If a sync load was triggered, it would process pending join events,
causing them to be added to the world in the middle of the entity ticking
This caused their add to be queued instead of immediate, causing
"Illegal Tracking" errors.
This schedules it to fire at the players next Connection Tick, which
is exactly where this entire process use to run anyways.
Also added missing tab complete and syntax for syncloadinfo debug command
We still keep vanilla process of waiting for existing session to be removed before logging in
by storing a separate map of pending.
also fire the callback using executor incase further recursion causes any trouble
Bump chunk priority to ensure chunks load fast
Handle case where client disconnects before they even fire PlayerJoinEvent
- no longer call PlayerQuitEvent or print quit message.
- don't save the player data file if never joined. Nothing has changed.
CraftBukkit has a bug here that if you do save it, you will lose
any horse that the player logged off on because the horse hasn't
been resummoned yet.