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1 grg1 GRG1 GRG1/MOZART specie kg/kg
2 grg2 GRG2 GRG2/MOZART specie kg/kg
3 grg3 GRG3 GRG3/MOZART specie kg/kg
4 grg4 GRG4 GRG4/MOZART specie kg/kg
5 grg5 GRG5 GRG5/MOZART specie kg/kg
100 vis-340 VIS-340 VIS-340/Visibility at 340 nm m
101 vis-355 VIS-355 VIS-355/Visibility at 355 nm m
102 vis-380 VIS-380 VIS-380/Visibility at 380 nm m
103 vis-440 VIS-440 VIS-440/Visibility at 440 nm m
104 vis-500 VIS-500 VIS-500/Visibility at 500 nm m
105 vis-532 VIS-532 VIS-532/Visibility at 532 nm m
106 vis-675 VIS-675 VIS-675/Visibility at 675 nm m
107 vis-870 VIS-870 VIS-870/Visibility at 870 nm m
108 vis-1020 VIS-1020 VIS-1020/Visibility at 1020 nm m
109 vis-1064 VIS-1064 VIS-1064/Visibility at 1064 nm m
110 vis-3500 VIS-3500 VIS-3500/Visibility at 3500 nm m
111 vis-10000 VIS-10000 VIS-10000/Visibility at 10000 nm m
120 bsca-340 BSCA-340 BSCA-340/Backscatter at 340 nm 1/m/sr
121 bsca-355 BSCA-355 BSCA-355/Backscatter at 355 nm 1/m/sr
122 bsca-380 BSCA-380 BSCA-380/Backscatter at 380 nm 1/m/sr
123 bsca-440 BSCA-440 BSCA-440/Backscatter at 440 nm 1/m/sr
124 bsca-500 BSCA-500 BSCA-500/Backscatter at 500 nm 1/m/sr
125 bsca-532 BSCA-532 BSCA-532/Backscatter at 532 nm 1/m/sr
126 bsca-675 BSCA-675 BSCA-675/Backscatter at 675 nm 1/m/sr
127 bsca-870 BSCA-870 BSCA-870/Backscatter at 870 nm 1/m/sr
128 bsca-1020 BSCA-1020 BSCA-1020/Backscatter at 1020 nm 1/m/sr
129 bsca-1064 BSCA-1064 BSCA-1064/Backscatter at 1064 nm 1/m/sr
130 bsca-3500 BSCA-3500 BSCA-3500/Backscatter at 3500 nm 1/m/sr
131 bsca-10000 BSCA-10000 BSCA-10000/Backscatter at 10000 nm 1/m/sr
140 ext-340 EXT-340 EXT-340/Extinction at 340 nm 1/m
141 ext-355 EXT-355 EXT-355/Extinction at 355 nm 1/m
142 ext-380 EXT-380 EXT-380/Extinction at 380 nm 1/m
143 ext-440 EXT-440 EXT-440/Extinction at 440 nm 1/m
144 ext-500 EXT-500 EXT-500/Extinction at 500 nm 1/m
145 ext-532 EXT-532 EXT-532/Extinction at 532 nm 1/m
146 ext-675 EXT-675 EXT-675/Extinction at 675 nm 1/m
147 ext-870 EXT-870 EXT-870/Extinction at 870 nm 1/m
148 ext-1020 EXT-1020 EXT-1020/Extinction at 1020 nm 1/m
149 ext-1064 EXT-1064 EXT-1064/Extinction at 1064 nm 1/m
150 ext-3500 EXT-3500 EXT-3500/Extinction at 3500 nm 1/m
151 ext-10000 EXT-10000 EXT-10000/Extinction at 10000 nm 1/m
160 aod-340 AOD-340 AOD-340/Aerosol optical depth at 340 nm 1
161 aod-355 AOD-355 AOD-355/Aerosol optical depth at 355 nm 1
162 aod-380 AOD-380 AOD-380/Aerosol optical depth at 380 nm 1
163 aod-440 AOD-440 AOD-440/Aerosol optical depth at 440 nm 1
164 aod-500 AOD-500 AOD-500/Aerosol optical depth at 500 nm 1
165 aod-532 AOD-532 AOD-532/Aerosol optical depth at 532 nm 1
166 aod-675 AOD-675 AOD-675/Aerosol optical depth at 675 nm 1
167 aod-870 AOD-870 AOD-870/Aerosol optical depth at 870 nm 1
168 aod-1020 AOD-1020 AOD-1020/Aerosol optical depth at 1020 nm 1
169 aod-1064 AOD-1064 AOD-1064/Aerosol optical depth at 1064 nm 1
170 aod-3500 AOD-3500 AOD-3500/Aerosol optical depth at 3500 nm 1
171 aod-10000 AOD-10000 AOD-10000/Aerosol optical depth at 10000 nm 1
180 aod-635 AOD-635 Aerosol optical thickness at 0.635 micro-m 1
181 aod-810 AOD-810 Aerosol optical thickness at 0.810 micro-m 1
182 aod-1640 AOD-1640 Aerosol optical thickness at 1.640 micro-m 1
183 ang ANG Angstrom coefficient 1
208 frain FRAIN Rain fraction of total cloud water Proportion
209 facrain FACRAIN Rain factor Numeric
210 tqr TQR Total column integrated rain kg/m2
211 tqs TQS Total column integrated snow kg/m2
212 twatp TWATP Total water precipitation kg/m2
213 tsnowp TSNOWP Total snow precipitation kg/m2
214 tcw TCW Total column water (Vertically integrated total water) kg/m2
215 lsprate LSPRATE Large scale precipitation rate kg/m2/s
216 csrwe CSRWE Convective snowfall rate water equivalent kg/m2/s
217 prs_gsp PRS_GSP Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent kg/m2/s
218 tsrate TSRATE Total snowfall rate m/s
219 csrate CSRATE Convective snowfall rate m/s
220 lssrate LSSRATE Large scale snowfall rate m/s
221 sdwe SDWE Snow depth water equivalent kg/m2
222 se SE Snow evaporation kg/m2
223 tciwv TCIWV Total column integrated water vapour kg/m2
224 rprate RPRATE Rain precipitation rate kg/m2/s
225 sprate SPRATE Snow precipitation rate kg/m2/s
226 fprate FPRATE Freezing rain precipitation rate kg/m2/s
227 iprate IPRATE Ice pellets precipitation rate kg/m2/s
228 clwc CLWC Specific cloud liquid water content kg/kg
229 ciwc CIWC Specific cloud ice water content kg/kg
230 crwc CRWC Specific rain water content kg/kg
231 cswc CSWC Specific snow water content kg/kg
232 ugust UGUST u-component of wind (gust) m/s
233 vgust VGUST v-component of wind (gust) m/s
234 vwsh VWSH Vertical speed shear 1/s
235 mflx MFLX Horizontal momentum flux N/m2
236 ustm USTM u-component storm motion m/s
237 vstm VSTM v-component storm motion m/s
238 cd CD Drag coefficient Numeric
239 eta ETA Eta coordinate vertical velocity 1/s
240 alts ALTS Altimeter setting Pa
241 thick THICK Thickness m
242 presalt PRESALT Pressure altitude m
243 denalt DENALT Density altitude m
244 5wavh 5WAVH 5-wave geopotential height gpm
245 u-gwd U-GWD Zonal flux of gravity wave stress N/m2
246 v-gwd V-GWD Meridional flux of gravity wave stress N/m2
247 hbpl HBPL Planetary boundary layer height m
248 5wava 5WAVA 5-wave geopotential height anomaly gpm
249 stdsgor STDSGOR Standard deviation of sub-gridscale orography m
250 angsgor ANGSGOR Angle of sub-gridscale orography rad
251 slsgor SLSGOR Slope of sub-gridscale orography Numeric
252 gwd GWD Gravity wave dissipation W/m2
253 isor ISOR Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography Numeric
254 nlpres NLPRES Natural logarithm of pressure in Pa Numeric