import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:mobile_nebula/components/DangerButton.dart'; import 'package:mobile_nebula/components/FormPage.dart'; import 'package:mobile_nebula/components/config/ConfigItem.dart'; import 'package:mobile_nebula/components/config/ConfigSection.dart'; import 'package:mobile_nebula/models/Certificate.dart'; import 'package:mobile_nebula/screens/siteConfig/AddCertificateScreen.dart'; import 'package:mobile_nebula/services/utils.dart'; /// Displays the details of a CertificateInfo object. Respects incomplete objects (missing validity or rawCert) class CertificateDetailsScreen extends StatefulWidget { const CertificateDetailsScreen({ Key? key, required this.certInfo, this.onDelete, this.onSave, this.onReplace, this.pubKey, this.privKey, required this.supportsQRScanning, }) : super(key: key); final CertificateInfo certInfo; // onDelete is used to remove a CA cert final Function? onDelete; // onSave is used to install a new certificate final Function? onSave; // onReplace is used to install a new certificate over top of the old one final ValueChanged<CertificateResult>? onReplace; // pubKey and privKey should be set if onReplace is not null. final String? pubKey; final String? privKey; final bool supportsQRScanning; @override _CertificateDetailsScreenState createState() => _CertificateDetailsScreenState(); } class _CertificateDetailsScreenState extends State<CertificateDetailsScreen> { bool changed = false; CertificateResult? certResult; late CertificateInfo certInfo; ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); @override void initState() { certInfo = widget.certInfo; super.initState(); } @override void dispose() { controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return FormPage( title: 'Certificate Details', scrollController: controller, changed: widget.onSave != null || changed, onSave: () { if (widget.onSave != null) { Navigator.pop(context); widget.onSave!(); } else if (widget.onReplace != null) { Navigator.pop(context); widget.onReplace!(certResult!); } }, hideSave: widget.onSave == null && widget.onReplace == null, child: Column(children: [ _buildID(), _buildFilters(), _buildValid(), _buildAdvanced(), _buildReplace(), _buildDelete(), ]), ); } Widget _buildID() { return ConfigSection(children: <Widget>[ ConfigItem(label: Text('Name'), content: SelectableText(, ConfigItem( label: Text('Type'), content: Text(certInfo.cert.details.isCa ? 'CA certificate' : 'Client certificate')), ]); } Widget _buildValid() { var valid = Text('yes'); if (certInfo.validity != null && !certInfo.validity!.valid) { valid = Text(certInfo.validity!.valid ? 'yes' : certInfo.validity!.reason, style: TextStyle(color: CupertinoColors.systemRed.resolveFrom(context))); } return ConfigSection( label: 'VALIDITY', children: <Widget>[ ConfigItem(label: Text('Valid?'), content: valid), ConfigItem( label: Text('Created'), content: SelectableText(certInfo.cert.details.notBefore.toLocal().toString())), ConfigItem( label: Text('Expires'), content: SelectableText(certInfo.cert.details.notAfter.toLocal().toString())), ], ); } Widget _buildFilters() { List<Widget> items = []; if (certInfo.cert.details.groups.length > 0) { items.add(ConfigItem(label: Text('Groups'), content: SelectableText(certInfo.cert.details.groups.join(', ')))); } if (certInfo.cert.details.ips.length > 0) { items.add(ConfigItem(label: Text('IPs'), content: SelectableText(certInfo.cert.details.ips.join(', ')))); } if (certInfo.cert.details.subnets.length > 0) { items.add(ConfigItem(label: Text('Subnets'), content: SelectableText(certInfo.cert.details.subnets.join(', ')))); } return items.length > 0 ? ConfigSection(label: certInfo.cert.details.isCa ? 'FILTERS' : 'DETAILS', children: items) : Container(); } Widget _buildAdvanced() { return ConfigSection( children: <Widget>[ ConfigItem( label: Text('Fingerprint'), content: SelectableText(certInfo.cert.fingerprint, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'RobotoMono', fontSize: 14)), crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start), ConfigItem( label: Text('Public Key'), content: SelectableText(certInfo.cert.details.publicKey, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'RobotoMono', fontSize: 14)), crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start), certInfo.rawCert != null ? ConfigItem( label: Text('PEM Format'), content: SelectableText(certInfo.rawCert!, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'RobotoMono', fontSize: 14)), crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start) : Container(), ], ); } Widget _buildReplace() { if (widget.onReplace == null || widget.pubKey == null || widget.privKey == null) { return Container(); } return Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 50, bottom: 10, left: 10, right: 10), child: SizedBox( width: double.infinity, child: DangerButton( child: Text('Replace certificate'), onPressed: () { Utils.openPage(context, (context) { return AddCertificateScreen( onReplace: (result) { setState(() { changed = true; certResult = result; certInfo = result.certInfo; }); // Slam the page back to the top controller.animateTo(0, duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 10), curve: Curves.linearToEaseOut); }, pubKey: widget.pubKey!, privKey: widget.privKey!, supportsQRScanning: widget.supportsQRScanning, ); }); }))); } Widget _buildDelete() { if (widget.onDelete == null) { return Container(); } var title = certInfo.cert.details.isCa ? 'Delete CA?' : 'Delete cert?'; return Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 50, bottom: 10, left: 10, right: 10), child: SizedBox( width: double.infinity, child: DangerButton( child: Text('Delete'), onPressed: () => Utils.confirmDelete(context, title, () async { Navigator.pop(context); widget.onDelete!(); })))); } }