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# (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
# which can be obtained at
# In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by
# virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
# Definition 21 - Sensitive area predictions
unsigned[2] forecastOrSingularVectorNumber : dump;
unsigned[2] numberOfIterations : dump;
unsigned[2] numberOfSingularVectorsComputed : dump;
unsigned[1] normAtInitialTime : dump;
unsigned[1] normAtFinalTime : dump;
unsigned[4] multiplicationFactorForLatLong : dump;
signed[4] northWestLatitudeOfVerficationArea : dump;
signed[4] northWestLongitudeOfVerficationArea : dump;
signed[4] southEastLatitudeOfVerficationArea : dump;
signed[4] southEastLongitudeOfVerficationArea : dump;
unsigned[4] accuracyMultipliedByFactor : dump;
unsigned[2] numberOfSingularVectorsEvolved : dump;
# Ritz numbers:
signed[4] NINT_LOG10_RITZ : dump;
signed[4] NINT_RITZ_EXP : dump;
unsigned[1] optimisationTime : dump;
alias mars.opttime = optimisationTime;
unsigned[1] forecastLeadTime : dump;
alias mars.leadtime = forecastLeadTime;
ascii[1] marsDomain : dump;
unsigned[2] methodNumber : dump;
unsigned[1] shapeOfVerificationArea : dump;
# concept sensitiveAreaDomain(unknown,"sensitive_area_domain.def",conceptsMasterDir,conceptsLocalDir);
alias mars.domain = marsDomain;