From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Toon Schoenmakers <>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 15:01:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Avoid error bubbling up when item stack is empty in fishing

This can realistically only happen if there's custom loot active on fishing
which can return 0 items. This would disconnect the player who's fishing.

diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/projectile/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/projectile/
index 38bcc5a4435c4018b3233cc5e4c9142259e4396d..45f0f004e97b20e5c6c5b1f205b088bf8aa86017 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/projectile/
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/projectile/
@@ -484,9 +484,15 @@ public class EntityFishingHook extends IProjectile {
                 while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                     ItemStack itemstack1 = (ItemStack);
-                    EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(, this.locX(), this.locY(), this.locZ(), itemstack1);
+                    // Paper start, new EntityItem would throw if for whatever reason (mostly shitty datapacks) the itemstack1 turns out to be empty
+                    // if the item stack is empty we instead just have our entityitem as null
+                    EntityItem entityitem = null;
+                    if (!itemstack1.isEmpty()) {
+                        entityitem = new EntityItem(, this.locX(), this.locY(), this.locZ(), itemstack1);
+                    }
+                    // Paper end
                     // CraftBukkit start
-                    PlayerFishEvent playerFishEvent = new PlayerFishEvent((Player) entityhuman.getBukkitEntity(), entityitem.getBukkitEntity(), (FishHook) this.getBukkitEntity(), PlayerFishEvent.State.CAUGHT_FISH);
+                    PlayerFishEvent playerFishEvent = new PlayerFishEvent((Player) entityhuman.getBukkitEntity(), entityitem != null ? entityitem.getBukkitEntity() : null, (FishHook) this.getBukkitEntity(), PlayerFishEvent.State.CAUGHT_FISH); // Paper - entityitem may be null
                     playerFishEvent.setExpToDrop(this.random.nextInt(6) + 1);
@@ -499,8 +505,12 @@ public class EntityFishingHook extends IProjectile {
                     double d2 = entityhuman.locZ() - this.locZ();
                     double d3 = 0.1D;
-                    entityitem.setMot(d0 * 0.1D, d1 * 0.1D + Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2)) * 0.08D, d2 * 0.1D);
-          ;
+                    // Paper start, entity item can be null, so we need to check against this
+                    if (entityitem != null) {
+                        entityitem.setMot(d0 * 0.1D, d1 * 0.1D + Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2)) * 0.08D, d2 * 0.1D);
+              ;
+                    }
+                    // Paper end
                     // CraftBukkit start - this.random.nextInt(6) + 1 -> playerFishEvent.getExpToDrop()
                     if (playerFishEvent.getExpToDrop() > 0) {
                EntityExperienceOrb(, entityhuman.locX(), entityhuman.locY() + 0.5D, entityhuman.locZ() + 0.5D, playerFishEvent.getExpToDrop(), org.bukkit.entity.ExperienceOrb.SpawnReason.FISHING, this.getOwner(), this)); // Paper