use std::path::PathBuf; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pub fn config_base() -> PathBuf { PathBuf::from("/etc/tfclient") } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] pub fn config_base() -> PathBuf { PathBuf::from("C:\\Program Data\\e3team\\tfclient") } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] pub fn config_base() -> PathBuf { PathBuf::from("/Library/Application Support/e3team/tfclient") } #[cfg(target_os = "ios")] compile_error!("tfclient cannot be compiled for iOS"); #[cfg(target_os = "android")] compile_error!("tfclient cannot be compiled for Android"); #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] pub fn config_base() -> PathBuf { PathBuf::from("/etc/tfclient") } #[cfg(target_os = "dragonfly")] compile_error!("tfclient cannot be compiled for dragonfly"); #[cfg(target_os = "openbsd")] compile_error!("tfclient cannot be compiled for openbsd"); #[cfg(target_os = "netbsd")] compile_error!("tfclient cannot be compiled for netbsd"); pub fn config_dir(instance: &str) -> PathBuf { config_base().join(format!("{}/", instance)) } pub fn tfclient_toml(instance: &str) -> PathBuf { config_base().join(format!("{}/", instance)).join("tfclient.toml") } pub fn tfdata_toml(instance: &str) -> PathBuf { config_base().join(format!("{}/", instance)).join("tfdata.toml") } pub fn nebula_yml(instance: &str) -> PathBuf { config_base().join(format!("{}/", instance)).join("nebula.yml") }