#---------------------------------# # general configuration # #---------------------------------# version: 2.21.0-{build}-{branch} branches: only: - develop - master image: Visual Studio 2015 environment: CONDA: c:\Miniconda37-x64 ECMWF: c:\ecmwf GIT_CLONE_DIR: $(ECMWF)\git INSTALL_DIR: $(ECMWF)\install ECCODES_SRC: $(GIT_CLONE_DIR)\eccodes WINDOWS_TESTING_BASHRC: $(ECCODES_SRC)\tests\windows_testing.bashrc ECBUILD_SRC: $(GIT_CLONE_DIR)\ecbuild # scripts that are called at very beginning, before repo cloning init: # make sure git clones symlinks as symlinks - cmd: git config --global core.symlinks true # activate conda environment so the tests can find linux utils - cmd: call %CONDA%\Scripts\activate.bat # add eccodes\build\bin to path so tests can find eccodes.dll - cmd: set PATH=%PATH%;%ECCODES_SRC%\build\bin # auto-yes for conda - cmd: conda config --set always_yes yes clone_folder: $(ECCODES_SRC) clone_depth: 1 # scripts that run after cloning repository install: # install ecbuild - cmd: git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ecmwf/ecbuild.git %ECBUILD_SRC% --branch %APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH% # install linux utils - cmd: conda install -c msys2 m2-bash ^ m2-findutils ^ m2-coreutils ^ m2-grep ^ m2-sed ^ m2-gawk ^ m2-diffutils ^ m2-perl ^ m2w64-ntldd-git # get deps - cmd: conda install -c conda-forge cmake libnetcdf #---------------------------------# # build configuration # #---------------------------------# platform: - x64 before_build: - cmd: call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /x64 - cmd: call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64 build_script: - cmd: cd %ECCODES_SRC% - cmd: mkdir build && cd build - cmd: cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ^ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%INSTALL_DIR% ^ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^ -D ENABLE_FORTRAN=0 ^ -D ENABLE_NETCDF=1 ^ -D ENABLE_JPG=1 ^ -D IEEE_LE=1 ^ -D ENABLE_MEMFS=0 ^ -D ENABLE_EXTRA_TESTS=ON ^ -D WINDOWS_TESTING_BASHRC=%WINDOWS_TESTING_BASHRC% ^ .. - cmd: nmake - cmd: ctest --output-on-failure - cmd: nmake install #---------------------------------# # tests configuration # #---------------------------------# test_script: - cmd: codes_info - cmd: for /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`codes_info -s`) DO (ls %%F) - cmd: for /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`codes_info -d`) DO (ls %%F) #---------------------------------# # notifications # #---------------------------------# notifications: # Email - provider: Email to: - shahram.najm@ecmwf.int subject: 'Build {{status}}' # optional message: "{{message}}, {{commitId}}, ..." # optional on_build_success: false