Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
0399d9d6 SPIGOT-5341: Add Material.isAir
547f5709 SPIGOT-5353: Expand explosion API by adding source entity
CraftBukkit Changes:
7deb3728 SPIGOT-5309: Call cancelled EntityDamageEvent when damaging invisible armor stands
46351e17 SPIGOT-5341: Add Material.isAir
683bae06 SPIGOT-5342: Lore lost when deserializing items with no version stored
c2d12011 SPIGOT-5353: Expand explosion API by adding source entity
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
ff0672ca SPIGOT-5211: Add Raid API
CraftBukkit Changes:
96bc85f0 SPIGOT-5298: Remove unexplained 0.1 drop chance offset
6ed8a189 SPIGOT-5290: Invulnerable and/or Marker armor stand triggers EntityDamageEvent
631eaeb0 SPIGOT-5297: PlayerBedLeaveEvent.getBed() returns player location
8d4bc541 SPIGOT-5293: Sponge behaviour differs from Vanilla
e91fd75e SPIGOT-5291: Missing event for ravagers trampling crops
cbdd7139 SPIGOT-5211: Add Raid API
edd8fdfb SPIGOT-5287: Fix rare CME generating new chunks
3fc97f08 SPIGOT-5265: FireworkExplodeEvent only fired when rockets explode in air
Spigot Changes:
065a3734 Rebuild patches
a5961826 SPIGOT-5286: tick-inactive-villagers invokes the AI for NoAI villagers
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
eb2e6578 SPIGOT-5116: Fix concurrent modification exception inside ChunkMapDistance
989f9b3d SPIGOT-4849: Fix server crash when accessing chunks during chunk load/unload/populate events
f554183c SPIGOT-5171: Don't fire PlayerTeleportEvent if not actually moving
2349feb8 SPIGOT-5163: Cancelling PlayerBucketFillEvent visually removes the targeted block
Spigot Changes:
9a643a6a Remove DataWatcher Locking
This makes it easier for downstream projects (forks) to replace the
version fetching system with their own. It is as simple as implementing
an interface and overriding the default implementation of
It also makes it easier for us to organize things like the version
history feature.
Lastly I have updated the paper implementation to check against the site
API rather than against jenkins.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
fe0cadf0 Add BlockShearEntityEvent for Dispensers shearing Sheep
90e5cca3 SPIGOT-4892: Allow to set the currently viewed page of a book on a lectern inventory
a30337f7 SPIGOT-4887: Villager level minimum is 1
d88d828c SPIGOT-4886: Villager type SNOWY should be named SNOW
CraftBukkit Changes:
6ceffb0d SPIGOT-4895: Bed doesn't explode in Nether and The End
ee881847 SPIGOT-4888: setSleepingIgnored resets the night even when there is no one in a bed
15e02b40 SPIGOT-4890: EntityDeathEvent fires twice when breaking an armor stand in survival mode
b38a3c33 Add BlockShearEntityEvent for Dispensers shearing Sheep
70ebefca SPIGOT-4891: LecternInventory.getType() should return InventoryType.LECTERN
0036d1b7 SPIGOT-4887: Villager level minimum is 1