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<h1>Integrating visage|SDK into Unity project</h1>

visage|SDK allows easy integration with Unity 3D game engine using <a href="module-VisageTrackerUnityPlugin.html">VisageTrackerUnityPlugin</a> 
and <a href="module-VisageAnalyserUnityPlugin.html">VisageAnalyserUnityPlugin</a>, 
wrappers that expose VisageTracker's and VisageFaceAnalyser's functionalities for use in managed programming language such as C#.<br/>
In order to use visage|SDK in your own Unity project, libraries and selected data files need to be included. 
Unity sample application <a href="trackerunity.html">VisageTrackerUnityDemo</a> is provided in visage|SDK as 
a ready-to-build project with all necessary dependencies and can be used as a reference.<br/><br/> 
Following steps are required to integrate visage|SDK in your own project:
<p>Pre-build step:</p>
<li>Following libraries need to be added to the project:
<li>VisageTrackerUnityPlugin.jslib (located in <i>www/lib</i> folder)</li>
<li>VisageAnalyserUnityPlugin.jslib (located in <i>www/lib</i> folder)</li>
<li>Following files and folders (located in <i>www/lib</i>) need to be copied to the project's assets:
<li>tracker configuration file (e.g. Head Tracker.cfg)</li>
<li>neural net configuration file (i.e. NeuralNet.cfg)</li>
<li>license key file</li>
<p>Post-build step:</p>
<li>The following files need to be copied to the same folder as the index.html file: 
<li>visageAnalysisData.data (located in <i>www/lib</i> folder)</li>
<li>visageAnalysisData.js (located in <i>www/lib</i> folder)</li>
<li>visageSDK.data (located in <i>www/lib</i> folder)</li>
<li>visageSDK.wasm (located in <i>www/lib</i> folder)</li>
<li>visageSDK.js (located in <i>www/lib</i> folder)</li>
<li>Modify index.html output file to expose <b>unityInstance</b> to the global variable <b>unityGame</b>:
<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>
    <b>var unityGame;</b>
    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.src = loaderUrl;
    script.onload = () => {
      createUnityInstance(canvas, config, (progress) => {
        progressBarFull.style.width = 100 * progress + "%";
      }).then((unityInstance) => {
        loadingBar.style.display = "none";
        <b>unityGame = unityInstance;</b>
        fullscreenButton.onclick = () => {
      }).catch((message) => {
