#!/bin/bash ##===----------------------------------------------------------------------===## ## ## This source file is part of the Swift.org open source project ## ## Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors ## Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception ## ## See https://swift.org/LICENSE.txt for license information ## See https://swift.org/CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of Swift project authors ## ##===----------------------------------------------------------------------===## # Vendored from while is open. # This file has been modified to only check formatting, with no linting, and to require a `check` command flag to fail when formatting was performed. set -euo pipefail log() { printf -- "** %s\n" "$*" >&2; } error() { printf -- "** ERROR: %s\n" "$*" >&2; } fatal() { error "$@"; exit 1; } if [[ -f .swiftformatignore ]]; then log "Found swiftformatignore file..." log "Running swift format format..." tr '\n' '\0' < .swiftformatignore| xargs -0 -I% printf '":(exclude)%" '| xargs git ls-files -z '*.swift' | xargs -0 xcrun swift-format --parallel --recursive --in-place # log "Running swift format lint..." # tr '\n' '\0' < .swiftformatignore | xargs -0 -I% printf '":(exclude)%" '| xargs git ls-files -z '*.swift' | xargs -0 swift format lint --strict --parallel else log "Running swift format format..." git ls-files -z '*.swift' | xargs -0 xcrun swift-format --parallel --recursive --in-place # log "Running swift format lint..." # git ls-files -z '*.swift' | xargs -0 swift format lint --strict --parallel fi if [ "${1-default}" = "check" ]; then log "Checking for modified files..." GIT_PAGER='' git diff --exit-code '*.swift' log "✅ Found no formatting issues." fi