2021-06-20 02:47:14 -05:00
# We would like for paperweight to generate 100% perfect reobf mappings (and deobf mappings for that matter).
# But unfortunately it's not quite there yet - and it may be some time before that happens. Generating perfect mappings
# from Spigot's mappings is extremely difficult due to Spigot's bad tooling and bad mappings. To add insult to injury
# we remap Spigot's _source code_ which is a lot more complex and error-prone than bytecode remapping. So with all that
# said, this file exists to help fill in the gap.
# We will continue to improve paperweight and will work on fixing these issues so they don't come up in the first place,
# but these mappings exist to prevent these issues from holding everything else in Paper up while we work through all
# of these issues. Due to the complex nature of mappings generation and the debugging difficulty involved it may take
# a significant amount of time for us to track down every possible issue, so this file will likely be around and in
# use - at least in some capacity - for a long time.
tiny 2 0 mojang+yarn spigot
2021-06-20 03:19:51 -05:00
2021-06-20 16:22:20 -05:00
# CraftBukkit changes type
2021-06-20 02:47:14 -05:00
c net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel net/minecraft/server/level/WorldServer
f Lnet/minecraft/world/level/storage/PrimaryLevelData; serverLevelData E
2021-06-20 16:22:20 -05:00
# unknown issue
2021-06-20 11:50:36 +02:00
c net/minecraft/core/RegistryAccess net/minecraft/core/IRegistryCustom
2021-06-20 16:22:20 -05:00
m (Lnet/minecraft/resources/ResourceKey;)Lnet/minecraft/core/Registry; registryOrThrow d
2021-06-22 22:45:45 -07:00
c net/minecraft/server/ServerResources net/minecraft/server/DataPackResources
m ()Lnet/minecraft/server/packs/resources/ResourceManager; getResourceManager i
c net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer
m ()Lnet/minecraft/world/level/storage/WorldData; getWorldData getSaveData
c net/minecraft/world/effect/MobEffect net/minecraft/world/effect/MobEffectList
m (I)Lnet/minecraft/world/effect/MobEffect; byId fromId
2021-06-29 16:56:26 -07:00
c net/minecraft/world/level/storage/LevelStorageSource$LevelStorageAccess net/minecraft/world/level/storage/Convertable$ConversionSession
m (Lcom/mojang/serialization/DynamicOps;Lnet/minecraft/world/level/DataPackConfig;)Lnet/minecraft/world/level/storage/WorldData; getDataTag a
2021-06-22 22:45:45 -07:00
# Paper moves method up from ServerLevel to Level
c net/minecraft/world/level/Level net/minecraft/world/level/World
m ()Lnet/minecraft/core/BlockPos; getSharedSpawnPos getSpawn
2021-06-20 16:22:20 -05:00
# Paper changes type
2021-06-20 11:50:36 +02:00
c net/minecraft/core/MappedRegistry net/minecraft/core/RegistryMaterials
f Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/Reference2IntOpenHashMap; toId bw