Welcome to the Realtime Weather Explorer (RTWX)! RTWX is a browser-based application allowing you to quickly access live weather radar data from the NEXRAD network, lightning strike data from Blitzortung, weather alerts directly from NWS, and soon predictive weather forecasts from a custom-built predictive weather engine!
This manual is intended to get scope operators up and running with their RTWX scope as quickly as possible.
> Currently Implemented Features:
> - Radar scope
> Features In Development:
> - Lightning strike data
> Planned Features:
> - NWS alerts
> - Predictive Weather Engine
## Contents
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Opening RTWX](#opening-rtwx)
- [The Scope](#the-scope)
- [Local Operations](#local-operations)
- [Data Server](#data-server)
- [Command Reference](#command-reference)
## Requirements
RTWX is a realtime browser application and therefore requires an internet connection. In addition, RTWX requires WebAssembly support (your browser version must be newer than November 2017) and is rendered entirely via WebGL. Your browser **and hardware** must support WebGL 2.0, which is supported by all semi-modern GPUs (integrated GPUs will work) and all browsers released after February 2022.
| `RADAR INOPERATIVE NO DATA LOADED` | The radar is currently not working because no radar data has been loaded. | A file has not yet been loaded or a dataserver track has not yet been started. | Load a file locally (with `CLF OV`) or start a dataserver track (see [Dataserver](#data-server)) |
| `NEW DATA AVAIL RLD RQD` | There is new data in the buffer that needs to be reloaded into the scope | A new file has been uploaded or a dataserver track has received new radar data. | Reload the scope (with `CLF RELOAD`) |
| `DATASERVER TRACK LOST` | A track on the dataserver has been lost (is no longer responding to queries) | The client has been disconnected from the dataserver for unknown reasons. | Typically caused by a transient network error. Try reloading the browser. If issue persists, check your internet connection. |
### Command Buffer
On the left middle of the scope, below the Status Information Area, is the *Command Buffer*:
![Command Buffer](command_buffer.png)
The command buffer will contain any commands you are entering and responses to those commands. It may span multiple lines depending on the command.
The Mode Selector is located on the midright of the scope. It contains information about the current Mode and Elevation that the scope is displaying.
The Mode Selector is broken down into two parts:
#### Radar Product Mode
The Radar Product Mode display shows which radar product is currently being displayed. While the scope is inoperative, it will display `>RADR INOP<` in place of mode options:
![Radar Product Mode: Inoperative](mode_inop.png)
Once radar data is being received, it will show a list of the products available for the currently selected elevation:
![Radar Product Mode: Filled](mode_filled.png)
The currently selected product is shown highlighted in white, with angle brackets around it.
Typically, `REF` (Reflectivity) will be selected by default.
Not all products are available for every elevation. For example, most commonly Velocity and Spectrum Width will not be present:
![Radar Product Mode: Partial](mode_partial.png)
To change what mode is being displayed, use the `MODE SET` command.
#### Radar Elevation
The Radar Elevation display, below the Radar Product Mode display, shows which elevations are available in the current radar data. While the scope is inoperative, it will display `ELEVATION INFO UNAVAILABLE` in place of elevations:
Once radar data is being received, it will show a list of the elevations available:
![Radar Elevation: Filled](elevations_filled.png)
The currently selected elevation will be highlighted in white, and have angle brackets around it.
Typically, elevation `001` will be selected by default.
To change which elevation is being displayed, use the `ELEVATION SET` command. Changing elevation will automatically reset the scope to `REF` (Reflectivity) mode.