
256 lines
14 KiB

# CODE TABLE 2, 128 Flag indication relative to section 2 and 3
001 001 STRF Stream function m**2 s**-1 -
002 002 VPOT Velocity potential m**2 s**-1 -
003 003 PT Potential temperature K -
004 004 EQPT Equivalent potential temperature K -
005 005 SEPT Saturated equivalent potential temperature K -
006 006 None Reserved for Metview - -
007 007 None Reserved for Metview - -
008 008 None Reserved for Metview - -
009 009 None Reserved for Metview - -
010 010 None Reserved for Metview - -
011 011 UDVW U component of divergent wind m s**-1 -
012 012 VDVW V component of divergent wind m s**-1 -
013 013 URTW U component of rotational wind m s**-1 -
014 014 VRTW V component of rotational wind m s**-1 -
015 015 None Reserved for Metview - -
016 016 None Reserved for Metview - -
017 017 None Reserved for Metview - -
018 018 None Reserved for Metview - -
019 019 None Reserved for Metview - -
020 020 None Reserved for Metview - -
021 021 UCTP Unbalanced component of temperature K -
022 022 UCLN Unbalanced component of logarithm of surface pressure - -
023 023 UCDV Unbalanced component of divergence s**-1 -
024 024 None Reserved for future unbalanced components - -
025 025 None Reserved for future unbalanced components - -
026 026 CL Lake cover (0-1) -
027 027 CVL Low vegetation cover (0-1) -
028 028 CVH High vegetation cover (0-1) -
029 029 TVL Type of low vegetation - Table index
030 030 TVH Type of high vegetation - Table index
031 031 CI Sea-ice cover (0-1) -
032 032 ASN Snow albedo (0-1) -
033 033 RSN Snow density kg m**-3 -
034 034 SSTK Sea surface temperature K K
035 035 ISTL1 Ice surface temperature layer 1 K -
036 036 ISTL2 Ice surface temperature layer 2 K -
037 037 ISTL3 Ice surface temperature layer 3 K -
038 038 ISTL4 Ice surface temperature layer 4 K -
039 039 SWVL1 Volumetric soil water layer 1 m**3 m**-3 -
040 040 SWVL2 Volumetric soil water layer 2 m**3 m**-3 -
041 041 SWVL3 Volumetric soil water layer 3 m**3 m**-3 -
042 042 SWVL4 Volumetric soil water layer 4 m**3 m**-3 -
043 043 SLT Soil type - -
044 044 ES Snow evaporation m of water Accumulated field
045 045 SMLT Snowmelt m of water Accumulated field
046 046 SDUR Solar duration s -
047 047 DSRP Direct solar radiation w m**-2 Incident on a plane perpendicular to the Sun's direction
048 048 MAGSS Magnitude of surface stress N m**-2 s Accumulated field
049 049 10FG 10 metre wind gust m s**-1 Maximum since previous post-processing
050 050 LSPF Large-scale precipitation fraction s Accumulated field
051 051 MX2T24 Maximum 2 metre temperature K During previous 24 hours
052 052 - Minimum 2 metre temperature K During previous 24 hours
053 053 MONT Montgomery potential m**2 s**-2 -
054 054 PRES Pressure Pa -
055 055 - Mean 2 metre temperature in past 24 hours K 6-hourly intervals
056 056 MN2D24 Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in past 24 hours K 6-hourly intervals
57 57 UVB Downward UV radiation at the surface w m**-2 s Ultra-violet band B. Accumulated field.
58 58 PAR Photosynthetically active radiation at the surface w m**-2 s Accumulated field.
59 59 CAPE Convective available potential energy J kg**-1 -
060 060 PV Potential vorticity K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1 -
061 061 TPO Total precipitation from observations Millimetres*100 + number of stations Rainfall amount found by averaging over a number of observing stations
062 062 OBCT Observation count - Count of observations used in calculating value at a gridpoint
063 063 - Start time for skin temperature difference s Seconds from reference time
064 064 - Finish time for skin temperature difference s Seconds from reference time
065 065 - Skin temperature difference K -
066 066 - Leaf area index, low vegetation m**2 / m**2 -
067 067 - Leaf area index, high vegetation m**2 / m**2 -
068 068 - Minimum stomatal resistance, low vegetation s m**2
069 069 - Minimum stomatal resistance, high vegetation s m**2
070 070 - Biome cover, low vegetation [0,1]
071 071 - Biome cover, high vegetation [0,1]
72 72 - Unused
73 73 - Unused
74 74 - Unused
75 75 - Unused
76 76 - Unused
77 77 - Unused
78 78 TCLW Total column liquid water kg m**-2
79 79 TCIW Total column ice water kg m**-2
80 80 80 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
81 81 81 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
82 82 82 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
83 83 83 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
84 84 84 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
85 85 85 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
86 86 86 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
87 87 87 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
88 88 88 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
89 89 89 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
90 90 90 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
91 91 91 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
92 92 92 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
93 93 93 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
94 94 94 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
95 95 95 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
96 96 96 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
97 97 97 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
98 98 98 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
99 99 99 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
100 100 100 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
101 101 101 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
102 102 102 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
103 103 103 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
104 104 104 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
105 105 105 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
106 106 106 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
107 107 107 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
108 108 108 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
109 109 109 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
110 110 110 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
111 111 111 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
112 112 112 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
113 113 113 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
114 114 114 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
115 115 115 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
116 116 116 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
117 117 117 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
118 118 118 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
119 119 119 Experimental product Undefined Contents may vary
121 121 MX2T6 Maximum temperature at 2 metres K During previous 6 hours
122 122 MN2T6 Minimum temperature at 2 metres K During previous 6 hours
123 123 10FG6 10 metre wind gust m s**-1 During previous 6 hours
124 124 - Unused - -
125 125 - Vertically integrated total energy J m**-2 Integrated over a number of model levels
126 126 - Generic parameter for sensitive area prediction Various Originating centre dependent
127 127 AT Atmospheric tide - Not GRIB data
128 128 BV Budget values - Not GRIB data
129 129 Z Geopotential m**2 s**-2 At the surface: orography
130 130 T Temperature K -
131 131 U U velocity m s**-1 -
132 132 V V velocity m s**-1 -
133 133 Q Specific humidity kg kg**-1 -
134 134 SP Surface pressure Pa -
135 135 W Vertical velocity Pa s**-1 -
136 136 TCW Total column water kg m**-2 Liquid + ice + vapour
137 137 TCWV Total column water vapour kg m**-2 -
138 138 VO Vorticity (relative) s**-1 -
139 139 STL1 Soil temperature level 1 K Soil temperature (ST) before 19930804
140 140 SWL1 Soil wetness level 1 m of water Surface soil wetness (SSW) before 19930804
141 141 SD Snow depth m of water equivalent -
142 142 LSP Large scale precipitation m Accumulated field
143 143 CP Convective precipitation m Accumulated field
144 144 SF Snowfall (convective + stratiform) m of water equivalent Accumulated field
145 145 BLD Boundary layer dissipation W m**-2 s Accumulated field
146 146 SSHF Surface sensible heat flux W m**-2 s Accumulated field
147 147 SLHF Surface latent heat flux W m**-2 s Accumulated field
148 148 CHNK Charnock - Surface stress (SS) before 19980519
149 149 SNR Surface net radiation W m**-2 s Accumulated field
150 150 TNR Top net radiation - -
151 151 MSL Mean sea level pressure Pa -
152 152 LNSP Logarithm of surface pressure - -
153 153 SWHR Short-wave heating rate K Accumulated field
154 154 LWHR Long-wave heating rate K Accumulated field
155 155 D Divergence s**-1 -
156 156 GH Height m Geopotential height
157 157 R Relative humidity % -
158 158 TSP Tendency of surface pressure Pa s**-1 -
159 159 BLH Boundary layer height m -
160 160 SDOR Standard deviation of orography - -
161 161 ISOR Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography - -
162 162 ANOR Angle of sub-gridscale orography rad -
163 163 SLOR Slope of sub-gridscale orography - -
164 164 TCC Total cloud cover (0 - 1) -
165 165 10U 10 metre U wind component m s**-1 -
166 166 10V 10 metre V wind component m s**-1 -
167 167 2T 2 metre temperature K -
168 168 2D 2 metre dewpoint temperature K -
169 169 SSRD Surface solar radiation downwards W m**-2 s Accumulated field
170 170 STL2 Soil temperature level 2 K Deep soil temperature (DST) before 19930804
171 171 SWL2 Soil wetness level 2 m of water Deep soil wetness (DSW) before 19930804. Scaled: depth surf water layer 7cm deep
172 172 LSM Land-sea mask (0, 1) -
173 173 SR Surface roughness m -
174 174 AL Albedo (0 - 1) -
175 175 STRD Surface thermal radiation downwards W m**-2 s Accumulated field
176 176 SSR Surface solar radiation W m**-2 s Accumulated field
177 177 STR Surface thermal radiation W m**-2 s Accumulated field
178 178 TSR Top solar radiation W m**-2 s Accumulated field
179 179 TTR Top thermal radiation W m**-2 s Accumulated field
180 180 EWSS East-West surface stress N m**-2 s Accumulated field
181 181 NSSS North-South surface stress N m**-2 s Accumulated field
182 182 E Evaporation m of water Accumulated field
183 183 STL3 Soil temperature level 3 K Climatological deep soil temperature (CDST) before 19930804
184 184 SWL3 Soil wetness level 3 m of water Climatological deep soil wetness (CDSW) before 19930804.Scaled depth surf water 7cm deep
185 185 CCC Convective cloud cover (0 - 1) -
186 186 LCC Low cloud cover (0 - 1) -
187 187 MCC Medium cloud cover (0 - 1) -
188 188 HCC High cloud cover (0 - 1) -
189 189 SUND Sunshine duration s Accumulated field
190 190 EWOV East-West component of sub-grid orographic variance m**2 -
191 191 NSOV North-South component of sub-grid orographic variance m**2 -
192 192 NWOV North-West/South-East component of sub-grid orographic variance m**2 -
193 193 NEOV North-East/South-West component of sub-grid orographic variance m**2 -
194 194 BTMP Brightness temperature K -
195 195 LGWS Latitudinal component of gravity wave stress N m**-2 s Accumulated field
196 196 MGWS Meridional component of gravity wave stress N m**-2 s Accumulated field
197 197 GWD Gravity wave dissipation W m**-2 s Accumulated field
198 198 SRC Skin reservoir content m of water -
199 199 VEG Vegetation fraction (0 - 1) -
200 200 VSO Variance of sub-gridscale orography m**2 -
201 201 MX2T Maximum temperature at 2 metres since previous post-processing K -
202 202 MN2T Minimum temperature at 2 metres since previous post-processing K -
203 203 O3 Ozone mass mixing ratio kg kg**-1 -
204 204 PAW Precipiation analysis weights - -
205 205 RO Runoff m Accumulated field
206 206 TCO3 Total column ozone kg m**-2 Before 20010612 was in Dobsons. 1 Dobson = 2.1415E-5 kg m**-2
207 207 10SI 10 metre wind speed m s**-1 -
208 208 TSRC Top net solar radiation, clear sky W m**-2 s Accumulated field
209 209 TTRC Top net thermal radiation, clear sky W m**-2 s Accumulated field
210 210 SSRC Surface net solar radiation, clear sky W m**-2 s Accumulated field
211 211 STRC Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky W m**-2 s Accumulated field
212 212 SI Solar insolation W m**-2 s Accumulated field
213 213 - Unused - -
214 214 DHR Diabatic heating by radiation K -
215 215 DHVD Diabatic heating by vertical diffusion K -
216 216 DHCC Diabatic heating by cumulus convection K -
217 217 DHLC Diabatic heating large-scale condensation K -
218 218 VDZW Vertical diffusion of zonal wind m s**-1 -
219 219 VDMW Vertical diffusion of meridional wind m s**-1 -
220 220 EWGD East-West gravity wave drag tendency m s**-1 -
221 221 NSGD North-South gravity wave drag tendency m s**-1 -
222 222 CTZW Convective tendency of zonal wind m s**-1 -
223 223 CTMW Convective tendency of meridional wind m s**-1 -
224 224 VDH Vertical diffusion of humidity kg kg**-1 -
225 225 HTCC Humidity tendency by cumulus convection kg kg**-1 -
226 226 HTLC Humidity tendency large-scale condensation kg kg**-1 -
227 227 CRNH Change from removing negative humidity kg kg**-1 -
228 228 TP Total precipitation m Accumulated
229 229 IEWS Instantaneous X surface stress N m**-2 -
230 230 INSS Instantaneous Y surface stress N m**-2 -
231 231 ISHF Instantaneous surface heat flux W m**-2 -
232 232 IE Instantaneous moisture flux kg m**-2 s Evaporation
233 233 ASQ Apparent surface humidity kg kg**-1 -
234 234 LSRH Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat - -
235 235 SKT Skin temperature K -
236 236 STL4 Soil temperature level 4 K -
237 237 SWL4 Soil wetness level 4 m Scaled to depth of surface water layer 7cm deep
238 238 TSN Temperature of snow layer K -
239 239 CSF Convective snowfall m of water equivalent Accumulated field
240 240 LSF Large-scale snowfall m of water equivalent Accumulated field
241 241 ACF Accumulated cloud fraction tendency (-1 to 1) -
242 242 ALW Accumulated liquid water tendency (-1 to 1) -
243 243 FAL Forecast albedo (0 - 1) -
244 244 FSR Forecast surface roughness m -
245 245 FLSR Forecast log of surface roughness for heat - -
246 246 CLWC Cloud liquid water content kg kg**-1 -
247 247 CIWC Cloud ice water content kg kg**-1 -
248 248 CC Cloud cover (0 - 1) -
249 249 AIW Accumulated ice water tendency (-1 to 1) -
250 250 ICE Ice age 1,0 0 first-year, 1 multi-year
251 251 ATTE Adiabatic tendency of temperature K -
252 252 ATHE Adiabatic tendency of humidity kg kg**-1 -
253 253 ATZE Adiabatic tendency of zonal wind m s**-1 -
254 254 ATMW Adiabatic tendency of meridional wind m s**-1 -
255 255 - Indicates a missing value - -