
35 lines
885 B

# (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF.
section_length[3] section1Length ;
unsigned[1] gribTablesVersionNo ;
codetable[1] centre 'common/c-1.table';
alias ls.centre=centre;
unsigned[1] generatingProcessIdentifier ;
unsigned[1] gridDefinition ;
flags[1] flag 'grib1/1.table';
codetable[1] indicatorOfParameter 'grib1/2.[centre:l].[gribTablesVersionNo:l].table';
codetable[1] indicatorOfTypeOfLevel 'grib1/3.table' : string_type,edition_specific;
alias ls.levelType = indicatorOfTypeOfLevel;
codetable[2] heightPressureEtcOfLevels 'grib1/3.table';
unsigned[1] yearOfCentury;
unsigned[1] month;
unsigned[1] day;
unsigned[1] hour;
unsigned[1] minute;
codetable[1] indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange 'grib1/4.table';
# P1 - Period of time (number of time units)
unsigned[1] periodOfTime ;
alias P1 = periodOfTime ;
# P2 - Period of time (number of time units)
unsigned[1] periodOfTimeIntervals ;