// Consult palm.proto for how the channel_id is calculated.
// Sent by the client to set the channel being requested for this session.
// If the channel has already been set, this value of this packet will be ignored, and this packet will only function
// as a "request status update" packet.
// Consult the channel_id of the PalmER2CChannelStatusPacket to see what channel was actually sent by the server.
// The client should send this packet every 15 seconds, to function as a keepalive. After 20 seconds, the server will timeout the client.
byteschannel_id=1;// The hash of the PMK. Used to identify the channel to the relay, without it knowing the channel name, or the key used for cryptographic operations.
int32session_id=2;// The same session_id used in previous packets, used to identify this session.
// Sent by the server to update the client on the status of the channel they are set to.
// This is sent in two cases:
// 1. immediately in reply to a PalmEC2RRelayRequestPacket
// 2. when the state changes
byteschannel_id=1;// The ID of the channel that was requested. Consult palm.proto for how this value is calculated.
int32session_id=2;// The same session_id used in previous packets, used to identify this session.
channel_state_tstate=3;// The state of the channel.
// Sent by the server to inform the client that it may now send data via the relay.
byteschannel_id=1;// The ID of the channel that is now ready.
int32session_id=2;// The same session_id used in previous packets, used to identify this session.
boolis_initiator=3;// Is this client the initiator? This should be set to true on one of the clients, and false on the other.
// Sent by the client to request that a packet be relayed to the other party
byteschannel_id=1;// The ID of the channel to relay data to.
int32session_id=2;// The same session_id used in previous packets, used to identify this session.
bytesdata=3;// The protobuf-encoded data to send to the other client
// Sent by the server to tell the client to give it the data sent by the other client
byteschannel_id=1;// The ID of the channel to relay data to.
int32session_id=2;// The same session_id used in previous packets, used to identify this session.
bytesdata=3;// The protobuf-encoded data sent by the other client