
1619 lines
42 KiB

* (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
* which can be obtained at
* In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by
* virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
include private headers used for all internal functions of
ecCodes, not seen by the user of the API
#ifndef grib_api_internal_H
#define grib_api_internal_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* cmake config header */
#include "eccodes_config.h"
/* autoconf config header */
#include "config.h"
#define IEEE
#define IEEE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "eccodes_windef.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#define ecc_snprintf snprintf
#include <direct.h>
#include <io.h>
/* Replace C99/Unix rint() for Windows Visual C++ (only before VC++ 2013 versions) */
#if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1800
double rint(double x);
#ifndef S_ISREG
#define S_ISREG(mode) (mode & S_IFREG)
#ifndef S_ISDIR
#define S_ISDIR(mode) (mode & S_IFDIR)
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define R_OK 04 /* Needed for Windows */
#ifndef F_OK
#define F_OK 0
#define mkdir(dirname, mode) _mkdir(dirname)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define access(path, mode) _access(path, mode)
#define chmod(path, mode) _chmod(path, mode)
#define strdup(str) _strdup(str)
#define ecc_snprintf _snprintf
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
extern int pthread_mutexattr_settype(pthread_mutexattr_t* attr, int type);
#include <pthread.h>
#define GRIB_MUTEX_INIT_ONCE(a, b) pthread_once(a, b);
#define GRIB_MUTEX_LOCK(a) pthread_mutex_lock(a);
#define GRIB_MUTEX_UNLOCK(a) pthread_mutex_unlock(a);
#define GRIB_MUTEX_LOCK(a) {pthread_mutex_lock(a); printf("MUTEX LOCK %p %s line %d\n",(void*)a,__FILE__,__LINE__);}
#define GRIB_MUTEX_UNLOCK(a) {pthread_mutex_unlock(a);printf("MUTEX UNLOCK %p %s line %d\n",(void*)a,__FILE__,__LINE__);}
#include <omp.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define GRIB_OMP_CRITICAL(a) __pragma(omp critical(a))
#define GRIB_OMP_STR(a) #a
#define GRIB_OMP_CRITICAL(a) _Pragma(GRIB_OMP_XSTR(omp critical(a)))
#define GRIB_MUTEX_INIT_ONCE(a, b) (*(b))();
#define GRIB_MUTEX_LOCK(a) omp_set_nest_lock(a);
#define GRIB_MUTEX_UNLOCK(a) omp_unset_nest_lock(a);
#define GRIB_MUTEX_INIT_ONCE(a, b)
#define GRIB_MUTEX_LOCK(a)
/* Note: in newer pthreads PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE and PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP are enums */
#define fseeko fseek
#define ftello ftell
#define Assert(a) \
do { \
if (!(a)) codes_assertion_failed(#a, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} while (0)
#ifdef __gnu_hurd__
#define COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(condition) \
extern int compile_time_assert[!!(condition)-1]
/* Compile time assertion - Thanks to Ralf Holly */
#define COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(condition) \
do { \
enum \
{ \
assert_static__ = 1 / (condition) \
}; \
} while (0)
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DebugAssert(a) Assert(a)
#define DebugAssertAccess(array, index, size) \
do { \
if (!((index) >= 0 && (index) < (size))) { \
printf("ARRAY ACCESS ERROR: array=%s idx=%ld size=%ld @ %s +%d \n", #array, index, size, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
abort(); \
} \
} while (0)
#define DebugAssert(a)
#define DebugAssertAccess(array, index, size)
/* Return true if two strings are equal */
#define STR_EQ(a, b) (strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
#include "grib_api.h"
#define GRIB_UNKNOWN_VALUE -9999.999
#define GRIB_KEY_UNDEF "undef"
#define MAX_NUM_CONCEPTS 2000
#define MAX_NUM_HASH_ARRAY 2000
#define GRIB_MY_BUFFER 0
#define GRIB_REAL_MODE4 4
#define GRIB_REAL_MODE8 8
#define GRIB_LOG_PERROR (1 << 10)
#define CODES_GRIB 1
#define CODES_BUFR 2
#define CODES_METAR 3
#define CODES_GTS 4
#define GRIB_COMPARE_NAMES (1 << 0)
#define GRIB_COMPARE_TYPES (1 << 1)
typedef struct grib_expression grib_expression;
typedef struct grib_arguments grib_arguments;
typedef struct grib_action_file grib_action_file;
typedef struct grib_action_file_list grib_action_file_list;
typedef struct grib_block_of_accessors grib_block_of_accessors;
typedef struct grib_buffer grib_buffer;
typedef struct grib_accessor_class grib_accessor_class;
typedef struct grib_action grib_action;
typedef struct grib_action_class grib_action_class;
typedef struct grib_section grib_section;
typedef struct grib_packer grib_packer;
typedef struct grib_codetable grib_codetable;
typedef struct grib_smart_table grib_smart_table;
typedef struct grib_accessor grib_accessor;
typedef struct grib_iterator_class grib_iterator_class;
typedef struct grib_nearest_class grib_nearest_class;
typedef struct grib_box_class grib_box_class;
typedef struct grib_dumper grib_dumper;
typedef struct grib_dumper_class grib_dumper_class;
typedef struct grib_dependency grib_dependency;
typedef struct string_feed string_feed;
typedef struct codes_condition codes_condition;
/* typedef void (*dynamic_key_proc) (const char*, void*)
typedef void (*nearest_init_class_proc)(grib_nearest_class*);
typedef int (*nearest_init_proc)(grib_nearest* i, grib_handle*, grib_arguments*);
typedef int (*nearest_find_proc)(grib_nearest* nearest, grib_handle* h,
double inlat, double inlon,
unsigned long flags, double* outlats,
double* outlons, double* values,
double* distances, int* indexes, size_t* len);
typedef int (*nearest_destroy_proc)(grib_nearest* nearest);
typedef void (*box_init_class_proc)(grib_box_class*);
typedef int (*box_destroy_proc)(grib_box*);
typedef int (*box_init_proc)(grib_box*, grib_handle*, grib_arguments*);
typedef grib_points* (*box_get_points_proc)(grib_box*, double, double, double, double, int*);
typedef void (*iterator_init_class_proc)(grib_iterator_class*);
typedef int (*iterator_init_proc)(grib_iterator* i, grib_handle*, grib_arguments*);
typedef int (*iterator_next_proc)(grib_iterator* i, double* lat, double* lon, double* val);
typedef int (*iterator_previous_proc)(grib_iterator* i, double* lat, double* lon, double* val);
typedef int (*iterator_reset_proc)(grib_iterator* i);
typedef int (*iterator_destroy_proc)(grib_iterator* i);
typedef long (*iterator_has_next_proc)(grib_iterator* i);
typedef int (*grib_pack_proc)(grib_handle* h, const double* in, size_t inlen, void* out, size_t* outlen);
typedef int (*grib_unpack_proc)(grib_handle* h, const void* in, size_t inlen, double* out, size_t* outlen);
typedef void (*accessor_destroy_proc)(grib_context*, grib_accessor*);
typedef int (*accessor_unpack_long_proc)(grib_accessor*, long*, size_t* len);
typedef int (*accessor_unpack_double_proc)(grib_accessor*, double*, size_t* len);
typedef int (*accessor_unpack_double_element_proc)(grib_accessor*, size_t, double*);
typedef int (*accessor_unpack_double_subarray_proc)(grib_accessor*, double*, size_t, size_t);
typedef int (*accessor_unpack_string_proc)(grib_accessor*, char*, size_t* len);
typedef int (*accessor_unpack_string_array_proc)(grib_accessor*, char**, size_t* len);
typedef int (*accessor_unpack_bytes_proc)(grib_accessor*, unsigned char*, size_t* len);
typedef int (*accessor_get_native_type_proc)(grib_accessor*);
typedef int (*accessor_notify_change_proc)(grib_accessor*, grib_accessor*);
typedef void (*accessor_update_size_proc)(grib_accessor*, size_t);
typedef size_t (*accessor_preferred_size_proc)(grib_accessor*, int);
typedef void (*accessor_resize_proc)(grib_accessor*, size_t);
typedef grib_accessor* (*accessor_next_proc)(grib_accessor*, int);
typedef grib_section* (*accessor_sub_section_proc)(grib_accessor*);
typedef int (*accessor_pack_missing_proc)(grib_accessor*);
typedef int (*accessor_pack_is_missing_proc)(grib_accessor*);
typedef int (*accessor_pack_long_proc)(grib_accessor*, const long*, size_t* len);
typedef int (*accessor_pack_double_proc)(grib_accessor*, const double*, size_t* len);
typedef int (*accessor_pack_string_proc)(grib_accessor*, const char*, size_t* len);
typedef int (*accessor_pack_string_array_proc)(grib_accessor*, const char**, size_t* len);
typedef int (*accessor_pack_bytes_proc)(grib_accessor*, const unsigned char*, size_t* len);
typedef int (*accessor_pack_expression_proc)(grib_accessor*, grib_expression*);
typedef int (*accessor_clear_proc)(grib_accessor*);
typedef grib_accessor* (*accessor_clone_proc)(grib_accessor*, grib_section*, int*);
typedef void (*accessor_init_class_proc)(grib_accessor_class*);
typedef int (*accessor_compare_proc)(grib_accessor*, grib_accessor*);
typedef size_t (*accessor_string_proc)(grib_accessor*);
typedef int (*accessor_value_with_ret_proc)(grib_accessor*, long*);
typedef long (*accessor_value_proc)(grib_accessor*);
typedef void (*accessor_dump_proc)(grib_accessor*, grib_dumper*);
typedef void (*accessor_init_proc)(grib_accessor*, const long len, grib_arguments*);
typedef void (*accessor_post_init_proc)(grib_accessor*);
typedef int (*accessor_nearest_proc)(grib_accessor*, double, double*);
typedef long (*grib_binop_long_proc)(long, long);
typedef long (*grib_unop_long_proc)(long);
typedef double (*grib_binop_double_proc)(double, double);
typedef double (*grib_unop_double_proc)(double);
typedef int (*grib_binop_string_proc)(char*, char*);
typedef struct second_order_packed second_order_packed;
typedef void grib_expression_visit_proc(void* udata, grib_expression* e);
struct grib_key_value_list
const char* name;
int type;
int size;
long* long_value;
double* double_value;
grib_key_value_list* namespace_value;
char* string_value;
int has_value;
int error;
grib_key_value_list* next;
struct second_order_packed
unsigned long nbits_per_widths;
unsigned long nbits_per_group_size;
size_t size_of_group_array;
size_t packed_byte_count;
unsigned long* array_of_group_size;
unsigned long* array_of_group_width;
long* array_of_group_refs;
* an grib_compression
* Structure supporting the packing and unpacking procedures
* @see grib_action_create_data
struct grib_packer
const char* name;
grib_pack_proc pack; /** < packing procedure */
grib_unpack_proc unpack; /** < unpacking procedure */
/* --------------- */
typedef struct grib_loader grib_loader;
typedef int (*grib_loader_init_accessor_proc)(grib_loader*, grib_accessor*, grib_arguments*);
typedef int (*grib_loader_lookup_long_proc)(grib_context*, grib_loader*, const char* name, long* value);
struct grib_loader
void* data;
grib_loader_init_accessor_proc init_accessor;
grib_loader_lookup_long_proc lookup_long;
int list_is_resized; /** will be true if we resize a list */
int changing_edition;
* an action
* Structure supporting the creation of accessor, resulting of a statement during a definition file parsing
* @see grib_action_class
struct grib_action
char* name; /** name of the definition statement */
char* op; /** operator of the definition statement */
char* name_space; /** namespace of the definition statement */
grib_action* next; /** next action in the list */
grib_action_class* cclass; /** link to the structure containing a specific behaviour */
grib_context* context; /** Context */
unsigned long flags;
char* defaultkey; /** name of the key used as default if not found */
grib_arguments* default_value; /** default expression as in .def file */
char* set;
char* debug_info; /** purely for debugging and tracing */
typedef struct grib_accessors_list grib_accessors_list;
struct grib_accessors_list
grib_accessor* accessor;
int rank;
grib_accessors_list* next;
grib_accessors_list* prev;
grib_accessors_list* last;
typedef int (*action_create_accessors_handle_proc)(grib_section* p, grib_action* a, grib_loader* h);
typedef int (*action_notify_change_proc)(grib_action* a, grib_accessor* observer, grib_accessor* observed);
typedef void (*grib_dump_proc)(grib_action*, FILE*, int);
typedef void (*grib_xref_proc)(grib_action*, FILE*, const char*);
typedef void (*action_init_class_proc)(grib_action_class* a);
typedef void (*action_init_proc)(grib_action* a);
typedef void (*action_destroy_proc)(grib_context* context, grib_action* a);
typedef grib_action* (*action_reparse_proc)(grib_action* a, grib_accessor*, int*);
typedef int (*action_execute_proc)(grib_action* a, grib_handle*);
* an action_class
* Structure supporting the specific behaviour of an action
* @see grib_action
struct grib_action_class
grib_action_class** super; /** < link to a more general behaviour */
const char* name; /** < name of the behaviour class */
size_t size; /** < size in bytes of the structure */
int inited;
action_init_class_proc init_class;
action_init_proc init;
action_destroy_proc destroy; /** < destructor method to release the memory */
grib_dump_proc dump; /** < dump method of the action */
grib_xref_proc xref; /** < dump method of the action */
action_create_accessors_handle_proc create_accessor; /** < method to create the corresponding accessor from a handle*/
action_notify_change_proc notify_change; /** < method to create the corresponding accessor from a handle*/
action_reparse_proc reparse;
action_execute_proc execute;
* a buffer
* Structure containing the data of a message
struct grib_buffer
int property; /** < property parameter of buffer */
int validity; /** < validity parameter of buffer */
int growable; /** < buffer can be grown */
size_t length; /** < Buffer length */
size_t ulength; /** < length used of the buffer */
size_t ulength_bits; /** < length used of the buffer in bits */
unsigned char* data; /** < the data byte array */
* an Accessor
* Structure supporting each single data unit and allowing its access
* @see grib_accessor_class
typedef struct grib_virtual_value grib_virtual_value;
struct grib_virtual_value
long lval;
double dval;
char* cval;
int missing;
int length;
int type;
struct grib_accessor
const char* name; /** < name of the accessor */
const char* name_space; /** < namespace to which the accessor belongs */
grib_context* context;
grib_handle* h;
grib_action* creator; /** < action that created the accessor */
long length; /** < byte length of the accessor */
long offset; /** < offset of the data in the buffer */
grib_section* parent; /** < section to which the accessor is attached */
grib_accessor* next; /** < next accessor in list */
grib_accessor* previous; /** < next accessor in list */
grib_accessor_class* cclass; /** < behaviour of the accessor */
unsigned long flags; /** < Various flags */
grib_section* sub_section;
const char* all_names[MAX_ACCESSOR_NAMES]; /** < name of the accessor */
const char* all_name_spaces[MAX_ACCESSOR_NAMES]; /** < namespace to which the accessor belongs */
int dirty;
grib_accessor* same; /** < accessors with the same name */
long loop; /** < used in lists */
long bufr_subset_number; /** < bufr subset (bufr data accessors belong to different subsets)*/
long bufr_group_number; /** < used in bufr */
grib_virtual_value* vvalue; /** < virtual value used when transient flag on **/
const char* set;
grib_accessor* attributes[MAX_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTES]; /** < attributes are accessors */
grib_accessor* parent_as_attribute;
#define GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_DUMP (1 << 2)
#define GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_DATA (1 << 11)
#define GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_NO_FAIL (1 << 12)
* a section accessor
* Structure supporting hierarchical naming of the accessors
* @see grib_accessor
struct grib_section
grib_accessor* owner;
grib_handle* h; /** < Handles of all accessors and buffer */
grib_accessor* aclength; /** < block of the length of the block */
grib_block_of_accessors* block; /** < block */
grib_action* branch; /** < branch that created the block */
size_t length;
size_t padding;
struct grib_iterator_class
grib_iterator_class** super;
char* name;
size_t size;
int inited;
iterator_init_class_proc init_class;
iterator_init_proc init;
iterator_destroy_proc destroy;
iterator_next_proc next;
iterator_previous_proc previous;
iterator_reset_proc reset;
iterator_has_next_proc has_next;
struct grib_nearest_class
grib_nearest_class** super;
char* name;
size_t size;
int inited;
nearest_init_class_proc init_class;
nearest_init_proc init;
nearest_destroy_proc destroy;
nearest_find_proc find;
struct grib_box_class
grib_box_class** super;
char* name;
size_t size;
int inited;
box_init_class_proc init_class;
box_init_proc init;
box_destroy_proc destroy;
box_get_points_proc get_points;
/* --------------- */
/* --------------- */
typedef void (*search_all_callback_proc)(grib_accessor*, void* data);
/* --------------- */
typedef int (*dumper_init_proc)(grib_dumper*);
typedef void (*dumper_dump_proc)(grib_dumper*, grib_accessor*, const char* comment);
typedef void (*dumper_dump_section_proc)(grib_dumper*, grib_accessor*, grib_block_of_accessors* block);
typedef void (*dumper_dump_values_proc)(grib_dumper*, grib_accessor*);
typedef int (*dumper_destroy_proc)(grib_dumper*);
typedef void (*dumper_header_proc)(grib_dumper*, grib_handle*);
typedef void (*dumper_footer_proc)(grib_dumper*, grib_handle*);
typedef void (*dumper_init_class_proc)(grib_dumper_class*);
struct grib_dumper
FILE* out;
unsigned long option_flags;
void* arg;
int depth;
long count;
grib_handle* handle;
grib_dumper_class* cclass;
struct grib_dumper_class
grib_dumper_class** super;
char* name;
size_t size;
int inited;
dumper_init_class_proc init_class;
dumper_init_proc init;
dumper_destroy_proc destroy;
dumper_dump_proc dump_long;
dumper_dump_proc dump_double;
dumper_dump_proc dump_string;
dumper_dump_proc dump_string_array;
dumper_dump_proc dump_label;
dumper_dump_proc dump_bytes;
dumper_dump_proc dump_bits;
dumper_dump_section_proc dump_section;
dumper_dump_values_proc dump_values;
dumper_header_proc header;
dumper_footer_proc footer;
struct grib_iterator
grib_arguments* args; /** args of iterator */
grib_handle* h;
long e; /** current element */
size_t nv; /** number of values */
double* data; /** data values */
grib_iterator_class* cclass;
unsigned long flags;
struct grib_nearest
grib_arguments* args; /** args of iterator */
grib_handle* h;
grib_context* context;
double* values;
size_t values_count;
grib_nearest_class* cclass;
unsigned long flags;
struct grib_box
grib_box_class* cclass;
grib_context* context;
grib_arguments* args;
grib_handle* h;
unsigned long flags;
grib_points* points;
struct grib_dependency
grib_dependency* next;
grib_accessor* observed;
grib_accessor* observer;
int run;
struct grib_block_of_accessors
grib_accessor* first;
grib_accessor* last;
typedef struct grib_trie grib_trie;
typedef struct grib_trie_with_rank_list grib_trie_with_rank_list;
typedef struct grib_trie_with_rank grib_trie_with_rank;
typedef struct grib_itrie grib_itrie;
struct grib_sarray
char** v;
size_t size;
size_t n;
size_t incsize;
grib_context* context;
struct grib_oarray
void** v;
size_t size;
size_t n;
size_t incsize;
grib_context* context;
struct grib_darray
double* v;
size_t size;
size_t n;
size_t incsize;
grib_context* context;
struct grib_iarray
long* v;
size_t size;
size_t n;
size_t incsize;
size_t number_of_pop_front;
grib_context* context;
struct grib_vdarray
grib_darray** v;
size_t size;
size_t n;
size_t incsize;
grib_context* context;
struct grib_vsarray
grib_sarray** v;
size_t size;
size_t n;
size_t incsize;
grib_context* context;
struct grib_viarray
grib_iarray** v;
size_t size;
size_t n;
size_t incsize;
grib_context* context;
/* types of BUFR descriptors used in bufr_descriptor->type*/
struct bufr_descriptor
grib_context* context;
long code;
int F;
int X;
int Y;
int type;
/*char* name; Not needed: All usage commented out. See ECC-489 */
char* shortName;
char* units;
long scale;
double factor;
long reference;
long width;
int nokey; /* set if descriptor does not have an associated key */
grib_accessor* a;
struct bufr_descriptors_array
bufr_descriptor** v;
size_t size;
size_t n;
size_t incsize;
size_t number_of_pop_front;
grib_context* context;
struct bufr_descriptors_map_list
bufr_descriptors_array* unexpanded;
bufr_descriptors_array* expanded;
bufr_descriptors_map_list* next;
/* BUFR: Operator 203YYY: Linked list storing Table B changed reference values */
typedef struct bufr_tableb_override bufr_tableb_override;
struct bufr_tableb_override
bufr_tableb_override* next;
int code;
long new_ref_val;
struct codes_condition
char* left;
int rightType;
char* rightString;
long rightLong;
double rightDouble;
void codes_assertion_failed(const char* message, const char* file, int line);
#define MAX_SET_VALUES 10
struct grib_handle
grib_context* context; /** < context attached to this handle */
grib_buffer* buffer; /** < buffer attached to the handle */
grib_section* root; /** the root section*/
grib_section* asserts; /** the assertion section*/
grib_section* rules; /** the rules section*/
grib_dependency* dependencies; /** List of dependencies */
grib_handle* main; /** Used during reparsing */
grib_handle* kid; /** Used during reparsing */
grib_loader* loader; /** Used during reparsing */
int values_stack;
const grib_values* values[MAX_SET_VALUES]; /** Used when setting multiple values at once */
size_t values_count[MAX_SET_VALUES]; /** Used when setting multiple values at once */
int dont_trigger; /** Don't notify triggers */
int partial; /** Not a complete message (just headers) */
int header_mode; /** Header not jet complete */
char* gts_header;
size_t gts_header_len;
int use_trie;
int trie_invalid;
grib_accessor* accessors[ACCESSORS_ARRAY_SIZE];
char* section_offset[MAX_NUM_SECTIONS];
char* section_length[MAX_NUM_SECTIONS];
int sections_count;
off_t offset;
long bufr_subset_number; /* bufr subset number */
long bufr_group_number; /* used in bufr */
/* grib_accessor* groups[MAX_NUM_GROUPS]; */
long missingValueLong;
double missingValueDouble;
ProductKind product_kind;
grib_trie* bufr_elements_table;
struct grib_multi_handle
grib_context* context; /** < context attached to this handle */
grib_buffer* buffer; /** < buffer attached to the handle */
size_t offset;
size_t length;
struct grib_accessor_class
grib_accessor_class** super;
const char* name;
size_t size;
int inited;
accessor_init_class_proc init_class;
accessor_init_proc init;
accessor_post_init_proc post_init;
accessor_destroy_proc destroy;
accessor_dump_proc dump;
accessor_value_proc next_offset;
accessor_string_proc string_length;
accessor_value_with_ret_proc value_count;
accessor_value_proc byte_count;
accessor_value_proc byte_offset;
accessor_get_native_type_proc get_native_type;
accessor_sub_section_proc sub_section;
accessor_pack_missing_proc pack_missing;
accessor_pack_is_missing_proc is_missing;
accessor_pack_long_proc pack_long;
accessor_unpack_long_proc unpack_long;
accessor_pack_double_proc pack_double;
accessor_unpack_double_proc unpack_double;
accessor_pack_string_proc pack_string;
accessor_unpack_string_proc unpack_string;
accessor_pack_string_array_proc pack_string_array;
accessor_unpack_string_array_proc unpack_string_array;
accessor_pack_bytes_proc pack_bytes;
accessor_unpack_bytes_proc unpack_bytes;
accessor_pack_expression_proc pack_expression;
accessor_notify_change_proc notify_change;
accessor_update_size_proc update_size;
accessor_preferred_size_proc preferred_size;
accessor_resize_proc resize;
accessor_nearest_proc nearest_smaller_value;
accessor_next_proc next;
accessor_compare_proc compare;
accessor_unpack_double_element_proc unpack_double_element;
accessor_unpack_double_subarray_proc unpack_double_subarray;
accessor_clear_proc clear;
accessor_clone_proc make_clone;
typedef struct grib_multi_support grib_multi_support;
struct grib_multi_support
FILE* file;
size_t offset;
unsigned char* message;
size_t message_length;
unsigned char* sections[8];
unsigned char* bitmap_section;
size_t bitmap_section_length;
size_t sections_length[9];
int section_number;
grib_multi_support* next;
/* Hash_array */
typedef struct grib_hash_array_value grib_hash_array_value;
struct grib_hash_array_value
grib_hash_array_value* next;
char* name;
int type;
grib_iarray* iarray;
grib_darray* darray;
grib_trie* index;
/* Concepts */
typedef struct grib_concept_condition grib_concept_condition;
struct grib_concept_condition
grib_concept_condition* next;
char* name;
grib_expression* expression;
grib_iarray* iarray;
typedef struct grib_concept_value_name grib_concept_value_name;
struct grib_concept_value_name
grib_concept_value_name* next;
char* name;
typedef struct grib_concept_value grib_concept_value;
struct grib_concept_value
grib_concept_value* next;
char* name;
grib_concept_condition* conditions;
grib_trie* index;
/* ----------*/
struct grib_context
int inited;
int debug;
int write_on_fail;
int no_abort;
int io_buffer_size;
int no_big_group_split;
int no_spd;
int keep_matrix;
char* grib_definition_files_path;
char* grib_samples_path;
char* grib_concept_path;
grib_action_file_list* grib_reader;
void* user_data;
int real_mode;
grib_free_proc free_mem;
grib_malloc_proc alloc_mem;
grib_realloc_proc realloc_mem;
grib_free_proc free_persistent_mem;
grib_malloc_proc alloc_persistent_mem;
grib_free_proc free_buffer_mem;
grib_malloc_proc alloc_buffer_mem;
grib_realloc_proc realloc_buffer_mem;
grib_data_read_proc read;
grib_data_write_proc write;
grib_data_tell_proc tell;
grib_data_seek_proc seek;
grib_data_eof_proc eof;
grib_log_proc output_log;
grib_print_proc print;
grib_codetable* codetable;
grib_smart_table* smart_table;
char* outfilename;
int multi_support_on;
grib_multi_support* multi_support;
grib_string_list* grib_definition_files_dir;
int handle_file_count;
int handle_total_count;
off_t message_file_offset;
int no_fail_on_wrong_length;
int gts_header_on;
int gribex_mode_on;
int large_constant_fields;
grib_itrie* keys;
int keys_count;
grib_itrie* concepts_index;
int concepts_count;
grib_concept_value* concepts[MAX_NUM_CONCEPTS];
grib_itrie* hash_array_index;
int hash_array_count;
grib_hash_array_value* hash_array[MAX_NUM_HASH_ARRAY];
grib_trie* def_files;
grib_string_list* blacklist;
int ieee_packing;
int bufrdc_mode;
int bufr_set_to_missing_if_out_of_range;
int bufr_multi_element_constant_arrays;
int grib_data_quality_checks;
FILE* log_stream;
grib_trie* classes;
grib_trie* lists;
grib_trie* expanded_descriptors;
int file_pool_max_opened_files;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
omp_nest_lock_t mutex;
/* expression*/
typedef int (*expression_evaluate_long_proc)(grib_expression*, grib_handle*, long*);
typedef int (*expression_evaluate_double_proc)(grib_expression*, grib_handle*, double*);
typedef const char* (*expression_evaluate_string_proc)(grib_expression*, grib_handle*, char*, size_t*, int*);
typedef const char* (*expression_get_name_proc)(grib_expression*);
typedef void (*expression_print_proc)(grib_context*, grib_expression*, grib_handle*);
typedef void (*expression_add_dependency_proc)(grib_expression* e, grib_accessor* observer);
typedef struct grib_expression_class grib_expression_class;
typedef void (*expression_class_init_proc)(grib_expression_class* e);
typedef void (*expression_init_proc)(grib_expression* e);
typedef void (*expression_destroy_proc)(grib_context*, grib_expression* e);
typedef int (*expression_native_type_proc)(grib_expression*, grib_handle*);
struct grib_expression
grib_expression_class* cclass;
struct grib_expression_class
grib_expression_class** super;
const char* name;
size_t size;
int inited;
expression_class_init_proc init_class;
expression_init_proc init;
expression_destroy_proc destroy;
expression_print_proc print;
expression_add_dependency_proc add_dependency;
expression_native_type_proc native_type;
expression_get_name_proc get_name;
expression_evaluate_long_proc evaluate_long;
expression_evaluate_double_proc evaluate_double;
expression_evaluate_string_proc evaluate_string;
struct grib_arguments
struct grib_arguments* next;
grib_expression* expression;
char value[80];
long grib_expression_evaluate(grib_handle*, grib_expression*);
void grib_expression_free(grib_context*, grib_expression*);
grib_arguments* grib_arguments_new(grib_context*, grib_expression*, grib_arguments*);
void grib_arguments_free(grib_context*, grib_arguments*);
const char* grib_argument_next(grib_arguments**);
/* file_pool */
extern grib_string_list grib_file_not_found;
typedef struct grib_file grib_file;
typedef struct grib_file_pool grib_file_pool;
struct grib_file
grib_context* context;
char* name;
FILE* handle;
char* mode;
char* buffer;
long refcount;
grib_file* next;
short id;
struct grib_file_pool
grib_context* context;
grib_file* first;
grib_file* current;
size_t size;
int number_of_opened_files;
int max_opened_files;
/* fieldset */
typedef struct grib_field grib_field;
typedef struct grib_column grib_column;
typedef struct grib_fields grib_fields;
typedef struct grib_int_array grib_int_array;
struct grib_where
grib_context* context;
char* string;
struct grib_column
grib_context* context;
int refcount;
char* name;
int type;
size_t size;
size_t values_array_size;
long* long_values;
double* double_values;
char** string_values;
int* errors;
struct grib_order_by
char* key;
int idkey;
int mode;
grib_order_by* next;
#ifdef NEWDB
struct grib_query
grib_context* context;
char* where_string;
grib_order_by* order_by;
struct grib_field
grib_file* file;
off_t offset;
long length;
grib_field* next;
struct grib_int_array
grib_context* context;
size_t size;
int* el;
#ifndef NEWDB
struct grib_fieldset
grib_context* context;
grib_int_array* filter;
grib_int_array* order;
size_t fields_array_size;
size_t size;
grib_column* columns;
size_t columns_size;
grib_where* where;
grib_order_by* order_by;
long current;
grib_field** fields;
#ifdef NEWDB
/* grib db */
struct grib_db
grib_context* context;
size_t size;
size_t fields_array_size;
grib_column* columns;
size_t columns_size;
grib_field** fields;
struct grib_fieldset
grib_context* context;
grib_db* db;
grib_int_array* filter;
grib_int_array* order;
size_t size;
grib_query* query;
long current;
/* concept index structures */
typedef struct grib_concept_index_key grib_concept_index_key;
typedef struct grib_concept_index grib_concept_index;
typedef struct grib_conditions_tree grib_conditions_tree;
typedef struct grib_concept_entry grib_concept_entry;
typedef struct grib_concept_key grib_concept_key;
struct grib_concept_index_entry
char* name;
char* value;
int type;
grib_concept_entry* next;
struct grib_concept_index_key
char* name;
int type;
grib_concept_key* next;
struct grib_concept_index
grib_context* context;
grib_concept_key* keys;
grib_conditions_tree* conditions;
struct grib_conditions_tree
char* value;
void* object;
grib_conditions_tree* next;
grib_conditions_tree* next_key;
/* support for in-memory definition and tables */
extern int codes_memfs_exists(const char* path);
extern FILE* codes_memfs_open(const char* path);
/* index structures */
#define STRING_VALUE_LEN 100
typedef struct grib_field_tree grib_field_tree;
struct grib_field_tree
grib_field* field;
char* value;
grib_field_tree* next;
grib_field_tree* next_level;
typedef struct grib_index_key grib_index_key;
struct grib_index_key
char* name;
int type;
char value[STRING_VALUE_LEN];
grib_string_list* values;
grib_string_list* current;
int values_count;
int count;
grib_index_key* next;
typedef struct grib_field_list grib_field_list;
struct grib_field_list
grib_field* field;
grib_field_list* next;
struct grib_index
grib_context* context;
grib_index_key* keys;
int rewind;
int orderby;
grib_index_key* orederby_keys;
grib_field_tree* fields;
grib_field_list* fieldset;
grib_field_list* current;
grib_file* files;
int count;
/* header compute */
typedef struct grib_math grib_math;
struct grib_math
struct grib_math* left;
struct grib_math* right;
char* name;
int arity;
typedef double (*mathproc)(void);
typedef int (*funcproc)(grib_math*, mathproc);
typedef struct func
char* name;
funcproc addr;
mathproc proc;
int arity;
char* info;
} func;
/* action file */
struct grib_action_file
char* filename;
grib_action* root;
grib_action_file* next;
struct grib_action_file_list
grib_action_file* first;
grib_action_file* last;
/* Common keys iterator */
struct grib_keys_iterator
grib_handle* handle;
unsigned long filter_flags; /** flags to filter out accessors */
unsigned long accessor_flags_skip;
grib_accessor* current;
char* name_space;
int at_start;
int match;
int i_curr_attribute;
grib_accessor** attributes;
char* prefix;
grib_trie* seen;
/* BUFR-specific keys iterator */
struct bufr_keys_iterator
grib_handle* handle;
unsigned long filter_flags; /** flags to filter out accessors */
unsigned long accessor_flags_skip;
unsigned long accessor_flags_only;
grib_accessor* current;
char* key_name;
int at_start;
int match;
int i_curr_attribute;
grib_accessor** attributes;
char* prefix;
grib_trie* seen;
/* ----------*/
/* md5 */
typedef unsigned long cvs_uint32;
struct cvs_MD5Context
cvs_uint32 buf[4];
cvs_uint32 bits[2];
unsigned char in[64];
/* --- */
typedef struct grib_rule_entry grib_rule_entry;
struct grib_rule_entry
grib_rule_entry* next;
char* name;
grib_expression* value;
typedef struct grib_rule grib_rule;
struct grib_rule
grib_rule* next;
grib_expression* condition;
grib_rule_entry* entries;
typedef struct grib_case grib_case;
struct grib_case
grib_arguments* values;
grib_action* action;
grib_case* next;
/* ----------*/
typedef struct code_table_entry
char* abbreviation;
char* title;
char* units;
} code_table_entry;
struct grib_codetable
char* filename[2];
char* recomposed_name[2];
grib_codetable* next;
size_t size;
code_table_entry entries[1];
typedef struct grib_smart_table_entry
/*int code;*/
char* abbreviation;
} grib_smart_table_entry;
struct grib_smart_table
char* filename[3];
char* recomposed_name[3];
grib_smart_table* next;
size_t numberOfEntries;
grib_smart_table_entry* entries;
typedef struct grib_timer
struct timeval start_;
double timer_;
int active_;
char* name_;
int count_;
long total_;
int elapsed_;
double cpu_;
double total_cpu_;
char* statname_;
grib_context* context;
struct grib_timer* next_;
} grib_timer;
typedef struct grib_timer
char nothing;
} grib_timer;
typedef struct j2k_encode_helper
size_t buffer_size;
long width;
long height;
long bits_per_value;
float compression;
long no_values;
const double* values;
double reference_value;
double divisor;
double decimal;
long jpeg_length;
unsigned char* jpeg_buffer;
} j2k_encode_helper;
#include "grib_api_prototypes.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* This part is automatically generated by ./, do not edit */
#ifndef grib_errors_internal_H
#define grib_errors_internal_H
/** Value mismatch */
/** double values are different */
/** long values are different */
/** byte values are different */
/** string values are different */
/** Offset mismatch */
/** Count mismatch */
/** Name mismatch */
/** Type mismatch */
/** Type and value mismatch */
/** Unable to compare accessors */
/** Unable to reset iterator */
/** Assertion failure */