Fixed a few bugs, and made numerous improvements. Fixed issue where a sync chunk load could have its ticket removed and the priority ticket could expire... Still not perfect there but better than before. Also fixed few other misc issues such as watchdog cpu usage, chunk queue update had risk of double enqueue due to it no longer being a set. Added much more information about chunk state to watchdog prints. I see some more room for improvement even, but this is much better than before. Fixes #3407 Fixes #3411 Fixes #3395 Fixes #3389
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458 lines
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From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Spottedleaf <>
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 13:00:55 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Chunk debug command
Prints all chunk information to a text file into the debug
folder in the root server folder. The format is in JSON, and
the data format is described in MCUtil#dumpChunks(File)
The command will output server version and all online players to the
file as well. We do not log anything but the location, world and
username of the player.
Also logs the value of these config values (note not all are paper's):
- keep spawn loaded value
- spawn radius
- view distance
Each chunk has the following logged:
- Coordinate
- Ticket level & its corresponding state
- Whether it is queued for unload
- Chunk status (may be unloaded)
- All tickets on the chunk
Example log:
For references on certain keywords (ticket, status, etc), please see:
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/ b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/
index 5acad8e44f024d3ddf5ef4fd320460ac516e0fb8..af810987846efcd2bffbd23c31481b2d31c168dd 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ public class PaperCommand extends Command {
public PaperCommand(String name) {
this.description = "Paper related commands";
- this.usageMessage = "/paper [heap | entity | reload | version]";
+ this.usageMessage = "/paper [heap | entity | reload | version | debug | chunkinfo]";
public List<String> tabComplete(CommandSender sender, String alias, String[] args, Location location) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (args.length <= 1)
- return getListMatchingLast(args, "heap", "entity", "reload", "version");
+ return getListMatchingLast(args, "heap", "entity", "reload", "version", "debug", "chunkinfo");
switch (args[0].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))
@@ -45,6 +45,21 @@ public class PaperCommand extends Command {
if (args.length == 3)
return getListMatchingLast(args, EntityTypes.getEntityNameList().stream().map(MinecraftKey::toString).sorted().toArray(String[]::new));
+ case "debug":
+ if (args.length == 2) {
+ return getListMatchingLast(args, "help", "chunks");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "chunkinfo":
+ List<String> worldNames = new ArrayList<>();
+ worldNames.add("*");
+ for (org.bukkit.World world : Bukkit.getWorlds()) {
+ worldNames.add(world.getName());
+ }
+ if (args.length == 2) {
+ return getListMatchingLast(args, worldNames);
+ }
+ break;
return Collections.emptyList();
@@ -109,6 +124,12 @@ public class PaperCommand extends Command {
case "reload":
+ case "debug":
+ doDebug(sender, args);
+ break;
+ case "chunkinfo":
+ doChunkInfo(sender, args);
+ break;
case "ver":
case "version":
Command ver = org.bukkit.Bukkit.getServer().getCommandMap().getCommand("version");
@@ -125,6 +146,96 @@ public class PaperCommand extends Command {
return true;
+ private void doChunkInfo(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
+ List<org.bukkit.World> worlds;
+ if (args.length < 2 || args[1].equals("*")) {
+ worlds = Bukkit.getWorlds();
+ } else {
+ worlds = new ArrayList<>(args.length - 1);
+ for (int i = 1; i < args.length; ++i) {
+ org.bukkit.World world = Bukkit.getWorld(args[i]);
+ if (world == null) {
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "World '" + args[i] + "' is invalid");
+ return;
+ }
+ worlds.add(world);
+ }
+ }
+ for (org.bukkit.World bukkitWorld : worlds) {
+ WorldServer world = ((CraftWorld)bukkitWorld).getHandle();
+ int total = 0;
+ int inactive = 0;
+ int border = 0;
+ int ticking = 0;
+ int entityTicking = 0;
+ for (PlayerChunk chunk : world.getChunkProvider().playerChunkMap.updatingChunks.values()) {
+ if (chunk.getFullChunkIfCached() == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ++total;
+ PlayerChunk.State state = PlayerChunk.getChunkState(chunk.getTicketLevel());
+ switch (state) {
+ ++inactive;
+ continue;
+ case BORDER:
+ ++border;
+ continue;
+ case TICKING:
+ ++ticking;
+ continue;
+ ++entityTicking;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Chunks in " + ChatColor.GREEN + bukkitWorld.getName() + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + ":");
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "Total: " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + total + ChatColor.BLUE + " Inactive: " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA
+ + inactive + ChatColor.BLUE + " Border: " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + border + ChatColor.BLUE + " Ticking: "
+ + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + ticking + ChatColor.BLUE + " Entity: " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + entityTicking);
+ }
+ }
+ private void doDebug(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
+ if (args.length < 2) {
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Use /paper debug [chunks] help for more information on a specific command");
+ return;
+ }
+ String debugType = args[1].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
+ switch (debugType) {
+ case "chunks":
+ if (args.length >= 3 && args[2].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).equals("help")) {
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Use /paper debug chunks to dump loaded chunk information to a file");
+ break;
+ }
+ File file = new File(new File(new File("."), "debug"),
+ "chunks-" + DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("").format( + ".txt");
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Writing chunk information dump to " + file.toString());
+ try {
+ MCUtil.dumpChunks(file);
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Successfully written chunk information!");
+ } catch (Throwable thr) {
+ MinecraftServer.LOGGER.warn("Failed to dump chunk information to file " + file.toString(), thr);
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Failed to dump chunk information, see console");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "help":
+ // fall through to default
+ default:
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Use /paper debug [chunks] help for more information on a specific command");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
* Ported from MinecraftForge - author: LexManos <> - License: LGPLv2.1
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
index 8c6550433c20c54cbe390219821ce393c5720da8..e6d08756f76360b29b29f18305e5ec84d09f2d54 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
public class ChunkProviderServer extends IChunkProvider {
private static final int b = (int) Math.pow(17.0D, 2.0D);
- private static final List<ChunkStatus> c = ChunkStatus.a();
+ private static final List<ChunkStatus> c = ChunkStatus.a(); static final List<ChunkStatus> getPossibleChunkStatuses() { return ChunkProviderServer.c; } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private final ChunkMapDistance chunkMapDistance;
public final ChunkGenerator<?> chunkGenerator;
private final WorldServer world;
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
index 206d04dcce1d7d074cf7151a083bdc626b0b8e07..f75f48a3d0b0bc1da3c5ae3b3cf20b64f1e8288a 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
@@ -4,7 +4,13 @@ import com.destroystokyo.paper.block.TargetBlockInfo;
import com.destroystokyo.paper.profile.CraftPlayerProfile;
import com.destroystokyo.paper.profile.PlayerProfile;
import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
+import com.mojang.datafixers.util.Either;
+import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
@@ -14,8 +20,11 @@ import org.spigotmc.AsyncCatcher;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
+import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
@@ -525,4 +534,170 @@ public final class MCUtil {
return null;
+ public static ChunkStatus getChunkStatus(PlayerChunk chunk) {
+ List<ChunkStatus> statuses = ChunkProviderServer.getPossibleChunkStatuses();
+ for (int i = statuses.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ ChunkStatus curr = statuses.get(i);
+ CompletableFuture<Either<IChunkAccess, PlayerChunk.Failure>> future = chunk.getStatusFutureUnchecked(curr);
+ if (future != PlayerChunk.UNLOADED_CHUNK_ACCESS_FUTURE) {
+ return curr;
+ }
+ }
+ return null; // unloaded
+ }
+ public static void dumpChunks(File file) throws IOException {
+ file.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+ file.createNewFile();
+ /*
+ * Json format:
+ *
+ * Main data format:
+ * -server-version:<string>
+ * -data-version:<int>
+ * -worlds:
+ * -name:<world name>
+ * -view-distance:<int>
+ * -keep-spawn-loaded:<boolean>
+ * -keep-spawn-loaded-range:<int>
+ * -visible-chunk-count:<int>
+ * -loaded-chunk-count:<int>
+ * -verified-fully-loaded-chunks:<int>
+ * -players:<array of player>
+ * -chunk-data:<array of chunks>
+ *
+ * Player format:
+ * -name:<string>
+ * -x:<double>
+ * -y:<double>
+ * -z:<double>
+ *
+ * Chunk Format:
+ * -x:<integer>
+ * -z:<integer>
+ * -ticket-level:<integer>
+ * -state:<string>
+ * -queued-for-unload:<boolean>
+ * -status:<string>
+ * -tickets:<array of tickets>
+ *
+ *
+ * Ticket format:
+ * -ticket-type:<string>
+ * -ticket-level:<int>
+ * -add-tick:<long>
+ * -object-reason:<string> // This depends on the type of ticket. ie POST_TELEPORT -> entity id
+ */
+ List<org.bukkit.World> worlds = org.bukkit.Bukkit.getWorlds();
+ JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
+ data.addProperty("server-version", org.bukkit.Bukkit.getVersion());
+ data.addProperty("data-version", 0);
+ JsonArray worldsData = new JsonArray();
+ for (org.bukkit.World bukkitWorld : worlds) {
+ JsonObject worldData = new JsonObject();
+ WorldServer world = ((org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld)bukkitWorld).getHandle();
+ PlayerChunkMap chunkMap = world.getChunkProvider().playerChunkMap;
+ Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<PlayerChunk> visibleChunks = chunkMap.visibleChunks;
+ ChunkMapDistance chunkMapDistance = chunkMap.getChunkMapDistanceManager();
+ List<PlayerChunk> allChunks = new ArrayList<>(visibleChunks.values());
+ List<EntityPlayer> players = world.players;
+ int fullLoadedChunks = 0;
+ for (PlayerChunk chunk : allChunks) {
+ if (chunk.getFullChunkIfCached() != null) {
+ ++fullLoadedChunks;
+ }
+ }
+ // sorting by coordinate makes the log easier to read
+ allChunks.sort((PlayerChunk v1, PlayerChunk v2) -> {
+ if (v1.location.x != v2.location.x) {
+ return, v2.location.x);
+ }
+ return, v2.location.z);
+ });
+ worldData.addProperty("name", world.getWorldData().getName());
+ worldData.addProperty("view-distance", world.spigotConfig.viewDistance);
+ worldData.addProperty("keep-spawn-loaded", world.keepSpawnInMemory);
+ worldData.addProperty("keep-spawn-loaded-range", world.paperConfig.keepLoadedRange);
+ worldData.addProperty("visible-chunk-count", visibleChunks.size());
+ worldData.addProperty("loaded-chunk-count", chunkMap.loadedChunks.size());
+ worldData.addProperty("verified-fully-loaded-chunks", fullLoadedChunks);
+ JsonArray playersData = new JsonArray();
+ for (EntityPlayer player : players) {
+ JsonObject playerData = new JsonObject();
+ playerData.addProperty("name", player.getName());
+ playerData.addProperty("x", player.locX());
+ playerData.addProperty("y", player.locY());
+ playerData.addProperty("z", player.locZ());
+ playersData.add(playerData);
+ }
+ worldData.add("players", playersData);
+ JsonArray chunksData = new JsonArray();
+ for (PlayerChunk playerChunk : allChunks) {
+ JsonObject chunkData = new JsonObject();
+ Set<Ticket<?>> tickets =;
+ ChunkStatus status = getChunkStatus(playerChunk);
+ chunkData.addProperty("x", playerChunk.location.x);
+ chunkData.addProperty("z", playerChunk.location.z);
+ chunkData.addProperty("ticket-level", playerChunk.getTicketLevel());
+ chunkData.addProperty("state", PlayerChunk.getChunkState(playerChunk.getTicketLevel()).toString());
+ chunkData.addProperty("queued-for-unload", chunkMap.unloadQueue.contains(playerChunk.location.pair()));
+ chunkData.addProperty("status", status == null ? "unloaded" : status.toString());
+ JsonArray ticketsData = new JsonArray();
+ if (tickets != null) {
+ for (Ticket<?> ticket : tickets) {
+ JsonObject ticketData = new JsonObject();
+ ticketData.addProperty("ticket-type", ticket.getTicketType().toString());
+ ticketData.addProperty("ticket-level", ticket.getTicketLevel());
+ ticketData.addProperty("object-reason", String.valueOf(ticket.getObjectReason()));
+ ticketData.addProperty("add-tick", ticket.getCreationTick());
+ ticketsData.add(ticketData);
+ }
+ }
+ chunkData.add("tickets", ticketsData);
+ chunksData.add(chunkData);
+ }
+ worldData.add("chunk-data", chunksData);
+ worldsData.add(worldData);
+ }
+ data.add("worlds", worldsData);
+ StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
+ JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(stringWriter);
+ jsonWriter.setIndent(" ");
+ jsonWriter.setLenient(false);
+ Streams.write(data, jsonWriter);
+ String fileData = stringWriter.toString();
+ try (PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file), false, "UTF-8")) {
+ out.print(fileData);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
index 980044b9a81232e7d0eab8e4947db6ca1f845c1c..47e3e618c9e683e6975fb64e1094dc7078574dae 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class PlayerChunk {
public int oldTicketLevel;
private int ticketLevel;
private int n;
- private final ChunkCoordIntPair location;
+ final ChunkCoordIntPair location; // Paper - private -> package
private final short[] dirtyBlocks;
private int dirtyCount;
private int r;
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
index 1d255ce3833a0ea735bedbb33ae8259751346ab2..34f470779fa5d1cf9638431253024481236c073b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class PlayerChunkMap extends IChunkLoader implements PlayerChunk.d {
public final Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<PlayerChunk> updatingChunks = new Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap();
public volatile Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<PlayerChunk> visibleChunks;
private final Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<PlayerChunk> pendingUnload;
- private final LongSet loadedChunks;
+ final LongSet loadedChunks; // Paper - private -> package
public final WorldServer world;
private final LightEngineThreaded lightEngine;
private final IAsyncTaskHandler<Runnable> executor;
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class PlayerChunkMap extends IChunkLoader implements PlayerChunk.d {
private final Mailbox<ChunkTaskQueueSorter.a<Runnable>> mailboxWorldGen;
private final Mailbox<ChunkTaskQueueSorter.a<Runnable>> mailboxMain;
public final WorldLoadListener worldLoadListener;
- public final PlayerChunkMap.a chunkDistanceManager;
+ public final PlayerChunkMap.a chunkDistanceManager; public final PlayerChunkMap.a getChunkMapDistanceManager() { return this.chunkDistanceManager; } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private final AtomicInteger u;
private final DefinedStructureManager definedStructureManager;
private final File w;
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
index 77bb6b092a0763ff27f90f0401a8a81b15aebb8c..7a8397815a5b7f79f3e3a0348aeedf63fe879f8f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ public final class Ticket<T> implements Comparable<Ticket<?>> {
private final TicketType<T> a;
private final int b;
- public final T identifier;
- private long d;
+ public final T identifier; public final T getObjectReason() { return this.identifier; } // Paper - OBFHELPER
+ private long d; public final long getCreationTick() { return this.d; } // Paper - OBFHELPER
protected Ticket(TicketType<T> tickettype, int i, T t0) {
this.a = tickettype;
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ public final class Ticket<T> implements Comparable<Ticket<?>> {
return this.a;
+ public final int getTicketLevel() { return this.b(); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
public int b() {
return this.b;