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81 lines
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81 lines
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# This file was automatically generated by ./param.pl
129 129 OCPT Ocean potential temperature deg C
130 130 S Salinity psu
131 131 OCU Ocean current zonal component (m s**-1)
132 132 OCV Ocean current meridional component (m s**-1)
133 133 OCW Ocean current vertical component (m s**-1)
134 134 MST Modulus of strain rate tensor s**-1
135 135 VVS Vertical viscosity m**2 s**-1
136 136 VDF Vertical diffusivity m**2 s**-1
137 137 DEP Bottom level Depth (m)
138 138 STH Sigma-theta kg m**-3
139 139 RN Richardson number
140 140 UV UV product m**2 s**-2
141 141 UT UT product m s**-1 degC
142 142 VT VT product m s**-1 deg C
143 143 UU UU product m**2 s**-2
144 144 VV VV product m**2 s**-2
145 145 SL Sea level m
146 146 SL_1 Sea level previous timestep m
147 147 BSF Barotropic stream function m**3 s**-1
148 148 MLD Mixed layer depth m
149 149 BTP Bottom Pressure (equivalent height) (m)
151 151 CRL Curl of Wind Stress N m**-3
152 152 Divergence of wind stress (Nm**-3)
153 153 TAX U stress Pa
154 154 TAY V stress Pa
155 155 TKI Turbulent kinetic energy input W m**-2
156 156 NSF Net surface heat flux W m**-2
157 157 ASR Absorbed solar radiation W m**-2
158 158 PME Precipitation - evaporation m s**-1
159 159 SST Specified sea surface temperature deg C
160 160 SHF Specified surface heat flux W m**-2
161 161 DTE Diagnosed sea surface temperature error deg C
162 162 HFC Heat flux correction W m**-2
163 163 20D 20 degrees isotherm depth m
164 164 TAV300 Average potential temperature in the upper 300m degrees C
165 165 UBA1 Vertically integrated zonal velocity (previous time step) m**2 s**-1
166 166 VBA1 Vertically Integrated meridional velocity (previous time step) m**2 s**-1
167 167 ZTR Vertically integrated zonal volume transport m**2 s**-1
168 168 MTR Vertically integrated meridional volume transport m**2 s**-1
169 169 ZHT Vertically integrated zonal heat transport J m**-1 s**-1
170 170 MHT Vertically integrated meridional heat transport J m**-1 s**-1
171 171 UMAX U velocity maximum m s**-1
172 172 DUMAX Depth of the velocity maximum m
173 173 SMAX Salinity maximum psu
174 174 DSMAX Depth of salinity maximum m
175 175 SAV300 Average salinity in the upper 300m psu
176 176 LDP Layer Thickness at scalar points (m)
177 177 LDU Layer Thickness at vector points (m)
178 178 PTI Potential temperature increment deg C
179 179 PTAE Potential temperature analysis error deg C
180 180 BPT Background potential temperature deg C
181 181 APT Analysed potential temperature deg C
182 182 PTBE Potential temperature background error deg C
183 183 AS Analysed salinity psu
184 184 SALI Salinity increment psu
185 185 EBT Estimated Bias in Temperature deg C
186 186 EBS Estimated Bias in Salinity psu
187 187 UVI Zonal Velocity increment (from balance operator) m/s per time step
188 188 VVI Meridional Velocity increment (from balance operator)
190 190 SUBI Salinity increment (from salinity data) psu per time step
191 191 SALE Salinity analysis error psu
192 192 BSAL Background Salinity psu
193 193 - Reserved
194 194 SALBE Salinity background error psu
199 199 EBTA Estimated temperature bias from assimilation deg C
200 200 EBSA Estimated salinity bias from assimilation psu
201 201 LTI Temperature increment from relaxation term deg C per time step
202 202 EBSA Salinity increment from relaxation term psu per time step
203 203 BZPGA Bias in the zonal pressure gradient (applied) (Pa**m-1)
204 204 BMPGA Bias in the meridional pressure gradient (applied) (Pa**m-1)
205 205 EBTL Estimated temperature bias from relaxation deg C
206 206 EBSL Estimated salinity bias from relaxation psu
207 207 FGBT First guess bias in temperature deg C
208 208 FGBS First guess bias in salinity psu
209 209 ABP Applied bias in pressure Pa
210 210 FGBP FG bias in pressure Pa
211 211 PTA Bias in temperature(applied) (deg C)
212 212 PSA Bias in salinity (applied) (psu)
255 255 - Indicates a missing value