget.textCapitalization, textAlign: widget.textAlign, textAlignVertical: widget.textAlignVertical, autofocus: widget.autofocus, focusNode: widget.focusNode, onChanged: widget.onChanged, enabled: widget.enabled, onSubmitted: (_) { if (widget.nextFocusNode != null) { FocusScope.of(context).requestFocus(widget.nextFocusNode); } }, expands: widget.expands, inputFormatters: formatters, material: (_, __) => MaterialTextFieldData( decoration: InputDecoration( border: InputBorder.none, contentPadding:, isDense: true, hintText: widget.placeholder, counterText: '', suffix: widget.suffix)), cupertino: (_, __) => CupertinoTextFieldData( decoration: BoxDecoration(), padding:, placeholder: widget.placeholder, suffix: widget.suffix), style:, controller: widget.controller)); } _onKey(RawKeyEvent event) { // We don't care about key up events if (event is RawKeyUpEvent) { return; } if (event.logicalKey == { // Handle tab to the next node if (widget.nextFocusNode != null) { FocusScope.of(context).requestFocus(widget.nextFocusNode); } return; } // Handle special keyboard events with control key if ( { // Handle paste if (event.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.keyV) { Clipboard.getData("text/plain").then((data) { // Adjust our clipboard entry to confirm with the leftover space if we have maxLength var text = data.text; if (widget.maxLength != null && widget.maxLength > 0) { var leftover = widget.maxLength - widget.controller.text.length; if (leftover < data.text.length) { text = text.substring(0, leftover); } } // If maxLength took us to 0 then bail if (text.length == 0) { return; } var end = widget.controller.selection.end; var start = widget.controller.selection.start; // Insert our paste buffer into the selection, which can be 0 selected text (normal caret) widget.controller.text = widget.controller.selection.textBefore(widget.controller.text) + text + widget.controller.selection.textAfter(widget.controller.text); // Adjust our caret to be at the end of the pasted contents, need to take into account the size of the selection // We may want runes instead of end += text.length - (end - start); widget.controller.selection = TextSelection(baseOffset: end, extentOffset: end); }); return; } // Handle select all if (event.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA) { widget.controller.selection = TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: widget.controller.text.length); return; } // Handle copy if (event.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.keyC) { Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: widget.controller.selection.textInside(widget.controller.text))); return; } // Handle cut if (event.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.keyX) { Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: widget.controller.selection.textInside(widget.controller.text))); var start = widget.controller.selection.start; widget.controller.text = widget.controller.selection.textBefore(widget.controller.text) + widget.controller.selection.textAfter(widget.controller.text); widget.controller.selection = TextSelection(baseOffset: start, extentOffset: start); return; } } } }