/*! \page grib_index_build grib_index_build \section DESCRIPTION Build an index file for a set of input grib files. \section USAGE grib_index_build [options] grib_file grib_file ... \section OPTIONS -f \n Force. Force the execution not to fail on error. \n \n -o output_grib_file \n Output grib is written to ouput_grib_file. If an ouput grib file is required and -o is not used, the ouput grib is written to filtered.out \n \n -k key1,key2,... \n Specify a list of keys to index on. By default the input files are indexed on the MARS keys. \n \n -V \n Version. \n \n -M \n Multi-grib support off. Turn off support for multiple fields in single grib message. \n \n \section grib_index_build_examples grib_index_build examples -# By default grib_index_build will index on the MARS keys. \n \verbatim > grib_index_build ../data/reduced*.grib1 ../data/regular*.grib1 ../data/reduced*.grib2 \endverbatim\n -# To specify a custom list of keys to index on, use the -k option.\n \verbatim > grib_index_build -k paramId,dataDate ../data/reduced*.grib1 ../data/regular*.grib1 ../data/reduced*.grib2 \endverbatim\n */