mirror of https://github.com/ecmwf/eccodes.git
239 lines
8.3 KiB
239 lines
8.3 KiB
* (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
* which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by
* virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "unistd.h"
#include "eccodes.h"
#include "eccodes/geo/GribSpec.h"
#include "eckit/exception/Exceptions.h"
#include "eckit/geo/Grid.h"
#include "eckit/runtime/Main.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
eckit::Main::initialise(argc, argv);
// options
struct option_t {
std::string args;
std::string help;
std::string value;
auto usage = [](const std::string& tool, const std::map<char, option_t>& options) {
std::cout << "\nNAME \t" << tool
<< "\n"
"\n\tPrint a latitude, longitude, data values list."
"\tNote: Rotated grids are first unrotated"
<< tool
<< " [options] grib_file grib_file ..."
for (const auto& option : options) {
std::cout << "\t-" << option.first << " " << option.second.args << "\t" << option.second.help << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
std::map<char, option_t> options{
"The missing value is given through this option. Any string is allowed and it is printed in place of the "
"missing values."}},
{'L', {"format", "C style format for latitudes/longitudes.", "%9.3f%9.3f"}},
{'F', {"format", "C style format for data values.", "%.10e"}},
"Key/values to set. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be "
"defined. By default 'i' (long) type is set.\n"}},
for (int opt = 0; (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "m:F:L:s:")) != -1;) {
auto key = static_cast<char>(opt);
if (key == '?' || key == 'h') {
usage(argv[0], options);
options[key].value = optarg;
const auto& L = options['L'].value;
std::string fmt_val = L + (L.back() == ' ' ? "" : " ") + options['F'].value + "\n";
ASSERT(3 == std::count(fmt_val.begin(), fmt_val.end(), '%'));
std::string fmt_miss;
if (!options['m'].value.empty()) {
fmt_miss = L + (L.back() == ' ' ? "" : " ") + options['m'].value + "\n";
ASSERT(2 == std::count(fmt_miss.begin(), fmt_miss.end(), '%'));
// grib_file grib_file ...
auto arg = static_cast<int>(optind);
if (arg >= argc) {
usage(argv[0], options);
for (; arg < argc; ++arg) {
auto* in = std::fopen(argv[arg], "r");
ASSERT_MSG(in != nullptr, "ERROR: unable to open file '" + std::string(argv[arg]) + "'");
int err = 0;
for (codes_handle* h = nullptr; (h = codes_handle_new_from_file(nullptr, in, PRODUCT_GRIB, &err)) != nullptr;
codes_handle_delete(h)) {
ASSERT(h != nullptr);
// set user-specified key/values
if (const std::string& s = options['s'].value; !s.empty()) {
const std::regex regex(",?([A-z0-9]+)(|:[sdi])=([^,]+)");
std::smatch match;
for (std::string::size_type from = 0, to = 0; from != std::string::npos; from = to) {
to = s.find(',', from + 1);
const auto kv = s.substr(from, to == std::string::npos ? to : to - from);
if (std::regex_match(kv, match, regex)) {
ASSERT(match.size() == 4);
if (const auto key = match[1].str(), type = match[2].str(), value = match[3].str();
type == ":s") {
auto len = value.length();
codes_set_string(h, key.c_str(), value.c_str(), &len);
else if (type == ":d") {
codes_set_double(h, key.c_str(), std::stod(value));
else if (type == ":i" || type.empty()) {
codes_set_long(h, key.c_str(), std::stol(value));
usage(argv[0], options);
// values, missing values (bitmap)
size_t N = 0;
CODES_CHECK(codes_get_size(h, "values", &N), nullptr);
ASSERT(0 < N);
double missingValue = 9999;
CODES_CHECK(codes_get_double(h, "missingValue", &missingValue), nullptr);
bool missingValuesPresent = false;
if (long v = 0; grib_get_long(h, "missingValuesPresent", &v) == CODES_SUCCESS && v != 0) {
missingValuesPresent = true;
std::vector<long> bitmap;
if (long v = 0; grib_get_long(h, "bitmapPresent", &v) == CODES_SUCCESS && v != 0) {
size_t len = 0;
CODES_CHECK(codes_get_size(h, "bitmap", &len), nullptr);
ASSERT(N == len);
CODES_CHECK(codes_get_long_array(h, "bitmap", bitmap.data(), &len), nullptr);
if constexpr (true) {
// eckit::geo lat/lon/values iterator
eccodes::geo::GribSpec config(h);
std::unique_ptr<const eckit::geo::Grid> grid(eckit::geo::GridFactory::build(config));
auto numberOfDataPoints = config.get_long("numberOfDataPoints");
ASSERT(N == static_cast<size_t>(numberOfDataPoints));
auto [lats, lons] = grid->to_latlons();
ASSERT(N == grid->size() && N == lats.size() && N == lons.size());
std::vector<double> values(N);
CODES_CHECK(codes_get_double_array(h, "values", values.data(), &N), nullptr);
std::printf("Latitude Longitude Value\n");
size_t n = 0;
for (auto lat = lats.begin(), lon = lons.begin(), value = values.begin(); n < N;
++lat, ++lon, ++value, ++n) {
auto is_missing_val =
missingValuesPresent && (bitmap.empty() ? *value == missingValue : bitmap[n] == 0);
if (!is_missing_val) {
std::printf(fmt_val.c_str(), *lat, *lon, *value);
else if (!fmt_miss.empty()) {
std::printf(fmt_miss.c_str(), *lat, *lon);
ASSERT(n == N);
else {
// eccodes lat/lon/values iterator
auto* iter = codes_grib_iterator_new(h, 0, &err);
std::printf("Latitude Longitude Value\n");
size_t n = 0;
for (double lat = 0, lon = 0, value = 0; codes_grib_iterator_next(iter, &lat, &lon, &value) != 0; ++n) {
auto is_missing_val =
missingValuesPresent && (bitmap.empty() ? value == missingValue : bitmap[n] == 0);
if (!is_missing_val) {
std::printf(fmt_val.c_str(), lat, lon, value);
else if (!fmt_miss.empty()) {
std::printf(fmt_miss.c_str(), lat, lon);
ASSERT(n == N);
return 0;