Jake Potrebic fdf2a59d59
Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit) ()
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing

Bukkit Changes:
80ece5de Remove old draft API tags
8523fa23 : Add Contract annotation to ConfigurationSection
dd8edaa7 : Specify what velocity changes in javadocs

CraftBukkit Changes:
0d86921e SPIGOT-6435: send correcting "PacketPlayOutBlockChange" packet on interact for bisected items
2021-04-27 16:51:42 +01:00

68 lines
4.4 KiB

From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shane Freeder <theboyetronic@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2018 10:43:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Extend Player Interact cancellation
GUIs are opened on the client, meaning that the server cannot block them from opening,
However, it is possible to close these GUIs from the server.
Flower pots are also not updated on the client when interaction is cancelled, this patch
also resolves this.
Update adjacent blocks of doors, double plants, pistons and beds
when cancelling interaction.
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/PlayerInteractManager.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/PlayerInteractManager.java
index 74b4b127f39a0ad06e8f9add6861763724ab70ba..14f287d30c9a141f78f6311bef02a6fc4fa17564 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/PlayerInteractManager.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/PlayerInteractManager.java
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import net.minecraft.core.BlockPosition;
import net.minecraft.core.EnumDirection;
import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.PacketPlayInBlockDig;
import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.PacketPlayOutBlockBreak;
+import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.PacketPlayOutCloseWindow;
import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo;
import net.minecraft.world.EnumHand;
import net.minecraft.world.EnumInteractionResult;
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import net.minecraft.world.level.EnumGamemode;
import net.minecraft.world.level.World;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.BlockCommand;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.block.BlockFlowerPot;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.BlockJigsaw;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.BlockStructure;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.TileEntity;
@@ -180,6 +182,11 @@ public class PlayerInteractManager {
PlayerInteractEvent event = CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(this.player, Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK, blockposition, enumdirection, this.player.inventory.getItemInHand(), EnumHand.MAIN_HAND);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
// Let the client know the block still exists
+ // Paper start - brute force neighbor blocks for any attached blocks
+ for (EnumDirection dir : EnumDirection.values()) {
+ this.player.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutBlockChange(world, blockposition.shift(dir)));
+ }
+ // Paper end
this.player.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutBlockChange(this.world, blockposition));
// Update any tile entity data for this block
TileEntity tileentity = this.world.getTileEntity(blockposition);
@@ -484,6 +491,7 @@ public class PlayerInteractManager {
interactItemStack = itemstack.cloneItemStack();
if (event.useInteractedBlock() == Event.Result.DENY) {
// If we denied a door from opening, we need to send a correcting update to the client, as it already opened the door.
if (iblockdata.getBlock() instanceof BlockDoor) {
boolean bottom = iblockdata.get(BlockDoor.HALF) == BlockPropertyDoubleBlockHalf.LOWER;
@@ -496,7 +504,13 @@ public class PlayerInteractManager {
// send a correcting update to the client for the block above as well, this because of replaceable blocks (such as grass, sea grass etc)
entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutBlockChange(world, blockposition.up()));
+ // Paper start - extend Player Interact cancellation // TODO: consider merging this into the extracted method
+ } else if (iblockdata.getBlock() instanceof BlockStructure) {
+ entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutCloseWindow());
+ } else if (iblockdata.getBlock() instanceof BlockCommand) {
+ entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutCloseWindow());
+ // Paper end - extend Player Interact cancellation
entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().updateInventory(); // SPIGOT-2867
enuminteractionresult = (event.useItemInHand() != Event.Result.ALLOW) ? EnumInteractionResult.SUCCESS : EnumInteractionResult.PASS;
} else if (this.gamemode == EnumGamemode.SPECTATOR) {