# (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF. # TEMPLATE 7.61, Grid point data - simple packing with logarithm pre-processing # Note from WMO document: # This template is experimental, was not validated at the time of publication and should be used only for bilateral previously agreed tests transient template_is_experimental = 1 : hidden; meta codedValues data_g2simple_packing_with_preprocessing( section7Length, offsetBeforeData, offsetSection7, unitsFactor, unitsBias, changingPrecision, numberOfValues, bitsPerValue, referenceValue, binaryScaleFactor, decimalScaleFactor, optimizeScaleFactor, typeOfPreProcessing, preProcessingParameter ): read_only; meta values data_apply_bitmap( codedValues, bitmap, missingValue, binaryScaleFactor, numberOfDataPoints, numberOfValues ) : dump; alias data.packedValues = codedValues; template statistics "common/statistics_grid.def"; template missing_values "common/missing_values_grid.def";