volume data loading
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 2080 additions and 155 deletions
@ -122,6 +122,23 @@ let selected_mode = "INOP";
let delay_string = "DELAY UNAVAILABLE";
// dataserver status:
// 0. disconnected
// 1. disconnected, one-off
// 2. track initializing
// 3. tracked
// 4. track lost
let data_status = 0;
function statusString() {
if (data_status === 0) { return "DISCONNECTED"; }
else if (data_status === 1) { return "ONEOFF"; }
else if (data_status === 2) { return "TRACK INITIALIZING"; }
else if (data_status === 3) { return "TRACKING"; }
else if (data_status === 4) { return "TRACK LOST"; }
let display_buf = [];
function recalcDisplayBuf() {
@ -160,6 +177,7 @@ async function load() {
ar2 = loaded;
data_status = 1;
@ -284,6 +302,7 @@ function reRender() {
ctx.fillText("RADAR SITE", xfull - 75, y0 + 50);
ctx.fillText(`${site_string}`, xfull - 75, y0 + 50 + preferences.FCS);
ctx.fillText(`${delay_string}`, xfull - 75, y0 + 50 + preferences.FCS * 2);
ctx.fillText(`DATA SERVER ${statusString()}`, xfull - 75, y0 + 50 + preferences.FCS * 3);
ctx.fillText("MODE", xfull - 75, y0 + canvas.height / 3);
@ -10,10 +10,12 @@ use log::{debug, info, Record, trace, warn};
use crate::bzip::BzipDecoder;
use crate::message::{FromBody, LEGACY_CTM_HEADER_LEN, Message, MESSAGE_BODY_SIZE, MESSAGE_HEADER_SIZE, MessageHeader};
use crate::message2::Msg02RDAStatusData;
use crate::message31::{Message31, Message31Header, MSG31_HEADER_LENGTH, VOLUME_DATA_LENGTH, VolumeData};
pub mod message;
pub mod bzip;
pub mod message2;
pub mod message31;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
@ -61,7 +63,13 @@ pub enum NexradParseError {
impl Display for NexradParseError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
@ -78,7 +86,13 @@ impl Display for NexradParseError {
Self::TcmChunkReadFailed(e) => write!(f, "tcm chunk read failed: {}", e),
Self::FailedToReadFile(e) => write!(f, "failed to read file: {}", e),
Self::LdmReadFailed(e) => write!(f, "ldm read failed: {}", e),
Self::MissingMsg02 => write!(f, "missing RDA status data (message type 02) in metadata header")
Self::MissingMsg02 => write!(f, "missing RDA status data (message type 02) in metadata header"),
Self::Msg31HeaderReadFailed(e) => write!(f, "type 31 header read failed: {}", e),
Self::Msg31HeaderInvalidRadarID(e) => write!(f, "type 31 header invalid: invalid radar ID: {}", e),
Self::Msg31HeaderPointerReadFailed(e) => write!(f, "type 31 header invalid: pointer read failed: {}", e),
Self::Msg31DatablockSeekFailed(e) => write!(f, "type 31 datablock invalid: failed to seek: {}", e),
Self::Msg31MomentReadFailed(e) => write!(f, "type 31 datablock invalid: moment read failed: {}", e),
Self::Msg31MomentStringInvalid(e) => write!(f, "type 31 moment invalid: invalid string: {}", e)
@ -173,6 +187,102 @@ pub fn parse_nx2_chunk(cursor: &mut (impl Read + Seek)) -> Result<Nexrad2Chunk,
message_segment_num: u16::from_be_bytes(message_header[14..].try_into().unwrap()),
if message_header.message_type == 31 {
// msg31 fun
let offset_pos = decompressed.position();
let mut header = [0u8; MSG31_HEADER_LENGTH];
decompressed.read_exact(&mut header).map_err(|e| NexradParseError::Msg31HeaderReadFailed(e))?;
let radar_identifier_bytes = &header[0..4];
let radar_identifier = std::str::from_utf8(radar_identifier_bytes).map_err(|e| NexradParseError::Msg31HeaderInvalidRadarID(e))?;
let header_struct = Message31Header {
radar_identifier: radar_identifier.to_string(),
collection_time: u32::from_be_bytes(header[4..8].try_into().unwrap()),
date: u16::from_be_bytes(header[8..10].try_into().unwrap()),
azimuth_number: u16::from_be_bytes(header[10..12].try_into().unwrap()),
azimuth_angle: f32::from_be_bytes(header[12..16].try_into().unwrap()),
compression_indicator: header[16],
spare: header[17],
radial_length: u16::from_be_bytes(header[18..20].try_into().unwrap()),
azimuth_resolution_spacing: header[20],
radial_status: header[21],
elevation_number: header[22],
cut_sector_number: header[23],
elevation_angle: f32::from_be_bytes(header[24..28].try_into().unwrap()),
radial_spot_blanking_status: header[28],
azimuth_indexing_mode: header[29],
data_block_count: u16::from_be_bytes(header[30..32].try_into().unwrap()),
trace!("{:#?}", header_struct);
trace!("loading {} datablocks", header_struct.data_block_count);
let mut data_block_pointers = vec![];
let mut pointer_buf = [0u8; 4];
for _ in 0..header_struct.data_block_count {
decompressed.read_exact(&mut pointer_buf).map_err(|e| NexradParseError::Msg31HeaderPointerReadFailed(e))?;
data_block_pointers.push(u32::from_be_bytes(pointer_buf) as u64);
let mut volume_data: Option<VolumeData> = None;
for db_pointer in &data_block_pointers {
decompressed.seek(SeekFrom::Start(offset_pos + db_pointer)).map_err(|e| NexradParseError::Msg31DatablockSeekFailed(e))?;
// get the type and name and use it to determine what to read
let mut type_name_buf = [0u8; 4];
decompressed.read_exact(&mut type_name_buf).map_err(|e| NexradParseError::Msg31MomentReadFailed(e))?;
decompressed.seek(SeekFrom::Current(-4)).map_err(|e| NexradParseError::Msg31DatablockSeekFailed(e))?;
let block_name = std::str::from_utf8(&type_name_buf[1..]).map_err(|e| NexradParseError::Msg31MomentStringInvalid(e))?;
match block_name {
"VOL" => {
trace!("reading volume data");
let mut volume_buf = [0u8; VOLUME_DATA_LENGTH];
decompressed.read_exact(&mut volume_buf).map_err(|e| NexradParseError::Msg31MomentReadFailed(e))?;
volume_data = Some(VolumeData {
datablock_type: std::str::from_utf8(&volume_buf[0..1]).map_err(|e| NexradParseError::Msg31MomentStringInvalid(e))?.to_string(),
data_name: std::str::from_utf8(&volume_buf[1..4]).map_err(|e| NexradParseError::Msg31MomentStringInvalid(e))?.to_string(),
lrtup: u16::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[4..6].try_into().unwrap()),
version_major: volume_buf[6],
version_minor: volume_buf[7],
lat: f32::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[8..12].try_into().unwrap()),
long: f32::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[12..16].try_into().unwrap()),
site_height: u16::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[16..18].try_into().unwrap()),
feedhorn_height: u16::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[18..20].try_into().unwrap()),
calibration_constant: f32::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[20..24].try_into().unwrap()),
shvtx_power_hor: f32::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[24..28].try_into().unwrap()),
shvtx_power_vert: f32::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[28..32].try_into().unwrap()),
system_diff_ref: f32::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[32..36].try_into().unwrap()),
initial_system_diff_phase: f32::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[36..40].try_into().unwrap()),
vcp: u16::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[40..42].try_into().unwrap()),
processing_status: u16::from_be_bytes(volume_buf[42..44].try_into().unwrap()),
"ELV" => trace!("reading elevation data"),
"RAD" => trace!("reading radial data"),
"REF" | "VEL" | "CFP" | "SW " | "ZDR" | "PHI" | "RHO" => trace!("reading {}", block_name),
unknown => warn!("unknown block type {}", unknown)
let message = Message::Msg31(Message31 {
header: header_struct,
volume_info: volume_data,
trace!("{:#?}", message);
let body_size = MESSAGE_BODY_SIZE.max(message_header.message_size as usize);
let mut body_buf = vec![0u8; body_size];
@ -188,7 +298,7 @@ pub fn parse_nx2_chunk(cursor: &mut (impl Read + Seek)) -> Result<Nexrad2Chunk,
unknown => {
trace!("unrecognized message type {}", unknown);
trace!("ignoring message type {}", unknown);
@ -200,7 +310,7 @@ pub fn parse_nx2_chunk(cursor: &mut (impl Read + Seek)) -> Result<Nexrad2Chunk,
// break;
info!("Extracting meta records");
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use crate::message2::Msg02RDAStatusData;
use crate::message31::Message31;
use crate::NexradParseError;
pub const MSG_RDA_PERFORMANCE_DATA: u8 = 3;
@ -34,5 +35,6 @@ pub trait FromBody<const BODY_SIZE: usize> {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub enum Message {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
pub const MSG31_HEADER_LENGTH: usize = 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2;
pub struct Message31Header {
pub radar_identifier: String,
pub collection_time: u32,
pub date: u16,
pub azimuth_number: u16,
pub azimuth_angle: f32,
pub compression_indicator: u8,
pub spare: u8,
pub radial_length: u16,
pub azimuth_resolution_spacing: u8,
pub radial_status: u8,
pub elevation_number: u8,
pub cut_sector_number: u8,
pub elevation_angle: f32,
pub radial_spot_blanking_status: u8,
pub azimuth_indexing_mode: u8,
pub data_block_count: u16
pub struct Message31Datablock {
pub datablock_type: String,
pub data_moment_name: String,
pub reserved: u32,
pub data_moment_gate_count: u16,
pub data_moment_range: u16,
pub data_moment_range_sample_interval: u16,
pub tover: u16,
pub snr_threshold: i16,
pub control_flags: u8,
pub data_word_size: u8,
pub scale: f32,
pub offset: f32,
pub const VOLUME_DATA_LENGTH: usize = 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2;
pub struct VolumeData {
pub datablock_type: String,
pub data_name: String,
pub lrtup: u16,
pub version_major: u8,
pub version_minor: u8,
pub lat: f32,
pub long: f32,
pub site_height: u16,
pub feedhorn_height: u16,
pub calibration_constant: f32,
pub shvtx_power_hor: f32,
pub shvtx_power_vert: f32,
pub system_diff_ref: f32,
pub initial_system_diff_phase: f32,
pub vcp: u16,
pub processing_status: u16
pub struct Message31 {
pub header: Message31Header,
pub volume_info: Option<VolumeData>
Add table
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