set -ue

# Check if an application is on the PATH.
# If it is not, return with non-zero.
_is_dep_available() {
	command -v "$1" >/dev/null || (echo "$1 ${2:-was not found and is a required dependency}"; return 1)

if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then
    # No specific dependency was found; let's just check for all required ones.
    _is_dep_available git
    _is_dep_available patch
    _is_dep_available mvn

    # Ensure we don't have a JAVA_HOME set first.
    # Maven should work fine without the JAVA_HOME var as long as the JDK is on the PATH.
    if [ -z "${JAVA_HOME:-}" ]; then
        _is_dep_available javac "was not found; you can download the JDK from https://adoptopenjdk.net/ or via your package manager"
    # Require all dependencies provided.
    for dep in $@; do
        _is_dep_available "$dep"

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