network create request, remove old tfweb pending rewrite
This commit is contained in:
270 changed files with 389 additions and 20171 deletions
@ -3081,6 +3081,7 @@ dependencies = [
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use bindgen::CargoCallbacks;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::{env, process};
use bindgen::CargoCallbacks;
fn get_cargo_target_dir() -> Result<std::path::PathBuf, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let skip_triple = std::env::var("TARGET")? == std::env::var("HOST")?;
@ -69,10 +69,7 @@ fn main() {
println!("Go compile success");
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
if compile_config.link_type == "c-shared" {
@ -91,7 +88,12 @@ fn main() {
println!("Generating bindings");
let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
.expect("Error generating CFFI bindings");
@ -130,31 +132,44 @@ struct GoCompileConfig {
goos: String,
link_type: String,
lib_filename: String,
header_filename: String
header_filename: String,
fn get_compile_config() -> GoCompileConfig {
let goarch = goarch();
let goos = goos();
let platform_value = format!("{}/{}", goos, goarch);
let (preferred_link_type, lib_filename, header_filename) = match (goos.as_str(), goarch.as_str()) {
("darwin", _) => ("c-archive", "libnebula.a", "libnebula.h"),
("windows", _) => ("c-archive", "libnebula.a", "libnebula.h"),
("linux", "386") | ("linux", "amd64") | ("linux", "arm") | ("linux", "armbe") | ("linux", "arm64") | ("linux", "arm64be") | ("linux", "loong64") | ("linux", "ppc64le") | ("linux", "riscv64") | ("linux", "s390x") => ("c-archive", "libnebula.a", "libnebula.h"),
("freebsd", "amd64") => ("c-archive", "libnebula.a", "libnebula.h"),
_ => panic!("unsupported platform {} / {}", env::var("TARGET").unwrap(), platform_value)
let (preferred_link_type, lib_filename, header_filename) =
match (goos.as_str(), goarch.as_str()) {
("darwin", _) => ("c-archive", "libnebula.a", "libnebula.h"),
("windows", _) => ("c-archive", "libnebula.a", "libnebula.h"),
("linux", "386")
| ("linux", "amd64")
| ("linux", "arm")
| ("linux", "armbe")
| ("linux", "arm64")
| ("linux", "arm64be")
| ("linux", "loong64")
| ("linux", "ppc64le")
| ("linux", "riscv64")
| ("linux", "s390x") => ("c-archive", "libnebula.a", "libnebula.h"),
("freebsd", "amd64") => ("c-archive", "libnebula.a", "libnebula.h"),
_ => panic!(
"unsupported platform {} / {}",
GoCompileConfig {
link_type: preferred_link_type.to_string(),
lib_filename: lib_filename.to_string(),
header_filename: header_filename.to_string()
header_filename: header_filename.to_string(),
fn goarch() -> String {
match env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").unwrap().as_str() {
"x86" => "386",
@ -182,4 +197,4 @@ fn goos() -> String {
os => panic!("unsupported operating system {os}"),
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
use crate::api::APIErrorResponse;
use crate::{HostCommands, HostOverrideCommands, TableStyle};
use comfy_table::modifiers::UTF8_ROUND_CORNERS;
use comfy_table::presets::UTF8_FULL;
use comfy_table::Table;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddrV4};
use comfy_table::modifiers::UTF8_ROUND_CORNERS;
use comfy_table::presets::UTF8_FULL;
use comfy_table::Table;
use url::Url;
pub async fn host_main(command: HostCommands, server: Url) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
@ -172,18 +172,55 @@ pub async fn list_hosts(server: Url, table_style: TableStyle) -> Result<(), Box<
match table_style {
TableStyle::List => unreachable!(),
TableStyle::Basic => (),
TableStyle::Pretty => { table.load_preset(UTF8_FULL).apply_modifier(UTF8_ROUND_CORNERS) ; },
TableStyle::Pretty => {
table.set_header(vec!["ID", "Name", "Organization ID", "Network ID", "Role ID", "IP Address", "Static Addresses", "Listen Port", "Type", "Blocked", "Last Seen"]);
"Organization ID",
"Network ID",
"Role ID",
"IP Address",
"Static Addresses",
"Listen Port",
"Last Seen",
for host in & {
table.add_row(vec![, &, &host.organization_id, &host.network_id, &host.role_id, &host.ip_address, &host.static_addresses.iter().map(|u| u.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" "), &host.listen_port.to_string(), if host.is_lighthouse { "Lighthouse" } else if host.is_relay { "Relay" } else { "Host" }, if host.is_blocked { "true" } else { "false" }, &host.metadata.last_seen_at]);
.map(|u| u.to_string())
.join(" "),
if host.is_lighthouse {
} else if host.is_relay {
} else {
if host.is_blocked { "true" } else { "false" },
} else {
let resp: APIErrorResponse = res.json().await?;
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::fs;
use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddrV4};
use clap::{Parser, Subcommand, ValueEnum};
use ipnet::Ipv4Net;
use url::Url;
use crate::account::account_main;
use crate::host::host_main;
use crate::network::network_main;
use crate::org::org_main;
use crate::role::role_main;
use clap::{Parser, Subcommand, ValueEnum};
use ipnet::Ipv4Net;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::fs;
use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddrV4};
use url::Url;
pub mod account;
pub mod api;
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ pub enum NetworkCommands {
/// List all networks associated with your trifid account.
List {
#[clap(short = 'T', long, default_value_t = TableStyle::Basic)]
table_style: TableStyle
table_style: TableStyle,
/// Lookup a specific network by ID.
Lookup {
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ pub enum RoleCommands {
/// List all roles attached to your organization
List {
#[clap(short = 'T', long, default_value_t = TableStyle::Basic)]
table_style: TableStyle
table_style: TableStyle,
/// Lookup a specific role by it's ID
Lookup {
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ pub enum HostCommands {
/// List all hosts on your network
List {
#[clap(short = 'T', long, default_value_t = TableStyle::Basic)]
table_style: TableStyle
table_style: TableStyle,
/// Lookup a specific host by it's ID
Lookup {
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ pub enum HostOverrideCommands {
pub enum TableStyle {
impl Default for TableStyle {
fn default() -> Self {
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ impl Display for TableStyle {
match self {
Self::List => write!(f, "list"),
Self::Basic => write!(f, "basic"),
Self::Pretty => write!(f, "pretty")
Self::Pretty => write!(f, "pretty"),
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
use crate::api::APIErrorResponse;
use crate::{NetworkCommands, TableStyle};
use comfy_table::modifiers::UTF8_ROUND_CORNERS;
use comfy_table::presets::UTF8_FULL;
use comfy_table::Table;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
use url::Url;
use crate::api::APIErrorResponse;
use crate::{NetworkCommands, TableStyle};
pub async fn network_main(command: NetworkCommands, server: Url) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
match command {
NetworkCommands::List { table_style } => list_networks(server, table_style).await,
NetworkCommands::Lookup {id} => get_network(id, server).await
NetworkCommands::Lookup { id } => get_network(id, server).await,
@ -78,13 +78,33 @@ pub async fn list_networks(server: Url, table_style: TableStyle) -> Result<(), B
match table_style {
TableStyle::List => unreachable!(),
TableStyle::Basic => (),
TableStyle::Pretty => { table.load_preset(UTF8_FULL).apply_modifier(UTF8_ROUND_CORNERS) ; },
TableStyle::Pretty => {
table.set_header(vec!["ID", "Name", "CIDR", "Organization ID", "Signing CA ID", "Dedicated Relays", "Created At"]);
"Organization ID",
"Signing CA ID",
"Dedicated Relays",
"Created At",
for network in & {
table.add_row(vec![&, &, &network.cidr, &network.organization_id, &network.signing_ca_id, (!network.lighthouses_as_relays).to_string().as_str(), &network.created_at]);
@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
use crate::api::APIErrorResponse;
use crate::{RoleCommands, TableStyle};
use comfy_table::modifiers::UTF8_ROUND_CORNERS;
use comfy_table::presets::UTF8_FULL;
use comfy_table::Table;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
use url::Url;
use crate::api::APIErrorResponse;
use crate::{RoleCommands, TableStyle};
pub async fn role_main(command: RoleCommands, server: Url) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
match command {
RoleCommands::List { table_style } => list_roles(server, table_style).await,
RoleCommands::Lookup {id} => get_role(id, server).await,
RoleCommands::Create { name, description, rules_json } => create_role(name, description, rules_json, server).await,
RoleCommands::Lookup { id } => get_role(id, server).await,
RoleCommands::Create {
} => create_role(name, description, rules_json, server).await,
RoleCommands::Delete { id } => delete_role(id, server).await,
RoleCommands::Update {
@ -85,9 +89,21 @@ pub async fn list_roles(server: Url, table_style: TableStyle) -> Result<(), Box<
println!(" Description: {}", role.description);
for rule in &role.firewall_rules {
println!("Rule Description: {}", rule.description);
println!(" Allowed Role: {}", rule.allowed_role_id.as_ref().unwrap_or(&"All roles".to_string()));
" Allowed Role: {}",
.unwrap_or(&"All roles".to_string())
println!(" Protocol: {}", rule.protocol);
println!(" Port Range: {}", if let Some(pr) = rule.port_range.as_ref() { format!("{}-{}", pr.from, } else { "Any".to_string() });
" Port Range: {}",
if let Some(pr) = rule.port_range.as_ref() {
format!("{}-{}", pr.from,
} else {
println!(" Created: {}", role.created_at);
println!(" Updated: {}", role.modified_at);
@ -99,12 +115,30 @@ pub async fn list_roles(server: Url, table_style: TableStyle) -> Result<(), Box<
match table_style {
TableStyle::List => unreachable!(),
TableStyle::Basic => (),
TableStyle::Pretty => { table.load_preset(UTF8_FULL).apply_modifier(UTF8_ROUND_CORNERS); },
TableStyle::Pretty => {
table.set_header(vec!["ID", "Name", "Description", "Rule Count", "Created", "Updated"]);
"Rule Count",
for role in & {
table.add_row(vec![&, &, &role.description, role.firewall_rules.len().to_string().as_str(), &role.created_at, &role.modified_at]);
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# Ignore files for PNPM, NPM and YARN
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
root: true,
extends: [
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
plugins: ['@typescript-eslint'],
parserOptions: {
sourceType: 'module',
ecmaVersion: 2020,
extraFileExtensions: ['.svelte']
env: {
browser: true,
es2017: true,
node: true
overrides: [
files: ['*.svelte'],
parser: 'svelte-eslint-parser',
parserOptions: {
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser'
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# create-svelte
Everything you need to build a Svelte project, powered by [`create-svelte`](
## Creating a project
If you're seeing this, you've probably already done this step. Congrats!
# create a new project in the current directory
npm create svelte@latest
# create a new project in my-app
npm create svelte@latest my-app
## Developing
Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with `npm install` (or `pnpm install` or `yarn`), start a development server:
npm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
## Building
To create a production version of your app:
npm run build
You can preview the production build with `npm run preview`.
> To deploy your app, you may need to install an [adapter]( for your target environment.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
"$schema": "./node_modules/@openapitools/openapi-generator-cli/config.schema.json",
"spaces": 2,
"generator-cli": {
"version": "6.6.0"
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
"name": "tfweb",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite dev",
"build": "vite build",
"preview": "vite preview",
"check": "svelte-kit sync && svelte-check --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json",
"check:watch": "svelte-kit sync && svelte-check --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json --watch",
"lint": "eslint ."
"devDependencies": {
"@sveltejs/adapter-auto": "^2.0.0",
"@sveltejs/adapter-node": "^1.3.1",
"@sveltejs/kit": "^1.5.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.45.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.45.0",
"eslint": "^8.28.0",
"eslint-plugin-svelte": "^2.26.0",
"svelte": "^3.54.0",
"svelte-check": "^3.0.1",
"tslib": "^2.4.1",
"typescript": "^5.0.0",
"vite": "^4.3.0"
"type": "module",
"dependencies": {
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^6.4.2",
"@popperjs/core": "^2.11.8",
"@types/qrcode": "^1.5.0",
"bootstrap": "^5.3.2",
"bootswatch": "^5.3.2",
"qrcode": "^1.5.3",
"sveltekit-i18n": "^2.4.2"
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// See
// for information about these interfaces
declare global {
namespace App {
// interface Error {}
// interface Locals {}
// interface PageData {}
// interface Platform {}
export {};
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" style="height: 100%;">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="icon" href="%sveltekit.assets%/favicon.png" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<body data-sveltekit-preload-data="hover" style="height: 100%;">
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
<script lang="ts">
import Sidebar from "$components/Sidebar.svelte";
export let selected;
<div class="container-fluid g-0">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3 col-xl-2">
<Sidebar bind:selected={selected} />
<div class="col me-3 mt-2">
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
<script lang="ts">
import {logDeltaReset, Logger, logSetup} from "$lib/logger";
import {t} from "$lib/i18n/translations";
export let isLoading;
export let isError;
export let error;
let logger = new Logger("LoadingWrapper.svelte");
function loadingproclog() {
if (!isLoading) {
||||"page loaded - content paint");
$: isLoading, loadingproclog();
{#if isLoading}
<div class="h-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body text-center">
<h4 class="card-title mb-0">{$t("common.loading")} <i class="fas fa-gear fa-spin"></i></h4>
{#if isError}
<div class="h-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
<div class="card w-25">
<div class="card-body text-center">
<h4 class="card-title mb-0 text-danger">{error}</h4>
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
<script lang="ts">
import {Logger, logSetup} from "$lib/logger";
import QRCode from "qrcode";
import {onMount} from "svelte";
export let value;
let canvas;
let logger = new Logger("QrCode.svelte");
function updateQrCode() {
if (canvas === undefined) {
logger.warn(`component has not yet mounted, delaying 500ms and trying again`);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
||||`updating qrcode to ${value}`);
QRCode.toCanvas(canvas, value, (err) => {
if (err) {
logger.error(`error updating qrcode: ${err}`);
} else {
||||`qrcode updated successfully`);
$: value, updateQrCode();
<canvas bind:this={canvas} id="canvas"></canvas>
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
<script lang="ts">
import {t} from "$lib/i18n/translations";
export let selected;
<div class="sticky-top d-flex flex-column flex-shrink-0 p-3 vh-100 bg-dark">
<p class="d-flex align-items-center mb-3 mb-md-0 me-md-auto text-white text-decoration-none ml-5 fs-4">
<i class="fas fa-satellite fa-fw bi me-2"></i>
<ul class="nav nav-pills flex-column mb-auto">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link py-2 px-4" class:active={selected === 'hosts'} href="/hosts">
<i class="bi me-2 fas fa-computer fa-fw"></i>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link py-2 px-4" class:active={selected === 'lighthouses'} href="/lighthouses">
<i class="bi me-2 fas fa-server fa-fw"></i>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link py-2 px-4" class:active={selected === 'relays'} href="/relays">
<i class="bi me-2 fas fa-network-wired fa=fw"></i>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link py-2 px-4" class:active={selected === 'roles'} href="/roles">
<i class="bi me-2 fas fa-address-book fa-fw"></i>
<div class="nav-item">
<button class="nav-link py-2 px-4" on:click={() => {window.localStorage.setItem("mfa", ""); window.location.href = "/2fa"}}>
<i class="me-2 fas fa-right-from-bracket fa-fw"></i>
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
import { writable } from "svelte/store";
import { browser } from "$app/environment";
export function persist(name, def_val = "") {
const store = writable(browser && localStorage.getItem(name) || def_val);
store.subscribe((value) => {
if (browser)
return (localStorage.setItem(name, value));
return store;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
import type { Writable } from "svelte/store";
import {writable} from "svelte/store";
import {browser} from "$app/environment";
export function persist(name: string, def_val = ""): Writable<any> {
const store = writable(browser && localStorage.getItem(name) || def_val);
store.subscribe((value: any) => {
if (browser) return (localStorage.setItem(name, value));
return store;
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
import {browser} from "$app/environment";
export function updateTooltips() {
if (browser) {
setTimeout(() => {
const tooltipTriggerList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]')
const tooltipList = [...tooltipTriggerList].map(tooltipTriggerEl => {
let tooltip = new document.B.Tooltip(tooltipTriggerEl, {trigger: 'hover'})
tooltipTriggerEl.addEventListener('click', () => {
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# OpenAPI Generator Ignore
# Generated by openapi-generator
# Use this file to prevent files from being overwritten by the generator.
# The patterns follow closely to .gitignore or .dockerignore.
# As an example, the C# client generator defines ApiClient.cs.
# You can make changes and tell OpenAPI Generator to ignore just this file by uncommenting the following line:
# You can match any string of characters against a directory, file or extension with a single asterisk (*):
# The above matches foo/bar/qux and foo/baz/qux, but not foo/bar/baz/qux
# You can recursively match patterns against a directory, file or extension with a double asterisk (**):
# This matches foo/bar/qux, foo/baz/qux, and foo/bar/baz/qux
# You can also negate patterns with an exclamation (!).
# For example, you can ignore all files in a docs folder with the file extension .md:
# Then explicitly reverse the ignore rule for a single file:
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as runtime from '../runtime';
import { AuditLogsList200ResponseFromJSON, AuditLogsList200ResponseToJSON, } from '../models';
export class AuditLogsApi extends runtime.BaseAPI {
* Get a paginated list of audit logs. Token scope required: `audit-logs:list` ### Request
* List audit logs
async auditLogsListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const queryParameters = {};
if (requestParameters.includeCounts !== undefined) {
queryParameters['includeCounts'] = requestParameters.includeCounts;
if (requestParameters.cursor !== undefined) {
queryParameters['cursor'] = requestParameters.cursor;
if (requestParameters.pageSize !== undefined) {
queryParameters['pageSize'] = requestParameters.pageSize;
if (requestParameters.filterTargetID !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.targetID'] = requestParameters.filterTargetID;
if (requestParameters.filterTargetType !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.targetType'] = requestParameters.filterTargetType;
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/audit-logs`,
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => AuditLogsList200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Get a paginated list of audit logs. Token scope required: `audit-logs:list` ### Request
* List audit logs
async auditLogsList(requestParameters = {}, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.auditLogsListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* @export
export const AuditLogsListFilterTargetTypeEnum = {
ApiKey: 'apiKey',
Host: 'host',
Network: 'network',
Role: 'role',
User: 'user',
Ca: 'ca',
OidcProvider: 'oidcProvider'
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as runtime from '../runtime';
import type {
} from '../models';
import {
} from '../models';
export interface AuditLogsListRequest {
includeCounts?: boolean;
cursor?: string;
pageSize?: number;
filterTargetID?: string;
filterTargetType?: AuditLogsListFilterTargetTypeEnum;
export class AuditLogsApi extends runtime.BaseAPI {
* Get a paginated list of audit logs. Token scope required: `audit-logs:list` ### Request
* List audit logs
async auditLogsListRaw(requestParameters: AuditLogsListRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<AuditLogsList200Response>> {
const queryParameters: any = {};
if (requestParameters.includeCounts !== undefined) {
queryParameters['includeCounts'] = requestParameters.includeCounts;
if (requestParameters.cursor !== undefined) {
queryParameters['cursor'] = requestParameters.cursor;
if (requestParameters.pageSize !== undefined) {
queryParameters['pageSize'] = requestParameters.pageSize;
if (requestParameters.filterTargetID !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.targetID'] = requestParameters.filterTargetID;
if (requestParameters.filterTargetType !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.targetType'] = requestParameters.filterTargetType;
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/audit-logs`,
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => AuditLogsList200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Get a paginated list of audit logs. Token scope required: `audit-logs:list` ### Request
* List audit logs
async auditLogsList(requestParameters: AuditLogsListRequest = {}, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<AuditLogsList200Response> {
const response = await this.auditLogsListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* @export
export const AuditLogsListFilterTargetTypeEnum = {
ApiKey: 'apiKey',
Host: 'host',
Network: 'network',
Role: 'role',
User: 'user',
Ca: 'ca',
OidcProvider: 'oidcProvider'
} as const;
export type AuditLogsListFilterTargetTypeEnum = typeof AuditLogsListFilterTargetTypeEnum[keyof typeof AuditLogsListFilterTargetTypeEnum];
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as runtime from '../runtime';
import { DownloadsList200ResponseFromJSON, DownloadsList200ResponseToJSON, } from '../models';
export class DownloadsApi extends runtime.BaseAPI {
* Get a list of recently released software download links and basic info. This endpoint is unauthenticated. ### Request
* List software downloads
async downloadsListRaw(initOverrides) {
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/downloads`,
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => DownloadsList200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Get a list of recently released software download links and basic info. This endpoint is unauthenticated. ### Request
* List software downloads
async downloadsList(initOverrides) {
const response = await this.downloadsListRaw(initOverrides);
return await response.value();
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as runtime from '../runtime';
import type {
} from '../models';
import {
} from '../models';
export class DownloadsApi extends runtime.BaseAPI {
* Get a list of recently released software download links and basic info. This endpoint is unauthenticated. ### Request
* List software downloads
async downloadsListRaw(initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<DownloadsList200Response>> {
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/downloads`,
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => DownloadsList200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Get a list of recently released software download links and basic info. This endpoint is unauthenticated. ### Request
* List software downloads
async downloadsList(initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<DownloadsList200Response> {
const response = await this.downloadsListRaw(initOverrides);
return await response.value();
@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as runtime from '../runtime';
import { HostAndEnrollCodeCreate200ResponseFromJSON, HostAndEnrollCodeCreate200ResponseToJSON, HostAndEnrollCodeCreate400ResponseFromJSON, HostAndEnrollCodeCreate400ResponseToJSON, HostBlock200ResponseFromJSON, HostBlock200ResponseToJSON, HostCreate200ResponseFromJSON, HostCreate200ResponseToJSON, HostCreate400ResponseFromJSON, HostCreate400ResponseToJSON, HostCreateRequestFromJSON, HostCreateRequestToJSON, HostDelete200ResponseFromJSON, HostDelete200ResponseToJSON, HostEdit200ResponseFromJSON, HostEdit200ResponseToJSON, HostEditRequestFromJSON, HostEditRequestToJSON, HostEnrollCodeCreate200ResponseFromJSON, HostEnrollCodeCreate200ResponseToJSON, HostGet200ResponseFromJSON, HostGet200ResponseToJSON, HostsList200ResponseFromJSON, HostsList200ResponseToJSON, } from '../models';
export class HostsApi extends runtime.BaseAPI {
* Token scopes required: `hosts:create`, `hosts:enroll` ### Request
* Create host & enrollment code
async hostAndEnrollCodeCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.hostCreateRequest === null || requestParameters.hostCreateRequest === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostCreateRequest', 'Required parameter requestParameters.hostCreateRequest was null or undefined when calling hostAndEnrollCodeCreate.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
headerParameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/host-and-enrollment-code`,
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
body: HostCreateRequestToJSON(requestParameters.hostCreateRequest),
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostAndEnrollCodeCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Token scopes required: `hosts:create`, `hosts:enroll` ### Request
* Create host & enrollment code
async hostAndEnrollCodeCreate(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.hostAndEnrollCodeCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Prevent a host from being able to interact with other nodes on your network. See for more details. To unblock, re-enroll the host. Token scope required: `hosts:block` ### Request
* Block host
async hostBlockRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.hostID === null || requestParameters.hostID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostID', 'Required parameter requestParameters.hostID was null or undefined when calling hostBlock.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts/{hostID}/block`.replace(`{${"hostID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.hostID))),
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostBlock200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Prevent a host from being able to interact with other nodes on your network. See for more details. To unblock, re-enroll the host. Token scope required: `hosts:block` ### Request
* Block host
async hostBlock(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.hostBlockRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Create a new host, lighthouse, or relay. Token scope required: `hosts:create` ### Request
* Create host
async hostCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.hostCreateRequest === null || requestParameters.hostCreateRequest === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostCreateRequest', 'Required parameter requestParameters.hostCreateRequest was null or undefined when calling hostCreate.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
headerParameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts`,
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
body: HostCreateRequestToJSON(requestParameters.hostCreateRequest),
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Create a new host, lighthouse, or relay. Token scope required: `hosts:create` ### Request
* Create host
async hostCreate(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.hostCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Token scope required: `hosts:delete` ### Request
* Delete host
async hostDeleteRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.hostID === null || requestParameters.hostID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostID', 'Required parameter requestParameters.hostID was null or undefined when calling hostDelete.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts/{hostID}`.replace(`{${"hostID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.hostID))),
method: 'DELETE',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostDelete200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Token scope required: `hosts:delete` ### Request
* Delete host
async hostDelete(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.hostDeleteRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Token scope required: `hosts:update` :::caution Any properties not provided in the request will be reset to their default values. ::: ### Request
* Edit host
async hostEditRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.hostID === null || requestParameters.hostID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostID', 'Required parameter requestParameters.hostID was null or undefined when calling hostEdit.');
if (requestParameters.hostEditRequest === null || requestParameters.hostEditRequest === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostEditRequest', 'Required parameter requestParameters.hostEditRequest was null or undefined when calling hostEdit.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
headerParameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts/{hostID}`.replace(`{${"hostID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.hostID))),
method: 'PUT',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
body: HostEditRequestToJSON(requestParameters.hostEditRequest),
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostEdit200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Token scope required: `hosts:update` :::caution Any properties not provided in the request will be reset to their default values. ::: ### Request
* Edit host
async hostEdit(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.hostEditRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Obtain a code that can be used with the `dnclient enroll` command on a host, lighthouse, or relay to enroll it into your Managed Nebula network. Token scope required: `hosts:enroll` ### Request
* Create enrollment code
async hostEnrollCodeCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.hostID === null || requestParameters.hostID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostID', 'Required parameter requestParameters.hostID was null or undefined when calling hostEnrollCodeCreate.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts/{hostID}/enrollment-code`.replace(`{${"hostID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.hostID))),
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostEnrollCodeCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Obtain a code that can be used with the `dnclient enroll` command on a host, lighthouse, or relay to enroll it into your Managed Nebula network. Token scope required: `hosts:enroll` ### Request
* Create enrollment code
async hostEnrollCodeCreate(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.hostEnrollCodeCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Fetch information about a particular host, lighthouse, or relay. Token scope required: `hosts:read` ### Request
* Get host
async hostGetRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.hostID === null || requestParameters.hostID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostID', 'Required parameter requestParameters.hostID was null or undefined when calling hostGet.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts/{hostID}`.replace(`{${"hostID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.hostID))),
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostGet200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Fetch information about a particular host, lighthouse, or relay. Token scope required: `hosts:read` ### Request
* Get host
async hostGet(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.hostGetRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Get a paginated list of hosts, lighthouses, and relays. Token scope required: `hosts:list` ### Request
* List hosts
async hostsListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const queryParameters = {};
if (requestParameters.includeCounts !== undefined) {
queryParameters['includeCounts'] = requestParameters.includeCounts;
if (requestParameters.cursor !== undefined) {
queryParameters['cursor'] = requestParameters.cursor;
if (requestParameters.pageSize !== undefined) {
queryParameters['pageSize'] = requestParameters.pageSize;
if (requestParameters.filterIsBlocked !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.isBlocked'] = requestParameters.filterIsBlocked;
if (requestParameters.filterIsLighthouse !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.isLighthouse'] = requestParameters.filterIsLighthouse;
if (requestParameters.filterIsRelay !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.isRelay'] = requestParameters.filterIsRelay;
if (requestParameters.filterMetadataLastSeenAt !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.metadata.lastSeenAt'] = requestParameters.filterMetadataLastSeenAt;
if (requestParameters.filterMetadataPlatform !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.metadata.platform'] = requestParameters.filterMetadataPlatform;
if (requestParameters.filterMetadataUpdateAvailable !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.metadata.updateAvailable'] = requestParameters.filterMetadataUpdateAvailable;
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts`,
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostsList200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Get a paginated list of hosts, lighthouses, and relays. Token scope required: `hosts:list` ### Request
* List hosts
async hostsList(requestParameters = {}, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.hostsListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* @export
export const HostsListFilterMetadataLastSeenAtEnum = {
Null: 'null'
* @export
export const HostsListFilterMetadataPlatformEnum = {
Mobile: 'mobile',
Dnclient: 'dnclient',
Null: 'null'
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as runtime from '../runtime';
import type {
} from '../models';
import {
} from '../models';
export interface HostAndEnrollCodeCreateRequest {
hostCreateRequest: HostCreateRequest;
export interface HostBlockRequest {
hostID: string;
export interface HostCreateOperationRequest {
hostCreateRequest: HostCreateRequest;
export interface HostDeleteRequest {
hostID: string;
export interface HostEditOperationRequest {
hostID: string;
hostEditRequest: HostEditRequest;
export interface HostEnrollCodeCreateRequest {
hostID: string;
export interface HostGetRequest {
hostID: string;
export interface HostsListRequest {
includeCounts?: boolean;
cursor?: string;
pageSize?: number;
filterIsBlocked?: boolean;
filterIsLighthouse?: boolean;
filterIsRelay?: boolean;
filterMetadataLastSeenAt?: HostsListFilterMetadataLastSeenAtEnum;
filterMetadataPlatform?: HostsListFilterMetadataPlatformEnum;
filterMetadataUpdateAvailable?: boolean;
export class HostsApi extends runtime.BaseAPI {
* Token scopes required: `hosts:create`, `hosts:enroll` ### Request
* Create host & enrollment code
async hostAndEnrollCodeCreateRaw(requestParameters: HostAndEnrollCodeCreateRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<HostAndEnrollCodeCreate200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.hostCreateRequest === null || requestParameters.hostCreateRequest === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostCreateRequest','Required parameter requestParameters.hostCreateRequest was null or undefined when calling hostAndEnrollCodeCreate.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
headerParameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/host-and-enrollment-code`,
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
body: HostCreateRequestToJSON(requestParameters.hostCreateRequest),
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostAndEnrollCodeCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Token scopes required: `hosts:create`, `hosts:enroll` ### Request
* Create host & enrollment code
async hostAndEnrollCodeCreate(requestParameters: HostAndEnrollCodeCreateRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<HostAndEnrollCodeCreate200Response> {
const response = await this.hostAndEnrollCodeCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Prevent a host from being able to interact with other nodes on your network. See for more details. To unblock, re-enroll the host. Token scope required: `hosts:block` ### Request
* Block host
async hostBlockRaw(requestParameters: HostBlockRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<HostBlock200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.hostID === null || requestParameters.hostID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostID','Required parameter requestParameters.hostID was null or undefined when calling hostBlock.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts/{hostID}/block`.replace(`{${"hostID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.hostID))),
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostBlock200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Prevent a host from being able to interact with other nodes on your network. See for more details. To unblock, re-enroll the host. Token scope required: `hosts:block` ### Request
* Block host
async hostBlock(requestParameters: HostBlockRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<HostBlock200Response> {
const response = await this.hostBlockRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Create a new host, lighthouse, or relay. Token scope required: `hosts:create` ### Request
* Create host
async hostCreateRaw(requestParameters: HostCreateOperationRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<HostCreate200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.hostCreateRequest === null || requestParameters.hostCreateRequest === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostCreateRequest','Required parameter requestParameters.hostCreateRequest was null or undefined when calling hostCreate.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
headerParameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts`,
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
body: HostCreateRequestToJSON(requestParameters.hostCreateRequest),
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Create a new host, lighthouse, or relay. Token scope required: `hosts:create` ### Request
* Create host
async hostCreate(requestParameters: HostCreateOperationRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<HostCreate200Response> {
const response = await this.hostCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Token scope required: `hosts:delete` ### Request
* Delete host
async hostDeleteRaw(requestParameters: HostDeleteRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<HostDelete200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.hostID === null || requestParameters.hostID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostID','Required parameter requestParameters.hostID was null or undefined when calling hostDelete.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts/{hostID}`.replace(`{${"hostID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.hostID))),
method: 'DELETE',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostDelete200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Token scope required: `hosts:delete` ### Request
* Delete host
async hostDelete(requestParameters: HostDeleteRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<HostDelete200Response> {
const response = await this.hostDeleteRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Token scope required: `hosts:update` :::caution Any properties not provided in the request will be reset to their default values. ::: ### Request
* Edit host
async hostEditRaw(requestParameters: HostEditOperationRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<HostEdit200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.hostID === null || requestParameters.hostID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostID','Required parameter requestParameters.hostID was null or undefined when calling hostEdit.');
if (requestParameters.hostEditRequest === null || requestParameters.hostEditRequest === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostEditRequest','Required parameter requestParameters.hostEditRequest was null or undefined when calling hostEdit.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
headerParameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts/{hostID}`.replace(`{${"hostID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.hostID))),
method: 'PUT',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
body: HostEditRequestToJSON(requestParameters.hostEditRequest),
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostEdit200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Token scope required: `hosts:update` :::caution Any properties not provided in the request will be reset to their default values. ::: ### Request
* Edit host
async hostEdit(requestParameters: HostEditOperationRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<HostEdit200Response> {
const response = await this.hostEditRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Obtain a code that can be used with the `dnclient enroll` command on a host, lighthouse, or relay to enroll it into your Managed Nebula network. Token scope required: `hosts:enroll` ### Request
* Create enrollment code
async hostEnrollCodeCreateRaw(requestParameters: HostEnrollCodeCreateRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<HostEnrollCodeCreate200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.hostID === null || requestParameters.hostID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostID','Required parameter requestParameters.hostID was null or undefined when calling hostEnrollCodeCreate.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts/{hostID}/enrollment-code`.replace(`{${"hostID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.hostID))),
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostEnrollCodeCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Obtain a code that can be used with the `dnclient enroll` command on a host, lighthouse, or relay to enroll it into your Managed Nebula network. Token scope required: `hosts:enroll` ### Request
* Create enrollment code
async hostEnrollCodeCreate(requestParameters: HostEnrollCodeCreateRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<HostEnrollCodeCreate200Response> {
const response = await this.hostEnrollCodeCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Fetch information about a particular host, lighthouse, or relay. Token scope required: `hosts:read` ### Request
* Get host
async hostGetRaw(requestParameters: HostGetRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<HostGet200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.hostID === null || requestParameters.hostID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('hostID','Required parameter requestParameters.hostID was null or undefined when calling hostGet.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts/{hostID}`.replace(`{${"hostID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.hostID))),
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostGet200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Fetch information about a particular host, lighthouse, or relay. Token scope required: `hosts:read` ### Request
* Get host
async hostGet(requestParameters: HostGetRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<HostGet200Response> {
const response = await this.hostGetRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Get a paginated list of hosts, lighthouses, and relays. Token scope required: `hosts:list` ### Request
* List hosts
async hostsListRaw(requestParameters: HostsListRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<HostsList200Response>> {
const queryParameters: any = {};
if (requestParameters.includeCounts !== undefined) {
queryParameters['includeCounts'] = requestParameters.includeCounts;
if (requestParameters.cursor !== undefined) {
queryParameters['cursor'] = requestParameters.cursor;
if (requestParameters.pageSize !== undefined) {
queryParameters['pageSize'] = requestParameters.pageSize;
if (requestParameters.filterIsBlocked !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.isBlocked'] = requestParameters.filterIsBlocked;
if (requestParameters.filterIsLighthouse !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.isLighthouse'] = requestParameters.filterIsLighthouse;
if (requestParameters.filterIsRelay !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.isRelay'] = requestParameters.filterIsRelay;
if (requestParameters.filterMetadataLastSeenAt !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.metadata.lastSeenAt'] = requestParameters.filterMetadataLastSeenAt;
if (requestParameters.filterMetadataPlatform !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.metadata.platform'] = requestParameters.filterMetadataPlatform;
if (requestParameters.filterMetadataUpdateAvailable !== undefined) {
queryParameters['filter.metadata.updateAvailable'] = requestParameters.filterMetadataUpdateAvailable;
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/hosts`,
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostsList200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Get a paginated list of hosts, lighthouses, and relays. Token scope required: `hosts:list` ### Request
* List hosts
async hostsList(requestParameters: HostsListRequest = {}, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<HostsList200Response> {
const response = await this.hostsListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* @export
export const HostsListFilterMetadataLastSeenAtEnum = {
Null: 'null'
} as const;
export type HostsListFilterMetadataLastSeenAtEnum = typeof HostsListFilterMetadataLastSeenAtEnum[keyof typeof HostsListFilterMetadataLastSeenAtEnum];
* @export
export const HostsListFilterMetadataPlatformEnum = {
Mobile: 'mobile',
Dnclient: 'dnclient',
Null: 'null'
} as const;
export type HostsListFilterMetadataPlatformEnum = typeof HostsListFilterMetadataPlatformEnum[keyof typeof HostsListFilterMetadataPlatformEnum];
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as runtime from '../runtime';
import { NetworkGet200ResponseFromJSON, NetworkGet200ResponseToJSON, NetworksList200ResponseFromJSON, NetworksList200ResponseToJSON, } from '../models';
export class NetworksApi extends runtime.BaseAPI {
* Fetch information about a particular network. Token scope required: `networks:read` ### Request
* Get network
async networkGetRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.networkID === null || requestParameters.networkID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('networkID', 'Required parameter requestParameters.networkID was null or undefined when calling networkGet.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/networks/{networkID}`.replace(`{${"networkID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.networkID))),
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => NetworkGet200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Fetch information about a particular network. Token scope required: `networks:read` ### Request
* Get network
async networkGet(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.networkGetRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Get a paginated list of networks. :::note Currently, there is a limit of one network per Defined Networking account. ::: Token scope required: `networks:list` ### Request
* List networks
async networksListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const queryParameters = {};
if (requestParameters.includeCounts !== undefined) {
queryParameters['includeCounts'] = requestParameters.includeCounts;
if (requestParameters.cursor !== undefined) {
queryParameters['cursor'] = requestParameters.cursor;
if (requestParameters.pageSize !== undefined) {
queryParameters['pageSize'] = requestParameters.pageSize;
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/networks`,
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => NetworksList200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Get a paginated list of networks. :::note Currently, there is a limit of one network per Defined Networking account. ::: Token scope required: `networks:list` ### Request
* List networks
async networksList(requestParameters = {}, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.networksListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as runtime from '../runtime';
import type {
} from '../models';
import {
} from '../models';
export interface NetworkGetRequest {
networkID: string;
export interface NetworksListRequest {
includeCounts?: boolean;
cursor?: string;
pageSize?: number;
export class NetworksApi extends runtime.BaseAPI {
* Fetch information about a particular network. Token scope required: `networks:read` ### Request
* Get network
async networkGetRaw(requestParameters: NetworkGetRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<NetworkGet200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.networkID === null || requestParameters.networkID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('networkID','Required parameter requestParameters.networkID was null or undefined when calling networkGet.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/networks/{networkID}`.replace(`{${"networkID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.networkID))),
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => NetworkGet200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Fetch information about a particular network. Token scope required: `networks:read` ### Request
* Get network
async networkGet(requestParameters: NetworkGetRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<NetworkGet200Response> {
const response = await this.networkGetRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Get a paginated list of networks. :::note Currently, there is a limit of one network per Defined Networking account. ::: Token scope required: `networks:list` ### Request
* List networks
async networksListRaw(requestParameters: NetworksListRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<NetworksList200Response>> {
const queryParameters: any = {};
if (requestParameters.includeCounts !== undefined) {
queryParameters['includeCounts'] = requestParameters.includeCounts;
if (requestParameters.cursor !== undefined) {
queryParameters['cursor'] = requestParameters.cursor;
if (requestParameters.pageSize !== undefined) {
queryParameters['pageSize'] = requestParameters.pageSize;
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/networks`,
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => NetworksList200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Get a paginated list of networks. :::note Currently, there is a limit of one network per Defined Networking account. ::: Token scope required: `networks:list` ### Request
* List networks
async networksList(requestParameters: NetworksListRequest = {}, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<NetworksList200Response> {
const response = await this.networksListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as runtime from '../runtime';
import { HostAndEnrollCodeCreate400ResponseFromJSON, HostAndEnrollCodeCreate400ResponseToJSON, HostDelete200ResponseFromJSON, HostDelete200ResponseToJSON, RoleCreate200ResponseFromJSON, RoleCreate200ResponseToJSON, RoleCreateRequestFromJSON, RoleCreateRequestToJSON, RoleEditRequestFromJSON, RoleEditRequestToJSON, RolesList200ResponseFromJSON, RolesList200ResponseToJSON, } from '../models';
export class RolesApi extends runtime.BaseAPI {
* Create a new role. Token scope required: `roles:create` ### Request
* Create role
async roleCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.roleCreateRequest === null || requestParameters.roleCreateRequest === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('roleCreateRequest', 'Required parameter requestParameters.roleCreateRequest was null or undefined when calling roleCreate.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
headerParameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/roles`,
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
body: RoleCreateRequestToJSON(requestParameters.roleCreateRequest),
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => RoleCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Create a new role. Token scope required: `roles:create` ### Request
* Create role
async roleCreate(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.roleCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Token scope required: `roles:delete` ### Request
* Delete role
async roleDeleteRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.roleID === null || requestParameters.roleID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('roleID', 'Required parameter requestParameters.roleID was null or undefined when calling roleDelete.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/roles/{roleID}`.replace(`{${"roleID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.roleID))),
method: 'DELETE',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostDelete200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Token scope required: `roles:delete` ### Request
* Delete role
async roleDelete(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.roleDeleteRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Token scope required: `roles:update` :::caution Any properties not provided in the request will be reset to their default values. If only changing one firewall rule, be sure to include the others as well, otherwise they will be removed. ::: ### Request
* Edit role
async roleEditRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.roleID === null || requestParameters.roleID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('roleID', 'Required parameter requestParameters.roleID was null or undefined when calling roleEdit.');
if (requestParameters.roleEditRequest === null || requestParameters.roleEditRequest === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('roleEditRequest', 'Required parameter requestParameters.roleEditRequest was null or undefined when calling roleEdit.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
headerParameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/roles/{roleID}`.replace(`{${"roleID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.roleID))),
method: 'PUT',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
body: RoleEditRequestToJSON(requestParameters.roleEditRequest),
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => RoleCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Token scope required: `roles:update` :::caution Any properties not provided in the request will be reset to their default values. If only changing one firewall rule, be sure to include the others as well, otherwise they will be removed. ::: ### Request
* Edit role
async roleEdit(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.roleEditRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Fetch information about a particular role. Token scope required: `roles:read` ### Request
* Get role
async roleGetRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
if (requestParameters.roleID === null || requestParameters.roleID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('roleID', 'Required parameter requestParameters.roleID was null or undefined when calling roleGet.');
const queryParameters = {};
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/roles/{roleID}`.replace(`{${"roleID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.roleID))),
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => RoleCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Fetch information about a particular role. Token scope required: `roles:read` ### Request
* Get role
async roleGet(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.roleGetRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Get a paginated list of roles. Token scope required: `roles:list` ### Request
* List roles
async rolesListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides) {
const queryParameters = {};
if (requestParameters.includeCounts !== undefined) {
queryParameters['includeCounts'] = requestParameters.includeCounts;
if (requestParameters.cursor !== undefined) {
queryParameters['cursor'] = requestParameters.cursor;
if (requestParameters.pageSize !== undefined) {
queryParameters['pageSize'] = requestParameters.pageSize;
const headerParameters = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/roles`,
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => RolesList200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Get a paginated list of roles. Token scope required: `roles:list` ### Request
* List roles
async rolesList(requestParameters = {}, initOverrides) {
const response = await this.rolesListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import * as runtime from '../runtime';
import type {
} from '../models';
import {
} from '../models';
export interface RoleCreateOperationRequest {
roleCreateRequest: RoleCreateRequest;
export interface RoleDeleteRequest {
roleID: string;
export interface RoleEditOperationRequest {
roleID: string;
roleEditRequest: RoleEditRequest;
export interface RoleGetRequest {
roleID: string;
export interface RolesListRequest {
includeCounts?: boolean;
cursor?: string;
pageSize?: number;
export class RolesApi extends runtime.BaseAPI {
* Create a new role. Token scope required: `roles:create` ### Request
* Create role
async roleCreateRaw(requestParameters: RoleCreateOperationRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<RoleCreate200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.roleCreateRequest === null || requestParameters.roleCreateRequest === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('roleCreateRequest','Required parameter requestParameters.roleCreateRequest was null or undefined when calling roleCreate.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
headerParameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/roles`,
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
body: RoleCreateRequestToJSON(requestParameters.roleCreateRequest),
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => RoleCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Create a new role. Token scope required: `roles:create` ### Request
* Create role
async roleCreate(requestParameters: RoleCreateOperationRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<RoleCreate200Response> {
const response = await this.roleCreateRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Token scope required: `roles:delete` ### Request
* Delete role
async roleDeleteRaw(requestParameters: RoleDeleteRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<HostDelete200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.roleID === null || requestParameters.roleID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('roleID','Required parameter requestParameters.roleID was null or undefined when calling roleDelete.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/roles/{roleID}`.replace(`{${"roleID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.roleID))),
method: 'DELETE',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => HostDelete200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Token scope required: `roles:delete` ### Request
* Delete role
async roleDelete(requestParameters: RoleDeleteRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<HostDelete200Response> {
const response = await this.roleDeleteRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Token scope required: `roles:update` :::caution Any properties not provided in the request will be reset to their default values. If only changing one firewall rule, be sure to include the others as well, otherwise they will be removed. ::: ### Request
* Edit role
async roleEditRaw(requestParameters: RoleEditOperationRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<RoleCreate200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.roleID === null || requestParameters.roleID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('roleID','Required parameter requestParameters.roleID was null or undefined when calling roleEdit.');
if (requestParameters.roleEditRequest === null || requestParameters.roleEditRequest === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('roleEditRequest','Required parameter requestParameters.roleEditRequest was null or undefined when calling roleEdit.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
headerParameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/roles/{roleID}`.replace(`{${"roleID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.roleID))),
method: 'PUT',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
body: RoleEditRequestToJSON(requestParameters.roleEditRequest),
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => RoleCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Token scope required: `roles:update` :::caution Any properties not provided in the request will be reset to their default values. If only changing one firewall rule, be sure to include the others as well, otherwise they will be removed. ::: ### Request
* Edit role
async roleEdit(requestParameters: RoleEditOperationRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<RoleCreate200Response> {
const response = await this.roleEditRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Fetch information about a particular role. Token scope required: `roles:read` ### Request
* Get role
async roleGetRaw(requestParameters: RoleGetRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<RoleCreate200Response>> {
if (requestParameters.roleID === null || requestParameters.roleID === undefined) {
throw new runtime.RequiredError('roleID','Required parameter requestParameters.roleID was null or undefined when calling roleGet.');
const queryParameters: any = {};
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/roles/{roleID}`.replace(`{${"roleID"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(requestParameters.roleID))),
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => RoleCreate200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Fetch information about a particular role. Token scope required: `roles:read` ### Request
* Get role
async roleGet(requestParameters: RoleGetRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<RoleCreate200Response> {
const response = await this.roleGetRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
* Get a paginated list of roles. Token scope required: `roles:list` ### Request
* List roles
async rolesListRaw(requestParameters: RolesListRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<runtime.ApiResponse<RolesList200Response>> {
const queryParameters: any = {};
if (requestParameters.includeCounts !== undefined) {
queryParameters['includeCounts'] = requestParameters.includeCounts;
if (requestParameters.cursor !== undefined) {
queryParameters['cursor'] = requestParameters.cursor;
if (requestParameters.pageSize !== undefined) {
queryParameters['pageSize'] = requestParameters.pageSize;
const headerParameters: runtime.HTTPHeaders = {};
if (this.configuration && this.configuration.accessToken) {
const token = this.configuration.accessToken;
const tokenString = await token("ApiToken", []);
if (tokenString) {
headerParameters["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${tokenString}`;
const response = await this.request({
path: `/v1/roles`,
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
query: queryParameters,
}, initOverrides);
return new runtime.JSONApiResponse(response, (jsonValue) => RolesList200ResponseFromJSON(jsonValue));
* Get a paginated list of roles. Token scope required: `roles:list` ### Request
* List roles
async rolesList(requestParameters: RolesListRequest = {}, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<RolesList200Response> {
const response = await this.rolesListRaw(requestParameters, initOverrides);
return await response.value();
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
export * from './AuditLogsApi';
export * from './DownloadsApi';
export * from './HostsApi';
export * from './NetworksApi';
export * from './RolesApi';
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
export * from './AuditLogsApi';
export * from './DownloadsApi';
export * from './HostsApi';
export * from './NetworksApi';
export * from './RolesApi';
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
export * from './runtime';
export * from './apis';
export * from './models';
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
export * from './runtime';
export * from './apis';
export * from './models';
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { instanceOfActorAPIKey, ActorAPIKeyFromJSON, ActorAPIKeyFromJSONTyped, ActorAPIKeyToJSON, } from './ActorAPIKey';
import { instanceOfActorHost, ActorHostFromJSON, ActorHostFromJSONTyped, ActorHostToJSON, } from './ActorHost';
import { instanceOfActorOIDCUser, ActorOIDCUserFromJSON, ActorOIDCUserFromJSONTyped, ActorOIDCUserToJSON, } from './ActorOIDCUser';
import { instanceOfActorSupport, ActorSupportFromJSON, ActorSupportFromJSONTyped, ActorSupportToJSON, } from './ActorSupport';
import { instanceOfActorSystem, ActorSystemFromJSON, ActorSystemFromJSONTyped, ActorSystemToJSON, } from './ActorSystem';
import { instanceOfActorUser, ActorUserFromJSON, ActorUserFromJSONTyped, ActorUserToJSON, } from './ActorUser';
export function ActorFromJSON(json) {
return ActorFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return { ...ActorAPIKeyFromJSONTyped(json, true), ...ActorHostFromJSONTyped(json, true), ...ActorOIDCUserFromJSONTyped(json, true), ...ActorSupportFromJSONTyped(json, true), ...ActorSystemFromJSONTyped(json, true), ...ActorUserFromJSONTyped(json, true) };
export function ActorToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
if (instanceOfActorAPIKey(value)) {
return ActorAPIKeyToJSON(value);
if (instanceOfActorHost(value)) {
return ActorHostToJSON(value);
if (instanceOfActorOIDCUser(value)) {
return ActorOIDCUserToJSON(value);
if (instanceOfActorSupport(value)) {
return ActorSupportToJSON(value);
if (instanceOfActorSystem(value)) {
return ActorSystemToJSON(value);
if (instanceOfActorUser(value)) {
return ActorUserToJSON(value);
return {};
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import type {ActorAPIKey} from './ActorAPIKey';
import {
} from './ActorAPIKey';
import type {ActorHost} from './ActorHost';
import {
} from './ActorHost';
import type {ActorOIDCUser} from './ActorOIDCUser';
import {
} from './ActorOIDCUser';
import type {ActorSupport} from './ActorSupport';
import {
} from './ActorSupport';
import type {ActorSystem} from './ActorSystem';
import {
} from './ActorSystem';
import type {ActorUser} from './ActorUser';
import {
} from './ActorUser';
* @type Actor
* The entity performing the action which caused a change.
* @export
export type Actor = ActorAPIKey | ActorHost | ActorOIDCUser | ActorSupport | ActorSystem | ActorUser;
export function ActorFromJSON(json: any): Actor {
return ActorFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): Actor {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return { ...ActorAPIKeyFromJSONTyped(json, true), ...ActorHostFromJSONTyped(json, true), ...ActorOIDCUserFromJSONTyped(json, true), ...ActorSupportFromJSONTyped(json, true), ...ActorSystemFromJSONTyped(json, true), ...ActorUserFromJSONTyped(json, true) };
export function ActorToJSON(value?: Actor | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
if (instanceOfActorAPIKey(value)) {
return ActorAPIKeyToJSON(value as ActorAPIKey);
if (instanceOfActorHost(value)) {
return ActorHostToJSON(value as ActorHost);
if (instanceOfActorOIDCUser(value)) {
return ActorOIDCUserToJSON(value as ActorOIDCUser);
if (instanceOfActorSupport(value)) {
return ActorSupportToJSON(value as ActorSupport);
if (instanceOfActorSystem(value)) {
return ActorSystemToJSON(value as ActorSystem);
if (instanceOfActorUser(value)) {
return ActorUserToJSON(value as ActorUser);
return {};
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
export const ActorAPIKeyTypeEnum = {
ApiKey: 'apiKey'
* Check if a given object implements the ActorAPIKey interface.
export function instanceOfActorAPIKey(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorAPIKeyFromJSON(json) {
return ActorAPIKeyFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorAPIKeyFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
'id': !exists(json, 'id') ? undefined : json['id'],
'name': !exists(json, 'name') ? undefined : json['name'],
export function ActorAPIKeyToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
* @interface ActorAPIKey
export interface ActorAPIKey {
* An API key which used to perform the action.
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorAPIKey
type?: ActorAPIKeyTypeEnum;
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorAPIKey
id?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorAPIKey
name?: string | null;
* @export
export const ActorAPIKeyTypeEnum = {
ApiKey: 'apiKey'
} as const;
export type ActorAPIKeyTypeEnum = typeof ActorAPIKeyTypeEnum[keyof typeof ActorAPIKeyTypeEnum];
* Check if a given object implements the ActorAPIKey interface.
export function instanceOfActorAPIKey(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorAPIKeyFromJSON(json: any): ActorAPIKey {
return ActorAPIKeyFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorAPIKeyFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): ActorAPIKey {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
'id': !exists(json, 'id') ? undefined : json['id'],
'name': !exists(json, 'name') ? undefined : json['name'],
export function ActorAPIKeyToJSON(value?: ActorAPIKey | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
export const ActorHostTypeEnum = {
Host: 'host'
* Check if a given object implements the ActorHost interface.
export function instanceOfActorHost(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorHostFromJSON(json) {
return ActorHostFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorHostFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
'id': !exists(json, 'id') ? undefined : json['id'],
'name': !exists(json, 'name') ? undefined : json['name'],
export function ActorHostToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
* @interface ActorHost
export interface ActorHost {
* A host. Used for example when hosts are enrolled.
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorHost
type?: ActorHostTypeEnum;
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorHost
id?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorHost
name?: string | null;
* @export
export const ActorHostTypeEnum = {
Host: 'host'
} as const;
export type ActorHostTypeEnum = typeof ActorHostTypeEnum[keyof typeof ActorHostTypeEnum];
* Check if a given object implements the ActorHost interface.
export function instanceOfActorHost(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorHostFromJSON(json: any): ActorHost {
return ActorHostFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorHostFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): ActorHost {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
'id': !exists(json, 'id') ? undefined : json['id'],
'name': !exists(json, 'name') ? undefined : json['name'],
export function ActorHostToJSON(value?: ActorHost | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
export const ActorOIDCUserTypeEnum = {
OidcUser: 'oidcUser'
* Check if a given object implements the ActorOIDCUser interface.
export function instanceOfActorOIDCUser(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorOIDCUserFromJSON(json) {
return ActorOIDCUserFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorOIDCUserFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
'email': !exists(json, 'email') ? undefined : json['email'],
'issuer': !exists(json, 'issuer') ? undefined : json['issuer'],
'subject': !exists(json, 'subject') ? undefined : json['subject'],
export function ActorOIDCUserToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
'issuer': value.issuer,
'subject': value.subject,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
* @interface ActorOIDCUser
export interface ActorOIDCUser {
* A user who logged in using SSO.
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorOIDCUser
type?: ActorOIDCUserTypeEnum;
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorOIDCUser
email?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorOIDCUser
issuer?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorOIDCUser
subject?: string;
* @export
export const ActorOIDCUserTypeEnum = {
OidcUser: 'oidcUser'
} as const;
export type ActorOIDCUserTypeEnum = typeof ActorOIDCUserTypeEnum[keyof typeof ActorOIDCUserTypeEnum];
* Check if a given object implements the ActorOIDCUser interface.
export function instanceOfActorOIDCUser(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorOIDCUserFromJSON(json: any): ActorOIDCUser {
return ActorOIDCUserFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorOIDCUserFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): ActorOIDCUser {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
'email': !exists(json, 'email') ? undefined : json['email'],
'issuer': !exists(json, 'issuer') ? undefined : json['issuer'],
'subject': !exists(json, 'subject') ? undefined : json['subject'],
export function ActorOIDCUserToJSON(value?: ActorOIDCUser | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
'issuer': value.issuer,
'subject': value.subject,
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
export const ActorSupportTypeEnum = {
Support: 'support'
* Check if a given object implements the ActorSupport interface.
export function instanceOfActorSupport(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorSupportFromJSON(json) {
return ActorSupportFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorSupportFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
export function ActorSupportToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
* @interface ActorSupport
export interface ActorSupport {
* A member of Defined Networking support staff.
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorSupport
type?: ActorSupportTypeEnum;
* @export
export const ActorSupportTypeEnum = {
Support: 'support'
} as const;
export type ActorSupportTypeEnum = typeof ActorSupportTypeEnum[keyof typeof ActorSupportTypeEnum];
* Check if a given object implements the ActorSupport interface.
export function instanceOfActorSupport(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorSupportFromJSON(json: any): ActorSupport {
return ActorSupportFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorSupportFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): ActorSupport {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
export function ActorSupportToJSON(value?: ActorSupport | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
export const ActorSystemTypeEnum = {
System: 'system'
* Check if a given object implements the ActorSystem interface.
export function instanceOfActorSystem(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorSystemFromJSON(json) {
return ActorSystemFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorSystemFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
export function ActorSystemToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
* @interface ActorSystem
export interface ActorSystem {
* System actor, used for events such as creation or rotation of Certificate Authorities.
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorSystem
type?: ActorSystemTypeEnum;
* @export
export const ActorSystemTypeEnum = {
System: 'system'
} as const;
export type ActorSystemTypeEnum = typeof ActorSystemTypeEnum[keyof typeof ActorSystemTypeEnum];
* Check if a given object implements the ActorSystem interface.
export function instanceOfActorSystem(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorSystemFromJSON(json: any): ActorSystem {
return ActorSystemFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorSystemFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): ActorSystem {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
export function ActorSystemToJSON(value?: ActorSystem | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
export const ActorUserTypeEnum = {
User: 'user'
* Check if a given object implements the ActorUser interface.
export function instanceOfActorUser(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorUserFromJSON(json) {
return ActorUserFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorUserFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
'id': !exists(json, 'id') ? undefined : json['id'],
'email': !exists(json, 'email') ? undefined : json['email'],
export function ActorUserToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
* @interface ActorUser
export interface ActorUser {
* A logged-in user.
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorUser
type?: ActorUserTypeEnum;
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorUser
id?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof ActorUser
email?: string;
* @export
export const ActorUserTypeEnum = {
User: 'user'
} as const;
export type ActorUserTypeEnum = typeof ActorUserTypeEnum[keyof typeof ActorUserTypeEnum];
* Check if a given object implements the ActorUser interface.
export function instanceOfActorUser(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function ActorUserFromJSON(json: any): ActorUser {
return ActorUserFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function ActorUserFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): ActorUser {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
'id': !exists(json, 'id') ? undefined : json['id'],
'email': !exists(json, 'email') ? undefined : json['email'],
export function ActorUserToJSON(value?: ActorUser | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import { ActorFromJSON, ActorFromJSONTyped, ActorToJSON, } from './Actor';
import { EventFromJSON, EventFromJSONTyped, EventToJSON, } from './Event';
import { TargetFromJSON, TargetFromJSONTyped, TargetToJSON, } from './Target';
* Check if a given object implements the AuditLog interface.
export function instanceOfAuditLog(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function AuditLogFromJSON(json) {
return AuditLogFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function AuditLogFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'id': !exists(json, 'id') ? undefined : json['id'],
'organizationID': !exists(json, 'organizationID') ? undefined : json['organizationID'],
'timestamp': !exists(json, 'timestamp') ? undefined : (new Date(json['timestamp'])),
'actor': !exists(json, 'actor') ? undefined : ActorFromJSON(json['actor']),
'target': !exists(json, 'target') ? undefined : TargetFromJSON(json['target']),
'event': !exists(json, 'event') ? undefined : EventFromJSON(json['event']),
export function AuditLogToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'organizationID': value.organizationID,
'timestamp': value.timestamp === undefined ? undefined : (value.timestamp.toISOString()),
'actor': ActorToJSON(,
'target': TargetToJSON(,
'event': EventToJSON(value.event),
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import type { Actor } from './Actor';
import {
} from './Actor';
import type { Event } from './Event';
import {
} from './Event';
import type { Target } from './Target';
import {
} from './Target';
* @export
* @interface AuditLog
export interface AuditLog {
* @type {string}
* @memberof AuditLog
id?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof AuditLog
organizationID?: string;
* @type {Date}
* @memberof AuditLog
timestamp?: Date;
* @type {Actor}
* @memberof AuditLog
actor?: Actor;
* @type {Target}
* @memberof AuditLog
target?: Target;
* @type {Event}
* @memberof AuditLog
event?: Event;
* Check if a given object implements the AuditLog interface.
export function instanceOfAuditLog(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function AuditLogFromJSON(json: any): AuditLog {
return AuditLogFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function AuditLogFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): AuditLog {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'id': !exists(json, 'id') ? undefined : json['id'],
'organizationID': !exists(json, 'organizationID') ? undefined : json['organizationID'],
'timestamp': !exists(json, 'timestamp') ? undefined : (new Date(json['timestamp'])),
'actor': !exists(json, 'actor') ? undefined : ActorFromJSON(json['actor']),
'target': !exists(json, 'target') ? undefined : TargetFromJSON(json['target']),
'event': !exists(json, 'event') ? undefined : EventFromJSON(json['event']),
export function AuditLogToJSON(value?: AuditLog | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'organizationID': value.organizationID,
'timestamp': value.timestamp === undefined ? undefined : (value.timestamp.toISOString()),
'actor': ActorToJSON(,
'target': TargetToJSON(,
'event': EventToJSON(value.event),
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import { AuditLogFromJSON, AuditLogFromJSONTyped, AuditLogToJSON, } from './AuditLog';
import { PaginationMetadataFromJSON, PaginationMetadataFromJSONTyped, PaginationMetadataToJSON, } from './PaginationMetadata';
* Check if a given object implements the AuditLogsList200Response interface.
export function instanceOfAuditLogsList200Response(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function AuditLogsList200ResponseFromJSON(json) {
return AuditLogsList200ResponseFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function AuditLogsList200ResponseFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'data': !exists(json, 'data') ? undefined : (json['data'].map(AuditLogFromJSON)),
'metadata': !exists(json, 'metadata') ? undefined : PaginationMetadataFromJSON(json['metadata']),
export function AuditLogsList200ResponseToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'data': === undefined ? undefined : (,
'metadata': PaginationMetadataToJSON(value.metadata),
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import type { AuditLog } from './AuditLog';
import {
} from './AuditLog';
import type { PaginationMetadata } from './PaginationMetadata';
import {
} from './PaginationMetadata';
* @export
* @interface AuditLogsList200Response
export interface AuditLogsList200Response {
* @type {Array<AuditLog>}
* @memberof AuditLogsList200Response
data?: Array<AuditLog>;
* @type {PaginationMetadata}
* @memberof AuditLogsList200Response
metadata?: PaginationMetadata;
* Check if a given object implements the AuditLogsList200Response interface.
export function instanceOfAuditLogsList200Response(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function AuditLogsList200ResponseFromJSON(json: any): AuditLogsList200Response {
return AuditLogsList200ResponseFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function AuditLogsList200ResponseFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): AuditLogsList200Response {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'data': !exists(json, 'data') ? undefined : ((json['data'] as Array<any>).map(AuditLogFromJSON)),
'metadata': !exists(json, 'metadata') ? undefined : PaginationMetadataFromJSON(json['metadata']),
export function AuditLogsList200ResponseToJSON(value?: AuditLogsList200Response | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'data': === undefined ? undefined : (( as Array<any>).map(AuditLogToJSON)),
'metadata': PaginationMetadataToJSON(value.metadata),
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import { DownloadsDnclientFromJSON, DownloadsDnclientFromJSONTyped, DownloadsDnclientToJSON, } from './DownloadsDnclient';
import { DownloadsMobileFromJSON, DownloadsMobileFromJSONTyped, DownloadsMobileToJSON, } from './DownloadsMobile';
import { DownloadsVersionInfoFromJSON, DownloadsVersionInfoFromJSONTyped, DownloadsVersionInfoToJSON, } from './DownloadsVersionInfo';
* Check if a given object implements the Downloads interface.
export function instanceOfDownloads(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsFromJSON(json) {
return DownloadsFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'dnclient': !exists(json, 'dnclient') ? undefined : DownloadsDnclientFromJSON(json['dnclient']),
'mobile': !exists(json, 'mobile') ? undefined : DownloadsMobileFromJSON(json['mobile']),
'versionInfo': !exists(json, 'versionInfo') ? undefined : DownloadsVersionInfoFromJSON(json['versionInfo']),
export function DownloadsToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'dnclient': DownloadsDnclientToJSON(value.dnclient),
'mobile': DownloadsMobileToJSON(,
'versionInfo': DownloadsVersionInfoToJSON(value.versionInfo),
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import type { DownloadsDnclient } from './DownloadsDnclient';
import {
} from './DownloadsDnclient';
import type { DownloadsMobile } from './DownloadsMobile';
import {
} from './DownloadsMobile';
import type { DownloadsVersionInfo } from './DownloadsVersionInfo';
import {
} from './DownloadsVersionInfo';
* @export
* @interface Downloads
export interface Downloads {
* @type {DownloadsDnclient}
* @memberof Downloads
dnclient?: DownloadsDnclient;
* @type {DownloadsMobile}
* @memberof Downloads
mobile?: DownloadsMobile;
* @type {DownloadsVersionInfo}
* @memberof Downloads
versionInfo?: DownloadsVersionInfo;
* Check if a given object implements the Downloads interface.
export function instanceOfDownloads(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsFromJSON(json: any): Downloads {
return DownloadsFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): Downloads {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'dnclient': !exists(json, 'dnclient') ? undefined : DownloadsDnclientFromJSON(json['dnclient']),
'mobile': !exists(json, 'mobile') ? undefined : DownloadsMobileFromJSON(json['mobile']),
'versionInfo': !exists(json, 'versionInfo') ? undefined : DownloadsVersionInfoFromJSON(json['versionInfo']),
export function DownloadsToJSON(value?: Downloads | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'dnclient': DownloadsDnclientToJSON(value.dnclient),
'mobile': DownloadsMobileToJSON(,
'versionInfo': DownloadsVersionInfoToJSON(value.versionInfo),
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsDNClientLinks interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsDNClientLinks(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsDNClientLinksFromJSON(json) {
return DownloadsDNClientLinksFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsDNClientLinksFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'linuxAmd64': !exists(json, 'linux-amd64') ? undefined : json['linux-amd64'],
'linuxArm64': !exists(json, 'linux-arm64') ? undefined : json['linux-arm64'],
'macosUniversal': !exists(json, 'macos-universal') ? undefined : json['macos-universal'],
'macosUniversalDmg': !exists(json, 'macos-universal-dmg') ? undefined : json['macos-universal-dmg'],
'windowsAmd64': !exists(json, 'windows-amd64') ? undefined : json['windows-amd64'],
'windowsArm64': !exists(json, 'windows-arm64') ? undefined : json['windows-arm64'],
export function DownloadsDNClientLinksToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'linux-amd64': value.linuxAmd64,
'linux-arm64': value.linuxArm64,
'macos-universal': value.macosUniversal,
'macos-universal-dmg': value.macosUniversalDmg,
'windows-amd64': value.windowsAmd64,
'windows-arm64': value.windowsArm64,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* Download links for a given DNClient version
* @export
* @interface DownloadsDNClientLinks
export interface DownloadsDNClientLinks {
[key: string]: string | any;
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsDNClientLinks
linuxAmd64?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsDNClientLinks
linuxArm64?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsDNClientLinks
macosUniversal?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsDNClientLinks
macosUniversalDmg?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsDNClientLinks
windowsAmd64?: string;
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsDNClientLinks
windowsArm64?: string;
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsDNClientLinks interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsDNClientLinks(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsDNClientLinksFromJSON(json: any): DownloadsDNClientLinks {
return DownloadsDNClientLinksFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsDNClientLinksFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): DownloadsDNClientLinks {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'linuxAmd64': !exists(json, 'linux-amd64') ? undefined : json['linux-amd64'],
'linuxArm64': !exists(json, 'linux-arm64') ? undefined : json['linux-arm64'],
'macosUniversal': !exists(json, 'macos-universal') ? undefined : json['macos-universal'],
'macosUniversalDmg': !exists(json, 'macos-universal-dmg') ? undefined : json['macos-universal-dmg'],
'windowsAmd64': !exists(json, 'windows-amd64') ? undefined : json['windows-amd64'],
'windowsArm64': !exists(json, 'windows-arm64') ? undefined : json['windows-arm64'],
export function DownloadsDNClientLinksToJSON(value?: DownloadsDNClientLinks | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'linux-amd64': value.linuxAmd64,
'linux-arm64': value.linuxArm64,
'macos-universal': value.macosUniversal,
'macos-universal-dmg': value.macosUniversalDmg,
'windows-amd64': value.windowsAmd64,
'windows-arm64': value.windowsArm64,
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import { DownloadsDNClientLinksFromJSON, DownloadsDNClientLinksFromJSONTyped, DownloadsDNClientLinksToJSON, } from './DownloadsDNClientLinks';
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsDnclient interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsDnclient(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsDnclientFromJSON(json) {
return DownloadsDnclientFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsDnclientFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'latest': !exists(json, 'latest') ? undefined : DownloadsDNClientLinksFromJSON(json['latest']),
export function DownloadsDnclientToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'latest': DownloadsDNClientLinksToJSON(value.latest),
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import type { DownloadsDNClientLinks } from './DownloadsDNClientLinks';
import {
} from './DownloadsDNClientLinks';
* @export
* @interface DownloadsDnclient
export interface DownloadsDnclient {
[key: string]: DownloadsDNClientLinks | any;
* @type {DownloadsDNClientLinks}
* @memberof DownloadsDnclient
latest?: DownloadsDNClientLinks;
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsDnclient interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsDnclient(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsDnclientFromJSON(json: any): DownloadsDnclient {
return DownloadsDnclientFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsDnclientFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): DownloadsDnclient {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'latest': !exists(json, 'latest') ? undefined : DownloadsDNClientLinksFromJSON(json['latest']),
export function DownloadsDnclientToJSON(value?: DownloadsDnclient | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'latest': DownloadsDNClientLinksToJSON(value.latest),
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import { DownloadsFromJSON, DownloadsFromJSONTyped, DownloadsToJSON, } from './Downloads';
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsList200Response interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsList200Response(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsList200ResponseFromJSON(json) {
return DownloadsList200ResponseFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsList200ResponseFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'data': !exists(json, 'data') ? undefined : DownloadsFromJSON(json['data']),
export function DownloadsList200ResponseToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'data': DownloadsToJSON(,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import type { Downloads } from './Downloads';
import {
} from './Downloads';
* @export
* @interface DownloadsList200Response
export interface DownloadsList200Response {
* @type {Downloads}
* @memberof DownloadsList200Response
data?: Downloads;
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsList200Response interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsList200Response(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsList200ResponseFromJSON(json: any): DownloadsList200Response {
return DownloadsList200ResponseFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsList200ResponseFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): DownloadsList200Response {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'data': !exists(json, 'data') ? undefined : DownloadsFromJSON(json['data']),
export function DownloadsList200ResponseToJSON(value?: DownloadsList200Response | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'data': DownloadsToJSON(,
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsMobile interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsMobile(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsMobileFromJSON(json) {
return DownloadsMobileFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsMobileFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'android': !exists(json, 'android') ? undefined : json['android'],
'ios': !exists(json, 'ios') ? undefined : json['ios'],
export function DownloadsMobileToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'ios': value.ios,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
* @interface DownloadsMobile
export interface DownloadsMobile {
* Mobile Nebula download URL for Android devices.
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsMobile
android?: string;
* Mobile Nebula download URL for iOS devices.
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsMobile
ios?: string;
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsMobile interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsMobile(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsMobileFromJSON(json: any): DownloadsMobile {
return DownloadsMobileFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsMobileFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): DownloadsMobile {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'android': !exists(json, 'android') ? undefined : json['android'],
'ios': !exists(json, 'ios') ? undefined : json['ios'],
export function DownloadsMobileToJSON(value?: DownloadsMobile | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'ios': value.ios,
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import { DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueFromJSON, DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueFromJSONTyped, DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueToJSON, } from './DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue';
import { DownloadsVersionInfoLatestFromJSON, DownloadsVersionInfoLatestFromJSONTyped, DownloadsVersionInfoLatestToJSON, } from './DownloadsVersionInfoLatest';
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsVersionInfo interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsVersionInfo(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsVersionInfoFromJSON(json) {
return DownloadsVersionInfoFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsVersionInfoFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'dnclient': !exists(json, 'dnclient') ? undefined : (mapValues(json['dnclient'], DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueFromJSON)),
'latest': !exists(json, 'latest') ? undefined : DownloadsVersionInfoLatestFromJSON(json['latest']),
export function DownloadsVersionInfoToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'dnclient': value.dnclient === undefined ? undefined : (mapValues(value.dnclient, DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueToJSON)),
'latest': DownloadsVersionInfoLatestToJSON(value.latest),
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
import type { DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue } from './DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue';
import {
} from './DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue';
import type { DownloadsVersionInfoLatest } from './DownloadsVersionInfoLatest';
import {
} from './DownloadsVersionInfoLatest';
* @export
* @interface DownloadsVersionInfo
export interface DownloadsVersionInfo {
* Information about available DNClient releases
* @type {{ [key: string]: DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue; }}
* @memberof DownloadsVersionInfo
dnclient?: { [key: string]: DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue; };
* @type {DownloadsVersionInfoLatest}
* @memberof DownloadsVersionInfo
latest?: DownloadsVersionInfoLatest;
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsVersionInfo interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsVersionInfo(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsVersionInfoFromJSON(json: any): DownloadsVersionInfo {
return DownloadsVersionInfoFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsVersionInfoFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): DownloadsVersionInfo {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'dnclient': !exists(json, 'dnclient') ? undefined : (mapValues(json['dnclient'], DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueFromJSON)),
'latest': !exists(json, 'latest') ? undefined : DownloadsVersionInfoLatestFromJSON(json['latest']),
export function DownloadsVersionInfoToJSON(value?: DownloadsVersionInfo | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'dnclient': value.dnclient === undefined ? undefined : (mapValues(value.dnclient, DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueToJSON)),
'latest': DownloadsVersionInfoLatestToJSON(value.latest),
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueFromJSON(json) {
return DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'releaseDate': !exists(json, 'releaseDate') ? undefined : json['releaseDate'],
'latest': !exists(json, 'latest') ? undefined : json['latest'],
export function DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'releaseDate': value.releaseDate,
'latest': value.latest,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* Information about a given DNClient release
* @export
* @interface DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue
export interface DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue {
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue
releaseDate?: string;
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue
latest?: boolean;
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueFromJSON(json: any): DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue {
return DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'releaseDate': !exists(json, 'releaseDate') ? undefined : json['releaseDate'],
'latest': !exists(json, 'latest') ? undefined : json['latest'],
export function DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValueToJSON(value?: DownloadsVersionInfoDnclientValue | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'releaseDate': value.releaseDate,
'latest': value.latest,
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsVersionInfoLatest interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsVersionInfoLatest(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsVersionInfoLatestFromJSON(json) {
return DownloadsVersionInfoLatestFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsVersionInfoLatestFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'dnclient': !exists(json, 'dnclient') ? undefined : json['dnclient'],
'mobile': !exists(json, 'mobile') ? undefined : json['mobile'],
export function DownloadsVersionInfoLatestToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'dnclient': value.dnclient,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* The latest version for each software download.
* @export
* @interface DownloadsVersionInfoLatest
export interface DownloadsVersionInfoLatest {
* The latest version of DNClient.
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsVersionInfoLatest
dnclient?: string;
* The latest version of Mobile Nebula.
* @type {string}
* @memberof DownloadsVersionInfoLatest
mobile?: string;
* Check if a given object implements the DownloadsVersionInfoLatest interface.
export function instanceOfDownloadsVersionInfoLatest(value: object): boolean {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function DownloadsVersionInfoLatestFromJSON(json: any): DownloadsVersionInfoLatest {
return DownloadsVersionInfoLatestFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function DownloadsVersionInfoLatestFromJSONTyped(json: any, ignoreDiscriminator: boolean): DownloadsVersionInfoLatest {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'dnclient': !exists(json, 'dnclient') ? undefined : json['dnclient'],
'mobile': !exists(json, 'mobile') ? undefined : json['mobile'],
export function DownloadsVersionInfoLatestToJSON(value?: DownloadsVersionInfoLatest | null): any {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'dnclient': value.dnclient,
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
* Defined Networking API
* <br/> <br/> This API enables automated administration of Defined Networking hosts, roles, logs, and more. To authenticate, obtain an api key to use as a bearer token from your Defined Networking admin panel [API Keys page]( API keys must be given the appropriate permission scopes for every method and endpoint, as specified throughout this documentation. Please [contact us]( for any questions or issues. In the event of a token leak, please take care to [rotate the key](/guides/rotating-api-keys). <div className=\'introduction-end\'></div>
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { exists, mapValues } from '../runtime';
* @export
export const EventTypeEnum = {
Created: 'CREATED',
Updated: 'UPDATED',
Deleted: 'DELETED',
DeletedTotp: 'DELETED_TOTP',
CreatedTotp: 'CREATED_TOTP',
SucceededAuth: 'SUCCEEDED_AUTH',
FailedAuth: 'FAILED_AUTH',
Enrolled: 'ENROLLED',
Renewed: 'RENEWED',
CreatedEnrollCode: 'CREATED_ENROLL_CODE',
SetNetworkCa: 'SET_NETWORK_CA',
BlockedHost: 'BLOCKED_HOST',
UnblockedHost: 'UNBLOCKED_HOST',
SetOverrides: 'SET_OVERRIDES'
* Check if a given object implements the Event interface.
export function instanceOfEvent(value) {
let isInstance = true;
return isInstance;
export function EventFromJSON(json) {
return EventFromJSONTyped(json, false);
export function EventFromJSONTyped(json, ignoreDiscriminator) {
if ((json === undefined) || (json === null)) {
return json;
return {
'type': !exists(json, 'type') ? undefined : json['type'],
'before': !exists(json, 'before') ? undefined : json['before'],
'after': !exists(json, 'after') ? undefined : json['after'],
export function EventToJSON(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (value === null) {
return null;
return {
'type': value.type,
'before': value.before,
'after': value.after,
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