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178 lines
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! (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF.
! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by
! virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
! Description: How to read radiosonde data from TEMP BUFR messages.
! This version also lists the position information from the WMO list
! (now OSCAR/Surface) - ECMWF version
! Author: Bruce Ingleby
! Please note that TEMP reports can be encoded in various ways in BUFR. Therefore the code
! below might not work directly for other types of TEMP messages than the one used in the
! example. It is advised to use bufr_dump first to understand the structure of these messages.
program bufr_read_temp
use eccodes
implicit none
integer :: ifile
integer :: iret
integer :: ibufr
integer :: i, count = 0
integer :: iflag
integer :: status_id, status_ht, status_time = 0, status_p
integer :: status_rsno, status_rssoft, statid_missing
integer(kind=4) :: sizews
integer(kind=4) :: blockNumber, stationNumber
integer(kind=4) :: ymd, hms
logical :: llstdonly = .True. ! Set True to list standard levels only
logical :: llskip
real(kind=8) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
real(kind=8) :: htg, htp, htec = 0, sondeType
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: lat, lon
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: timeVal, dlatVal, dlonVal, vssVal
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: presVal, zVal, tVal, tdVal, wdirVal, wspVal
character(len=128) :: statid
character(len=16) :: rsnumber
character(len=16) :: rssoftware
character(len=8) :: Note
call codes_open_file(ifile, '../../data/bufr/PraticaTemp.bufr', 'r')
! the first bufr message is loaded from file
! ibufr is the bufr id to be used in subsequent calls
call codes_bufr_new_from_file(ifile, ibufr, iret)
! do while (iret/=CODES_END_OF_FILE)
do while (iret /= CODES_END_OF_FILE .AND. status_time == CODES_SUCCESS)
! we need to instruct ecCodes to expand all the descriptors
! i.e. unpack the data values
call codes_set(ibufr, "unpack", 1);
! In our BUFR message verticalSoundingSignificance is always followed by
! geopotential, airTemperature, dewpointTemperature,
! windDirection, windSpeed and pressure.
count = count + 1
llskip = .False.
! Metadata:
call codes_get(ibufr, 'shipOrMobileLandStationIdentifier', statid, status_id)
IF (status_id /= CODES_SUCCESS) statid = "UNKNOWN"
call codes_is_missing(ibufr, 'shipOrMobileLandStationIdentifier', statid_missing)
IF (statid_missing == 1) statid = "MISSING"
call codes_get(ibufr, 'blockNumber', blockNumber)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'stationNumber', stationNumber)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'year', year)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'month', month)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'day', day)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'hour', hour)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'minute', minute)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'second', second, status_time)
IF (status_time /= CODES_SUCCESS) second = 0.0
call codes_get(ibufr, 'latitude', lat)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'longitude', lon)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'heightOfStationGroundAboveMeanSeaLevel', htg, status_ht)
IF (status_ht /= CODES_SUCCESS) htg = -999.0
call codes_get(ibufr, 'heightOfBarometerAboveMeanSeaLevel', htp, status_ht)
IF (status_ht /= CODES_SUCCESS) htp = -999.0
call codes_get(ibufr, 'radiosondeType', sondeType)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'heightOfStation', htec, status_ht) ! Height from WMO list (BUFR)
IF (status_ht == CODES_SUCCESS .AND. htg == -999.0) htg = htec
ymd = INT(year)*10000 + INT(month)*100 + INT(day)
hms = INT(hour)*10000 + INT(minute)*100 + INT(second)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'radiosondeSerialNumber', rsnumber, status_rsno)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'softwareVersionNumber', rssoftware, status_rssoft)
! Ascent (skip incomplete reports for now)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'timePeriod', timeVal, status_time)
IF (status_time /= CODES_SUCCESS) THEN
write (*, '(A,I7,A,I2.2,A,I3.3,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', blockNumber, ' ', stationNumber, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType)
write (*, '(A)') 'Missing times - skip'
llskip = .True.
call codes_get(ibufr, 'pressure', presVal, status_p)
write (*, '(A,I7,A,I2.2,A,I3.3,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', blockNumber, ' ', stationNumber, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType)
write (*, '(A)') 'Missing pressures - skip'
llskip = .True.
call codes_get(ibufr, 'nonCoordinateGeopotentialHeight', zVal, status_ht)
IF (status_ht /= CODES_SUCCESS) THEN
write (*, '(A,I7,A,I2.2,A,I3.3,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', blockNumber, ' ', stationNumber, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType)
write (*, '(A)') 'Missing heights - skip'
llskip = .True.
! IF (blockNumber /= 17 .OR. stationNumber /= 196) llskip=.True. ! FIX
! IF (blockNumber /= 17.0) llskip=.True. ! FIX
IF (.NOT. llskip) THEN
call codes_get(ibufr, 'latitudeDisplacement', dlatVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'longitudeDisplacement', dlonVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'extendedVerticalSoundingSignificance', vssVal)
!call codes_get(ibufr,'geopotentialHeight',zVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'airTemperature', tVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'dewpointTemperature', tdVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'windDirection', wdirVal)
call codes_get(ibufr, 'windSpeed', wspVal)
! ---- Array sizes (pressure size can be larger - wind shear levels)
sizews = size(wspVal)
! ---- Print the values --------------------------------
write (*, '(A,A72)') 'Statid: ', statid
write (*, '(A,I7,A,I2.2,A,I3.3,I9,I7.6,F9.3,F10.3,2F7.1,I4,I5)') 'Ob: ', count, &
' ', blockNumber, ' ', stationNumber, ymd, hms, lat(1), lon(1), htg, htp, INT(sondeType), sizews
IF (status_ht == CODES_SUCCESS) write (*, '(A,F9.3,F10.3,F7.1)') &
'WMO list lat, lon, ht: ', lat(1), lon(1), htec
IF (status_rsno == CODES_SUCCESS) write (*, '(A,A,A)') &
'Radiosonde number/software: ', rsnumber, rssoftware
write (*, '(A)') 'level dtime dlat dlon pressure geopotH airTemp dewPtT windDir windSp signif'
do i = 1, sizews
Note = ' '
iflag = vssVal(i)
IF (i > 1) THEN
IF (presVal(i) > presVal(i - 1) .OR. zVal(i) < zVal(i - 1) &
.OR. timeVal(i) < timeVal(i - 1)) Note = ' OOO '
IF ((timeVal(i) - timeVal(i - 1)) > 120) Note = ' tjump '
IF (ABS(dlatVal(i) - dlatVal(i - 1)) > 0.1 .OR. &
ABS(dlonVal(i) - dlonVal(i - 1)) > 0.1) THEN
Note = ' pjump '
dlatVal(i - 1) == CODES_MISSING_DOUBLE) Note = ' pmiss '
IF (.NOT. llstdonly .OR. BTEST(iflag, 16)) &
write (*, '(I5,F7.1,2F7.3,F9.1,F8.1,4F8.2,I8,A)') i, timeVal(i), &
dlatVal(i), dlonVal(i), presVal(i), zVal(i), tVal(i), tVal(i) - tdVal(i), &
wdirVal(i), wspVal(i), INT(vssVal(i)), Note
end do
! free arrays
deallocate (dlatVal, dlonVal, vssVal)
deallocate (presVal, zVal, tVal, tdVal, wdirVal, wspVal)
IF (ALLOCATED(timeVal)) deallocate (timeVal)
! release the bufr message
call codes_release(ibufr)
! load the next bufr message
call codes_bufr_new_from_file(ifile, ibufr, iret)
end do
! close file
call codes_close_file(ifile)
end program bufr_read_temp