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# Automatically generated by ./ from database, do not edit
0 0 Cloud ice (kg m-2)
1 1 Total cloud cover (%)
2 2 Convective cloud cover (%)
3 3 Low cloud cover (%)
4 4 Medium cloud cover (%)
5 5 High cloud cover (%)
6 6 Cloud water (kg m-2)
7 7 Cloud amount (%)
8 8 Cloud type (Code table 4.203)
9 9 Thunderstorm maximum tops (m)
10 10 Thunderstorm coverage (Code table 4.204)
11 11 Cloud base (m)
12 12 Cloud top (m)
13 13 Ceiling (m)
14 14 Non-convective cloud cover (%)
15 15 Cloud work function (J/kg)
16 16 Convective cloud efficiency (Proportion)
17 17 Total condensate (kg/kg)
18 18 Total column-integrated cloud water (kg m-2)
19 19 Total column-integrated cloud ice (kg m-2)
20 20 Total column-integrated condensate (kg m-2)
21 21 Ice fraction of total condensate (Proportion)
22 22 Cloud cover (%)
23 23 Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg)
24 24 Sunshine (Numeric)
25 25 Horizontal extent of cumulonimbus (CB) (%)
26 26 Height of convective cloud base (m)
27 27 Height of convective cloud top (m)
28 28 Number of cloud droplets per unit mass of air (/kg)
29 29 Number of cloud ice particles per unit mass of air (/kg)
30 30 Number density of cloud droplets (m-3)
31 31 Number density of cloud ice particles (m-3)
32 32 Fraction of cloud cover (Numeric)
33 33 Sunshine duration (s)
34 34 Surface long wave effective total cloudiness (Numeric)
35 35 Surface short wave effective total cloudiness (Numeric)
255 255 Missing