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! (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF.
! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by
! virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
! FORTRAN 90 Implementation: bufr_read_tropical_cyclone
! Description: How to read data for a tropical cyclone BUFR message.
! Please note that tropical cyclone tracks can be encoded in various ways in BUFR.
! Therefore the code below might not work directly for other types of messages
! than the one used in the example. It is advised to use bufr_dump to
! understand the structure of the messages.
program bufr_read_tropical_cyclone
use eccodes
implicit none
integer :: ifile
integer :: iret
integer :: ibufr, skipMember
integer :: significance
integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute
integer :: i, j, k, ierr, count = 1
integer :: rankPosition, rankSignificance, rankPressure, rankWind
integer :: rankPeriod, numberOfPeriods
real(kind=8) :: latitudeCentre, longitudeCentre
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: latitudeMaxWind0, longitudeMaxWind0, windMaxWind0
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: latitudeAnalysis, longitudeAnalysis, pressureAnalysis
real(kind=8), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: latitude, longitude, pressure
real(kind=8), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: latitudeWind, longitudeWind, wind
integer(kind=4), dimension(:), allocatable :: memberNumber, period
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: values
integer(kind=4), dimension(:), allocatable :: ivalues
character(len=8) :: rankSignificanceStr, rankPositionStr, rankPressureStr, rankWindStr
character(len=8) :: stormIdentifier, rankPeriodStr
call codes_open_file(ifile, '../../data/bufr/tropical_cyclone.bufr', 'r')
! The first BUFR message is loaded from file.
! ibufr is the BUFR id to be used in subsequent calls
call codes_bufr_new_from_file(ifile, ibufr, iret)
do while (iret /= CODES_END_OF_FILE)
write (*, '(A,I3,A)') '**************** MESSAGE: ', count, ' *****************'
! We need to instruct ecCodes to unpack the data values
call codes_set(ibufr, "unpack", 1);
call codes_get(ibufr, 'year', year);
call codes_get(ibufr, 'month', month);
call codes_get(ibufr, 'day', day);
call codes_get(ibufr, 'hour', hour);
call codes_get(ibufr, 'minute', minute);
write (*, '(A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,I0)') 'Date and time: ', day, '.', month, '.', year, ' ', hour, ':', minute
call codes_get(ibufr, 'stormIdentifier', stormIdentifier)
write (*, '(A,A)') 'Storm identifier: ', stormIdentifier
! How many different timePeriod in the data structure?
rankPeriod = 0
ierr = 0
do while (ierr == 0)
rankPeriod = rankPeriod + 1
write (rankPeriodStr, '(I0)') rankPeriod
call codes_get(ibufr, '#'//trim(rankPeriodStr)//'#timePeriod', period, ierr)
if (allocated(period)) deallocate (period)
end do
! The numberOfPeriods includes the analysis (period=0)
numberOfPeriods = rankPeriod
call codes_get(ibufr, 'ensembleMemberNumber', memberNumber)
allocate (latitude(size(memberNumber), numberOfPeriods))
allocate (longitude(size(memberNumber), numberOfPeriods))
allocate (pressure(size(memberNumber), numberOfPeriods))
allocate (latitudeWind(size(memberNumber), numberOfPeriods))
allocate (longitudeWind(size(memberNumber), numberOfPeriods))
allocate (wind(size(memberNumber), numberOfPeriods))
allocate (values(size(memberNumber)))
allocate (period(numberOfPeriods))
period(1) = 0
! Observed Storm Centre
call codes_get(ibufr, '#1#meteorologicalAttributeSignificance', significance);
call codes_get(ibufr, '#1#latitude', latitudeCentre);
call codes_get(ibufr, '#1#longitude', longitudeCentre);
if (significance /= 1) then
print *, 'ERROR: unexpected #1#meteorologicalAttributeSignificance'
stop 1
end if
if (latitudeCentre == CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE .and. longitudeCentre == CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE) then
write (*, '(a)') 'Observed storm centre position missing'
write (*, '(A,F8.2,A,F8.2)') 'Observed storm centre: latitude=', latitudeCentre, ' longitude=', longitudeCentre
end if
! Location of storm in perturbed analysis
call codes_get(ibufr, '#2#meteorologicalAttributeSignificance', significance);
call codes_get(ibufr, '#2#latitude', latitudeAnalysis);
call codes_get(ibufr, '#2#longitude', longitudeAnalysis);
call codes_get(ibufr, '#1#pressureReducedToMeanSeaLevel', pressureAnalysis);
if (significance /= 4) then
print *, 'ERROR: unexpected #2#meteorologicalAttributeSignificance'
stop 1
end if
if (size(latitudeAnalysis) == size(memberNumber)) then
latitude(:, 1) = latitudeAnalysis
longitude(:, 1) = longitudeAnalysis
pressure(:, 1) = pressureAnalysis
latitude(:, 1) = latitudeAnalysis(1)
longitude(:, 1) = longitudeAnalysis(1)
pressure(:, 1) = pressureAnalysis(1)
end if
! Location of Maximum Wind
call codes_get(ibufr, '#3#meteorologicalAttributeSignificance', significance);
call codes_get(ibufr, '#3#latitude', latitudeMaxWind0);
call codes_get(ibufr, '#3#longitude', longitudeMaxWind0);
if (significance /= 3) then
print *, 'ERROR: unexpected #3#meteorologicalAttributeSignificance=', significance
stop 1
end if
call codes_get(ibufr, '#1#windSpeedAt10M', windMaxWind0);
if (size(latitudeMaxWind0) == size(memberNumber)) then
latitudeWind(:, 1) = latitudeMaxWind0
longitudeWind(:, 1) = longitudeMaxWind0
wind(:, 1) = windMaxWind0
latitudeWind(:, 1) = latitudeMaxWind0(1)
longitudeWind(:, 1) = longitudeMaxWind0(1)
wind(:, 1) = windMaxWind0(1)
end if
rankSignificance = 3
rankPosition = 3
rankPressure = 1
rankWind = 1
rankPeriod = 0
! Loop on all periods excluding analysis period(1)=0
do i = 2, numberOfPeriods
rankPeriod = rankPeriod + 1
write (rankPeriodStr, '(I0)') rankPeriod
call codes_get(ibufr, '#'//trim(rankPeriodStr)//'#timePeriod', ivalues);
do k = 1, size(ivalues)
if (ivalues(k) /= CODES_MISSING_LONG) then
period(i) = ivalues(k)
end if
end do
deallocate (ivalues)
! Location of the storm
rankSignificance = rankSignificance + 1
write (rankSignificanceStr, '(I0)') rankSignificance
call codes_get(ibufr, '#'//trim(rankSignificanceStr)//'#meteorologicalAttributeSignificance', ivalues);
do k = 1, size(ivalues)
if (ivalues(k) /= CODES_MISSING_LONG) then
significance = ivalues(k)
end if
end do
deallocate (ivalues)
rankPosition = rankPosition + 1
write (rankPositionStr, '(I0)') rankPosition
call codes_get(ibufr, '#'//trim(rankPositionStr)//'#latitude', values);
latitude(:, i) = values
call codes_get(ibufr, '#'//trim(rankPositionStr)//'#longitude', values);
longitude(:, i) = values
if (significance == 1) then
rankPressure = rankPressure + 1
write (rankPressureStr, '(I0)') rankPressure
call codes_get(ibufr, '#'//trim(rankPressureStr)//'#pressureReducedToMeanSeaLevel', values);
pressure(:, i) = values
print *, 'ERROR: unexpected meteorologicalAttributeSignificance=', significance
stop 1
end if
! Location of maximum wind
rankSignificance = rankSignificance + 1
write (rankSignificanceStr, '(I0)') rankSignificance
call codes_get(ibufr, '#'//trim(rankSignificanceStr)//'#meteorologicalAttributeSignificance', ivalues);
do k = 1, size(ivalues)
if (ivalues(k) /= CODES_MISSING_LONG) then
significance = ivalues(k)
end if
end do
deallocate (ivalues)
rankPosition = rankPosition + 1
write (rankPositionStr, '(I0)') rankPosition
call codes_get(ibufr, '#'//trim(rankPositionStr)//'#latitude', values);
latitudeWind(:, i) = values
call codes_get(ibufr, '#'//trim(rankPositionStr)//'#longitude', values);
longitudeWind(:, i) = values
if (significance == 3) then
rankWind = rankWind + 1
write (rankWindStr, '(I0)') rankWind
call codes_get(ibufr, '#'//trim(rankWindStr)//'#windSpeedAt10M', values);
wind(:, i) = values
print *, 'ERROR: unexpected meteorologicalAttributeSignificance=,', significance
stop 1
end if
end do
! Print the values
do i = 1, size(memberNumber)
skipMember = 1
do j = 1, size(period)
if (latitude(i, j) /= CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE .OR. latitudeWind(i, j) /= CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE) then
skipMember = 0
end if
end do
if (skipMember /= 1) then
write (*, '(A,I3)') '== Member ', memberNumber(i)
write (*, *) 'step latitude longitude pressure latitude longitude wind'
do j = 1, size(period)
if (latitude(i, j) /= CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE .OR. latitudeWind(i, j) /= CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE) then
write (*, '( I4,2X,F8.2,4X,F8.2,3X,F9.1,2X,F8.2,4X,F8.2,2X,F8.2)') &
period(j), latitude(i, j), longitude(i, j), pressure(i, j), &
latitudeWind(i, j), longitudeWind(i, j), wind(i, j)
end if
end do
end if
end do
! deallocating the arrays is very important
! because the behaviour of the codes_get functions is as follows:
! if the array is not allocated then allocate
! if the array is already allocated only copy the values
deallocate (values)
deallocate (latitude)
deallocate (longitude)
deallocate (pressure)
deallocate (latitudeWind)
deallocate (longitudeWind)
deallocate (wind)
deallocate (period)
deallocate (latitudeAnalysis)
deallocate (longitudeAnalysis)
deallocate (pressureAnalysis)
deallocate (memberNumber)
deallocate (latitudeMaxWind0)
deallocate (longitudeMaxWind0)
deallocate (windMaxWind0)
! Release the BUFR message
call codes_release(ibufr)
! Load the next BUFR message
call codes_bufr_new_from_file(ifile, ibufr, iret)
count = count + 1
end do
! Close file
call codes_close_file(ifile)
end program bufr_read_tropical_cyclone