Looking over the code, this appears to be one "high risk but hopefully
unlikely that plugins are causing this to break", this line is however
redundant leftovers from spigots tick limiter patch, which should be
doing nothing as-is.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
f6909573 SPIGOT-4935: Lore deserializes incorrectly from previous versions
dd99c5bb SPIGOT-4929: Beacon inventory getType() returns CHEST
md_5 changed it so he could shut down the server asynchronously
from watchdog, although we have patches that prevent that type
of behavior for this exact reason.
The lock in DataWatcher is used to prevent concurrent modifications
to the 'd' field (entries in MCP). However any modifications to
this map only occur on initialization of an Entity in its
constructor. This modification is write-locked.
Every other access is through a readlock, which allows
the threads to pass if there is no thread holding the
Since the writelock is only obtained in the constructor
of the Entity, the further readlocks are actually
useless (which get obtained on set, get, etc calls).
The entries field ('d' currently) has also been declared as
Int2ObjectOpenHashMap to avoid autoboxing on put(), get(), etc
Testing in game verified the zombie's arms raise and fall correctly
when using the API.
Renamed the OBFHELPER since the method is placed on EntityInsentient
(since we want to conflict on changes).
Note: The entity parameter stays 'this' since we want the block the
entity is targetting. This can change based on the block the player
has in their hand (see scaffholding). With a scaffhold in hand, the
scaffhold blocks in the world become solid 1x1x1 cubes, and without they
follow their model's shape.
- Add missing isCancelled check
We don't need to worry about going out of range of int
since the value is clamped to view distance, and view
distance is clamped to 33
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
7d29eb5e SPIGOT-4899: Horse inventory title not set
Tux pointed out the patch still has O(n^2) time complexity since
the sublist class in arraylist does not override clear() from
AbstractList, which uses a forward moving iterator to clear
the list.
Resolved by using a peek and poll from ArrayDeque.
This patch also removes the useless WeakHashMap which holds
the list (it mapped world->list) and replaces it with a
field on World.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
fe0cadf0 Add BlockShearEntityEvent for Dispensers shearing Sheep
90e5cca3 SPIGOT-4892: Allow to set the currently viewed page of a book on a lectern inventory
a30337f7 SPIGOT-4887: Villager level minimum is 1
d88d828c SPIGOT-4886: Villager type SNOWY should be named SNOW
CraftBukkit Changes:
6ceffb0d SPIGOT-4895: Bed doesn't explode in Nether and The End
ee881847 SPIGOT-4888: setSleepingIgnored resets the night even when there is no one in a bed
15e02b40 SPIGOT-4890: EntityDeathEvent fires twice when breaking an armor stand in survival mode
b38a3c33 Add BlockShearEntityEvent for Dispensers shearing Sheep
70ebefca SPIGOT-4891: LecternInventory.getType() should return InventoryType.LECTERN
0036d1b7 SPIGOT-4887: Villager level minimum is 1
- Re-removes Bukkit#getServerName - This was (hopefully?) only added back
for Timings v2. It should be kept in that scope.
- Intend to let PlayerViewDistance API slip. Given the scope of the
changes in this area it seems best to let this slip past initial
release. It can be re-added when there is additional time to focus on it
and the changed systems it relies on. If it is fixed prior to release
this is implemented as a single shim patch that can be dropped.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
da08d022 SPIGOT-4700: Add PlayerFishEvent.State.REEL_IN
0cef14e4 Remove draft API from selectEntities
CraftBukkit Changes:
a46fdbc6 Remove outdated build delay.
3697519b SPIGOT-4708: Fix ExactChoice recipes neglecting material
9ead7009 SPIGOT-4677: Add minecraft.admin.command_feedback permission
c3749a23 Remove the Damage tag from items when it is 0.
f74c7b95 SPIGOT-4706: Can't interact with active item
494eef45 Mention requirement of JIRA ticket for bug fixes
51d62dec SPIGOT-4702: Exception when middle clicking certain slots
be557e69 SPIGOT-4700: Add PlayerFishEvent.State.REEL_IN
CraftBukkit uses vanillas DimensionManager, but does not actually
register its own dimension types, etc, due to vanilla
This causes issues because anything, e.g. command feedback, trying
to print information about the world will often attempt to print out
the dimension name, which ends up throwing an NPE due to the lack of
a registered type, we work around this by just returning the world name,
this is not super elegant, but is the only route that promises not to
break stuff.
This fixes issues with upstreams changes to solve a private issue on
their side, as signs are placed, they may replace existing blocks, e.g.
grass, which breaks upstreams assumption that the sign is always placed
adjacent to a surface
Brought this patch back from the graveyard, 1.13.x changed how chunks
where loaded and the patch was dropped.
Prior to this change the server would crash when attempting to load a
chunk from a region with bad data.
After this change the server will defer back to vanilla behavior. At
this time, that means attempting to generate a chunk in its place
(and occasionally just not generating anything and leaving small
holes in the world (This might not be accurate as of 1.13.x)).
Should Mojang choose to alter this behavior in the future, this change
will simply defer to whatever that new behavior is.
This API is intended to expose useful heightmaps found in the server to API. This exposes all of the live world heightmaps currently in the server.
If a heightmap becomes impossible to implement, api spec allows the implementation to throw UnsupportedOperationException (far better than returning some weird unexpected value).
Tested via:
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
7c395d42 SPIGOT-4681: Note about additional world creation on STARTUP
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
812f66aa SPIGOT-4684: Update persistence of converting zombie villagers
upstream was doing a containsKey/get pattern, and always doing it at that.
that scenario is only even valid if were in the middle of a block place.
Optimize to check if the captured list even has values in it, and also to
just do a get call since the value can never be null.
We bandaided this logic on a case by case basis before with Loot Tables and Chests,
but that is not the correct fix.
Ultimately we just needed to clear out the captured tile entity list so that the
update calls did not process the tile entity that is no longer even valid.
This solution will ensure ALL placed tile entities data is ignored and not just
the few cases we previously had filters for.
The cost of a call to sync() adds up quickly and especially for
HDDs. Playing around generating chunks for a while warranted a
3 min save time on a HDD. This is unacceptable default behaviour
and now the behaviour is hidden behind a flag for server owners
who are OK with taking a hit on saves (although SSDs will not have
this issue remotely as bad, since most of the time was spent seeking).
It is possible for a container to be brought into the world pre-filled
in place event (thanks NBT!). When the blockplacevent(s) are cancelled
their blockstate is updated in OBC. This triggers them to drop their
Rather than screwing with the update method which is used elsewhere, we
can simply clear any inventories once we are told that a plugin intends
to cancel the interaction.
Fixes GH-1831
While it wasn't really "broken" before, if plugins use NMS
(which they really should't be) and mess with entity management
themselves, and get it wrong, they could ultimately corrupt our
state expectations.
I've been unable to reproduce any issues locally, but these changes
are the result of me analyzing the code pretty deeply and seeing
about how to make it more durable to abnormal usage.
Any servers seeing oddities, please run with -Ddebug.entities=true
and send me any logs triggered.
Why are plugins accessing this?! Whhhhy?!
For any plugin developers reading this, this are methods in World
specifically for adding entities to the world, aptly called spawnEntity
Previously we would write to header before writing our chunk data,
which opens a window for corruption (or we would overwrite entirely).
Now the saving process has been changed to follow this chain of events:
1. We always allocate a new space to write so we do not potentially
overwrite and corrupt the current data
2. Write the chunk data first (the order of the fields in
the chunk data isn't relevant though)
3. Flush to disk
4. Write to the region header last
5. Flush to disk
6. Then we free the previous space allocated
With this chain of events it is impossible for a chunk write to corrupt
a region file, unless the operating system has lied and we have NOT flushed
to disk.
However server administrators are still recommended to continue performing
regular backups.
Note that when Mojang finally decides to change their region format
to deal with oversized chunks this patch must be changed to deal with
whatever system they decide to impose.
We also make use of two flushes to disk per chunk save (to ensure
ordering and ensure data has gone to disk), so this will negatively
affect save performance.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
7634491f Added Entity#setRotation.
CraftBukkit Changes:
0e1cea5a Added Entity#setRotation.
Plugins that rely on the async login event to fire can miss the event
if a player tries to log in before the server has loaded.
The solution is to simply block the event threads from executing until
the server has loaded. This will not have an adverse affect on logins
since the event threads are cached and are only used for executing events
We pretty much reverted most of Spigots changes here as ours is better.
I guess least Spigot is trying to get closer to us? but missed..
CraftBukkit Changes:
0bf75bbd SPIGOT-4686: Enchantment ordering nondeterministic
Spigot Changes:
f09662d0 Rebuild patches
This is caused due to the DimensionManager in CB worlds not being
registered by NMS, we fix this by copying CBs behavior of using the
world providers DimensionManager, vs using the actual dimension manager
of the world
Now decounts entities that got name tagged or persistent state changed.
Removes a bad CB check that ignored some persistent mobs persistence state.
Vanilla code explicitly only cares 'is this mob persistent?' and if
it is, it is not counted. CB should not of been checking its type state.
removes Mineshaft loading legacy as we had pre 1.13.2 to avoid managing
that very large data file from legacy systems.
Previous to 1.13.2 these data files were never loaded to begin with, so they
effectively do not contain valid/relevant data.
These files take a long time to convert on large worlds and crashes the server.
Additionally, cache the result of a file being missing so we don't keep spam checking it.
This code could get hit by many threads at once, causing multiple
chunk loads to convert legacy data, leading to all sorts of fun.
Additionally, go ahead and preload it async on world load.
Instead of allocating a buffer for every chunk compression, reuse
the same 64k sized buffer.
Also stopped doing dynamic compression levels. It wasn't helping enough.
This will improve memory usage and zlib performance of chunk compression.
Exposes a mutable array on items a player should keep on death.
This allows a cleaner method to implement "Keep certain items on death"
than how plugins currently do it in that it never removes them in first
place, so its safe if the player logs out/server is shutdown before respawn.
Example Usage: https://gist.github.com/aikar/5bb202de6057a051a950ce1f29feb0b4
getting lots of bug reports on light. just going to drop this even though
I really don't see how it could be the source due to my understanding of
the games light engine...
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
4c8327f7 SPIGOT-4673: EntitySpawnEvent should not be called for players
Spigot Changes:
5629554b Rebuild patches
Use O(1) patterns for mapping conversions to improve plugin performance.
Optimize collections used by legacy plugin conversion
This should improve plugin performance across the board
on Paper for both Modern and Legacy Plugins.
Also log how long building those tables takes...