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# COMMON CODE TABLE C-11: Originating/generating centres
0 0 WMO Secretariat
1 ammc Melbourne (WMC)
2 2 Melbourne (WMC)
4 rums Moscow (WMC)
5 5 Moscow (WMC)
7 kwbc US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)
8 8 US National Weather Service - NWSTG (WMC)
9 9 US National Weather Service - Other (WMC)
10 10 Cairo (RSMC/RAFC)
12 12 Dakar (RSMC/RAFC)
14 14 Nairobi (RSMC/RAFC)
16 16 Atananarivo (RSMC)
18 18 Tunis-Casablanca (RSMC)
20 20 Las Palmas (RAFC)
21 21 Algiers (RSMC)
22 22 Lagos (RSMC)
24 fapr Pretoria (RSMC)
26 26 Khabarovsk (RSMC)
28 vabb New Delhi (IMD)
29 dems New Delhi (NCMRWF)
30 30 Novosibirsk (RSMC)
32 32 Tashkent (RSMC)
33 33 Jeddah (RSMC)
34 rjtd Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
36 36 Bankok
37 37 Ulan Bator
38 babj Beijing (RSMC)
40 rksl Seoul
41 sabm Buenos Aires (RSMC/RAFC)
43 43 Brasilia (RSMC/RAFC)
45 45 Santiago
46 sbsj Brasilian Space Agency - INPE
51 51 Miami (RSMC/RAFC)
52 52 National Hurricane Center, Miami
53 53 Canadian Meteorological Service - Montreal (RSMC)
54 cwao Canadian Meteorological Service - Montreal (RSMC)
55 55 San Francisco
57 57 U.S. Air Force - Global Weather Center
58 fnmo US Navy - Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center
59 59 NOAA Forecast Systems Lab, Boulder CO
60 60 National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO
64 64 Honolulu
65 65 Darwin (RSMC)
67 67 Melbourne (RSMC)
69 nzkl Wellington (RSMC/RAFC)
74 egrr U.K. Met Office - Exeter
76 76 Moscow (RSMC/RAFC)
78 edzw Offenbach (RSMC)
80 cnmc Rome (RSMC)
82 eswi Norrkoping
84 lfpw French Weather Service - Toulouse
85 lfpw French Weather Service - Toulouse
86 efkl Helsinki
87 87 Belgrade
88 enmi Oslo
89 89 Prague
90 90 Episkopi
91 91 Ankara
92 92 Frankfurt/Main (RAFC)
93 93 London (WAFC)
94 ekmi Copenhagen
95 95 Rota
96 96 Athens
97 97 European Space Agency (ESA)
98 ecmf European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
99 99 DeBilt, Netherlands
#100 to 109 Reserved for centres in Region I which are not in the list above
110 110 Hong-Kong
#111 to 133 Reserved for centres in Region II which are not in the list above
#134 to 153 Reserved for centres in Region I which are not listed above
#154 to 159 Reserved for centres in Region III which are not in the list above
# 161 to 185 Reserved for centres in Region IV which are not in the list above
# 186 to 198 Reserved for centres in Region I which are not listed above
# 199 to 209 Reserved for centres in Region V which are not in the list above
195 wiix Indonesia (NMC)
204 204 National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA - New Zealand)
210 210 Frascati (ESA/ESRIN)
211 211 Lannion
212 212 Lisboa
213 213 Reykjavik
214 lemm INM
215 lssw Zurich
216 216 Service ARGOS Toulouse
217 217 Bratislava
218 habp Budapest
219 219 Ljubljana
220 220 Warsaw
221 221 Zagreb
222 222 Albania (NMC)
223 223 Armenia (NMC)
224 lowm Austria
227 ebum Belgium (NMC)
228 228 Bosnia and Herzegovina (NMC)
229 229 Bulgaria (NMC)
230 230 Cyprus (NMC)
231 231 Estonia (NMC)
232 232 Georgia (NMC)
233 eidb Dublin
234 234 Israel (NMC)
235 ingv INGV
239 crfc CERFAX
240 240 Malta (NMC)
241 241 Monaco
242 242 Romania (NMC)
244 vuwien VUWien
245 knmi KNMI
246 ifmk IfM-Kiel
247 hadc Hadley Centre
250 cosmo COnsortium for Small scale MOdelling (COSMO)
251 251 Meteorological Cooperation on Operational NWP (MetCoOp)
252 mpim Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M)
254 eums EUMETSAT Operation Centre
255 consensus Consensus
256 256 Angola (NMC)
257 257 Benin (NMC)
258 258 Botswana (NMC)
259 259 Burkina Faso (NMC)
260 260 Burundi (NMC)
261 261 Cameroon (NMC)
262 262 Cabo Verde (NMC)
263 263 Central African Republic (NMC)
264 264 Chad (NMC)
265 265 Comoros (NMC)
266 266 Democratic Republic of the Congo (NMC)
267 267 Djibouti (NMC)
268 268 Eritrea (NMC)
269 269 Ethiopia (NMC)
270 270 Gabon (NMC)
271 271 Gambia (NMC)
272 272 Ghana (NMC)
273 273 Guinea (NMC)
274 274 Guinea-Bissau (NMC)
275 275 Lesotho (NMC)
276 276 Liberia (NMC)
277 277 Malawi (NMC)
278 278 Mali (NMC)
279 279 Mauritania (NMC)
280 280 Namibia (NMC)
281 281 Nigeria (NMC)
282 282 Rwanda (NMC)
283 283 Sao Tome and Principe (NMC)
284 284 Sierra Leone (NMC)
285 285 Somalia (NMC)
286 286 Sudan (NMC)
287 287 Swaziland (NMC)
288 288 Togo (NMC)
289 289 Zambia (NMC)
65535 65535 Missing value