
442 lines
14 KiB

* (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
* which can be obtained at
* In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by
* virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
* Author: Enrico Fucile
* date: 31/10/2007
#include "grib_api_internal.h"
/* Note: The 'values' argument can be NULL in which case the data section will not be decoded
* See ECC-499
int grib_nearest_find(
grib_nearest* nearest, const grib_handle* ch,
double inlat, double inlon,
unsigned long flags,
double* outlats, double* outlons,
double* values, double* distances, int* indexes, size_t* len)
grib_handle* h = (grib_handle*)ch;
grib_nearest_class* c = NULL;
if (!nearest)
c = nearest->cclass;
while (c) {
grib_nearest_class* s = c->super ? *(c->super) : NULL;
if (c->find) {
int ret = c->find(nearest, h, inlat, inlon, flags, outlats, outlons, values, distances, indexes, len);
if (ret != GRIB_SUCCESS) {
if (inlon > 0)
inlon -= 360;
inlon += 360;
ret = c->find(nearest, h, inlat, inlon, flags, outlats, outlons, values, distances, indexes, len);
return ret;
c = s;
return 0;
/* For this one, ALL init are called */
static int init_nearest(grib_nearest_class* c, grib_nearest* i, grib_handle* h, grib_arguments* args)
if (c) {
int ret = GRIB_SUCCESS;
grib_nearest_class* s = c->super ? *(c->super) : NULL;
if (!c->inited) {
if (c->init_class)
c->inited = 1;
if (s)
ret = init_nearest(s, i, h, args);
if (ret != GRIB_SUCCESS)
return ret;
if (c->init)
return c->init(i, h, args);
int grib_nearest_init(grib_nearest* i, grib_handle* h, grib_arguments* args)
return init_nearest(i->cclass, i, h, args);
/* For this one, ALL destroy are called */
int grib_nearest_delete(grib_nearest* i)
grib_nearest_class* c = NULL;
if (!i)
c = i->cclass;
while (c) {
grib_nearest_class* s = c->super ? *(c->super) : NULL;
if (c->destroy)
c = s;
return 0;
/* Get the radius in kilometres for nearest neighbour distance calculations */
/* For an ellipsoid, approximate the radius using the average of the semimajor and semiminor axes */
int grib_nearest_get_radius(grib_handle* h, double* radiusInKm)
int err = 0;
long lRadiusInMetres;
double result = 0;
const char* s_radius = "radius";
const char* s_minor = "earthMinorAxisInMetres";
const char* s_major = "earthMajorAxisInMetres";
if ((err = grib_get_long(h, s_radius, &lRadiusInMetres)) == GRIB_SUCCESS) {
if (grib_is_missing(h, s_radius, &err) || lRadiusInMetres == GRIB_MISSING_LONG) {
grib_context_log(h->context, GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Key 'radius' is missing");
result = ((double)lRadiusInMetres) / 1000.0;
else {
double minor = 0, major = 0;
if ((err = grib_get_double_internal(h, s_minor, &minor)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return err;
if ((err = grib_get_double_internal(h, s_major, &major)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return err;
if (grib_is_missing(h, s_minor, &err)) return GRIB_GEOCALCULUS_PROBLEM;
if (grib_is_missing(h, s_major, &err)) return GRIB_GEOCALCULUS_PROBLEM;
result = (major + minor) / 2.0;
result = result / 1000.0;
*radiusInKm = result;
/* Note: the argument 'n' is NOT the size of the 'xx' array but its LAST index i.e. size of xx - 1 */
void grib_binary_search(const double xx[], const size_t n, double x, size_t* ju, size_t* jl)
size_t jm = 0;
int ascending = 0;
*jl = 0;
*ju = n;
ascending = (xx[n] >= xx[0]);
while (*ju - *jl > 1) {
jm = (*ju + *jl) >> 1;
if ((x >= xx[jm]) == ascending)
*jl = jm;
*ju = jm;
int grib_nearest_find_multiple(
const grib_handle* h, int is_lsm,
const double* inlats, const double* inlons, long npoints,
double* outlats, double* outlons,
double* values, double* distances, int* indexes)
grib_nearest* nearest = 0;
double* pdistances = distances;
double* poutlats = outlats;
double* poutlons = outlons;
double* pvalues = values;
int* pindexes = indexes;
int idx = 0, ii = 0;
double max, min;
double qdistances[4] = {0,};
double qoutlats[4] = {0,};
double qoutlons[4] = {0,};
double qvalues[4] = {0,};
double* rvalues = NULL;
int qindexes[4] = {0,};
int ret = 0;
long i = 0;
size_t len = 4;
const unsigned long flags = GRIB_NEAREST_SAME_GRID | GRIB_NEAREST_SAME_DATA;
if (values)
rvalues = qvalues;
nearest = grib_nearest_new(h, &ret);
if (ret != GRIB_SUCCESS)
return ret;
if (is_lsm) {
int noland = 1;
/* ECC-499: In land-sea mask mode, 'values' cannot be NULL because we need to query whether >= 0.5 */
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
ret = grib_nearest_find(nearest, h, inlats[i], inlons[i], flags, qoutlats, qoutlons,
qvalues, qdistances, qindexes, &len);
max = qdistances[0];
for (ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
if (max < qdistances[ii]) {
max = qdistances[ii];
idx = ii;
if (qvalues[ii] >= 0.5)
noland = 0;
min = max;
for (ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
if ((min >= qdistances[ii]) && (noland || (qvalues[ii] >= 0.5))) {
min = qdistances[ii];
idx = ii;
*poutlats = qoutlats[idx];
*poutlons = qoutlons[idx];
*pvalues = qvalues[idx];
*pdistances = qdistances[idx];
*pindexes = qindexes[idx];
else {
/* ECC-499: 'values' can be NULL */
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
ret = grib_nearest_find(nearest, h, inlats[i], inlons[i], flags, qoutlats, qoutlons,
rvalues, qdistances, qindexes, &len);
min = qdistances[0];
for (ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
if ((min >= qdistances[ii])) {
min = qdistances[ii];
idx = ii;
*poutlats = qoutlats[idx];
*poutlons = qoutlons[idx];
if (values) {
*pvalues = qvalues[idx];
*pdistances = qdistances[idx];
*pindexes = qindexes[idx];
return ret;
/* Generic implementation of nearest for Lambert, Polar stereo, Mercator etc */
static int compare_doubles(const void* a, const void* b, int ascending)
/* ascending is a boolean: 0 or 1 */
double* arg1 = (double*)a;
double* arg2 = (double*)b;
if (ascending) {
if (*arg1 < *arg2)
return -1; /*Smaller values come before larger ones*/
else {
if (*arg1 > *arg2)
return -1; /*Larger values come before smaller ones*/
if (*arg1 == *arg2)
return 0;
return 1;
static int compare_doubles_ascending(const void* a, const void* b)
return compare_doubles(a, b, 1);
typedef struct PointStore
double m_lat;
double m_lon;
double m_dist;
double m_value;
int m_index;
} PointStore;
/* Comparison function to sort points by distance */
static int compare_points(const void* a, const void* b)
PointStore* pA = (PointStore*)a;
PointStore* pB = (PointStore*)b;
if (pA->m_dist < pB->m_dist) return -1;
if (pA->m_dist > pB->m_dist) return 1;
return 0;
int grib_nearest_find_generic(
grib_nearest* nearest, grib_handle* h,
double inlat, double inlon, unsigned long flags,
const char* values_keyname,
double** out_lats,
int* out_lats_count,
double** out_lons,
int* out_lons_count,
double** out_distances,
double* outlats, double* outlons,
double* values, double* distances, int* indexes, size_t* len)
int ret = 0;
size_t i = 0, nvalues = 0, nneighbours = 0;
double radiusInKm;
grib_iterator* iter = NULL;
double lat = 0, lon = 0;
/* array of candidates for nearest neighbours */
PointStore* neighbours = NULL;
inlon = normalise_longitude_in_degrees(inlon);
if ((ret = grib_get_size(h, values_keyname, &nvalues)) != GRIB_SUCCESS)
return ret;
nearest->values_count = nvalues;
if ((ret = grib_nearest_get_radius(h, &radiusInKm)) != GRIB_SUCCESS)
return ret;
neighbours = (PointStore*)grib_context_malloc(nearest->context, nvalues * sizeof(PointStore));
for (i = 0; i < nvalues; ++i) {
neighbours[i].m_dist = 1e10; /* set all distances to large number to begin with */
neighbours[i].m_lat = 0;
neighbours[i].m_lon = 0;
neighbours[i].m_value = 0;
neighbours[i].m_index = 0;
/* GRIB_NEAREST_SAME_GRID not yet implemented */
double the_value = 0;
double min_dist = 1e10;
size_t the_index = 0;
int ilat = 0, ilon = 0;
size_t idx_upper = 0, idx_lower = 0;
double lat1 = 0, lat2 = 0; /* inlat will be between these */
const double LAT_DELTA = 10.0; /* in degrees */
*out_lons_count = (int)nvalues; /* Maybe overestimate but safe */
*out_lats_count = (int)nvalues;
if (*out_lats)
grib_context_free(nearest->context, *out_lats);
*out_lats = (double*)grib_context_malloc(nearest->context, nvalues * sizeof(double));
if (!*out_lats)
if (*out_lons)
grib_context_free(nearest->context, *out_lons);
*out_lons = (double*)grib_context_malloc(nearest->context, nvalues * sizeof(double));
if (!*out_lons)
iter = grib_iterator_new(h, 0, &ret);
if (ret) {
return ret;
/* First pass: collect all latitudes and longitudes */
while (grib_iterator_next(iter, &lat, &lon, &the_value)) {
Assert(ilat < *out_lats_count);
Assert(ilon < *out_lons_count);
(*out_lats)[ilat++] = lat;
(*out_lons)[ilon++] = lon;
/* See between which 2 latitudes our point lies */
qsort(*out_lats, nvalues, sizeof(double), &compare_doubles_ascending);
grib_binary_search(*out_lats, *out_lats_count - 1, inlat, &idx_upper, &idx_lower);
lat2 = (*out_lats)[idx_upper];
lat1 = (*out_lats)[idx_lower];
Assert(lat1 <= lat2);
/* Second pass: Iterate again and collect candidate neighbours */
the_index = 0;
i = 0;
while (grib_iterator_next(iter, &lat, &lon, &the_value)) {
if (lat > lat2 + LAT_DELTA || lat < lat1 - LAT_DELTA) {
/* Ignore latitudes too far from our point */
else {
double dist = geographic_distance_spherical(radiusInKm, inlon, inlat, lon, lat);
if (dist < min_dist)
min_dist = dist;
/*printf("Candidate: lat=%.5f lon=%.5f dist=%f Idx=%ld Val=%f\n",lat,lon,dist,the_index,the_value);*/
/* store this candidate point */
neighbours[i].m_dist = dist;
neighbours[i].m_index = (int)the_index;
neighbours[i].m_lat = lat;
neighbours[i].m_lon = lon;
neighbours[i].m_value = the_value;
nneighbours = i;
/* Sort the candidate neighbours in ascending order of distance */
/* The first 4 entries will now be the closest 4 neighbours */
qsort(neighbours, nneighbours, sizeof(PointStore), &compare_points);
nearest->h = h;
/* Sanity check for sorting */
#ifdef DEBUG
for (i = 0; i < nneighbours - 1; ++i) {
Assert(neighbours[i].m_dist <= neighbours[i + 1].m_dist);
/* GRIB_NEAREST_SAME_XXX not yet implemented */
if (!*out_distances) {
*out_distances = (double*)grib_context_malloc(nearest->context, 4 * sizeof(double));
(*out_distances)[0] = neighbours[0].m_dist;
(*out_distances)[1] = neighbours[1].m_dist;
(*out_distances)[2] = neighbours[2].m_dist;
(*out_distances)[3] = neighbours[3].m_dist;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
distances[i] = neighbours[i].m_dist;
outlats[i] = neighbours[i].m_lat;
outlons[i] = neighbours[i].m_lon;
indexes[i] = neighbours[i].m_index;
if (values) {
values[i] = neighbours[i].m_value;
/*printf("(%f,%f) i=%d d=%f v=%f\n",outlats[i],outlons[i],indexes[i],distances[i],values[i]);*/