2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
From 55b59db2a3d24f7f3c8990389b6282f01cbe0a7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
From: Aikar <aikar@aikar.co>
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2018 00:00:16 -0400
2018-09-20 11:43:32 -04:00
Subject: [PATCH] Optimize and Fix ExpiringMap Issues
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
2018-09-20 11:43:32 -04:00
computeIfAbsent would leak as the entry was never
registered into the ttl map, as well as some other
methods were at risk, so they were added.
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
2018-09-20 11:43:32 -04:00
This also synchronizes all access make the map thread safe.
This also redesigns cleaning to not run on every
manipulation, and instead to run clean
once per tick per active expiring map.
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ChunkGeneratorAbstract.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ChunkGeneratorAbstract.java
2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
index 39a548881..37ea37de5 100644
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ChunkGeneratorAbstract.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ChunkGeneratorAbstract.java
@@ -143,13 +143,13 @@ public abstract class ChunkGeneratorAbstract<C extends GeneratorSettings> implem
public Long2ObjectMap<StructureStart> getStructureStartCache(StructureGenerator<? extends WorldGenFeatureConfiguration> structuregenerator) {
return (Long2ObjectMap) this.d.computeIfAbsent(structuregenerator, (s) -> {
- return Long2ObjectMaps.synchronize(new ExpiringMap(8192, 10000));
+ return new ExpiringMap(8192, 10000); // Paper - already synchronized
public Long2ObjectMap<LongSet> getStructureCache(StructureGenerator<? extends WorldGenFeatureConfiguration> structuregenerator) {
return (Long2ObjectMap) this.e.computeIfAbsent(structuregenerator, (s) -> {
- return Long2ObjectMaps.synchronize(new ExpiringMap(8192, 10000));
+ return new ExpiringMap(8192, 10000); // Paper - already synchronized
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ExpiringMap.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ExpiringMap.java
2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
index 9c0518d67..84a6dcb40 100644
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ExpiringMap.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ExpiringMap.java
2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
@@ -2,94 +2,201 @@ package net.minecraft.server;
2018-09-20 11:43:32 -04:00
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2LongLinkedOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2LongMap;
+import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectMaps;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap;
-import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2LongMap.Entry;
2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectCollection;
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator;
import java.util.Map;
2018-09-16 01:04:40 -04:00
+import java.util.function.BiFunction;
+import java.util.function.Function;
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
import java.util.function.LongFunction;
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
2018-09-20 11:43:32 -04:00
-public class ExpiringMap<T> extends Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<T> {
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
2018-09-20 11:43:32 -04:00
+public class ExpiringMap<T> extends Long2ObjectMaps.SynchronizedMap<T> { // paper - synchronize accesss
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
private final int a;
- private final Long2LongMap b = new Long2LongLinkedOpenHashMap();
+ private final Long2LongMap ttl = new Long2LongLinkedOpenHashMap(); // Paper
2018-10-07 14:58:53 -04:00
+ private static final boolean DEBUG_EXPIRING_MAP = Boolean.getBoolean("debug.expiringmap");
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
public ExpiringMap(int i, int j) {
2018-09-20 11:43:32 -04:00
- super(i);
+ super(new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(i)); // Paper
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
this.a = j;
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
+ // Paper start
+ private void setAccess(long i) { a(i); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private void a(long i) {
2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
- long j = SystemUtils.getMonotonicMillis();
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
+ synchronized (this.sync) {
+ long j = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Paper
+ this.ttl.put(i, j);
+ if (!registered) {
+ registered = true;
+ MinecraftServer.getServer().expiringMaps.add(this);
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
+ }
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
+ }
+ }
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- this.b.put(i, j);
- cleanup();
- // CraftBukkit start
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
+ @Override
2018-09-16 01:04:40 -04:00
+ public T compute(long l, BiFunction<? super Long, ? super T, ? extends T> biFunction) {
+ setAccess(l);
+ return super.compute(l, biFunction);
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- public void cleanup() {
2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
- long j = SystemUtils.getMonotonicMillis();
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- ObjectIterator<Long2LongMap.Entry> objectiterator = this.b.long2LongEntrySet().iterator(); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
2018-09-16 01:04:40 -04:00
+ @Override
+ public T putIfAbsent(long l, T t) {
+ setAccess(l);
+ return super.putIfAbsent(l, t);
+ }
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- while (objectiterator.hasNext()) {
- Long2LongMap.Entry entry = (Long2LongMap.Entry) objectiterator.next(); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
- T object = super.get(entry.getLongKey()); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
2018-09-16 01:04:40 -04:00
+ @Override
+ public T computeIfPresent(long l, BiFunction<? super Long, ? super T, ? extends T> biFunction) {
+ setAccess(l);
+ return super.computeIfPresent(l, biFunction);
+ }
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- if (j - entry.getLongValue() <= (long) this.a) {
- break;
- }
2018-09-16 01:04:40 -04:00
+ @Override
+ public T computeIfAbsent(long l, LongFunction<? extends T> longFunction) {
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
+ setAccess(l);
+ return super.computeIfAbsent(l, longFunction);
+ }
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- if (object != null && this.a(object)) {
- super.remove(entry.getLongKey());
- objectiterator.remove();
- }
2018-09-16 01:04:40 -04:00
+ @Override
+ public boolean replace(long l, T t, T v1) {
+ setAccess(l);
+ return super.replace(l, t, v1);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public T replace(long l, T t) {
+ setAccess(l);
+ return super.replace(l, t);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public T putIfAbsent(Long aLong, T t) {
+ setAccess(aLong);
+ return super.putIfAbsent(aLong, t);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean replace(Long aLong, T t, T v1) {
+ setAccess(aLong);
+ return super.replace(aLong, t, v1);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public T replace(Long aLong, T t) {
+ setAccess(aLong);
+ return super.replace(aLong, t);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public T computeIfAbsent(Long aLong, Function<? super Long, ? extends T> function) {
+ setAccess(aLong);
+ return super.computeIfAbsent(aLong, function);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public T computeIfPresent(Long aLong, BiFunction<? super Long, ? super T, ? extends T> biFunction) {
+ setAccess(aLong);
+ return super.computeIfPresent(aLong, biFunction);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public T compute(Long aLong, BiFunction<? super Long, ? super T, ? extends T> biFunction) {
+ setAccess(aLong);
2018-09-16 02:57:22 -04:00
+ return super.compute(aLong, biFunction);
+ }
+ @Override
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
+ public void clear() {
+ synchronized (this.sync) {
+ ttl.clear();
+ super.clear();
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- // CraftBukkit end
2018-09-16 01:04:40 -04:00
+ }
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
+ private boolean registered = false;
+ // Break clean to its own method to be ticked
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
+ boolean clean() {
+ synchronized (this.sync) {
+ long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ ObjectIterator<Long2LongMap.Entry> objectiterator = this.ttl.long2LongEntrySet().iterator(); // Paper
+ while (objectiterator.hasNext()) {
+ Long2LongMap.Entry entry = objectiterator.next(); // Paper
+ T object = super.get(entry.getLongKey()); // Paper
+ if (now - entry.getLongValue() <= (long) this.a) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (object != null && this.a(object)) {
+ super.remove(entry.getLongKey());
+ objectiterator.remove();
+ }
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
+ }
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
+ int ttlSize = this.ttl.size();
+ int thisSize = this.size();
+ if (ttlSize < thisSize) {
2018-10-07 14:58:53 -04:00
+ MinecraftServer.LOGGER.warn("WARNING: ExpiringMap desync (ttl:" + ttlSize + " < actual:" + thisSize + ")");
2018-09-16 02:57:22 -04:00
+ }
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
+ try {
+ for (Entry<T> entry : this.long2ObjectEntrySet()) {
+ ttl.putIfAbsent(entry.getLongKey(), now);
+ }
2018-10-07 14:58:53 -04:00
+ } catch (Exception ignored) {
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
+ } // Ignore any como's
+ } else if (ttlSize > this.size()) {
2018-10-07 14:58:53 -04:00
+ MinecraftServer.LOGGER.warn("WARNING: ExpiringMap desync (ttl:" + ttlSize + " > actual:" + thisSize + ")");
+ }
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
+ try {
+ this.ttl.long2LongEntrySet().removeIf(entry -> !this.containsKey(entry.getLongKey()));
2018-10-07 14:58:53 -04:00
+ } catch (Exception ignored) {
2018-09-21 21:43:50 -04:00
+ } // Ignore any como's
+ }
+ if (isEmpty()) {
+ registered = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
+ }
+ // Paper end
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- protected boolean a(T t0) {
+ protected boolean a(T var1) {
return true;
- public T put(long i, T t0) {
+ public T put(long i, T object) {
- return super.put(i, t0);
+ return (T)super.put(i, object);
- public T put(Long olong, T t0) {
+ public T put(Long olong, T object) {
2018-12-08 05:09:55 -05:00
- return super.put(olong, t0);
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
+ return (T)super.put(olong, object);
2018-09-16 03:21:52 -04:00
public T get(long i) {
- this.a(i);
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- return super.get(i);
2018-09-20 11:43:32 -04:00
+ // Paper start - don't setAccess unless a hit
+ T t = super.get(i);
+ if (t != null) {
+ this.setAccess(i);
+ }
+ return t;
+ // Paper end
2018-09-16 03:21:52 -04:00
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- public void putAll(Map<? extends Long, ? extends T> map) {
+ public void putAll(Map<? extends Long, ? extends T> var1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
- public T remove(long i) {
+ public T remove(long var1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
- public T remove(Object object) {
+ public T remove(Object var1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
- // CraftBukkit start
- @Override
- public T computeIfAbsent(long l, LongFunction<? extends T> lf) {
2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
- this.b.put(l, SystemUtils.getMonotonicMillis());
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
- return super.computeIfAbsent(l, lf);
- }
- @Override
- public ObjectCollection<T> values() {
- cleanup();
- return super.values();
- }
- // CraftBukkit end
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java
2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
index aaefb98c0..0bc1c887a 100644
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ public abstract class MinecraftServer implements IAsyncTaskHandler, IMojangStati
public int autosavePeriod;
public File bukkitDataPackFolder;
public CommandDispatcher vanillaCommandDispatcher;
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
+ public List<ExpiringMap> expiringMaps = java.util.Collections.synchronizedList(new java.util.ArrayList<>()); // Paper
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
// CraftBukkit end
// Spigot start
public static final int TPS = 20;
2018-09-17 22:32:37 -04:00
@@ -999,6 +1000,7 @@ public abstract class MinecraftServer implements IAsyncTaskHandler, IMojangStati
2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
org.spigotmc.WatchdogThread.tick(); // Spigot
PaperLightingQueue.processQueue(startTime); // Paper
+ expiringMaps.removeIf(ExpiringMap::clean); // Paper
this.slackActivityAccountant.tickEnded(l); // Spigot
co.aikar.timings.TimingsManager.FULL_SERVER_TICK.stopTiming(); // Paper
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/generator/CustomChunkGenerator.java b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/generator/CustomChunkGenerator.java
2018-12-17 05:18:06 +00:00
index 4cca65666..9c917370a 100644
2018-11-03 21:23:08 -04:00
--- a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/generator/CustomChunkGenerator.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/generator/CustomChunkGenerator.java
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ public class CustomChunkGenerator extends InternalChunkGenerator<GeneratorSettin
public Long2ObjectMap<StructureStart> getStructureStartCache(StructureGenerator<? extends WorldGenFeatureConfiguration> structuregenerator) {
return (Long2ObjectMap) this.structureStartCache.computeIfAbsent(structuregenerator, (s) -> {
- return Long2ObjectMaps.synchronize(new ExpiringMap(8192, 10000));
+ return new ExpiringMap(8192, 10000); // Paper - already synchronized
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public class CustomChunkGenerator extends InternalChunkGenerator<GeneratorSettin
public Long2ObjectMap<LongSet> getStructureCache(StructureGenerator<? extends WorldGenFeatureConfiguration> structuregenerator) {
return (Long2ObjectMap) this.structureCache.computeIfAbsent(structuregenerator, (s) -> {
- return Long2ObjectMaps.synchronize(new ExpiringMap(8192, 10000));
+ return new ExpiringMap(8192, 10000); // Paper - already synchronized
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00
2018-12-14 20:17:27 -05:00
2018-09-16 00:01:48 -04:00