
80 lines
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# Copyright 2005-2019 ECMWF.
section_length[3] section1Length ;
unsigned[1] gribTablesVersionNo ;
codetable[1] centre 'common/c-1.table' : string_type;
alias ls.centre=centre;
alias identificationOfOriginatingGeneratingCentre=centre;
unsigned[1] generatingProcessIdentifier ;
unsigned[1] gridDefinition ;
flags[1] flag 'grib1/1.table';
codetable[1] indicatorOfParameter 'grib1/2.[centre:l].[gribTablesVersionNo:l].table';
codetable[1] indicatorOfTypeOfLevel 'grib1/3.table';
codetable[2] heightPressureEtcOfLevels 'grib1/3.table';
alias ls.levelType=indicatorOfTypeOfLevel;
unsigned[1] yearOfCentury ;
unsigned[1] month ;
unsigned[1] day;
unsigned[1] hour ;
unsigned[1] minute ;
transient second = 0;
meta dataDate budgdate(yearOfCentury,month,day);
meta dataTime time(hour,minute,second);
alias ls.time=dataTime;
meta julianDay julian_day(dataDate,hour,minute,second) : edition_specific;
# Indicator of unit of time range
codetable[1] indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange 'grib1/4.table';
# P1 - Period of time (number of time units)
unsigned[1] periodOfTime ;
alias P1 = periodOfTime ;
# P2 - Period of time
unsigned[1] periodOfTimeIntervals ;
alias P2 = periodOfTimeIntervals ;
codetable[1] timeRangeIndicator 'grib1/5.table';
codetable[1] stepUnits 'grib2/tables/1/4.4.table' = 1 : transient,dump,no_copy;
concept stepType {
"instant" = {timeRangeIndicator=1;}
"instant" = {timeRangeIndicator=10;}
"instant" = {timeRangeIndicator=0;}
"avg" = {timeRangeIndicator=3;}
"accum" = {timeRangeIndicator=4;}
"max" = {timeRangeIndicator=2;}
"min" = {timeRangeIndicator=2;}
"diff" = {timeRangeIndicator=5;}
"rms" = {timeRangeIndicator=2;}
"sd" = {timeRangeIndicator=2;}
"cov" = {timeRangeIndicator=2;}
"ratio" = {timeRangeIndicator=2;}
meta ls.stepRange g1step_range(P1,P2,timeRangeIndicator,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange,stepUnits,stepType) : dump;
meta startStep long_vector(stepRange,0) : dump;
meta endStep long_vector(stepRange,1) : dump;
# Set stepUnits to 1 to get step range in hours
meta stepRangeInHours g1step_range(P1,P2,timeRangeIndicator,indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange,one,stepType);
meta startStepInHours long_vector(stepRangeInHours,0) : dump;
meta endStepInHours long_vector(stepRangeInHours,1) : dump;
constant paramId = 0;
alias parameter = paramId;
alias ls.parameter=parameter;
section_padding section1Padding : read_only;