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# Copyright 2005-2019 ECMWF.
# TEMPLATE 3.100, Triangular grid based on an icosahedron (see Attachment I.2-GRIB-Att.)
# n2 - exponent of 2 for the number of intervals on main triangle sides
unsigned[1] n2 : dump ;
# n3 - exponent of 3 for the number of intervals on main triangle sides
unsigned[1] n3 : dump ;
# Ni - number of intervals on main triangle sides of the icosahedron
unsigned[2] Ni : dump ;
# nd - Number of diamonds
unsigned[1] nd : dump ;
alias numberOfDiamonds=nd;
# Latitude of the pole point of the icosahedron on the sphere
signed[4] latitudeOfThePolePoint : dump ;
meta geography.latitudeOfThePolePointInDegrees scale(latitudeOfThePolePoint,one,grib2divider,truncateDegrees) : dump;
# Longitude of the pole point of the icosahedron on the sphere
unsigned[4] longitudeOfThePolePoint : dump ;
meta geography.longitudeOfThePolePointInDegrees g2lon(longitudeOfThePolePoint);
# Longitude of the centre line of the first diamond of the icosahedron on the sphere
unsigned[4] longitudeOfFirstDiamondCenterLine : dump ;
meta geography.longitudeOfFirstDiamondCenterLineInDegrees g2lon(longitudeOfFirstDiamondCenterLine);
# Grid point position
codetable[1] gridPointPosition ('3.8.table',masterDir,localDir);
# Numbering order of diamonds
flags[1] numberingOrderOfDiamonds 'grib2/tables/[tablesVersion]/3.9.table';
# Scanning mode for one diamond
flags[1] scanningModeForOneDiamond 'grib2/tables/[tablesVersion]/3.10.table';
# nt - total number of grid points
unsigned[4] totalNumberOfGridPoints : dump ;
alias nt = totalNumberOfGridPoints;