mirror of https://github.com/ecmwf/eccodes.git
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46 lines
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! (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF.
! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by
! virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
! Description: How to get PL values.
program grib_get_pl
use eccodes
implicit none
integer :: infile
integer :: igrib
integer :: PLPresent, nb_pl
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: pl
call codes_open_file(infile, &
'../../data/reduced_gaussian_surface.grib1', 'r')
! A new grib message is loaded from file
! igrib is the grib id to be used in subsequent calls
call codes_grib_new_from_file(infile, igrib)
! get PLPresent to see if the 'pl' array is there
call codes_get(igrib, 'PLPresent', PLPresent)
print *, "PLPresent= ", PLPresent
if (PLPresent == 1) then
call codes_get_size(igrib, 'pl', nb_pl)
print *, "there are ", nb_pl, " PL values"
allocate (pl(nb_pl))
call codes_get(igrib, 'pl', pl)
print *, "pl = ", pl
deallocate (pl)
print *, "There is no PL values in your GRIB message!"
end if
call codes_release(igrib)
call codes_close_file(infile)
end program grib_get_pl