# Copyright 2005-2012 ECMWF. # # This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 # which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by # virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. # # For grib2 to grib1 convertion constant dataRepresentationType = 90; # START 2/template.4.311 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # TEMPLATE 4.311, Satellite Product Auxiliary Information # Parameter category codetable[1] parameterCategory ('4.1.[discipline:l].table',masterDir,localDir) : dump; # Parameter number codetable[1] parameterNumber ('4.2.[discipline:l].[parameterCategory:l].table',masterDir,localDir) : dump; meta parameterUnits codetable_units(parameterNumber) : dump; meta parameterName codetable_title(parameterNumber) : dump; # Type of generating process codetable[1] typeOfGeneratingProcess ('4.3.table',masterDir,localDir) : dump; # Observation generating process identifier (defined by originating centre) unsigned[1] observationGeneratingProcessIdentifier : dump; # Number of contributing spectral bands # (NB) unsigned[1] NB : dump; alias numberOfContributingSpectralBands=NB; codetable[1] typeOfAuxiliaryInformation ('4.15.table',masterDir,localDir) : dump; listOfContributingSpectralBands list(numberOfContributingSpectralBands){ unsigned[2] satelliteSeries : dump; unsigned[2] satelliteNumber : dump; unsigned[2] instrumentType : dump; unsigned[1] scaleFactorOfCentralWaveNumber = missing() : dump,can_be_missing ; unsigned[4] scaledValueOfCentralWaveNumber = missing() : dump,can_be_missing ; } # END 2/template.4.311 ----------------------------------------------------------------------