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# Code table 4.252 - Tile classes and groupings
0 0 Reserved
1 SEOC Seas and oceans
2 INWB Inland water bodies
3 BARE Bare areas
4 HIV High vegetation
5 LOV Low vegetation
6 URBAN Urban
# 7-1000 Reserved for intercomparison tile classes/groupings
1001 SEAO Sea and oceans
1002 LAKE Lakes
1003 RIVE Rivers
1004 NO Bare land
1005 ROCK Bare rock
1006 SNOW Permanent snow
1007 BOBD Boreal broadleaf deciduous
1008 TEBD Temperate broadleaf deciduous
1009 TRBD Tropical broadleaf deciduous
1010 TEBE Temperate broadleaf evergreen
1011 TRBE Tropical broadleaf evergreen
1012 BONE Boreal needleleaf evergreen
1013 TENE Temperate needleleaf evergreen
1014 BOND Boreal needleleaf deciduous
1015 SHRB Shrubs
1016 BOGR Boreal grassland
1017 GRAS Temperate grassland
1018 TROG Tropical grassland
1019 C3W Winter C3 crops
1020 C3S Summer C3 crops
1021 C4 C4 crops
1022 FLTR Flooded trees
1023 FLGR Flooded grassland
1024 LCZ1 Local climate zone 1: compact high-rise (buildings)
1025 LCZ2 Local climate zone 2: compact midrise (buildings)
1026 LCZ3 Local climate zone 3: compact low-rise (buildings)
1027 LCZ4 Local climate zone 4: open high-rise (buildings)
1028 LCZ5 Local climate zone 5: open midrise (buildings)
1029 LCZ6 Local climate zone 6: open low-rise (buildings)
1030 LCZ7 Local climate zone 7: lightweight low-rise (buildings)
1031 LCZ8 Local climate zone 8: large low-rise (buildings)
1032 LCZ9 Local climate zone 9: sparsely built (buildings)
1033 LCZ10 Local climate zone 10: heavy industry (buildings)
1034 TEBDU Urban temperate broadleaf deciduous
1035 TRBDU Urban tropical broadleaf deciduous
1036 TEBEU Urban temperate broadleaf evergreen
1037 TRBEU Urban tropical broadleaf evergreen
1038 BONEU Urban boreal needleleaf evergreen
1039 TENEU Urban temperate needleleaf evergreen
1040 BONDU Urban boreal needleleaf deciduous
# 1041-1500 Reserved for tile class entries for tile models using the ECOCLIMAP-SG land cover survey
1501 GNATU Nature grouping (NO + ROCK + SNOW + BOBD + TEBD + TRBD + TEBE + TRBE + BONE + TENE + BOND + SHRB + BOGR + GRAS + TROG + C3W + C3S + C4 + FLTR + FLGR)
1502 GNOFO Non-forest grouping (NO + ROCK + SNOW + BOGR + GRAS + TROG + C3W + C3S + C4 + FLTR + FLGR)
1503 GFORE Forest grouping (BOBD + TEBD + TRBD + TEBE + TRBE + BONE + TENE + BOND + SHRB)
1504 GNOVE Non-vegetated grouping (NO + ROCK + SNOW)
1505 GTREE Trees grouping (BOBD + TEBD + TRBD + TEBE + TRBE + BONE + TENE + BOND + SHRB + FLTR)
1506 GLVEG Low vegetation grouping (BOGR + GRAS + TROG + C3W + C3S + C4 + FLGR)
1507 GNFLV Non-flooded low vegetation grouping (BOGR + GRAS + TROG + C3W + C3S + C4)
1508 GCROP Crops grouping (C3W + C3S + C4)
1509 GGRAS Grassland grouping (BOGR + GRAS + TROG)
1510 GBARO Bare and rock grouping (NO + ROCK)
1511 GC3CR C3 crops grouping (C3W + C3S)
1512 GBFOR Broadleaf forest grouping (BOBD + TEBD + TRBD + TEBE + TRBE + SHRB)
1513 GNFOR Needleleaf forest grouping (BONE + TENE + BOND)
1514 GDBFO Deciduous broadleaf forest grouping (BOBD + TEBD + TRBD + TEBE + SHRB)
1515 GTGRA Temperate grassland grouping (BOGR + GRAS)
1516 GNFNF Non-forest (no FLTR) grouping (NO + ROCK + SNOW + BOGR + GRAS + TROG + C3W + C3S + C4 + FLGR)
1517 GBFFT Broadleaf forest (with FLTR) grouping (BOBD + TEBD + TRBD + TEBE + TRBE + SHRB + FLTR)
1518 GBTRE Broadleaf trees grouping (BOBD + TEBD + TRBD + TEBE + TRBE + FLTR)
1519 GCGRA C3/C4 grasslands grouping (BOGR + GRAS + FLGR)
1520 GBDTR Broadleaf deciduous trees grouping (BOBD + TEBD + TRBD + FLTR)
1521 GBETR Broadleaf evergreen trees grouping (TEBE + TRBE)
1522 GNETR Needleleaf evergreen trees grouping (BONE + TENE)
1523 GLCZU LCZ or urban grouping (LCZ1 + LCZ2 + LCZ3 + LCZ4 + LCZ5 + LCZ6 + LCZ7 + LCZ8 + LCZ9 + LCZ10)
1524 GIWAT Inland water grouping (LAKE + RIVE)
1525 GPTEBD Urban parks and gardens TEBD grouping (NO + GRAS + TEBDU)
1526 GPTRBD Urban parks and gardens TRBD grouping (NO + GRAS + TRBDU)
1527 GPTEBE Urban parks and gardens TEBE grouping (NO + GRAS + TEBEU)
1528 GPTRBE Urban parks and gardens TRBE grouping (NO + GRAS + TRBEU)
1529 GPBONE Urban parks and gardens BONE grouping (NO + GRAS + BONEU)
1530 GPTENE Urban parks and gardens TENE grouping (NO + GRAS + TENEU)
1531 GPBOND Urban parks and gardens BOND grouping (NO + GRAS + BONDU)
# 1532-2000 Reserved for tile grouping entries for tile models using the ECOCLIMAP-SG land cover survey
2001 CRMF Crops, mixed farming
2002 SHGR Short grass
2003 EVNE Evergreen needleleaf trees
2004 DENE Deciduous needleleaf trees
2005 DEBR Deciduous broadleaf trees
2006 EVBR Evergreen broadleaf trees
2007 TAGR Tall grass
2008 DESE Desert
2009 TUND Tundra
2010 IRCR Irrigated crops
2011 SEDE Semidesert
2012 ICGL Ice caps and glaciers
2013 BOMA Bogs and marshes
2014 INWA Inland water
2015 OCEA Ocean
2016 EVSH Evergreen shrubs
2017 DESH Deciduous shrubs
2018 MFWO Mixed forest/woodland
2019 INFO Interrupted forest
2020 WLMI Water and land mixtures
2021 BASO Bare soil
2022 URBA Urban
2023 LORI Low-rise building
2024 HIRI High-rise building
# 2025-2500 Reserved for tile class entries for tile models using the GLCC v2.0 BATS Classification survey
2501 GLVE Low vegetation grouping (CRMF + SHGR + TAGR + TUND + IRCR + SEDE + BOMA + EVSH + DESH + WLMI)
2502 GHVE High vegetation grouping (EVNE + DENE + DEBR + EVBR + MFWO + INFO)
# 2503-3000 Reserved for tile grouping entries for tile models using the GLCC v2.0 BATS Classification survey
3001 PFIC Post-flooding or irrigated croplands
3002 RACR Rainfed croplands
3003 MCVE Mosaic cropland (50-70%) / vegetation (grassland, shrubland, forest) (20-50%)
3004 MVCR Mosaic vegetation (grassland, shrubland, forest) (50-70%) / cropland (20-50%)
3005 COBS Closed to open (>15%) broadleaved evergreen and/or semi-deciduous forest (>5m)
3006 CLBD Closed (>40%) broadleaved deciduous forest (>5m)
3007 OPBD Open (15-40%) broadleaved deciduous forest (>5m)
3008 CLNE Closed (>40%) needleleaved evergreen forest (>5m)
3009 ONDE Open (15-40%) needleleaved deciduous or evergreen forest (>5m)
3010 COBN Closed to open (>15%) mixed broadleaved and needleleaved forest (>5m)
3011 MFSG Mosaic forest/shrubland (50-70%) / grassland (20-50%)
3012 MGFS Mosaic grassland (50-70%) / forest / shrubland (20-50%)
3013 COSH Closed to open (>15%) shrubland (<5m)
3014 COHV Closed to open (>15%) herbaceous vegetation
3015 SPVE Sparse (<15%) vegetation (woody vegetation, shrubs, grassland)
3016 COBFF Closed to open (>15%) broadleaved forest regularly flooded (semi-permanently or temporarily) - fresh or brackish water
3017 CLBFF Closed (>40%) broadleaved forest or shrubland permanently flooded - saline or brackish water
3018 COVEF Closed to open (>15%) vegetation (grassland, shrubland, woody vegetation) on regularly flooded or waterlogged soil - fresh, brackish or saline water
3019 ASAA Artificial surfaces and associated areas (urban areas >50%)
3020 BAAR Bare areas
3021 WABO Water bodies
3022 PESI Permanent snow and ice
# 3023-3500 Reserved for tile class entries for tile models using the ESA-GlobCover GCV2009 survey
3501 GRDT Grouping using the dominant tiles approach (dominant tile varies per gridbox)
# 3502-4000 Reserved for tile grouping entries for tile models using the ESA-GlobCover GCV2009 survey
4001 TBECO Tree cover, broadleaved evergreen, closed to open (>15%)
4002 TBDC Tree cover, broadleaved deciduous, closed (>40%)
4003 TBDO Tree cover, broadleaved deciduous, open (15-40%)
4004 TNECO Tree cover, needleleaved evergreen, closed to open (>15%)
4005 TNDCO Tree cover, needleleaved decidous, closed to open (>15%)
4006 TMLCO Tree cover, mixed leaftype, closed to open (>15%)
4007 TCOFF Tree cover, closed to open (>15%), regularly flooded, fresh or brackish water: swamp forests
4008 TCOFS Tree cover, closed to open (>15%), regularly flooded, saline water: mangrove forests
4009 MTVG Mosaic of tree cover and other natural vegetation (crop component possible)
4010 TBURN Tree Cover, burnt (mainly boreal forests)
4011 SCOE Shrubcover, closed to open (>15%), evergreen (broadleaved or needleleaved)
4012 SCOD Shrubcover, closed to open (>15%), deciduous (broadleaved)
4013 HCCO Herbaceous cover, closed to open (>15%)
4014 SHSC Sparse herbaceous or sparse shrub cover
4015 FSHCO Regularly flooded (>2 month) shrub or herbaceous cover, closed to open
4016 CROP Cropland (upland crops or inundated/ flooded crops)
4017 MCTNV Mosaic of cropland / tree cover/ other natural vegetation
4018 MCSH Mosaic of cropland / shrub or herbaceous cover
4019 BAARE Bare areas
4020 WBNA Water bodies (natural or artificial)
4021 SINA Snow or ice (natural or artificial)
4022 URAR Urban areas
# 4023-4500 Reserved for tile class entries for tile models using the European Commission-Global Land Cover Project GLC2000 survey
# 4501-5000 Reserved for tile grouping entries for tile models using the European Commission-Global Land Cover Project GLC2000 survey
# 5001-32767 Reserved for additional land cover surveys
# 32768-65534 Reserved for local use
65535 65535 Missing