/* * (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 * which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by * virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. */ /* cmake config header */ #ifdef HAVE_ECCODES_CONFIG_H #include "eccodes_config.h" #endif /* autoconf config header */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tigge_tools.h" #ifdef ECCODES_ON_WINDOWS #include #include #endif #define NUMBER(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) int error = 0; const char* file = 0; int field = 0; const char* param = "unknown"; int list_mode = 0; int compare_mode = 0; static long get(grib_handle *h,const char* what) { int e; long val; if((e = grib_get_long(h,what,&val)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printf("%s, field %d [%s]: cannot get %s: %s\n",file,field,param,what,grib_get_error_message(e)); error++; val = -1; } return val; } static char* sget(grib_handle *h,const char* what,char* val,size_t size) { int e; if((e = grib_get_string(h,what,val,&size)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) { printf("%s, field %d [%s]: cannot get %s: %s\n",file,field,param,what,grib_get_error_message(e)); error++; } return val; } static void verify(grib_handle *h,const char* full,const char* base) { char wmo_name[1024]; char origin[80]; char model[80]; char expver[80]; char levtype[80]; char type[80]; char tigge_name[80]; long level = 0; long number = 0; sget(h,"type",type,sizeof(type)); sget(h,"levtype",levtype,sizeof(levtype)); if(strcmp(type,"fc") != 0) number = get(h,"number"); if(strcmp(levtype,"sfc") == 0) strcpy(levtype,"sl"); else level = get(h,"level"); sprintf(wmo_name,"z_tigge_c_%s_%08ld%04ld00_%s_%s_%s_%s_%04ld_%03ld_%04ld_%s.grib", sget(h,"origin",origin,sizeof(origin)), compare_mode?0:get(h,"date"), compare_mode?0:get(h,"time"), sget(h,"model",model,sizeof(model)), compare_mode?"xxxx":sget(h,"expver",expver,sizeof(expver)), type, levtype, get(h,"step"), number, level, sget(h,"tigge_short_name",tigge_name,sizeof(tigge_name)) ); if(list_mode) { printf("%s\n",wmo_name); } else if(strcmp(base,wmo_name) != 0) { printf("WRONG FILE NAME: %s\nCORRECT FILE NAME: %s\n\n",base,wmo_name); error++; } } void validate(const char* path) { FILE *f = fopen(path,"rb"); grib_handle *h = 0; int err; int count = 0; const char* base = path; const char* p = path; file = path; field = 0; while(*p) { if(*p == '/') base = p+1; p++; } if(!f) { printf("%s: %s\n",path,strerror(errno)); error++; return; } while( (h= grib_handle_new_from_file(0,f,&err)) != NULL) { ++field; verify(h,path,base); grib_handle_delete(h); count++; param = "unknown"; } fclose(f); if(err) { printf("%s: grib_handle_new_from_file: %s\n",path,grib_get_error_message(err)); error++; return; } if(count == 0) { printf("%s does not contain any GRIBs\n",path); error++; return; } } static void usage() { printf("tigge_name [-l] [-c] files ....\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int i = 1; int err = 0; if(argc == 1) usage(); for(; i < argc; i++) { error = 0; if(argv[i][0] == '-') { switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'l': list_mode = 1; break; case 'c': list_mode = 1; compare_mode = 1; break; default: usage(); break; } } else scan(argv[i]); if(error) err = 1; } return err; }